1m not an extremeist i just hate it when FUCKERs from places like CANADA that dont do shit for this planet.
Well if by that you mean they dont go looking for fights and the dont go polluting EVERY thing, and buy that they arent the most stupid race on this planet. Then yes your right 100% right they really dont do anything for this planet.
You americans really need to be educated. Not your New speak type education you get there. But something that gives it to you as a fact, not from your point of view.
Terrorism is bad, however just cos you had like 3000 people die you all of a sudden think its all right to go and kill thousands of innocent people. People that were going about there every day business till you came a bombed the crap out of them.
Every day when i have the misfortune of viewing the television, i see you sitcoms, your biased news and reports on all matters of different things. You are a nation, that i and the rest of the people from other countries know will fall. You can and will.
And i am sorry but when that time comes, and it will, due to your actions today, you will have no allies when you need them.
You are the mean kid of the world, you may do things for him, but if he was shot with a whale harpoon, you wouldn't go out of your way to help him.
So my advise to you americans is this.
you can A: continue being mindless drones of your country that do everything big brother tells them to. Never questioning. Following your corrupt and money hungry rulers to the grave.
or B
Get out into the world, see things learn other points of view, not just what the tv tells you to believe. Read a book, Leave america. Go and do things and learn. Become a part of the world.
If you want to see the read world then come to South Africa.
And we will show you how people that once, where killing each other, and doing even worse things than terrorist. things i shall never talk about. How they can one day, just say. "enough is enough" We know live work and love our once enemy. and visa versa. We can work it out, though nothing more than compromise and nothing just wiping the other one off the face of the earth.
THink about it before you go on a rampage of response
Last edited by Kimosabe-sa (2006-01-22 22:13:31)