The first picture is actually a year or two old. I have a really young face, so I can see why you would think that. I'm a senior but people always think I'm like a sophomore or freshman. I just look really young, everyone in my family does. My mom is 58, but she looks about 43. My brother is 21, but he looks about 18. My other brother is 38, but he looks about 25.R0lyP0ly wrote:
sorry Superior, but you look almost the exact same in the first and second pictures. maybe a few months older.Superior Mind wrote:
how 'bout you go choke on one?B00MH3ADSH0T wrote:
If you never told me the 1st pic was gay i wouldnt be able to choose which was gayer thx
LMAO at the guy on the left!KILLSWITCH wrote:
Last edited by Homeschtar (2007-04-02 02:24:02)
yes Martin is indeed rather 'unique' looking.Homeschtar wrote:
LMAO at the guy on the left!KILLSWITCH wrote:
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
I got bribed ;(

You'll normally find me in Debate giving ATG stick

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Fish i caught the morning of wedding, last minutes for freedom drinking beer and relaxing with friends.

i have big wood.
ill get a better pic, hadnt had a bath all weekend. this was today.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Bahahaaaaaa!thareaper254 wrote:
lo0lthareaper254 wrote:
me and my g/f


Me and my wife..

Me and my wife..
ill post since everyone else is.

my wife

we will be celebrating our one year anniversary on 4-20-07

my wife

we will be celebrating our one year anniversary on 4-20-07

a couple older pics of me
I've got those same shadesParker wrote:
ill post since everyone else is.
me … 2_7216.jpg
my wife … 2_7215.jpg
we will be celebrating our one year anniversary on 4-20-07
Officer Hardass's FTW!
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Me at the gun range.

Sorry really dark picture

TO the sweat drop down tha walls! all deesh deesh (motha fuckas) all deesh deesh, yah yah. Lemme see you get lowww.

Me getting ready to go for a walk in the park.
your a sick, sick, manPubic wrote: … Rapist.jpg
Me getting ready to go for a walk in the park.
That is a freakin genious picture.
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
Im_Dooomed wrote:
That is a freakin genious scary picture.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Dude from hercules tbh.topal63 wrote:
Hmm, oh well, I guess I will post one to.
Me and my dark-haired (Swedish) wife at my son's soccer practice.
omg lolness.thareaper254 wrote: