Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5797|Bolingbrook, Illinois

PrivateVendetta wrote:

lrishpride wrote:

Man fuck the day after leg days. I've been walking around at half pace all day looking like theres something up my ass
Fuck the evening after leg days, they still feel wobbly.
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6469|Vancouver | Canada
Things I've learned from P90x:
I fail at pushups.
I'm a lot less flexible than I thought.
Shadowboxing is fun as hell.
Un Moderador

DefCon-17 wrote:

Things I've learned from P90x:
I fail at pushups.
I'm a lot less flexible than I thought.
Shadowboxing is fun as hell.
You'd be surprised at how many people actually fail to do correct push ups... The shit you see guys doing probably isn't correct. Doing proper push ups is one hell of a task, and maintaining your posture throughout and not just collapsing is very hard to do.

Same goes with chin ups. If you can manage something like 20 correct chin ups (assuming you weight more than 70kg) then that's one hell of a job.

Also, as promised (sorry it took so long, but I could never get a decent enough picture and the lighting in my house fails) a picture of me.


My arms have decreased in size significantly but toned up massively - I can't do the most demanding of curls due to my muscle knot. My abs were pretty much non-existent 4 months ago. My current aim is just tone up and get healthy, as putting on weight is a bit too easy for me (I've had to lose some to get the abs, not I need to put it back on on my arms and shoulders).

Pecs look poor simply because of my stance, I believe. I'm not bending around to get another pic though I will do one the day before I head to Spain (3 weeks).
Looking damn good zimmer man. Ive been looking about online for a few days now for a good serious workout program that doesn't use a barbell. Im already a member of this gym you see that has everything except a barbell. Which is very annoying but until i get the money to join another gym i want to get started. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
Un Moderador

White-Fusion wrote:

Looking damn good zimmer man. Ive been looking about online for a few days now for a good serious workout program that doesn't use a barbell. Im already a member of this gym you see that has everything except a barbell. Which is very annoying but until i get the money to join another gym i want to get started. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
Wait, a gym doesn't have a barbell? What kind of fucked up gym is this? Haha.

Eh, post up your workout and what you want to achieve and we can go from there

There are alternatives to barbell exercises, but tbh... it's the best for both pecs and biceps, so you're seriously losing out.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5797|Bolingbrook, Illinois
Just wondering, what body fat percentage should I aim for?

HaiBai wrote:

Just wondering, what body fat percentage should I aim for?
aim for cabbage.
Whats my age again?
+91|6666|Troy, New York

HaiBai wrote:

Just wondering, what body fat percentage should I aim for?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

HaiBai wrote:

Just wondering, what body fat percentage should I aim for?
no lower than 9%. Your vital organs are protected by a layer of fat and any lower endangers them.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Say wat!?

m3thod wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

Just wondering, what body fat percentage should I aim for?
no lower than 9%. Your vital organs are protected by a layer of fat and any lower endangers them.
any way of measuring that anyway?
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5797|Bolingbrook, Illinois

m3thod wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

Just wondering, what body fat percentage should I aim for?
no lower than 9%. Your vital organs are protected by a layer of fat and any lower endangers them.
er, sorry, this is inaccurate.
Looking for my Scooper

HaiBai wrote:

m3thod wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

Just wondering, what body fat percentage should I aim for?
no lower than 9%. Your vital organs are protected by a layer of fat and any lower endangers them.
er, sorry, this is inaccurate.
First time I'm going to agree with HaiBai

Zimmer wrote:

White-Fusion wrote:

Looking damn good zimmer man. Ive been looking about online for a few days now for a good serious workout program that doesn't use a barbell. Im already a member of this gym you see that has everything except a barbell. Which is very annoying but until i get the money to join another gym i want to get started. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
Wait, a gym doesn't have a barbell? What kind of fucked up gym is this? Haha.

Eh, post up your workout and what you want to achieve and we can go from there

There are alternatives to barbell exercises, but tbh... it's the best for both pecs and biceps, so you're seriously losing out.
Ah right cheers man. Its just for say 3 months until i join another gym. The workout program i am following is arnels 16 week muscle building program. Its a good free program but i am looking for something that is maybe a bit more mass building. I cant link you right now but if you know what program or you can link me to the page on this thread that i should do ill do it 100%. Im about 150 pounds. 5 foot 8. So thin sorta average height. Just tell me what to do.
HaiBai, a few pages back you was going on like you knew it all. And now you have to come and ask about body fat...
Can anyone recommend some good stretches for the upper back?
Un Moderador

White-Fusion wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

White-Fusion wrote:

Looking damn good zimmer man. Ive been looking about online for a few days now for a good serious workout program that doesn't use a barbell. Im already a member of this gym you see that has everything except a barbell. Which is very annoying but until i get the money to join another gym i want to get started. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
Wait, a gym doesn't have a barbell? What kind of fucked up gym is this? Haha.

Eh, post up your workout and what you want to achieve and we can go from there

There are alternatives to barbell exercises, but tbh... it's the best for both pecs and biceps, so you're seriously losing out.
Ah right cheers man. Its just for say 3 months until i join another gym. The workout program i am following is arnels 16 week muscle building program. Its a good free program but i am looking for something that is maybe a bit more mass building. I cant link you right now but if you know what program or you can link me to the page on this thread that i should do ill do it 100%. Im about 150 pounds. 5 foot 8. So thin sorta average height. Just tell me what to do.
What you're probably missing from your workout regime is a proper diet.

If you want to gain mass and get big (note: not tone up, there's a large difference) then you need to eat BIG.

- Eat every 3 hours
- Have at least 3 large meals
- Eat starchy foods like pasta/rice etc
- Eat wholemeal stuff
- Don't eat junk food
- Don't drink alcohol - or only allow it once a week
- Eat lots of protein - if you can't manage foodstuff then get protein shakes, I recommend Gaspari MyoFusion or Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey.
- Eat lots of veg - not so many fruits due to the high amounts of sugar in them, but fruits 3 times a week or so. Berries and shit, great anti-oxidants.

Now, if you want to tone up and gain mass but slower and not gain any "weight" per se, then ignore my "eat starchy foods" comment. Eat carbs ONLY after a workout and don't eat them breakfast/lunch or dinner (i.e. no bread, no pasta etc. If you want a good post workout shake, you can go for PHD Nutrition Synergy Iso-7, fantastic shit). This should only be read if you don't want to gain mass fast.

As for your workout - Workout 3x a week, intensive. Until your muscles fail. As you want to get big, you want to focus on muscle hypertophy (more reps, less sets) so an example workout for day 1

Chest, Shoulders, Abs
- Warm up
- 3x12 Dumbbell bench press ( this would be the equivalent of a bench press, it is still just as good because it also helps with your core as you need to keep individual weights balanced)
- 3x12 Dumbbell incline flys
- 3xMAX push ups (MAX here referring to when your body literally fails to do another one)
- 3x10 normal dumbbell flys
- 1x3 MAX rep on any of the above (except push ups of course)
- Ab workout - This can be a lot of things, I will post my ab workout at the bottom of this for anybody interested
- 3x10 Lateral Raise
- 3x10 Dumbbell shoulder press
- 3xMAX pull ups - this is going to be hard if you don't have a decent core and a lot of strength. If you can't do them properly, do reverse pull ups (start from the top finish at the bottom) or do quick ones, where you push yourself off. This isn't cheating, it gets you in the right form to continue and then do them properly.
- 3x10 Dumbbell shrug - pretty much the same as barbell shrug, but as you don't have a barbell, need to use this.
- 3x10 Dumbbell Front Shoulder Raises

and finish off with 5x5 Squats - this is assuming you have squat bar. This should be done after every exercise as it probably the best exercise you can do. It's an all body workout and definitely something you should concentrate on. Make sure your form is correct when doing them, or you could seriously damage yourself.


For Biceps, triceps you can do exercises like Hammer curls, dumbbell curls, tricep extensions, kickbacks, preacher curls (if you have a preacher pad), chin ups (these are different from pull ups).

Mix it up every two weeks. So say you do shoulders and chest Monday and Friday, and Wednesday is Biceps and tris - change it after two weeks to Chest and Biceps, Shoulders and Tris and Chest and Biceps, and so on.

Note I haven't mentioned legs, and this is because I'd expect you to do squats every workout (which should be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, all others are rest days). I haven't been able to do proper leg exercises for a while due to my posture (not going into the details of it) which is why I can't help you a lot in that part. Ask Sonder about that, and then adapt my workout program to include legs (bin shoulders on Friday to replace with legs, or chest, depends on what you think looks nicest).

For abs workout, my abs have gotten this developed over a period of 2 months, where I ONLY do reverse crunches (youtube vid them) and trust me... They are the best exercise to do for your abs. They kill them. I can't get past 3x12 of them whilst keeping proper form. Before that I did an 8 minute ab workout which included bicycle crunches, side crunches, crunches, head raises, twisted crunches.... That probably helped my current abs due to it working off a bit of the fat and rounding them off - But I've seen the greatest improvement (as can be seen by the pic) from simple reverse crunches.

Also, you can do abs every day, I recommend that, as they aren't like your other muscles groups where they need 48 hours of rest. They should be worked to the max if you want solid results.
Say wat!?
Zimzer I find inclined crunches with a 7kg weight behind the head incredibly effective at killing the stomach.

Also squats every workout? Perhaps dead lifts every workout, but even that doesn't seem right.
Thanks so much for that man. Will have a proper in depth look at the workout later on. Its looking good though. Thanks for all the info on food. I have read alot of info over the last 12 months on muscle building so i know the importance of eating big its more im needing a detailed program that doesn't use a barbell. Thanks very much man!
Say wat!?
join a gym that isn't a joke, seriously. Every gym should have a bar bell/ez bar and a hammer bar.
It works out at 5 pound a month and i joined it when i wasn't 100% committed to this. I cant change for a few months as i just cant afford it.
Also i wonder how much it costs averagely to eat big week
Un Moderador

Vilham wrote:

Zimzer I find inclined crunches with a 7kg weight behind the head incredibly effective at killing the stomach.

Also squats every workout? Perhaps dead lifts every workout, but even that doesn't seem right.
Read a couple of pages back. I quoted from several very well known workout programs and books that squats ARE A MUST.

Incline crunches are still not as effective as a reverse crunch - I did incline crunches with my 8 minute ab workout, and although they killed them, they weren't as effective... Just look at my pic, that's not even 8 weeks of JUST reverse crunches. I can fucking hold a pencil in between each ab muscle, that's how deep they are.

Deadlifts are also good, but only 1x5 every 2nd workout or so.

White-Fusion: Eating big isn't expensive, not when you couple it with protein shakes (I've already given you my recommendations on that).

For example, breakfast:
3 eggs, spinach and a protein shake
10:30 snack - Big bag of nuts and water
Lunch - Tin of tuna/Tin of sardines, pot of cottage cheese and 12 tomatoes
Post-workout meal - Can just be a shake, like Synergy Iso-7, make sure you intake carbs.
Dinner - 2 chicken breasts and a big portion of green beans
Pre-bed snack - Berries and cottage cheese

Fish oil and the sort is also very important. Bananas are a great source of energy.

If you want to be even more productive, get a blender and do blended stuff, there's a great post about home made blends here:
http://stronglifts.com/forum/good-smoot … 13687.html

It doesn't cost me much to eat big, and fuck do I eat a lot.
Un Moderador

Also, White-Fusion, it might be cheaper to set up your own gym equipment at home if you have the space.

A decent bench and barbell costs around £120 and a set of dumbbells £40-70 (depending on the weights).

I'd certainly look into that. You can also buy the JML workout bar thingy that you can do chin ups and pull ups on.
Looking for my Scooper
So Zimm, Rev Crunches is the only ab exercise you do?

How do you hit your side abs then?
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Jebus wrote:

So Zimm, Rev Crunches is the only ab exercise you do?

How do you hit your side abs then?
My obliques are pretty solid atm, because of my 8 minute workout before. Bicycle crunches, twist crunches and oblique twists are what you can do to get those love handles under control. Not too hard.

You can also twist your reverse crunch to achieve that.

Basically, I'm about to switch it up a bit and do both the 8 minute and the reverse crunches on alternate days (starting tomorrow) to see if it's any more effective.

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