Finray wrote:
I'd say American Football.
Yes, let's take Rugby, put shoulder pads on, and ram into each other @ full speed.
Honestly its pretty physical from the players, even with pads.
And the fact that they stop every play to set up moves demands a shit ton of strategy from the coach. In some ways almost like planning a bunch of little mini wars.
I am not a fan but if you wanna talk about sports that don't require physical and mental dexterity your pretty far off.
ph1shman420 wrote:
Stingray24 wrote:
S3v3N wrote:
Ha. Have you walked a full 18 hole course lately? You'll feel like you've done a full workout after all those swings and walking.
try it and get back to us
Honestly, there are carts, and caddies carry the bags. I wouldn't call it extremely physical... its just walking around.
BUT he said physical AND mental, and golf is pretty mentally challenging. Your launching a tiny ball really really fucking far on a variety of surfaces. There is A LOT to account for and a lot of corrections to be made. It is definitely a thoughtful game.
I am going to have to go with baseball. Maybe because I don't understand it at that well and there is little strong physical activity to point at (throwing or hitting as hard as the do takes muscle, but I wouldn't consider it ovely physical as its one brief act that lasts less then a second.)
Sure they have to pitch one way to one guy and a different way to another, and depending on how they hit you may have to move the field around... but its not really the complex strategy or plays you see in many other sports.
People who say any racing have obviously never been in a race car. Its fucking strenuous, My POS little car is enough to pull muscles.I never considered it a sport or saw it as physical until I started doing it.