ATG wrote:
Do you have one?
That empty space in your heart that nothing can fill.
What comfort does the atheist offer?
What knowledge we agnostics can purvey?
These questions trouble me.
Believe me sir, the atheist offers no comfort.
Comfort is the sole reason one goes to god.
I will not speak for everyone, but i feel the atheist offers a feeling of pride and freedom. It turns morality into a choice, and those whom choose to keep morality even while not at smite-point, are the people i want to see advance in society.
Agnostics are not the speakers of knowledge, they are those who decide not to choose.
ATG, the unknown is scary. Un-answerable questions cause such frustration, i know. But when you look at the big picture, the imprint you've left on man-kind, the children you have made, the people you have helped.