I pre-ordered it before alpha, cancelled it (because I spent a lot of money for a car) and pre-ordered it again before beta.
FloppY_ wrote:
coke wrote:
FloppY_ wrote:
No and no
Won't buy it unless they remove Origin
Why? Honestly what does it matter?
At the very least it's a matter of principle, I don't appreciate a triple A title being used as blackmail to force people into a service...
Ehrm... Half-Life 2, Valve and Steam?
Steam was seriously shitty back in 2004.
I had no problem with Origin so far, only that it's unnecessary for BF3, since that game is completely run through the web-based Battlelog.
You can't even join a BF3 game in progress through Origin, nor can you import friends from Battlelog.
Although, Origin is in beta state at the moment and if they fix those two problems, so I can use the in-game overlay for chatting, I don't care at all.
It definitely is better than GFWL, which is also forced on you.
I would have liked to have the game on Steam, with or without Origin, but on the bright side I won't have to swallow the overpriced 1€=1$ scheme and 50€ pricing there and can import a retail copy for 37€.