10.Use proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization to the best of your ability. Failure to do this will result in your posts being taken less seriously, and most likely cause responses to be less than constructive.
I think that ppl that post here from Europe may have a hard time spelling everything properly. IMO if the text explains something then it has done its job even if it is frenetically spelt or what ever. Personally English is suposed to be my second language, My spelling and grammar suxs. Its the content of the post that I take in, not if they should have used a capitol letter at the start of a sentence.............its like being back at school. I know you said, " to the best of their ability" My point is, it shouldn't be a rule, the way its worded sounds like a guide that one.
I have in my days posted on all sorts of forms mostly political discussion forums but never enjoyed time on a forum as much as this one, so something must be going right. Even though its BF2 based we talk about all sorts..long may it continue!!!