5 passed out girls means zombie gang-bang
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Looking for my Scooper
Ok guys, this is going to sound weird, but whatever.
There's a girl I met on summer camp that actually goes to my school too. We're good friends, and I hope there will be more later, but we'll see. All I know right now is that we're getting along fine and I feel comfortable with her:) A while back we went to the movies, we saw Brüno, maybe a bad choice, because it's very.. ,well, gay... No problem though, we had a lot of laughs and it was a great time. Yesterday she gave me a gift she told me a while ago she'd make. I'll try to describe what she made. Basically it's an A4 with a large brüno in the middle with the words (in pink) Brüno 'heart'.

Anyway (not sure why I gave a complete description, but meh ) So yeah, she wanted me to put it in my school diary, which I did. Now I'm the proud owner of the probably most-gayest school diary on my school. Now she wants me to make her something too(which she can put in hers). But I have absolutely zero inspiration.

I needs halp guys
+2,187|6713|Mountains of NC

Jebus wrote:

Ok guys, this is going to sound weird, but whatever.
There's a girl I met on summer camp that actually goes to my school too. We're good friends, and I hope there will be more later, but we'll see. All I know right now is that we're getting along fine and I feel comfortable with her:) A while back we went to the movies, we saw Brüno, maybe a bad choice, because it's very.. ,well, gay... No problem though, we had a lot of laughs and it was a great time. Yesterday she gave me a gift she told me a while ago she'd make. I'll try to describe what she made. Basically it's an A4 with a large brüno in the middle with the words (in pink) Brüno 'heart'.

Anyway (not sure why I gave a complete description, but meh ) So yeah, she wanted me to put it in my school diary, which I did. Now I'm the proud owner of the probably most-gayest school diary on my school. Now she wants me to make her something too(which she can put in hers). But I have absolutely zero inspiration.

I needs halp guys
look ......................... gays attract girls like bears to honey ............ leave it in your diary ( if you thought putting some bruno thing was gay, you may need to rethink about having a diary )
Looking for my Scooper


Jebus wrote:

Ok guys, this is going to sound weird, but whatever.
There's a girl I met on summer camp that actually goes to my school too. We're good friends, and I hope there will be more later, but we'll see. All I know right now is that we're getting along fine and I feel comfortable with her:) A while back we went to the movies, we saw Brüno, maybe a bad choice, because it's very.. ,well, gay... No problem though, we had a lot of laughs and it was a great time. Yesterday she gave me a gift she told me a while ago she'd make. I'll try to describe what she made. Basically it's an A4 with a large brüno in the middle with the words (in pink) Brüno 'heart'.

Anyway (not sure why I gave a complete description, but meh ) So yeah, she wanted me to put it in my school diary, which I did. Now I'm the proud owner of the probably most-gayest school diary on my school. Now she wants me to make her something too(which she can put in hers). But I have absolutely zero inspiration.

I needs halp guys
look ......................... gays attract girls like bears to honey ............ leave it in your diary ( if you thought putting some bruno thing was gay, you may need to rethink about having a diary )
Oh, I might not have explained this properly. You must have a school diary here, you're give them by the school (last year of 'highschool', im 17).
Just so you know, I'm not gay I've put it in my diary (I'm not sure if I'm actually giving this the right name..) and I will leave it there, now I just need to make her something
+2,187|6713|Mountains of NC

Jebus wrote:


Jebus wrote:

Ok guys, this is going to sound weird, but whatever.
There's a girl I met on summer camp that actually goes to my school too. We're good friends, and I hope there will be more later, but we'll see. All I know right now is that we're getting along fine and I feel comfortable with her:) A while back we went to the movies, we saw Brüno, maybe a bad choice, because it's very.. ,well, gay... No problem though, we had a lot of laughs and it was a great time. Yesterday she gave me a gift she told me a while ago she'd make. I'll try to describe what she made. Basically it's an A4 with a large brüno in the middle with the words (in pink) Brüno 'heart'.

Anyway (not sure why I gave a complete description, but meh ) So yeah, she wanted me to put it in my school diary, which I did. Now I'm the proud owner of the probably most-gayest school diary on my school. Now she wants me to make her something too(which she can put in hers). But I have absolutely zero inspiration.

I needs halp guys
look ......................... gays attract girls like bears to honey ............ leave it in your diary ( if you thought putting some bruno thing was gay, you may need to rethink about having a diary )
Oh, I might not have explained this properly. You must have a school diary here, you're give them by the school (last year of 'highschool', im 17).
Just so you know, I'm not gay I've put it in my diary (I'm not sure if I'm actually giving this the right name..) and I will leave it there, now I just need to make her something
fkn tease
+3,611|6766|London, England
just go at it with her like an animal in the middle of the school gymnasium, that'll prove to everyone, and her, that you're not gay
+521|6884|Toronto | Canada

Jebus wrote:


Jebus wrote:

Ok guys, this is going to sound weird, but whatever.
There's a girl I met on summer camp that actually goes to my school too. We're good friends, and I hope there will be more later, but we'll see. All I know right now is that we're getting along fine and I feel comfortable with her:) A while back we went to the movies, we saw Brüno, maybe a bad choice, because it's very.. ,well, gay... No problem though, we had a lot of laughs and it was a great time. Yesterday she gave me a gift she told me a while ago she'd make. I'll try to describe what she made. Basically it's an A4 with a large brüno in the middle with the words (in pink) Brüno 'heart'.

Anyway (not sure why I gave a complete description, but meh ) So yeah, she wanted me to put it in my school diary, which I did. Now I'm the proud owner of the probably most-gayest school diary on my school. Now she wants me to make her something too(which she can put in hers). But I have absolutely zero inspiration.

I needs halp guys
look ......................... gays attract girls like bears to honey ............ leave it in your diary ( if you thought putting some bruno thing was gay, you may need to rethink about having a diary )
Oh, I might not have explained this properly. You must have a school diary here, you're give them by the school (last year of 'highschool', im 17).
Just so you know, I'm not gay I've put it in my diary (I'm not sure if I'm actually giving this the right name..) and I will leave it there, now I just need to make her something
I think agenda is the right word
Say wat!?

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

I'd say so. Just don't freak out about it.

I guess I should consider myself lucky both my girlfriend and I are most likely going to college in NYC.
Very lucky. It'll be a miracle if we can stay together for three years at 2400 miles apart, and then four years either the same amount apart or much closer. Hopefully the latter (e.g. her going to college in Cali, or me going to grad school/working near wherever she goes to college).

Fuck, I really want to go to college and have fun and learn shit but I also just wanna be done with all this schooling so I can finally settle down and never have to deal with moving from friends and family again.
You're planning that far ahead? Hate to break it to you hombre but school "flings" rarely last and you should be using your next 3 years to have fun rather than being pinned down by a girl 3000 miles away. The majority of couples I know who went to university with the intention of staying together broke up a couple weeks after freshers. My advice is break it off before you go and casually hook up with her on holidays. That way you can have fun at uni and away. I'm a fucking genius.

so I can finally settle down and never have to deal with moving from friends and family again.
Dude you're young-settling down? I personally dread the day I'll have to settle down and not be able to do exactly what I want when I want. Go places, experience the world. You only live once.
so true. Pay attention hurri

Your relationship won't last 3000 miles and if you force yourself to maintain it you are just gunna have a shit time at uni. Uni is quite literally the best time of your life. Don't waste it.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6925|Great Brown North

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Jebus wrote:


look ......................... gays attract girls like bears to honey ............ leave it in your diary ( if you thought putting some bruno thing was gay, you may need to rethink about having a diary )
Oh, I might not have explained this properly. You must have a school diary here, you're give them by the school (last year of 'highschool', im 17).
Just so you know, I'm not gay I've put it in my diary (I'm not sure if I'm actually giving this the right name..) and I will leave it there, now I just need to make her something
I think agenda is the right word
man i fucking hated those things
Looking for my Scooper

krazed wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Jebus wrote:

Oh, I might not have explained this properly. You must have a school diary here, you're give them by the school (last year of 'highschool', im 17).
Just so you know, I'm not gay I've put it in my diary (I'm not sure if I'm actually giving this the right name..) and I will leave it there, now I just need to make her something
I think agenda is the right word
man i fucking hated those things
Oh right, that's actually how it's called in Dutch too lol.. Fail

So yeah, I still need some ideas on what to make her
Pony Slaystation
+343|6854|Charlie One Alpha


Jebus wrote:

Ok guys, this is going to sound weird, but whatever.
There's a girl I met on summer camp that actually goes to my school too. We're good friends, and I hope there will be more later, but we'll see. All I know right now is that we're getting along fine and I feel comfortable with her:) A while back we went to the movies, we saw Brüno, maybe a bad choice, because it's very.. ,well, gay... No problem though, we had a lot of laughs and it was a great time. Yesterday she gave me a gift she told me a while ago she'd make. I'll try to describe what she made. Basically it's an A4 with a large brüno in the middle with the words (in pink) Brüno 'heart'.

Anyway (not sure why I gave a complete description, but meh ) So yeah, she wanted me to put it in my school diary, which I did. Now I'm the proud owner of the probably most-gayest school diary on my school. Now she wants me to make her something too(which she can put in hers). But I have absolutely zero inspiration.

I needs halp guys
look ......................... gays attract girls like bears to honey ............ leave it in your diary ( if you thought putting some bruno thing was gay, you may need to rethink about having a diary )
Ain't that the fucking truth.

While we're on the subject -- I think homosexuality is the best kept-secret of modern times. The secret is that it doesn't exist.
Homosexuality, is, in fact, the single greatest way ever invented to pick up women. As SERE said, chicks dig gays. Furthermore, as a gay, you can comfortably hang out in women's changing rooms unmolested. Heck, girls will even ask you to help. You may even have sex with women. They won't mind; you're gay, so it doesn't mean anything. Apparently having sex with a gay man doesn't really count as having sex. It's the same as girls making out with their friends. You can be one of them. You can join in the lesbo-erotic pillow fights.

And best of all - other men won't mind when you hang out with their girlfriends. After all, you're just a fag. You won't even get beaten up for groping a dude's chick, as long as you're flamboyant enough for said dude to realize you're a flaming faggot.

Other men won't see you as a threat and won't try to compete with you. Women won't mind if you accidentally have your penis out at an opportune moment. You do the math.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
+139|5571|Dublin, Ireland

Remember that date I was telling you about a few pages back, she's just text me and told me she has a free house and wanted to know if I wanted to stay the night.

Man I love me.
Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5569|Athens, GA
pic or gtfo
+139|5571|Dublin, Ireland

ph1shman420 wrote:

pic or gtfo
I'll have some Monday morning

Oisín<3 wrote:


Remember that date I was telling you about a few pages back, she's just text me and told me she has a free house and wanted to know if I wanted to stay the night.

Man I love me.
quoth myself

dont all cheap irish slags go down on the first date?

this is just an epilogue
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Free Sam, Ban Finray.
+418|5569|Athens, GA

Oisín<3 wrote:

ph1shman420 wrote:

pic or gtfo
I'll have some Monday morning
then you can fly me in a chopper while i fap to it? sick
+139|5571|Dublin, Ireland

Uzique wrote:

Oisín<3 wrote:


Remember that date I was telling you about a few pages back, she's just text me and told me she has a free house and wanted to know if I wanted to stay the night.

Man I love me.
quoth myself

dont all cheap irish slags go down on the first date?

this is just an epilogue
She's really not cheap haha, you should see where I'm taking her to dinner

And I don't expect sex the first night, but yeah... Shit will happen

where are you taking her to dinner? kfc?

impress me
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Nah dude, Burger King, it's the classy mans McDonalds.
+139|5571|Dublin, Ireland

Uzique wrote:

where are you taking her to dinner? kfc?

impress me
I don't know what the name of it is, my mum booked it for me. She told me I better bring my savings to pay for it though xD
Little BaBy JESUS
Mick's family BBQ barn.

I'll put $5 on it.
Wiki Contributor

Oisín<3 wrote:

Uzique wrote:

where are you taking her to dinner? kfc?

impress me
I don't know what the name of it is, my mum booked it for me. She told me I better bring my savings to pay for it though xD
McDonalds it is

i thought you were actually being a suave gentleman oisin, i was really surprised. get out your expensive cufflinks and bespoke suit! but instead your mum has booked you a table at the local diner... haha, oh
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+139|5571|Dublin, Ireland

Uzique wrote:


i thought you were actually being a suave gentleman oisin, i was really surprised. get out your expensive cufflinks and bespoke suit! but instead your mum has booked you a table at the local diner... haha, oh
Umm, it's not a local diner. The restaurant is called 'Sapphires' and servers oriental style-food.

And no, I'm not wearing a suit, just a shirt
Wiki Contributor

don't forget your pants

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