Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

gotta be using Source Engine 2. Graphics look INCREDIBLE.
+354|6312|Vortex Ring State

Poseidon wrote:

http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-20 … l-2/700585

gotta be using Source Engine 2. Graphics look INCREDIBLE.

wikipedia says no.

Valve isn't going to rplace the Source Engine any time soon, most likely it's just a graphics update, like the one TF2 introduced (and nobody called
THAT Source Engine 2)
Eat my bearrrrrrrrrrr, Tonighttt
+163|6030|Vancouver, BC, Canada
It looks really awesome, and I think I might buy it to play the multiplayer because I love playing online co-op, it's fun in BF2 in the times that it happens so in a game that pretty much forces you to voip and work together it must be hella fun.

But I honestly don't think I'll enjoy the campaign too much, it seems like it'd be too complicated to just casually play through as you could with Portal 1.

TheDonkey wrote:

But I honestly don't think I'll enjoy the campaign too much, it seems like it'd be too complicated to just casually play through as you could with Portal 1.
But come on, it's Valve. They've got level design, pacing, and game-mechanic-learning timing down to a science.
A generally unremarkable member
Valve plans to have cross-paltform co-op between PS3 and PC/Mac

Valve's Portal 2 presentation at E3 was packed full of gameplay videos showing off new features and an intriguing story line. While co-op gameplay wasn't shown, Valve developer Erik Johnson did reveal one new bit of info. Valve is planning to allow PS3 players play with PC/Mac players.

When questioned on the cross-compatibility between Steamworks and Steam, specifically playing co-op on a computer with someone on a PS3, he said it was "something the team is gunning for." We also confirmed with Valve developer Mike Dunkle who said "The plan is you will be able to play between console and PC."

What's interesting about this scenario is that it could theoretically be applied to any of Valve's online games, meaning the entire Orange Box and any other games on Steam and consoles.

For Xbox 360 owners, we did inquire whether this was a possibility as well. Johnson commented that there are no current plans to bring Steamworks over to the Xbox 360, as ultimately the ball is in Microsoft's court.
+778|6016|London, UK
fucking hell where's the love for ps3 coming from all of a sudden
Unlike the Xbox, Valve can add whatever they like to the PS3 version of the game. That's all really. It's more open and Valve love openness.

Microsoft won't allow Steamworks, won't allow cross platform play and won't allow constant free updates. Therefore the PS3 version will be vastly superior.

Damn Microsoft.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2010-06-18 05:32:58)


I don't wanna be playing with some kid who can't aim fast enough to put a portal in a critical position after flying through 3 others at 9000 mph.
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

mtb0minime wrote:

I don't wanna be playing with some kid who can't aim fast enough to put a portal in a critical position after flying through 3 others at 9000 mph.
Yeah I can only emagine that coop could end up like that...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
got any popo lolo intersting?

I could only imagine playing coop with people I know

Last edited by DUnlimited (2010-06-18 14:33:02)

main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

DUnlimited wrote:

I could only imagine playing coop with people I know

tbh I'm not sure how it will even work... Will 1 player control the orange portal and the other the blue (considering the robots are holding hands in the demo screenshots)... or will it be side-by-side puzzle rooms...

Anyho' I don't think coop will be the big selling point for Portal 2...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Both players get 2 portals. And i've heard the co-op is great. The difficulty is far higher than the singleplayer as well which sounds promising.

Anyway here's Testchamber 4, back from the dead.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2010-06-18 14:45:12)

+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Both players get 2 portals. And i've heard the co-op is great. The difficulty is far higher than the singleplayer as well which sounds promising.

Anyway here's Testchamber 4, back from the dead.
http://img15.abload.de/img/portal_2_tes … 4_d51l.jpg
More difficult you say?

I didn't even bother trying some of the gold challenges on portal1 since they were basically impossible to do at a human pace..
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7027|Purplicious Wisconsin

Kez wrote:

fucking hell where's the love for ps3 coming from all of a sudden
Unfortunately Microsoft has restrictions for windows live which makes things a pain in the ass.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

War Man wrote:

Kez wrote:

fucking hell where's the love for ps3 coming from all of a sudden
Unfortunately Microsoft has restrictions for windows live which makes things a pain in the ass.
And if what was said earlier is true (MS forcing valve to charge money for updates) I can understand Valve not exactly beeing happy about xbox thanks to MS... concidering valve is one of the developers known to push out updates VERY often and free..
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7027|Purplicious Wisconsin
I know, I hate the greed of Microsoft you can't 100% blame them for it as they're trying to make money, but it still pisses me off.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

War Man wrote:

I know, I hate the greed of Microsoft you can't 100% blame them for it as they're trying to make money, but it still pisses me off.
Yeah, stuff costs money and people need to get paid... but apparently some are better at managing costs than others (e.g. comparing steam and xbox live)

not to mention Valve seems to be one of the few developers these days that have realized where the money they are beeing paid actually comes from.. (and by that I mean the customers)...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me

FloppY_ wrote:

More difficult you say?

I didn't even bother trying some of the gold challenges on portal1 since they were basically impossible to do at a human pace..
The idea behind the 'more difficult' is people are far more open to challenging challenges when there's 2 of them. 2 seperate minds thinking about the problem, and fun and laughs attempting and failing to do it, as opposed to singleplayer where a difficult room would just frustrate you until you stopped playing.

War Man wrote:

I know, I hate the greed of Microsoft you can't 100% blame them for it as they're trying to make money, but it still pisses me off.
I can blame them for it. It's alright trying to make back the money you spend on providing the service, or even try and make a bit of profit in the process, but Microsoft try and squeeze as much as possible from people from every single opportunity. And it works wonderfully because people are idiots.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2010-06-18 16:40:39)

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7027|Purplicious Wisconsin
Did the conquest game mode for Bad Company 1 cost money to get? Did the Mappack from BC1 cost money to get? Can't say it's fucking everything. Also you can blame them but you got to try to see it from their point of view that is why I added the "100%" part in my sentence.

Last edited by War Man (2010-06-18 16:44:26)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Yes they were free. On extremely rare occasions DLC can be free. I don't understand how it happens because Valve seem to be completely unable to get it to happen despite their best efforts, but it happens. Extremely rarely.
Big McLargehuge
Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody
+259|6916|Philadelphia, PA
Portal 2 co-op gameplay detailed.
Players take control of infinitely respawning robots instead of the SP lead protagonist Chell, which Valve said made more sense considering the number of times players will die trying to solve the tricky new puzzles.

As well as speaking, players will be able to place a range of markers on walls to communicate things such as 'place a portal here' or 'stand here' to their partners, assisting them with team work that would otherwise prove tricky with voice communication alone.

Joystiq says that the co-op mode is considerably trickier than the SP gameplay, not only because you have four portals to manage instead of two, but because of a range of new puzzle mechanic that you have to get your head around.

Although it notes that the essence of Portal remains; you build up your knowledge of the range of feats that can be achieved as you work through earlier puzzles, becoming increasingly familiar and comfortable with your abilities as you progress. And puzzles remain to challenge players in ways that make them stop and think of a plan to execute - much like the finales at the end of Left 4 Dead missions.
http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ar … ?id=252793
+1,010|6599|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Big McLargehuge wrote:

Portal 2 co-op gameplay detailed.
Players take control of infinitely respawning robots instead of the SP lead protagonist Chell, which Valve said made more sense considering the number of times players will die trying to solve the tricky new puzzles.

As well as speaking, players will be able to place a range of markers on walls to communicate things such as 'place a portal here' or 'stand here' to their partners, assisting them with team work that would otherwise prove tricky with voice communication alone.

Joystiq says that the co-op mode is considerably trickier than the SP gameplay, not only because you have four portals to manage instead of two, but because of a range of new puzzle mechanic that you have to get your head around.

Although it notes that the essence of Portal remains; you build up your knowledge of the range of feats that can be achieved as you work through earlier puzzles, becoming increasingly familiar and comfortable with your abilities as you progress. And puzzles remain to challenge players in ways that make them stop and think of a plan to execute - much like the finales at the end of Left 4 Dead missions.
http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ar … ?id=252793
Sounds like it'll be a clusterfuck...

and concidering the average player in other valve multiplayer games, the other guy will be as helpfull as gorilla on LSD...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+250|6724|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

FloppY_ wrote:

Big McLargehuge wrote:

Portal 2 co-op gameplay detailed.
Players take control of infinitely respawning robots instead of the SP lead protagonist Chell, which Valve said made more sense considering the number of times players will die trying to solve the tricky new puzzles.

As well as speaking, players will be able to place a range of markers on walls to communicate things such as 'place a portal here' or 'stand here' to their partners, assisting them with team work that would otherwise prove tricky with voice communication alone.

Joystiq says that the co-op mode is considerably trickier than the SP gameplay, not only because you have four portals to manage instead of two, but because of a range of new puzzle mechanic that you have to get your head around.

Although it notes that the essence of Portal remains; you build up your knowledge of the range of feats that can be achieved as you work through earlier puzzles, becoming increasingly familiar and comfortable with your abilities as you progress. And puzzles remain to challenge players in ways that make them stop and think of a plan to execute - much like the finales at the end of Left 4 Dead missions.
http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ar … ?id=252793
Sounds like it'll be a clusterfuck...

and concidering the average player in other valve multiplayer games, the other guy will be as helpfull as gorilla on LSD...
I think I'm only going to trust my friends with this, not random steam people. That's just asking to kill someone.
A generally unremarkable member

SplinterStrike wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Big McLargehuge wrote:

Portal 2 co-op gameplay detailed.

http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ar … ?id=252793
Sounds like it'll be a clusterfuck...

and concidering the average player in other valve multiplayer games, the other guy will be as helpfull as gorilla on LSD...
I think I'm only going to trust my friends with this, not random steam people. That's just asking to kill someone.
Yeah, if I get it, I'd only play coop with you guys (<3), only one of my fiends has Steam. There's no way in hell I'd trust any of my other friends with it since they have no idea what the fuck Portal is.  If I get it for PS3, well...

I wonder if Steamwork for PS3 has your friends list from the PC.

Last edited by henno13 (2010-06-22 03:21:25)

Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6753|Brisbane, Australia

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

War Man wrote:

I know, I hate the greed of Microsoft you can't 100% blame them for it as they're trying to make money, but it still pisses me off.
I can blame them for it. It's alright trying to make back the money you spend on providing the service, or even try and make a bit of profit in the process, but Microsoft try and squeeze as much as possible from people from every single opportunity. And it works wonderfully because people are idiots.
Its a bit much to add this "everything must cost money" thing when they already have people paying to simply use the online features. Its all a big pile of greed, but it wont change until consoles arent sold at a loss (ignoring the Wii) and profit is made from accessories and things like XBL.

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