U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6637|Gogledd Cymru

Gooners wrote:

The Sheriff wrote:

but a bitch ain't one
too late oli, take that u northen cunt
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
since when was gooners a frenchie?

Last edited by m3thod (2008-12-04 13:22:35)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6637|Gogledd Cymru

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

The Sheriff wrote:

Frozen frogs?
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6864|Riva, MD

Gooners wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

99 problems
but a bitch aint one

Scratch what I said about mild, I'm a textbook case of Aspergers according to this:
Wiki Contributor

Superior Mind wrote:

The Sheriff wrote:

Frozen frogs?

Spoiler (highlight to read):
i lol'd
+108|6890|In the hills

Nintendogamer wrote:

i've never had a girlfriend and im 17, its fucking annoying, maybe girls just don't like me???? im doomed to die a virgin.
I've never had a "girlfriend", I prefer friends with benefits.  The whole dating thing just kinda scares me I admit, but I just don't like it either.  Just find some girls that will let you hang out with them, get them really drunk... success.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5849|College Park, MD

_j5689_ wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

I don't actually do anything other than play videogames and do computer stuff so that's part of the reason why it's so hard.  She didn't even look at me today.
This is gonna sound harsh, but I don't actually mean to insult you or your lifestyle. BUT:
If all you do is play games n other computer stuff, you wont just struggle with women, you will struggle in life.
Both females and employers look for people with life skills; such as teamwork, ability to perform under pressure, able to communicate and many other things. By limiting your life to just computers, you really are limiting the potential of your life.
If you want to succeed with girls, you need to change your image. Playing videogames is fine in MODERATION. You've got to bring other stuff into your life, sports, gym, art, whatever!

How old are you? Cos it sounds like you're still fairly young, but you need to change your lifestyle
I'm 16.

Yeah I know my lifestyle is terrible but I don't have as much fun doing anything else

I do actually have bad ability to operate under pressure and to communicate with my voice. (I have mild Aspergers Syndrome)

When I talk it sometimes either comes out monotome or sarcastic or just plain sounding like an ass when I don't intend to.
That's what used to happen to me. I only recently (read: in the past year) started changing my ways, from gaming 24/7 to actually talking to people and being somewhat social.

I only regret that I hadn't started sooner (e.g. in 9th grade instead of the middle of 11th grade).
+108|6890|In the hills

_j5689_ wrote:

I don't actually do anything other than play videogames and do computer stuff so that's part of the reason why it's so hard.  She didn't even look at me today.
Although this kinda contradicts Bennis Boy and Zimmer's advice, but just talk to her, get to know her and dont give a damn what you are talking about.  There has to be SOMETHING in the world that at least interests you, even if you don't actually do it.  All im trying to say is that doing nothing at all will get you no where, just do something.
Un Moderador

specops10-4 wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

I don't actually do anything other than play videogames and do computer stuff so that's part of the reason why it's so hard.  She didn't even look at me today.
Although this kinda contradicts Bennis Boy and Zimmer's advice, but just talk to her, get to know her and dont give a damn what you are talking about.  There has to be SOMETHING in the world that at least interests you, even if you don't actually do it.  All im trying to say is that doing nothing at all will get you no where, just do something.
Doesn't contradict it at all. I would recommend that, but whilst you do that, vary your lifestyle as well.
+718|6668|Austin, Texas
Protip: Talking about gaming outside of the internet/in private with close friends = fail. Just don't mention it. If someone asks you, don't deny it, but don't say "HAI I GO HOME AND LEVEL MY WARCRAFT DRAGONHIDE ARMOR" even if you do.

The reason: Nobody cares. It's likely nobody will even understand. You look like a babbling nerd that has no social ability. Again, even if it's true, don't be flagrant about it. I cringe every time I hear about how you go home and play with your pokemons or your magic cards or whatever. In my mind, it's an instant social dismissal.

Protip 2 (related): Pick up a non-nerdy hobby. Preferably athletic-related. Even jogging or weightlifting. Play football outside with your friends. Fix up old cars. Learn how to make things. Learn to cook (<---- !!!).

The reason: You now have something to talk about! In addition, you now have a worthy quality. Athletics will a) trim you down or b) build you up. Learning to cook is apparently a very good attribute (TBH women die over a good home-made meal).

@J56 - That doesn't mean change who you are. You can still enjoy gaming and whatnot - hell, I do. Very few people know that I do - I don't deny it, but I don't tell the cute girl in the back that I level'd up and got a 50cal to pwn nubz. I play sports and keep in shape, and I make people laugh. Other than having something to chat about, stay confident. Don't think "oh that girl is out of my league". I'm very average looking and the best looking girl in my class (of almost 500) practically asked ME to a dance.

Final tip: Don't be needy. Especially if you start to get along with a girl, don't go and stand by her every second, don't text her every time you think you want to. Space is good, and given enough, they'll start to tug back.

The Sheriff wrote:

but a bitch ain't one
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6869|Sydney, Australia

MadKatter wrote:

Protip 2 (related): Pick up a non-nerdy hobby. Preferably athletic-related. Even jogging or weightlifting. Play football outside with your friends. Fix up old cars. Learn how to make things. Learn to cook (<---- !!!).

The reason: You now have something to talk about! In addition, you now have a worthy quality. Athletics will a) trim you down or b) build you up. Learning to cook is apparently a very good attribute (TBH women die over a good home-made meal).
Agreed. Learn to cook! It's not only impressive, but also you know... a life skill.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6864|Riva, MD

mcminty wrote:

MadKatter wrote:

Protip 2 (related): Pick up a non-nerdy hobby. Preferably athletic-related. Even jogging or weightlifting. Play football outside with your friends. Fix up old cars. Learn how to make things. Learn to cook (<---- !!!).

The reason: You now have something to talk about! In addition, you now have a worthy quality. Athletics will a) trim you down or b) build you up. Learning to cook is apparently a very good attribute (TBH women die over a good home-made meal).
Agreed. Learn to cook! It's not only impressive, but also you know... a life skill.
I know how to make hard-boiled eggs but that's pretty much it for the stove, lol
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6869|Sydney, Australia

_j5689_ wrote:

mcminty wrote:

MadKatter wrote:

Protip 2 (related): Pick up a non-nerdy hobby. Preferably athletic-related. Even jogging or weightlifting. Play football outside with your friends. Fix up old cars. Learn how to make things. Learn to cook (<---- !!!).

The reason: You now have something to talk about! In addition, you now have a worthy quality. Athletics will a) trim you down or b) build you up. Learning to cook is apparently a very good attribute (TBH women die over a good home-made meal).
Agreed. Learn to cook! It's not only impressive, but also you know... a life skill.
I know how to make hard-boiled eggs but that's pretty much it for the stove, lol
Thar's your problem.   But seriously tho, ask your parents if you can learn how to cook/help cook dinner a few times a week.

MadKatter wrote:

Protip: Talking about gaming outside of the internet/in private with close friends = fail. Just don't mention it. If someone asks you, don't deny it, but don't say "HAI I GO HOME AND LEVEL MY WARCRAFT DRAGONHIDE ARMOR" even if you do.

The reason: Nobody cares. It's likely nobody will even understand. You look like a babbling nerd that has no social ability. Again, even if it's true, don't be flagrant about it. I cringe every time I hear about how you go home and play with your pokemons or your magic cards or whatever. In my mind, it's an instant social dismissal.

Protip 2 (related): Pick up a non-nerdy hobby. Preferably athletic-related. Even jogging or weightlifting. Play football outside with your friends. Fix up old cars. Learn how to make things. Learn to cook (<---- !!!).

The reason: You now have something to talk about! In addition, you now have a worthy quality. Athletics will a) trim you down or b) build you up. Learning to cook is apparently a very good attribute (TBH women die over a good home-made meal).

@J56 - That doesn't mean change who you are. You can still enjoy gaming and whatnot - hell, I do. Very few people know that I do - I don't deny it, but I don't tell the cute girl in the back that I level'd up and got a 50cal to pwn nubz. I play sports and keep in shape, and I make people laugh. Other than having something to chat about, stay confident. Don't think "oh that girl is out of my league". I'm very average looking and the best looking girl in my class (of almost 500) practically asked ME to a dance.

Final tip: Don't be needy. Especially if you start to get along with a girl, don't go and stand by her every second, don't text her every time you think you want to. Space is good, and given enough, they'll start to tug back.
Pretty much nailed it.

J, you dont need to change who you are, just how you devote your time to stuff. Soon enough, you'll be ablle to have an interesting conversation with anyone over absolutely nothing. Like I'm sure you n your friends can just talk and have an entertaining chat, thats what you need to be able to do with girls
be nice
+2,646|6601|The Twilight Zone

bennisboy wrote:

... J ...
There can be only one

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6864|Riva, MD

.Sup wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

... J ...
There can be only one

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Most people on Vent/TS/XBL call me j5 anyway
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6864|Riva, MD
Last time I talked to the girl, she mentioned that she wants to only go to a college in Maryland, namely UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County).  And she tried to find some pricing to show me.  Does that mean anything?  lol
+718|6668|Austin, Texas

_j5689_ wrote:

Last time I talked to the girl, she mentioned that she wants to only go to a college in Maryland, namely UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County).  And she tried to find some pricing to show me.  Does that mean anything?  lol
Probably not. (What does that mean in context?)
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6864|Riva, MD

MadKatter wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Last time I talked to the girl, she mentioned that she wants to only go to a college in Maryland, namely UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County).  And she tried to find some pricing to show me.  Does that mean anything?  lol
Probably not. (What does that mean in context?)
It's like maybe she wants me to go to the same college as her.
+718|6668|Austin, Texas

_j5689_ wrote:

MadKatter wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Last time I talked to the girl, she mentioned that she wants to only go to a college in Maryland, namely UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County).  And she tried to find some pricing to show me.  Does that mean anything?  lol
Probably not. (What does that mean in context?)
It's like maybe she wants me to go to the same college as her.
Oh right, misread it. Yeah, it could be a flirt, or she could just be friendly, or she could use the help of a smart kid at college... there's a number of reasons. Don't read too deep into it.
hoplite :O

_j5689_ wrote:

MadKatter wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

Last time I talked to the girl, she mentioned that she wants to only go to a college in Maryland, namely UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County).  And she tried to find some pricing to show me.  Does that mean anything?  lol
Probably not. (What does that mean in context?)
It's like maybe she wants me to go to the same college as her.
There is your answer.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6869|Sydney, Australia

MadKatter wrote:

Don't read too deep into it.
Correct x ∞
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6864|Riva, MD

hoplite wrote:

_j5689_ wrote:

MadKatter wrote:

Probably not. (What does that mean in context?)
It's like maybe she wants me to go to the same college as her.
There is your answer.
That makes me feel a bit better but now I kinda wish I had just went up and talked to her at least once this week.

I know people are saying don't assume much from it but I don't think she would've gone for pricing in particular if she didn't want to keep me.

And besides, I just want to feel content with something like that for now because it's been bothering me for the past week so just let me have my wrongness caek just this once.  I'm gonna talk to her next time.

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