This guy, whom I shall henceforwrd refer to as presidnt Urkel, needs some skillz. The man shows how he really feels about Americas place on the ladder by bowing to the Saudi King.
Notice urkel is the only one to bow;
Does this guy not have advisors that tell him it is unpresidential to refuse a gift from the Queen of England? That giving her a ipod is lame? That you don't fucking bow to a Saudi King?
This is amature hour. The guy is a clown.
He never ran a business. Never held a leadership position in politics. He was absent from most votes, or voted president while senator. He never chaired a corporate board.
We all know it is government that caused the financial meltdown, either through lack of regulation, market manipulation or asleep at the switchism.
We all know government underestimates the cost of their ideas by a minimum factor of four.
Yet, only government can solve a crysis of this magnitude, he says.
And the Turks.
Newsmen reporting on Obama in blackface? ceral?
Notice urkel is the only one to bow;
Does this guy not have advisors that tell him it is unpresidential to refuse a gift from the Queen of England? That giving her a ipod is lame? That you don't fucking bow to a Saudi King?
This is amature hour. The guy is a clown.
He never ran a business. Never held a leadership position in politics. He was absent from most votes, or voted president while senator. He never chaired a corporate board.
We all know it is government that caused the financial meltdown, either through lack of regulation, market manipulation or asleep at the switchism.
We all know government underestimates the cost of their ideas by a minimum factor of four.
Yet, only government can solve a crysis of this magnitude, he says.
And the Turks.
Newsmen reporting on Obama in blackface? ceral?