Update: 28th of July 2007.
Due to the many updates Battlefield 2 has had since the making of this tutorial, I can not gaurente that this guide will work anymore. I also do not have Battlefield 2 and therefor can no longer help you with problems you may have. Thanks.
Please note: you need basic knowledge of modifying BF2 files before you attempt something like this. I wont be held responsible for any fuck-ups you may cause.
In the following tut, I will teach you how to make subtle changes to single player maps to suit your tastes, you will need BF2, XPACK and the latest patch for this to work.
In this tut, I will be using Karkand, although it works on any level, but not on SF levels, unless you make your own mod, which I will explain a later time.
1: create a folder called "Level abuse"
2: Copy and Paste the Strike At Karkand folder from BF2's level folder to the levels abuse folder, thats copy, don't cut. Now while in the levels abuse folder go into the karkand folder you pasted over and...
3: Open the Karkand "server.zip" and extract the contents to the current folder your in.
4: Open the "init.con" file with notepad.
5: Look for the string of text that reads...
Now just for a laugh, we are going to make this map SAS vs MECSF, remember you can do this with any army. SPETZ vs CHINA, MEINSURGENT vs MEC, you name it, but lets just do SAS vs MECSF for now.
Change it so it looks like this.
Now you have done that, zip the contents back up, but leave the "info" folder, "Archive.md5" file and Client.zip files UNTOUCHED. Name the zip "Server.zip" now then, copy the "Strike At Karkand" level folder into the XPACK levels folder. Now load up special forces, go to single player and load up Strike At Karkand, your now playing as THE SAS, prepare to use grapple hooks, F2000s or whatever you feel.
With a little practice you can do ANYTHING, any ARMY WITH ANY KIT ON ANY LEVEL (just not SF levels because when you change them, you remove the old level, renaming the level folder wont work, You have to make an entire copy of the XPACK mod folder to get around this, its just not worth it. Night Flight ain't that nice with blue skies, trust me lol.)
Also, you can replace the Sky.con file with other Sky.con files from other levels, therefor playing Karkand with Ghost towns dark blue sky etc. Anyway, I know I am not great at tuts, so I hope you get the general idea of things. Have fun!
How to change level names.
This is easy, go to the level your moding, open the Info folder, then open the DESC file with notepad. Look for the text that reads...
And change it to whatever you please. I changed Dalian Plant to "Grand Theft Carrier" Just dont change the level folders name, I think it makes you CTD.
New update. How to get MASSIVE scores
You know the drill, make a new copy of Special Forces blah blah, go into the following directory. (Yes my mod is called "This_Is_Awesome" )
Open the file "scoringCommon" with notepad and look for where it determines the scores.
And just edit that to whatever you please. I changed it to arcade style 100 pointage. And yes you could edit this so you recive points for teamkilling bots. You meanie.

How to make custom kits.
Note: I am only teaching how to edit one kit, the rest is up to you, but you should understand what to do after reading this.
First thing is first, create a new folder called “Levels abuse” like I said earlier. This is where you will be doing all your editing and stuff.
Ok, now that is out the way, onto the leet kit editing. Go into BF2'S Object Server.zip and go to Kits > US. Pull out one of the kit files to the levels abuse folder and we can start to edit. (I pulled out the Anti Tank file.)
Now then. Look for a string of text that says...
Rename the Bit that says “US_AT” to whatever you want, like “Leet_Dude” or whatever. So it looks like this.
then save the file and rename it “Leet_Dude”. Now open it up again and lets continue to edit.
If you look down the page there is a line that says...
As you can guess, we are going to change this.
Now, I cant choose for you, this is just an example, but lets say that you feel the Anti Tank guys mp5 is a little...outdated, you feel it needs...I dunno, some kind of upgrade right? Well have no fear, we are going to do exactly that my friend. Lets give that Bitch a brand new MP5 used by European Special Forces. Change that bit that says “USRIF_MP5_A3” to “eurif_HK53A3” so it looks like this...
This will change the American guys Anti Tank kit so the MP5 is swapped for the European one. (By the way you can swap the pistol and knife for other weapons too if you wanted, but I will leave that to you. Now then, you are probably wondering how to get this brand spanking new awesome kit into game right? Your dying to try this baby out! Well pay attention.
We are going to make a new mod, yes I know its anoying and most of you already have one, but for those who dont, this is what you do.
Right click on your “xpack” mod folder and select “copy” then paste it into the folder you in right now, which is the mods folder. Then when it has finished copying, rename it “My_Mod” or whatever. Yup we are done with this bit...moving swiftly on...
Go into your new mods level folder and select the map you want to use the custom kit/s on and in that level folder quickly make a new folder called “Objects” and within that folder make another folder called “kits” then paste over your custom kit you made into that folder. Now then, come back to the level folder and drag your “Objects” folder into both server and Client.zips. Sorry your not done quite yet, now drag out the init.con file from the server.zip somewhere and start to edit it with notepad. In the init.con there is a line of text that says... (This is not always the same, this is just what Daqing Oilfields has in its init.con file, yes I copied over the BF2 vanilla map into my custom mods level folder but you should get the general idea of where to paste the following text...)
Now under that you need to paste...
Or whatever you named your custom kit. So it looks like...
Now that is done, save the init file to the desktop and drag it back into your server.zip. Thats that bit out of the way, but still more to do. Now open the init.con file again and look for a kit you want to change. I changed the US anti tank kit with my custom kit. Do that by changing..
Now save the init.con again, and again drag it back into the server.zip. If all goes well, when you load Daqing and play as the US anti tank dude, you should have a brand new mp5. Damn that took ages to write, I seriously fucking hope I didn't miss anything... Nah I think it's fine. If you have problems I probably wont help with this one, because I dont know if I did it right myself lol.
If you Crash To desktop while editing kits, please read the following...

How to give vehicles built in UAV's.
!Warning! You need to make a new mod folder.
Do this by copying your xpack folder and pasting it into BF2's mod folder and naming it "ownage" or something, whatever you want as long as it doesent say "Copy Of Xpack".
Now to begin. In your new mod folder, open the "Objects_server" zip and go into the Objects folder then vehicles then this bit is up to you, but lets give the Apache a radar k? Now go into "xpak_vehicles" and select the "xpak_apache" folder, in there is a file called "xpak_apache.tweak" drag that out to the desktop or wherever you want to edit it, but leave that zip open, not because you have to, but opening all those folders again gets a bit boring. Now open the tweak file with notepad and in that tweak file locate a line that says...
Now under that paste in the following text string.
So it looks like this.
Now save that tweak file to the desktop and then drag it into the Apache vehicle folder and it will replace that tweak file with the one you edited. Now start up your custom mod and play Iron Gator or something, and fly the Apache, if done right it shoud have a built in UAV, if it wont work for you, let me know exactly what you did so I can point out what you did wrong. Ok have fun!
Ok, here's a tut to explain how to insert your own vehicle spawn points.
I'm gonna show u how to add an apc to Tvstation on sharqi.
Ok firstly go open the level u want to edit and go to the Static objects file.
Add the name of the vehicle
Then go to your gamemodes folder and then sp16 or wherever you would like to insert the vehicle spawn point and open the gameobjects file.
Next add
to the last piece that looks the same just before
Then add
Just before
Note that every spawn point has a different ControlpointID even when the size of the map changes the ID doesn't stay the same.
As far as I can tell the Object.absolutePosition 3 seperate numbers are.
This changes the vehicles position from right to left the higher the number behind the '-' is, when u look on the map from above.
This changes the hight(altitude) the vehicle spawn at. The higher the number, the higher it spawns.
3. -158.71
This changes the vehicles position from top to bottom. the lower the number the lower it spawns on the map.
The rotation I havent figured out how it works exactly yet.
Hope this helped. Will post how to edit spawn points and new capturable flags etc. in the not to far future
edit: Oops forgot the pic

How to make new control and spawn points.
Yet again go to the map u would like to add this and go to the gameplayobjects file.
Lets take Sharqi as an example (again )
Look for a piece of text that says.
ok now add below this
You can add multiple spawn points for that control point.
Next look for a piece of text that contains...
ok now add
Note, you can use any name for the spawn point but for some reason, unlike the other control points this ones name comes up as "CPNAME_SP_SP16_test" where the rest only show up as the last part, odd.
Next look for
And add
You must also give the controlpoint its own ID, I made mine 1212.
You can play around and give control points different spawn points.
If u want to have some real fun, make a flag on top of the hotel at karkand and make its spawn points on all the roofs
theres just 1 problem with the bots
They're uber n00bs and prefer standing by the flags warmth
http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/6020 … 1338yj.png
http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/7693 … 1343bh.png

Thanks to FFOLKES, Hellshark1 and lord_tyler_486 for helping me make this tut possible.
This tut was written by Me and partly by Hellshark1.
Updated 28th of July 2007...
Due to the many updates Battlefield 2 has had since the making of this tutorial, I can not gaurente that this guide will work anymore. I also do not have Battlefield 2 and therefor can no longer help you with problems you may have. Thanks.
Please note: you need basic knowledge of modifying BF2 files before you attempt something like this. I wont be held responsible for any fuck-ups you may cause.
In the following tut, I will teach you how to make subtle changes to single player maps to suit your tastes, you will need BF2, XPACK and the latest patch for this to work.
In this tut, I will be using Karkand, although it works on any level, but not on SF levels, unless you make your own mod, which I will explain a later time.
1: create a folder called "Level abuse"
2: Copy and Paste the Strike At Karkand folder from BF2's level folder to the levels abuse folder, thats copy, don't cut. Now while in the levels abuse folder go into the karkand folder you pasted over and...
3: Open the Karkand "server.zip" and extract the contents to the current folder your in.
4: Open the "init.con" file with notepad.
5: Look for the string of text that reads...
gameLogic.setTeamName 1 "MEC" gameLogic.setTeamName 2 "US" gameLogic.setTeamLanguage 1 "Mec" gameLogic.setTeamLanguage 2 "English" gameLogic.setTeamFlag 0 "flag_neutral" gameLogic.setTeamFlag 1 "flag_mec" gameLogic.setTeamFlag 2 "flag_us" gameLogic.setKit 1 0 "MEC_Specops" "mec_light_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 0 "US_Specops" "us_light_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 1 1 "MEC_Sniper" "mec_light_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 1 "US_Sniper" "us_light_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 1 2 "MEC_Assault" "mec_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 2 "US_Assault" "us_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 1 3 "MEC_Support" "mec_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 3 "US_Support" "us_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 1 4 "MEC_Engineer" "mec_light_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 4 "US_Engineer" "us_light_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 1 5 "MEC_Medic" "mec_light_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 5 "US_Medic" "us_light_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 1 6 "MEC_AT" "mec_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 6 "US_AT" "us_heavy_soldier"
Change it so it looks like this.
gameLogic.setTeamName 1 "MECSF" gameLogic.setTeamName 2 "SAS" gameLogic.setTeamLanguage 1 "MEC" gameLogic.setTeamLanguage 2 "SAS" gameLogic.setTeamFlag 0 "flag_neutral" gameLogic.setTeamFlag 1 "flag_mec" gameLogic.setTeamFlag 2 "flag_uk" gameLogic.setKit 1 0 "MECSF_Specops" "mecsf_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 0 "SAS_Specops" "SAS_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 1 1 "MECSF_Sniper" "mecsf_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 1 "SAS_Sniper" "SAS_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 1 2 "MECSF_Assault" "mecsf_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 2 "SAS_Assault" "SAS_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 1 3 "MECSF_Support" "mecsf_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 3 "SAS_Support" "SAS_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 1 4 "MECSF_Engineer" "mecsf_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 4 "SAS_Engineer" "SAS_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 1 5 "MECSF_Medic" "mecsf_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 5 "SAS_Medic" "SAS_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 1 6 "MECSF_AT" "mecsf_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 6 "SAS_AT" "SAS_heavy_soldier"
With a little practice you can do ANYTHING, any ARMY WITH ANY KIT ON ANY LEVEL (just not SF levels because when you change them, you remove the old level, renaming the level folder wont work, You have to make an entire copy of the XPACK mod folder to get around this, its just not worth it. Night Flight ain't that nice with blue skies, trust me lol.)
Also, you can replace the Sky.con file with other Sky.con files from other levels, therefor playing Karkand with Ghost towns dark blue sky etc. Anyway, I know I am not great at tuts, so I hope you get the general idea of things. Have fun!
How to change level names.
This is easy, go to the level your moding, open the Info folder, then open the DESC file with notepad. Look for the text that reads...
<name> The name of this level </name>
New update. How to get MASSIVE scores
You know the drill, make a new copy of Special Forces blah blah, go into the following directory. (Yes my mod is called "This_Is_Awesome" )
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\This_Is_Awesome\python\game

How to make custom kits.
Note: I am only teaching how to edit one kit, the rest is up to you, but you should understand what to do after reading this.
First thing is first, create a new folder called “Levels abuse” like I said earlier. This is where you will be doing all your editing and stuff.
Ok, now that is out the way, onto the leet kit editing. Go into BF2'S Object Server.zip and go to Kits > US. Pull out one of the kit files to the levels abuse folder and we can start to edit. (I pulled out the Anti Tank file.)
Now then. Look for a string of text that says...
ObjectTemplate.create Kit US_AT ObjectTemplate.saveInSeparateFile 1 ObjectTemplate.kitType AT ObjectTemplate.aiTemplate AT ObjectTemplate.geometry US_Kits ObjectTemplate.geometry.kit 3 ObjectTemplate.geometry.dropGeom 13 ObjectTemplate.networkableInfo KitInfo ObjectTemplate.setHasCollisionPhysics 1 ObjectTemplate.unlockIndex 0 ObjectTemplate.cullRadiusScale 2.4
ObjectTemplate.create Kit Leet_Dude ObjectTemplate.saveInSeparateFile 1 ObjectTemplate.kitType AT ObjectTemplate.aiTemplate AT ObjectTemplate.geometry US_Kits ObjectTemplate.geometry.kit 3 ObjectTemplate.geometry.dropGeom 13 ObjectTemplate.networkableInfo KitInfo ObjectTemplate.setHasCollisionPhysics 1 ObjectTemplate.unlockIndex 0 ObjectTemplate.cullRadiusScale 2.4
If you look down the page there is a line that says...
rem ------------------------------------- ObjectTemplate.addTemplate USATP_Predator ObjectTemplate.addTemplate USPIS_92FS ObjectTemplate.addTemplate kni_knife ObjectTemplate.addTemplate UnlockUSAT ObjectTemplate.addTemplate UnlockUSAT2 ObjectTemplate.addTemplate USRIF_MP5_A3 ObjectTemplate.addTemplate ParachuteLauncher rem -------------------------------------
Now, I cant choose for you, this is just an example, but lets say that you feel the Anti Tank guys mp5 is a little...outdated, you feel it needs...I dunno, some kind of upgrade right? Well have no fear, we are going to do exactly that my friend. Lets give that Bitch a brand new MP5 used by European Special Forces. Change that bit that says “USRIF_MP5_A3” to “eurif_HK53A3” so it looks like this...
rem ------------------------------------- ObjectTemplate.addTemplate USATP_Predator ObjectTemplate.addTemplate USPIS_92FS ObjectTemplate.addTemplate kni_knife ObjectTemplate.addTemplate UnlockUSAT ObjectTemplate.addTemplate UnlockUSAT2 ObjectTemplate.addTemplate eurif_HK53A3 ObjectTemplate.addTemplate ParachuteLauncher rem -------------------------------------
We are going to make a new mod, yes I know its anoying and most of you already have one, but for those who dont, this is what you do.
Right click on your “xpack” mod folder and select “copy” then paste it into the folder you in right now, which is the mods folder. Then when it has finished copying, rename it “My_Mod” or whatever. Yup we are done with this bit...moving swiftly on...
Go into your new mods level folder and select the map you want to use the custom kit/s on and in that level folder quickly make a new folder called “Objects” and within that folder make another folder called “kits” then paste over your custom kit you made into that folder. Now then, come back to the level folder and drag your “Objects” folder into both server and Client.zips. Sorry your not done quite yet, now drag out the init.con file from the server.zip somewhere and start to edit it with notepad. In the init.con there is a line of text that says... (This is not always the same, this is just what Daqing Oilfields has in its init.con file, yes I copied over the BF2 vanilla map into my custom mods level folder but you should get the general idea of where to paste the following text...)
else run Heightdata.con run Terrain.con v_arg2 run Sky.con v_arg2 run CompiledRoads.con run Sounds.con run tmp.con v_arg1 Undergrowth.load Levels\Daqing_oilfields\ run Overgrowth/Overgrowth.con run Overgrowth/OvergrowthCollision.con run AmbientObjects.con run Water.con
run Objects\Kits\Leet_Dude.con
else run Heightdata.con run Terrain.con v_arg2 run Sky.con v_arg2 run CompiledRoads.con run Sounds.con run tmp.con v_arg1 Undergrowth.load Levels\Daqing_oilfields\ run Overgrowth/Overgrowth.con run Overgrowth/OvergrowthCollision.con run AmbientObjects.con run Water.con run Objects\Kits\Leet_Dude.con
gameLogic.setKit 1 6 "CH_AT" "ch_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 6 "US_AT" "us_heavy_soldier"
gameLogic.setKit 1 6 "CH_AT" "ch_heavy_soldier" gameLogic.setKit 2 6 "Leet_Dude" "us_heavy_soldier"
If you Crash To desktop while editing kits, please read the following...
Hellshark1 wrote:
Firstly Hello all
This piece of coding u are trying will not work unless u go change the item index of the weapon. When u have two weopons in the same items index the game will crash while loading. For example u have the gbrif_l96a1 with an item index of 3 and the sasrif_fn2000 wich also has an item index of 3. Therefore your game crashes. U have to customly go change the item indexes so that none of your items has the same item index in the same kit.

How to give vehicles built in UAV's.
!Warning! You need to make a new mod folder.
Do this by copying your xpack folder and pasting it into BF2's mod folder and naming it "ownage" or something, whatever you want as long as it doesent say "Copy Of Xpack".
Now to begin. In your new mod folder, open the "Objects_server" zip and go into the Objects folder then vehicles then this bit is up to you, but lets give the Apache a radar k? Now go into "xpak_vehicles" and select the "xpak_apache" folder, in there is a file called "xpak_apache.tweak" drag that out to the desktop or wherever you want to edit it, but leave that zip open, not because you have to, but opening all those folders again gets a bit boring. Now open the tweak file with notepad and in that tweak file locate a line that says...
rem ---BeginComp:HelpHud --- ObjectTemplate.createComponent HelpHud ObjectTemplate.HelpHud.helpStringKey "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_HELO_PILOT_CONTROLS_deployFlares" ObjectTemplate.HelpHud.helpSoundKey "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_HELO_PILOT_CONTROLS_deployFlares" ObjectTemplate.HelpHud.lowArmorHelpSoundKey "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_HELO_LOWHEALTH_useFriendlyRepairStation" ObjectTemplate.HelpHud.lowArmorHelpStringKey "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_HELO_LOWHEALTH_useFriendlyRepairStation" rem ---EndComp ---
rem ---BeginComp:Ability --- ObjectTemplate.createComponent Ability ObjectTemplate.Ability.radarRadius 70 rem ---EndComp ---
rem ---BeginComp:HelpHud --- ObjectTemplate.createComponent HelpHud ObjectTemplate.HelpHud.helpStringKey "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_HELO_PILOT_CONTROLS_deployFlares" ObjectTemplate.HelpHud.helpSoundKey "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_HELO_PILOT_CONTROLS_deployFlares" ObjectTemplate.HelpHud.lowArmorHelpSoundKey "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_HELO_LOWHEALTH_useFriendlyRepairStation" ObjectTemplate.HelpHud.lowArmorHelpStringKey "HUD_HELP_VEHICLE_HELO_LOWHEALTH_useFriendlyRepairStation" rem ---EndComp --- rem ---BeginComp:Ability --- ObjectTemplate.createComponent Ability ObjectTemplate.Ability.radarRadius 70 rem ---EndComp ---
Ok, here's a tut to explain how to insert your own vehicle spawn points.
I'm gonna show u how to add an apc to Tvstation on sharqi.
Ok firstly go open the level u want to edit and go to the Static objects file.
Add the name of the vehicle
run /objects/vehicles/land/usapc_lav25/usapc_lav25.con
if v_arg1 == BF2Editor console.allowMultipleFileLoad 0 run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/tv_house/tv_house.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/tv_house/tv_house.tweak run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_buildings/gatehouse/gatehouse.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_low_01/house_low_01.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_detached_03/house_detached_03.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_medium_05/house_medium_05.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/ladder_20m/ladder_20m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/ladder_4m/ladder_4m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/ladder_2m/ladder_2m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_medium_03/house_medium_03.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/ladder_10m/ladder_10m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_low_02/house_low_02.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/ladder_7m/ladder_7m.con run /objects/vegitation/middle-east/olive/me_olivebig01.con run /objects/vegitation/middle-east/olive/me_olivebig01_lod.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_medium_01/house_medium_01.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_medium_04/house_medium_04.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/hotel/hotel.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/ladder_40m/ladder_40m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_detached_02/house_detached_02.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_low_01_v2/house_low_01_v2.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_detached_01/house_detached_01.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/fences/fence_corrugated_3x12m/fence_corrugated_3x12m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_low_02_v2/house_low_02_v2.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/sidewalk_3/sidewalk_3.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/sidewalk_1/sidewalk_1.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/stnwalls_invert_corner_10m/stnwalls_invert_corner_10m.con run /objects/vegitation/middle-east/palmtree/me_palmtree01.con run /objects/vegitation/middle-east/palmtree/me_palmtree01_lod.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_high_04/house_high_04.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/fences/fence_corrugated_pole_3m/fence_corrugated_pole_3m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/wirefence_12m/wirefence_12m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/stnwalls_sloope_30m/stnwalls_sloope_30m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/stnwalls_corner_10m/stnwalls_corner_10m.con run /objects/staticobjects/military/objects/mi_antenna/mi_antenna.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/wirefence_l2/wirefence_l2.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/wirefence_end/wirefence_end.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/sidewalk_2/sidewalk_2.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/stonefence_20m/stonefence_20m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/stonefence_slope_5m/stonefence_slope_5m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/outdoor_pool/outdoor_pool.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/pool_ladder/pool_ladder.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/uniqueobjects/docks/dock_90degouter/dock90degouter.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/uniqueobjects/docks/dock_90deginner/dock90deginner.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/uniqueobjects/docks/dock_straight_10m/dock_straight_10m.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/uniqueobjects/docks/dock_straight_30m/dock_straight_30m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/outdoor_pool_small/outdoor_pool_small.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/brickwall/brickwall.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/village_objects/pier/pier.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/brick_pillar/brick_pillar.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/lamp_post/lamp_post.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/rock5m/rock5m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/brickwall_broken/brickwall_broken.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/roads/refug/refug.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/stnwalls_innersloope_30m_invert/stnwalls_innersloope_30m_invert.con 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/objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/stnwalls_corner_10m_up/stnwalls_corner_10m_up.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/ladder_20m_noholders/ladder_20m_noholders.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/plant_box/plant_box.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_high_02/house_high_02.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/ladder_7m_rak/ladder_7m_rak.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_objects/barrackdbl_01/barrackdbl_01.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/gate_boom/gate_boom.con run /objects/vegitation/middle-east/tropicalplants/me_tropicalplant01.con run /objects/vegitation/middle-east/tropicalplants/me_tropicalplant01_lod.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/destroyableobjects/sign_parking_dest/sign_parking_dest.con run /objects/effects/impacts/destruction/traffic_signs/e_destruction_sign_parking.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/destroyableobjects/parkingmeter_dest/parkingmeter_dest.con run /objects/effects/impacts/destruction/e_destruction_parkingmeter.con run /objects/dynamicobjects/fence/fence_dest.con run /objects/effects/impacts/destruction/e_destruction_fence/e_destruction_fence.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/crates/woodencrate_1m/woodencrate_1m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/destroyableobjects/trafficlight_dest/trafficlight_dest.con run /objects/effects/impacts/destruction/e_destruction_trafficlight.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/destroyableobjects/sign_stop_dest/sign_stop_dest.con run /objects/effects/impacts/destruction/traffic_signs/e_destruction_sign_stop.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/billboard_dicecream/billboard_dicecream.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/stnwalls_40m/stnwalls_40m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/stnwalls_50m/stnwalls_50m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/stnwalls_20m/stnwalls_20m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/stnwalls_30m/stnwalls_30m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/pedestrian_railing_24m/pedestrian_railing_24m.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/pedestrian_railing_12m/pedestrian_railing_12m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/roads/refug_4/refug_4.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/brickwall_40m/brickwall_40m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/brickwall_30m/brickwall_30m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/brickwall_20m/brickwall_20m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/brickwall_broken_30m/brickwall_broken_30m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/brickwall_60m/brickwall_60m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/brickwall_broken_20m/brickwall_broken_20m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/floodlight/floodlight.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_objects/concrete_pillar_beam_large/concrete_pillar_beam_large.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/pedestrian_railing_24m_ends/pedestrian_railing_24m_ends.con run /objects/staticobjects/military/objects/sandbags/mi_sandbags_quad/mi_sandbags_quad.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/concretebarrier/concretebarrier_3.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/wallhigh01_24m/wallhigh01_24m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/destroyableobjects/sign_streetcrossing_dest/sign_streetcrossing_dest.con run /objects/effects/impacts/destruction/traffic_signs/e_destruction_sign_streetcrossing.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/pedestrian_railing_12m_ends/pedestrian_railing_12m_ends.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/container_open/container_cl_red_trash/container_cl_red_trash.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/container_open/container_cl_green_trash/container_cl_green_trash.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/pedestrian_railing_6m_ends/pedestrian_railing_6m_ends.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/office_01/office_01.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/rock2m/rock2m.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/com_watertower/com_watertower.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/ladder_20m_platform/ladder_20m_platform.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/destroyableobjects/sign_noparking_dest/sign_noparking_dest.con run /objects/effects/impacts/destruction/traffic_signs/e_destruction_sign_noparking.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_objects/plankstack_big_version_01/plankstack_big_version_01.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_objects/barrackdbl_03/barrackdbl_03.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/stonefence_end_5m/stonefence_end_5m.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_objects/constcrane_55m_01/constcrane_55m_01.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_objects/common/const_crane_ladder_short.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_objects/common/const_crane_ladder_short_02.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_objects/common/const_crane_ladder_21m.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_objects/common/const_crane_ladder_9m.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_objects/common/const_crane_ladder_short_03.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/destroyableobjects/fueltankwagon/fueltankwagon.con run /objects/effects/impacts/explosions/e_exp_fuel/e_exp_fuel.con run /objects/effects/impacts/explosions/vexp/e_vexp_tank/e_vexp_tank_2nd.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_objects/plankstack_big_version_03.mb/plankstack_big_version_03.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/stnwalls_30m_up/stnwalls_30m_up.con run /objects/staticobjects/common/com_objects/concretebarrier/concretebarrier_2.con run /objects/staticobjects/industry/ind_objects/pipestack_01/pipestack_01.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/office_03/office_03.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/office_02/office_02.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_architecture/house_medium_02/house_medium_02.con run /objects/staticobjects/_middle-east/city/city_objects/stnwalls_40m_up/stnwalls_40m_up.con run /objects/common/glow/glow2.con run /objects/common/lightsources/baselight/baselight.con run /objects/common/glow/glow4.con run /objects/common/glow/glow3.con run /objects/common/lightsources/houselight_big/houselight_big.con run /objects/weapons/stationary/ats_hj8/ats_hj8.con run /objects/weapons/stationary/ats_tow/ats_tow.con run /objects/vehicles/land/jep_vodnik/jep_vodnik.con run /objects/vehicles/land/usjep_hmmwv/usjep_hmmwv.con run /objects/weapons/stationary/igla_djigit/igla_djigit.con run /objects/weapons/stationary/usaas_stinger/usaas_stinger.con run /objects/vehicles/sea/boat_rib/boat_rib.con run /objects/weapons/stationary/ars_d30/ars_d30.con run /objects/weapons/stationary/usart_lw155/usart_lw155.con run /objects/weapons/stationary/ats_hj8/ats_hj8.con run /objects/weapons/stationary/ats_tow/ats_tow.con run /objects/staticobjects/military/buildings/aircontroltower_mec/aircontroltower_mec.con run /objects/staticobjects/military/buildings/mobileradar_mech_dest/mobileradar_mech_dest.con run /objects/staticobjects/military/buildings/aircontroltower/aircontroltower.con run /objects/staticobjects/military/buildings/mobileradar_us_dest/mobileradar_us_dest.con run /objects/vehicles/land/rutnk_t90/rutnk_t90.con run /objects/vehicles/land/ustnk_m1a2/ustnk_m1a2.con run /objects/weapons/stationary/mec_bipod/mec_bipod.con run /objects/weapons/stationary/us_bipod/us_bipod.con run /objects/vehicles/land/apc_btr90/apc_btr90.con run /objects/vehicles/land/usapc_lav25/usapc_lav25.con run /objects/vehicles/air/ahe_havoc/ahe_havoc.con run /objects/vehicles/air/ahe_ah1z/ahe_ah1z.con run /objects/vegitation/middle-east/pinebush/me_pinebush01.con run /objects/vegitation/middle-east/pinebush/me_pinebush01_lod.con run /objects/vegitation/middle-east/pinebush/me_pinebush02.con run /objects/vegitation/middle-east/pinebush/me_pinebush02_lod.con
Next add
rem [ObjectSpawnerTemplate: CPNAME_SP_16_tvstation_ME_US_APC] ObjectTemplate.create ObjectSpawner CPNAME_SP_16_tvstation_ME_US_APC ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ObjectSpawner CPNAME_SP_16_tvstation_ME_US_APC ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "Hellshark1" ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1 ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0 ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 1 APC_BTR90 ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 USAPC_LAV25
if v_arg1 == host
rem [ObjectSpawner: CPNAME_SP_16_tvstation_ME_US_APC] Object.create CPNAME_SP_16_tvstation_ME_US_APC Object.absolutePosition -120.491/97.096/-158.711 Object.rotation -92.012/0.000/0.000 Object.setControlPointId 801 Object.layer 1
endIf rem ********** Spawn Points **********
As far as I can tell the Object.absolutePosition 3 seperate numbers are.
This changes the vehicles position from right to left the higher the number behind the '-' is, when u look on the map from above.
This changes the hight(altitude) the vehicle spawn at. The higher the number, the higher it spawns.
3. -158.71
This changes the vehicles position from top to bottom. the lower the number the lower it spawns on the map.
The rotation I havent figured out how it works exactly yet.
Hope this helped. Will post how to edit spawn points and new capturable flags etc. in the not to far future
edit: Oops forgot the pic

How to make new control and spawn points.
Yet again go to the map u would like to add this and go to the gameplayobjects file.
Lets take Sharqi as an example (again )
Look for a piece of text that says.
rem ********** Spawn Points **********
rem [SpawnPointTemplate: CPNAME_SP_SP16_test_1] ObjectTemplate.create SpawnPoint CPNAME_SP_SP16_test_1 ObjectTemplate.activeSafe SpawnPoint CPNAME_SP_SP16_test_1 ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser Hellshark1 ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1 ObjectTemplate.setSpawnPositionOffset 0/1.25/0 ObjectTemplate.setControlPointId 1212 rem [SpawnPoint: CPNAME_SP_SP16_test_1] Object.create CPNAME_SP_SP16_test_1 Object.absolutePosition -239.755/100.502/-110.609 Object.rotation -0.324/0.000/0.000 Object.layer 9
Next look for a piece of text that contains...
rem ********** Control Points **********
rem [ControlPointTemplate: CPNAME_SP_SP16_test] ObjectTemplate.create ControlPoint CPNAME_SP_SP16_test ObjectTemplate.activeSafe ControlPoint CPNAME_SP_SP16_test ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser Hellshark1 ObjectTemplate.setNetworkableInfo ControlPointInfo ObjectTemplate.isNotSaveable 1 ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0 ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionPhysics 1 ObjectTemplate.physicsType Mesh rem ------------------------------------- ObjectTemplate.addTemplate flagpole rem ------------------------------------- ObjectTemplate.setControlPointName CPNAME_SP_SP16_test ObjectTemplate.radius 3 ObjectTemplate.team 2 ObjectTemplate.controlPointId 1212 ObjectTemplate.areaValueTeam1 34 ObjectTemplate.areaValueTeam2 34 ObjectTemplate.timeToGetControl 20 ObjectTemplate.timeToLoseControl 20 ObjectTemplate.isHemisphere 1
Next look for
if v_arg1 == host
rem [ControlPoint: CPNAME_SP_SP16_test] Object.create CPNAME_SP_SP16_test Object.absolutePosition -237.755/99.502/-110.609 Object.layer 9
You can play around and give control points different spawn points.
If u want to have some real fun, make a flag on top of the hotel at karkand and make its spawn points on all the roofs
theres just 1 problem with the bots
They're uber n00bs and prefer standing by the flags warmth
http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/6020 … 1338yj.png
http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/7693 … 1343bh.png

Thanks to FFOLKES, Hellshark1 and lord_tyler_486 for helping me make this tut possible.
This tut was written by Me and partly by Hellshark1.
Updated 28th of July 2007...
Last edited by Citizen One (2007-07-28 10:49:31)