+59|6786|Los Angeles

lxcpikiman wrote:

suggestions are very welcome here..

little backbround first.

So I know this girl since I came to Canada and we've been very good friends since then.

now i always had a crush on her but nothing big beyond of just been a crush, But after she got a BF it made me think how much I like her and really want to get out the friendship zone and move on but I don't know how to do it ( BTW she already broke up with her BF) and i know that she knows i like her and started joking about being bf&gf and stuff like that but she said that she really likes me but as her best friend.
what can i do to make her think that i'm more than a friend to her?
I don't think it's going anywhere now that your in the friend zone. Once you're in that zone you're pretty much fucked, at least to my experience.
hah she knew you liked her and JOKED about the bf/gf stuff then said she wanted to be friends? oye vey! what a meanie
my mum says i'm cool

Tetn1s wrote:

I don't think it's going anywhere now that your in the friend zone. Once you're in that zone you're pretty much fucked, at least to my experience.
Unfortunately I think this is the case as well. Once you're in a girls 'friend zone' there's no coming out. You can either settle with just being friends and move on, or you can make a really awkward move on her that she obviously won't expect, hence putting you out of the friend zone (because she'll think you're a weirdo) and probably out of her social circle forever. I've read so many things on other forums where a guy makes a move on a girl that he's friends with and it back-fires pretty badly. Don't be that guy hahaha
Little BaBy JESUS

mtb0minime wrote:

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I've got an ugly stupid stalker (well, not really a stalker, but too much into me) chick into me
Would love to have a gf, or even just someone to fool around with... but not her... god not her...

I've known her for a few years (friend of a friend), and right from the get-go I could tell she was into me, but I'm not into her at all. I'm not completely shallow, it's not all about looks, but she doesn't have any personality to make up for it (I know, it's cheesy). Besides, I gotta keep some sort of standards for myself right?

Anyways, lately it's been reaching the point of mental, jealousy. She'll randomly bring up moments from like 3 years ago and say shit like, "Oh remember that one picture that we were in and you were giving me bunny ears? Haha." I've been on the other end of this kind of thing, where you mistake someone's 'normal/typical' behavior as flirting, and this is exactly what she's mistaking my actions for. Or I'll be chatting up other chicks and entertaining them, and then she'll come and butt in, ruining the vibe. Fucking annoying.

Clearly she should know that 3 or 4 years on and I still haven't made a move means that I'm not interested? Which makes it all the more stalker/obsessive-ish.

I'm thinking I've got a few options here:
1) Just leave it alone and not do anything; I don't see her that much as it is, and after this quarter of school, I'll be seeing her much much less.
2) Suck it up and fuck her brains out, then never talk to her again and if circumstances put us in each other's presence again, just be outrageously cold towards her. Only problem is that she is not that kind of girl, and she's better friends with this group of mutual friends than I am, so I'd wind up getting shunned, which would suck because there are a few good friends in that group, as well as other female options I've got my sights set on.
3) Fuck all our mutual female friends and make sure she knows about it. Would be but unlikely.
There's another option. It can backfire but it worked for me earlier this year when I had a stalker. Casually talk about it with a mutual friend (needs to be a girl). You know, say that you "like her as a friend but you don't think she realizes that you don't have feeling for her" etc etc. Just play it real cool when your talking about it. This mutual friend (this is where them being a girl is important) will then talk to the girl about it, tell them what you said, she will most likely deny that she liked you but will realize and stop stalking you.

I hope that makes sense haha
Mike "The Spooge Gobbler" Morales
+376|6122|Blue Mountain State
ho's be stealin

Baba Booey

Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:

Lai wrote:

When she asks you to go out later on Facebook or something, kindly refuse.
LOL facebook
I know, but based on his description she seems like the kind of girl to do that.

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

There's another option. It can backfire but it worked for me earlier this year when I had a stalker. Casually talk about it with a mutual friend (needs to be a girl). You know, say that you "like her as a friend but you don't think she realizes that you don't have feeling for her" etc etc. Just play it real cool when your talking about it. This mutual friend (this is where them being a girl is important) will then talk to the girl about it, tell them what you said, she will most likely deny that she liked you but will realize and stop stalking you.

I hope that makes sense haha
No, cut out the middle (wo)man!

It will probably work, but it is a really immature way to break her heart.

The only time you want to do it this way if you actually have romantic interests in the friend. In which case you'll only ask her for advice and not want her to relay the info to the other girl. It grants you an opportunity to talk about something else than the weather and at the same time you can make clear to her you're not interested in the other girl.

Tetn1s wrote:

lxcpikiman wrote:

I don't think it's going anywhere now that your in the friend zone. Once you're in that zone you're pretty much fucked, at least to my experience.
Oh,.. FFS! Stop thinking black and white about relationships. I agree that his chances appear pretty slim, but don't start about the "Friend Zone". It only exists in your head.
Little BaBy JESUS

Lai wrote:

Little BaBy JESUS wrote:

There's another option. It can backfire but it worked for me earlier this year when I had a stalker. Casually talk about it with a mutual friend (needs to be a girl). You know, say that you "like her as a friend but you don't think she realizes that you don't have feeling for her" etc etc. Just play it real cool when your talking about it. This mutual friend (this is where them being a girl is important) will then talk to the girl about it, tell them what you said, she will most likely deny that she liked you but will realize and stop stalking you.

I hope that makes sense haha
No, cut out the middle (wo)man!

It will probably work, but it is a really immature way to break her heart.

The only time you want to do it this way if you actually have romantic interests in the friend. In which case you'll only ask her for advice and not want her to relay the info to the other girl. It grants you an opportunity to talk about something else than the weather and at the same time you can make clear to her you're not interested in the other girl.

Meh I dunno. I've found that if you tell them directly then they just flatly deny it and then carry on for ages about you thinking you liked them etc. My way makes them think it was kinda their idea to stop stalking (or just trying to get with you), which makes them feel like they are still somewhat in control of the relationship. But if the mutual friend is a bitch this can backfire HUGGGEEELY (although its not normally to bad for you lol).

Well this is it, boys. Probably gonna see the chick I've taken a small fancy for tonight. Hopefully we get some alone time so I can just casually slip in, "Hey we should go for drinks some time." Better luck if we're both intoxicated first?
my new woman bit used here teeth while giving a BJ
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6923|Great Brown North

bite her and ask her how she likes it
+5,233|6673|Global Command
My girl; she can't ever just hit me up.

Instead of " honey, I shaved my puss " it's " honey I shaved my puss and I feel insecure because you haven't tried to rape me in a week. "

Goddamnit! How hard is it to say " fuck me tonight please . "
I am Canadian
+72|6402|B.C. Canada

ATG wrote:

My girl; she can't ever just hit me up.

Instead of " honey, I shaved my puss " it's " honey I shaved my puss and I feel insecure because you haven't tried to rape me in a week. "

Goddamnit! How hard is it to say " fuck me tonight please . "
Fucking woman hey! Stupid insecure bitches.
Stop Simping
If you're having girl problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6923|Great Brown North

you should make her a set of signs for the door

a thumbs up

and a thumbs down

Goddammit, I didn't get a chance to talk to her alone
But I did ask a few other mutual friends to see if she was interested or if I should go for it. No one saw signs of interest, but they still said I should go for it.

Fuck, I need to man up.

mtb0minime wrote:

Goddammit, I didn't get a chance to talk to her alone
But I did ask a few other mutual friends to see if she was interested or if I should go for it. No one saw signs of interest, but they still said I should go for it.

Fuck, I need to man up.
Quite actually we're on the same boat, but I've taken your advice and now it seem I've gained a few more points.

Looking for my Scooper

Tetn1s wrote:

lxcpikiman wrote:

suggestions are very welcome here..

little backbround first.

So I know this girl since I came to Canada and we've been very good friends since then.

now i always had a crush on her but nothing big beyond of just been a crush, But after she got a BF it made me think how much I like her and really want to get out the friendship zone and move on but I don't know how to do it ( BTW she already broke up with her BF) and i know that she knows i like her and started joking about being bf&gf and stuff like that but she said that she really likes me but as her best friend.
what can i do to make her think that i'm more than a friend to her?
I don't think it's going anywhere now that your in the friend zone. Once you're in that zone you're pretty much fucked, at least to my experience.
I though this too with my current GF. She told me in my face we would never be more than good friends. At first I kinda settled with this, but then my balls started kicking in, we've been together for almost 2 months now
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5845|College Park, MD
Ugh, I told my girlfriend I might join the Navy or Air Force and now she's all down and shit. I mean I understand why, but still. It's been souring my mood that I want to do something with my life and she can't be happy for me.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6681|Long Island, New York

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Ugh, I told my girlfriend I might join the Navy or Air Force and now she's all down and shit. I mean I understand why, but still. It's been souring my mood that I want to do something with my life and she can't be happy for me.
Give her time. Telling her you're going to war is pretty reasonably going to get her down.
I am all that is MOD!

Are you going to forgo your schooling to join or is this a future thought?  Most likely you won't be with her in 4 years so tell her to stop worrying.  If it's in the near future you could be like a lot of young servicemen I know and marry her before you join/ship out.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5845|College Park, MD
I might forgo my schooling. It'd give me some much needed direction and time to mature. Idk about marrying her... she's 16, I'm 18.

And I know, Pos. But I'd probably be a DC in the Navy or an ATC Apprentice in the USAF. Not exactly front-line combat jobs.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6681|Long Island, New York
Go for ATC apprentice holy fuck.

You'll be making a shitload of money if you do that and then go for ATC IRL. My mom's friend's husband was an ATC guy for 20 years at JFK Tower...was making 191K a year towards the end of his career.

But I digress.

She's 16? damn son
+1,411|6886|FUCK UBISOFT

Poseidon wrote:

Go for ATC apprentice holy fuck.

You'll be making a shitload of money if you do that and then go for ATC IRL. My mom's friend's husband was an ATC guy for 20 years at JFK Tower...was making 191K a year towards the end of his career.

But I digress.

She's 16? damn son
that's not even legal...
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5845|College Park, MD
Not in Maryland

And yeah Poseidon that's what's nice about ATC apprentice... you get your FAA cert and military benefits. I'm worried that it's only open to US citizens though, in which case I have to do something like Emergency Management or Fire Protection. Which would be fun, but wouldn't have as good benefits as ATC. Although I could always take advantage of the fast-track to citizenship, then see if I can change my AFSC.

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