m3thod wrote:
13urnzz wrote:
m3thod wrote:
US constitution kinda sucks dick.
no, it's pretty good for a 200+ year old document. it has stood up to interpretation a little better than, say, the bible.
it's the tards that are doing the interpretation that suck dick. and the ones that agree with them that swallow.
Dont care for it. My post is a joke, treat it like so...(a bit like porky did, but Christ something more original)
I will say it did a fine job in National Treasure.
we have a real problem, in America. people trample the 1st amendment on their way to the 2nd. like the bible, people pick and choose what they hold so dear.
has anyone here actually read the bible? the constitution? can anyone actually tell me, with a straight face, that the people that wrote those historical documents foresaw our time and situation?
m3thod, i have no doubt that you know more about America than 99% of Americans who log in. and prolly 100% of the ones who never venture into dast.
your joke is sad, because there is a bit of truth to it.
fuck this, imma get drunk and go back to the junk drawer, where such philosophical diarrhea doesn't get in the way of solid, immature, and mundane matters . . .