This game severly needs spawn protection of at least 2 seconds, max of 3 seconds!!  I cant begin to tell you how many time i have been kill by spawn campers!!!!! 

This has to be 1 of the most annoying things in the game.... other then n00b tube users!
Spawn protection is not the solution. You are a sitting duck while capturing a flag.
If they add such feature it should only work at non-capture bases.

no that makes no sense....

example... karkand... tank- apc sitting down the hallway,  waiting for you to spawn.   That is LAME, as well as a n00b tactic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

If not a timed spawn protection then something that detect were the enemy is at and spawn you away from them!! 

2 seconds is not that much time... about enough time for you to move 6 steps.  About enough for you to move out of the hallway to get away from the dumb a$$ n00b campers.
just nothing
This is not a BF2S.com Feature Request. Post in the right subforum please.
+66|7127|Missoula, MT
"Yes, this is horrible!" ~Samir Nagheenanajar (Office Space)

p.s. spelling was taken from the website www.imdb.com

Last edited by CMDR_Dave (2005-09-20 04:52:09)

just nothing

CMDR_Dave wrote:

"Yes, this is horrible!" ~Samir Nagheenanajar (Office Space)
That's Naienanajad
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7130|Bryan/College Station, TX
Well I know the very moment I spawn I am moving someplace. Or at least turning. Have you noticed when someone spawns it takes a few seconds before they do anything? I believe that your body spawns before you are able to even move. And hence spawn killing is soooo easy.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+66|7127|Missoula, MT

kilroy0097 wrote:

I believe that your body spawns before you are able to even move. And hence spawn killing is soooo easy.
I think you're right there.  Hmmm.
+5|7109|United Knigdom
I think there is some kind of protection, the amount of times I've unloaded a L85 clip into someone 4-5 metres away for nothing to happen is stupid. I'm usually prone too. What's worse is that they turn around and take 2-3 shots and I'm dead. It's just stupid.
yes, i think you do spawn in before you get to move!!!!!

I think there is some kind of protection, the amount of times I've unloaded a L85 clip into someone 4-5 metres away for nothing to happen is stupid. I'm usually prone too. What's worse is that they turn around and take 2-3 shots and I'm dead. It's just stupid.
yeah... that all makes sense!  But it could also go both ways... you cant kill anyone for 2 seconds... and they cant kill you.  Quite simple if you ask me.  Probably even more simple to impliment.

pish180 wrote:

But it could also go both ways... you cant kill anyone for 2 seconds... and they cant kill you.  Quite simple if you ask me.  Probably even more simple to impliment.
That would be a solution. But still, not every spawn killer is a camper.
Example: Karkand, American team, the top right spawn point at the beginning of the game. I hate it when there are spawn killers over there. Mostly its a group so you kill one and get shot by another. And they keep moving.
This is just one of those situations where the server admin comes in. Kick them or even ban them.
If you're getting spawn killed in your own uncappable base it's your own fault for letting that tank get there in the first place.

And also, if you're getting spawn killed SPAWN SOMEWHERE ELSE!

Stop giving the guy 2 points a go and get back in the fight somewhere else.
The Mushroom Man

Zveroboy wrote:

If you're getting spawn killed in your own uncappable base it's your own fault for letting that tank get there in the first place.

And also, if you're getting spawn killed SPAWN SOMEWHERE ELSE!

Stop giving the guy 2 points a go and get back in the fight somewhere else.
lol couldent have said it better myself

and i fail to see how three seconds is gunna save u from a spawn camper?
so the apc kills u 3 seconds later than it usually would? lol ur still dead....
last 2 posts.... you 2 r missing the point!!!!

I have a feeling that you are the type of people that actually think spawn camping is a viable tactic!! Got news for you... if you do... your a complete n00b. Killing someone 1 or 2 times when they are spawning while you are capturing the flag is fine... it is the N00bs that sit down the alley ways and wait and wait for people to spawn, and kill them instantly (you dont even get to pull you gun up all the way, and you die)!! If you have to do that to get kills... then you are a N00b!!!

2 seconds is enough time to run around the corner of the hall and get away from the n00b spawn campers!!!

I bet it would stop spawn camping!!

yes i understand that everyone who spawn kills is not a camper, but if they cant kill you and you cant kill them, then what is the problem???

2 seconds to run away from spawn campers? 2 seconds you cannot kill anyone??? I mean... you get killed... and you wait 15 seconds to re-spawn... Its really annoying when you end up waiting 1 minute to get to acually move from your spawn point!! 

That or something like smart spawning.... where bf2 detects were the enemy's are at and spawns you in the farthest spawn point from them.... that would work too... but much harder for EA to do. (in other words... never going to happen)
Well, I guess that everybody whom is complaining about spawn killing doesn't understand what this game is about.

1. It is natural that a base gets so much pressure that you cannot hold it anymore without taking the risk of spawning at a hot zone!
2. You should join squads, there are your spawn points who are pretty safe (otherwise the squadleader is a complete retard or just unlucky)
3. Avoid spawning at bases that are being over run (okay, this is twice I said this but stop being a n00b and giving me these 2 points extra, 4 when a medic wants to revive you, and six when I feel nasty and let the medic revive you!!)

I am a tank freak and I will not consider one moment how sad it is for you when you get spawnkilled by me, I will do everything I can to spwankill you simply because it helps my team to take that flag! If you think this is unfair think about it again with what I just wrote about it. I will do anything to get n00bs like that!! I can effectivly clear a complete flank on your flag by using this tactic.
yeah... that is a complete and utter n00b tatic!!! And it is becasue of you that it needs to be implimented!!!  You need to learn how to play a fair tatic instead of "taking advantage of someone when their pants are down".   You can help your team in other ways then kills the new spawns!  Like making people on the other team go AT thus having a worse anti personnel weapon... 
I will do anything to get n00bs like that!!
To kill someone before they have a chance to attack you does not make them a n00b!!!!!!  i dont know what youve been smoking.   

If they had some type of spawn protection that spawned you in a spot away from the enemy... then it would make sense.

and RobbieE again you are a n00b.  you fail to understand that taking a flag does not have to be the most well guarded flag.  You can easly driive by the infanty to go to a spawn pt further in the map.  If you all go for the most guarded spawn pt, then that is failure of your team, due to n00bs.  On EVERY map you can take a flag that is unguarded, thus still helping your team out.  But people like you insist on camping the tanks/apcs down the alley killing all spawner, meanwhile not taking a flag, or even having any interest in taking the flag.  Thats N00b, and as far as i am consirned that is spawn raping, and is stats padding.  There is a point were you have to draw the line.  I mean killing 2-3 peolpe after they spawn is legit if you moving in on a position and they spawn right there.... but to stay there for 10 minutes and constantly kill everyone who spawns.....  Maybe if you really had any teamwork skill you could actually take a spawn pt with a tank instead of sitting and camping with the tank.  They call people like you "tank n00bs" O_o

1. It is natural that a base gets so much pressure that you cannot hold it anymore without taking the risk of spawning at a hot zone!
I dont know where u pulled that out of...
It would be more like... Team 2 is taking the point now Team 1 cannot spawn there anymore, once it goes neutral is when it is "hot zone".   

The only risk should be to be overwhelmed by Team 1.  Not to have a tank waiting in the same spot to kill you for the 5 time in a row.

You obviously have no tatics at at all... You would realise... if you took another spawn pt first... then 1/2 the team would break up and stop guarding the current one... But again you use your team as a scapegoat, and make it sound like you actually care about them when really all you want is more stats padding.

I am not saying everyone that kills a spawner is spawn camping!!! not at all... but to camp out and sit and wait for spawner... IS 100% n00b!!!! Becasue that is the only way you can get kills, and possibly get a Gold Star.  Sad!!

Maybe i will have to play against you just to c4 your 15 times in 1 map.  well you beter hope you are spawn raping... bc that is your only chance. 
After looking at your stats... i guess i see why you stay in the tank...

pish180 wrote:

1. It is natural that a base gets so much pressure that you cannot hold it anymore without taking the risk of spawning at a hot zone!
I dont know where u pulled that out of...
It would be more like... Team 2 is taking the point now Team 1 cannot spawn there anymore, once it goes neutral is when it is "hot zone".   

The only risk should be to be overwhelmed by Team 1.  Not to have a tank waiting in the same spot to kill you for the 5 time in a row.

You obviously have no tatics at at all... You would realise... if you took another spawn pt first... then 1/2 the team would break up and stop guarding the current one... But again you use your team as a scapegoat, and make it sound like you actually care about them when really all you want is more stats padding.

I am not saying everyone that kills a spawner is spawn camping!!! not at all... but to camp out and sit and wait for spawner... IS 100% n00b!!!! Becasue that is the only way you can get kills, and possibly get a Gold Star.  Sad!!

Maybe i will have to play against you just to c4 your 15 times in 1 map.  well you beter hope you are spawn raping... bc that is your only chance. 
After looking at your stats... i guess i see why you stay in the tank...
Well I guess it is just a matter of opinion then, but when we are attacking we mark that complete zone as HOT  only for the fact that we will be fired upon. While a grey zone is still hot but easy to defend from the outside. I don't hear you a bit about my suggestion of joining a squad?! It is so very easy to read things your way but I do know that when I am tanking my team wins! And it is very easy for you to say that you "Looked" at my stats and start using that as an excuse just like I am using according to you my "team" as an excuse. Get real or get owned. Oh by the way, EA has said that there is no such thing as "base raping" or spawn killing.

See you at the end of my barrel, boy!
Oh by the way, I saw that you like Urban maps, now I know why you started this thread! Really impressive playing only three maps:


Kubra Dam      06:40:20      14      7      75
Mashtuur City     58:51:09     146     124     199
Operation Clean Sweep     14:33:31     19     25     95
Zatar Wetlands     12:26:48     31     19     70
Strike at Karkand     140:13:49     327     254     144
Sharqi Peninsula     60:51:03     115     97     214
Gulf of Oman     13:06:39     23     20     60
Daqing Oilfields     12:51:37     23     29     58
Dalian Plant     11:45:57     25     23     71
Dragon Valley     16:31:57     36     20     81
FuShe Pass     07:59:49     20     14     56
Songhua Stalemate     12:46:17     25     22     73
Totals     368:38:56     804     654     –
Average     30:43:14     67     54     –


Kubra Dam      11:03:39      26      17      95
Mashtuur City     17:47:24     51     52     142
Operation Clean Sweep     15:03:45     35     23     76
Zatar Wetlands     10:28:40     36     27     44
Strike at Karkand     48:42:45     137     78     133
Sharqi Peninsula     31:23:36     87     41     199
Gulf of Oman     15:27:17     38     46     67
Daqing Oilfields     10:28:30     33     23     77
Dalian Plant     15:36:00     45     30     107
Dragon Valley     19:05:55     36     32     81
FuShe Pass     13:44:53     29     38     64
Songhua Stalemate     14:38:59     36     27     159

And since you started this topic it is clear that you have been "spawn" killed quite a lot , that is the risk in city maps, so one piece of advise, stay out of the kitchen when you cannot stand the heat!
+66|7127|Missoula, MT
Or...hit a cow bell.
Robbie has some valid points...

You will most likely get "spawn killed" when the spawn point is surrounded and about to fell to the the other side.

Do I like it? No.  But it's my fault, I can pick a new spawn point or my squad leader where there is less heat.

I am one of those that tries to keep a spawn point until the last second? Yes

I accepted what come with it? Yes

One of the problem is even before you can move after spawning, the game freeze you and you are an easy target, but don't blame other player for a game bug.

And I like tank... give me some shelves to put my C4 before it blows
Yeah i do like Urban maps... i think that might go for most of the best players in BF2 do.

EA has said that there is no such thing as "base raping" or spawn killing.
Does it have to be said by EA for it to be wrong or legit????  Its sad you take The: "My mommy told me" story there.  NO... It is called common sense!  Maybe it wuz... hmm eXp.Elecrik (? i dont really care how u spell it) who got stat striped for going into knife and pistol servers.  He got the stats stripped and then the anncounment came out. You dont have to be told by someone that there is no such thing as "spawn raping", something you should be able to figure out on you own. 

Do you know what "playing in the spirit of the game" means?  Maybe you need to think about it.

One of the problem is even before you can move after spawning, the game freeze you and you are an easy target, but don't blame other player for a game bug.
How is it a game bug?????????????  It is not... it is a USER decision to spawn camp, and a very poor one mind you.  What is the easiest, and fastest way to get points???  Well, why dont i spawn camp, this way i dont even get shot at... They dont even get a chance to even see me, or fight back.  I can get them with their hands tied behind their back. "thats the spirit right there!"  They should just make the game.... spawn rap till they submit... 

Its REALLY SAD to see people that acutally think spawn raping (camping) is a good tatic!!!

Do I like it? No.  But it's my fault, I can pick a new spawn point or my squad leader where there is less heat.
No it is not your fault for choosing that point, the game should either put you in another sub-spawn point or have spawn protection.  Which is why i am posting this topic.

You all realize that EVERY map has more then 1 spawn pt that can be captured???  The excuse to "help me team" is complete "BS"!!! you can help your team more by driving the fast tank to a futher spawn pt, and capturing those before other infantry can make it that far.... That is helping your team.

I accepted what come with it? Yes
and yes i do accept it, not many other options I have besides that.  But yet the game will still spawns me in the same spot where the spawn raper is again.

And it is very easy for you to say that you "Looked" at my stats and start using that as an excuse just like I am using according to you my "team" as an excuse.
and i did look at your stats... and i was referring to your ground (infantry) skills!!  As i said... you wouldnt last in a Karkand map to long if you didnt get a tank/APC.  While I on the other hand can use vehicles or go on foot, and still get the job done, maybe that is why I play so many ubran maps, more skill is required to move on foot.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

I don't usually get mad at topics or tempted to flame stuff, but pish TOTALLY pushes to envelop. Yes, spawn camping is irritating at worse, but you have to be a total JACKASS to spawn again and again in the same base to be killed AGAIN and AGAIN. Spawn Killing in a Uncap base (which is their last) is more frowned upon: It IS harder to get out of. But in Cap bases? That's fair game jackass.

pish180 wrote:

and RobbieE again you are a n00b.  you fail to understand that taking a flag does not have to be the most well guarded flag.  You can easly driive by the infanty to go to a spawn pt further in the map.  If you all go for the most guarded spawn pt, then that is failure of your team, due to n00bs.  On EVERY map you can take a flag that is unguarded, thus still helping your team out.  But people like you insist on camping the tanks/apcs down the alley killing all spawner, meanwhile not taking a flag, or even having any interest in taking the flag.  Thats N00b, and as far as i am consirned that is spawn raping, and is stats padding.  There is a point were you have to draw the line.  I mean killing 2-3 peolpe after they spawn is legit if you moving in on a position and they spawn right there.... but to stay there for 10 minutes and constantly kill everyone who spawns.....  Maybe if you really had any teamwork skill you could actually take a spawn pt with a tank instead of sitting and camping with the tank.  They call people like you "tank n00bs" O_o
I call you DUMBASS. If I'm going to take a flag in a tank or APC, I'm going to mow down ANYONE i see. Same if I'm on foot, in a heli, or walk in with a brass band. What, you're going to ask 'Did you just spawn? Oh, just checking in case I spawnkill you and look like a total n00b.'

Going for the most guarded spawn point is the failure of a team? Hey when my team is confident of driving into overwhelming forces and booting their asses hard, I think i have a KICKASS team dude. And he CLEARLY said 'WHILE MY TEAM IS TAKING THE FLAG' he didn't REFUSE too. Learn how to read.

pish180 wrote:

You obviously have no tatics at at all... You would realise... if you took another spawn pt first... then 1/2 the team would break up and stop guarding the current one... But again you use your team as a scapegoat, and make it sound like you actually care about them when really all you want is more stats padding. I am not saying everyone that kills a spawner is spawn camping!!! not at all... but to camp out and sit and wait for spawner... IS 100% n00b!!!! Becasue that is the only way you can get kills, and possibly get a Gold Star.  Sad!!
Yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah.

pish180 wrote:

Maybe i will have to play against you just to c4 your 15 times in 1 map.  well you beter hope you are spawn raping... bc that is your only chance. 
After looking at your stats... i guess i see why you stay in the tank...
THe people i know that CAN do this don't sit in forums and talk shit. *rolls eyes* I'm betting 2 to 1 half the time he gets blown away.

pish180 wrote:

Yeah i do like Urban maps... i think that might go for most of the best players in BF2 do.
Because urban maps are a FRAGFEST and they have a shitload of time so they want max frags possible. Its not a 'best' player thing. And all maps require different tactics and level of teamplay. Try defending the same way you do @ Karkland in Cleansweep or something. I'll laugh and see you get assowned.

pish180 wrote:

You all realize that EVERY map has more then 1 spawn pt that can be captured???  The excuse to "help me team" is complete "BS"!!! you can help your team more by driving the fast tank to a futher spawn pt, and capturing those before other infantry can make it that far.... That is helping your team.
That is what i call a DUMB, lone wolf tactic. Help your team? You'll just lose the tank. If the other team is any better than you are lol.

Ok I can't be bothered to quote any more of your bullshit. Spawn-killing is at worse regrettable, but legit in cappable bases.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Don't take it personally pish its just my POV really. Discuss. Like a mature adult. Or set up a committee

There is only one thing left for me to say to you phis, all your arguments why it should not happen can be used why the so called "spawn" camping should happen. There are several ways to take that armor out, at least it is the top priority in my team when defending on Karkand. When you fail as a team to keep the armor at bay in the initial phase of the battle then you already have failed! And it is very logical that the first base is always a hot base in Karkand, it is the only way in. I would recommend you to read Sun Tzu, the Art of War. Here you will learn about terms as easy and difficult terrain and how you should cope with it. It also tells you that when there is the slightest posiblity to have an advantage in war you should exploit it. Furthermore think about this: All is fair in love and war, and yes, when I am playing BF2 there is war, total boundless war. Everything goes. And for your urge for a more "fair" game, please do realise that you know this and by knowing that you can and will be spawn killed and everytime you cost a point at the ticket because you are being spawn killed, you just lost a team ticket for being unwise or missing the overal situation assesment of the battlefield.

I also would like to point out the fact that I see no one as a n00b, there is no such thing as a n00b (the only thing i see as a n00b action is TK on purpose). 

Non cap bases for me are restricted and off limit when I am not playing spec ops! But i will put down suppressive fire on that base and order my squad to take defensive positions outside that base.

Why do you use as an example eXp.electric whom I know because I used to game whith him? He was stripped for stat padding and "base" camping as you see it is no stat padding, at least not according to EA. EA did not approve of the fact that there where servers whom where implementing own rules on the servers. That is why he was stripped, not because he was so called "spawn camping". And a note on the case of eXp.electric, I have advised him te sue EA for this since there was at the moment that he was stripped no clear guidelines about that! EA has not informed him about the fact that what he was doing was not according to the rules, okay stat padding is one thing but going after an other with a knife and fair chances on both players I cannot call that stat padding! 

Just my two cents, oh by the way, stop being personal it doesn't suit you and you are being percieved by me as a very narrow minded person. Don't blame others for your own "mistakes" like you also do in the topic below this one about the "Tube n00bs". I am really starting to feel sorry for you at this moment and actually thinking about setting up a buddy system for you so that you can try to go out and mingle with other humans so that you can improve your social skills a little, for I have the feeling right now that they are realy wanting.
polarbearz dont worry i dont take any of this personally!!!

I am just not very good at explaining what it is that is wrong with spawn camping.  Morally it is wrong... at least for my self.  But their is more then you all are missing, about it.  Mabye just personal expericne of it in action.

I just dont understand how you can like spawn camping on purpose?????? Just answer me this question... why are they not "fair game" after the 2 seconds after they have spawned (assuming their wuz spawn protection - cant kill you, you cant kill them)???? Why can their not be sub spwan points????

I just dont EVERY see myself going to kill new spawners on purpose, by taking my tank their and sitting. i guess it is a matter of opinion... if you like camping + easy kills (maybe you cant kill anyother way) then have a field day.   I am a person that does not like sniper campers, nor will i EVER be found in the same spot over and over and over camping!!

I would like to make an example here: 
Map: karkand 32 player.
If you are in a tank/apc/humvee you would be able to make it past the first spawn point MUCH faster then any infnatry on foot.  Thus letting you go take the unguared back spawn point.   This would help you team out MUCH more then camping down the hallway of the 1st spawn point!!  You team would not be able to flank the enemy and come from multiple directions.  The only way i could see spawn camping is if it is the last capturable spawn point and your all moving in on it.  And you CANT let the spawners get away to get the back spawn points.

Maybe i think more strategic then most of you.... i dont know know.  But to acutally think that spawn camping is "good" or "fun", is just rediclious!!!

Again i have said this several times.  killing a few spawners on your way is nothing of what i am talking about!!  I have done that many times on my way to capture a flag! 

Because urban maps are a FRAGFEST and they have a shitload of time so they want max frags possible. Its not a 'best' player thing.
I had to read this about 8 times just to make sure i read it right... Alright, 1st off, look at the bf2s.com Leaderboards... I assure you you will not find someone on their that does not have an Urban map as the most played!! In all of my 350+ of playing bf2... urban maps seem to be the shortest not the longest!  And to get a lot of kills/teamwork on urban maps you must be good on foot plain and simple!!  You do not alwasy get a tank/apc or chopper.  Also please look at my teamwork score, I am a TEAM player!  Karkand going as medic requires you to stick your neck out to go res a teammate or to run over to your buddy and give him ammo/health when he is low.

pish180 wrote:

    You all realize that EVERY map has more then 1 spawn pt that can be captured???  The excuse to "help me team" is complete "BS"!!! you can help your team more by driving the fast tank to a futher spawn pt, and capturing those before other infantry can make it that far.... That is helping your team.

That is what i call a DUMB, lone wolf tactic. Help your team? You'll just lose the tank. If the other team is any better than you are lol.
I was reffering to any vehicle, btw.  Did you know that a humvee seats 4 players???  Are you aware that the tank seats 2? or the apc seats 5??  J/w?

pish180 wrote:

    Maybe i will have to play against you just to c4 your 15 times in 1 map.  well you beter hope you are spawn raping... bc that is your only chance.  lol
    After looking at your stats... i guess i see why you stay in the tank...

THe people i know that CAN do this don't sit in forums and talk shit. *rolls eyes* I'm betting 2 to 1 half the time he gets blown away.
This was a bit low of me saying that... but feel free to look at my stats.

o btw, I completley agree that eXp.electric should sue EA for that.  But that was also my point.  Someone does not have to tell you that spawn camping is right or wrong for you to know that it is.  Or in electric's case, does EA have to tell you/him... That Joining pistol/knife servers is wrong becase you have every intent on getting you Pistol/knife badges??? Please keep an open mind, As i am trying too. Note: Everytime i have said spawn CAMPING, not spawn killing.  There is a BIG difference.

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