Is not a place we should be spending lives and treasure on.
It is an unfixable shithole. Who cares what the Islamic fanatics do to each other?
It is time we declare victory or apathy and gtfo.
I don't care about finding OBL anymore. He is a boogyman.
Anybody who thinks that their thinking and way of life can be changed is wrong. So, we didn't find OBL, who cares?
Lob a few tons of bombs and then warn them that any terrorism outside their own borders, especially those directed against us will result in carpet bombing.
This perpetual war is getting boring.
You think the Russians aren't assisting the militants? By staying in pukistan we are playing into the russians hands. Think they've forgotten the Stinger missiles we gave the Muj?
This is a epic waste of time, soldiers and energy. These people will never change, and who gives a flying fuck anyway if they do or don't. … of-empires
It is an unfixable shithole. Who cares what the Islamic fanatics do to each other?
It is time we declare victory or apathy and gtfo.
I don't care about finding OBL anymore. He is a boogyman.
Anybody who thinks that their thinking and way of life can be changed is wrong. So, we didn't find OBL, who cares?
Lob a few tons of bombs and then warn them that any terrorism outside their own borders, especially those directed against us will result in carpet bombing.
This perpetual war is getting boring.
You think the Russians aren't assisting the militants? By staying in pukistan we are playing into the russians hands. Think they've forgotten the Stinger missiles we gave the Muj?
This is a epic waste of time, soldiers and energy. These people will never change, and who gives a flying fuck anyway if they do or don't. … of-empires