Is stealing if they're stolen goods.
You have to go to Riften and one of the missions is to steal a horse from those guys.
Well I guess the mission will be easy now.Superior Mind wrote:
You have to go to Riften and one of the missions is to steal a horse from those guys.
You were supposed to fight on a quest, I guess they're always hostile and existent thoughNaturn wrote:
So i'm doing some exploring on the south east side of Skyrim and I come across these Black-Briar Mercenaries. They just start attacking me for no reason. Kill them all go into their lodge and it say "Steal" such and such. This guys just tried to kill my ass and its stealing...
I look nothing like zique. But yes, the decription you gave may have matched both of us, although 1 point more to uzique because of the coke. But i also look nothing like christian bale face/wise. It really is just the hairstyle/color.Uzique wrote:
who looks absolutely nothing like me facially, hairwise or fashion wise, yes
please finray i know you're scottish and to you anyone in more than 2 pieces of clothing is 'well dressed' and 'yuppie', but you're making yourself look like an idiot
There's only 1 or 2 pictures of me on this forum and from what i remember i wasn't dressed my best on either of them, but i don't think were miles apart fashion wise, given that we both know how to dress well in the eyes of a Scot (not a huge achievement).
Back OT:
My smithing is 100 and i don't think that it breaks the game. It hasn't gotten way too easy or anything.
I'm also running low on large quests. With only 60-ish hours in i odnt want to start doing the main quest yet. But with all the guilds finished it just feels like all theres left to do is run small errands for people.
My smithing is 100 and i don't think that it breaks the game. It hasn't gotten way too easy or anything.
I'm also running low on large quests. With only 60-ish hours in i odnt want to start doing the main quest yet. But with all the guilds finished it just feels like all theres left to do is run small errands for people.
the daedric quests are among the hardest ones ive done.
Funny glitch with the Wounded Soldier in Whiterun … ature=plcp … ature=plcp
All those arrows to the knee...No/Yes wrote:
Funny glitch with the Wounded Soldier in Whiterun … ature=plcp … ature=plcp
Wish I could create a two handed bound sword. Don't like dual wield tbh.

Dual Wield with Elemental Fury = anything dead in mere seconds.
Love my two Daedric Swords
Love my two Daedric Swords
dunno, maybe you are just terrible at the gameKampframmer wrote:
Back OT:
My smithing is 100 and i don't think that it breaks the game. It hasn't gotten way too easy or anything.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
naw it doesn't, but if you get enchanted smithing ring, necklace, gloves and armor + potion, you can make really powerful weapons (only by improvement, base remains the same). Just like me 100 damage sword and bowsKampframmer wrote:
Back OT:
My smithing is 100 and i don't think that it breaks the game. It hasn't gotten way too easy or anything.
I'm also running low on large quests. With only 60-ish hours in i odnt want to start doing the main quest yet. But with all the guilds finished it just feels like all theres left to do is run small errands for people.
i dont enchant shit and my dragonbone armor rating is about 500 and my glass bow does 180 dmg.
100 smithing is OP as fuck.
100 smithing is OP as fuck.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
You can buy a 2h bound battleaxe from the mage in dragonsreach.AussieReaper wrote:
Wish I could create a two handed bound sword. Don't like dual wield tbh.

wtf, I had an ebony bow at 95 smithing that did something like 78 damage.DUnlimited wrote:
my glass bow does 180 dmg.

?DUnlimited wrote:
i dont enchant shit and my dragonbone armor rating is about 500 and my glass bow does 180 dmg.
100 smithing is OP as fuck.
You might have it prepatched because with decked out smithing enchantments i only hit 100 with daedric bows and swords.
could be that you have really really high first level skill points in bows (+100% total).
oh yeah he's using 1.0

fuck that quest, weirded the fuck right out of me considering
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Ysolda says you proposed to someone, and this was the first quest I did after marrying her.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Ysolda says you proposed to someone, and this was the first quest I did after marrying her.

it was quite a lol if i'm honest
i'm gonna go on the daedric side every time, shit's fun.
i'm gonna go on the daedric side every time, shit's fun.

not yet no, I probably would have had I not overwritten my character.