I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6953|Your moms bedroom

DesertFox- wrote:

Locoloki wrote:

I love how in the video he says "pull it" then the video cues to the building collapsing.... Like it actually collapsed as he said the words "Pull it"
That was handled in the 9/11 Conspiracies special on the History Channel, in which they oonsulted all sorts of demolition experts, none of whom substantiated the claim that those words are used in the demo business. [s]People[/sub] Conspiracy wackos with fanciful imaginations must be thinking of something like this
http://images.jupiterimages.com/common/ … 297753.jpg
well, since i was quoted, they did say in the demo industry the phrase "pull it" is used when a crane is hooked up to the side of a 3-4 story building and the crane pulls the building over, or something to that effect.

In the video, he was talking to a fire chief when he uttered the phrase "Pull it", now i may not be an expert on demolition, but I dont think being a firechief makes you the man in charge of something that takes weeks if not months to set up for an implosion.

Please all you conspiracy nuts, read the link I already posted
There is no proof. I'm not saying it's not impossible that this was an inside job. Even if it was it would be spun for the fair and balanced crowd to accept as right. Just know this administration has run this country into the ground unlike any other. And its going to get much worse before it gets better. Regardless of who/what/when the WTC attacks. That case is dead. Never to be revisited. There is to much other shit going on for anyone to go back 7 years and dig for evidence you'll never find. Ever.

Throw it in the JFK pile. Its already been marginalized.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Throw it in the JFK pile. Its already been marginalized.
My sister was talking to her mother in law last week and made one of those "we can put a man on the moon but we can't ..." remarks. Her mother in law replied in all seriousness "we never went to the moon". This lady used to be a teacher .
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6953|Your moms bedroom

Kmarion wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Throw it in the JFK pile. Its already been marginalized.
My sister was talking to her mother in law last week and made one of those "we can put a man on the moon but we can't ..." remarks. Her mother in law replied in all seriousness "we never went to the moon". This lady used to be a teacher .
I hope it wasnt history :x
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Throw it in the JFK pile. Its already been marginalized.
The pile of "Not a Conspiracy*" including such favorites as the moon landing and JFK's death, I hope.

* Implies that the theorists were blinded by science, and, for example,  although it's more difficult to prove who took the shot on Kennedy, you know it came from the book depository
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

DesertFox- wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Throw it in the JFK pile. Its already been marginalized.
The pile of "Not a Conspiracy*" including such favorites as the moon landing and JFK's death, I hope.

* Implies that the theorists were blinded by science, and, for example,  although it's more difficult to prove who took the shot on Kennedy, you know it came from the book depository
I watched in the shadow of the moon the other night. One of the remaining Apollo astronauts was like.. "why would we fake it 9 times?"..lol
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

I realize this is late in the thread (can't post from work) and I haven't had a chance to read all the posts since I left work...

Poseiden wrote:

Dude - there's like a 40 foot wide hole where a plane the size of a football field length wise crashed into. There's NO MARKINGS at all from the wings. None! In fact, the sides of the building where it was attacked only have smoke damage and that's about it.
The wings folded in along the sides of the jet as soon as they impacted the wall. You're somehow expecting that the visible damage to the Pentagon would be identical to the visible damage to the WTC towers when they are made of completely different materials and built in completely different ways.

Poseiden wrote:

And by the way, for a 757, it certainly didn't extend very far into the building for the speed it was going.
And you base this on what forensic/scientific study you've done? The damage extended all the way through the C ring. Considering the size and construction of the Pentagon, that's no small feat.

Poseiden wrote:

You expect me to believe a fully loaded 757 plowed into that? Looks more like a truck bomb.
No, I expect you to believe in a ridiculous conspiracy theory with no foundation regardless of any cogent, countering facts put forth.

Perhaps you should look here. It shows the security video and highlights the plane in the frame immediately prior to the explosion. You can even see the tail of the jet.

Here's a quote from the wiki article:

The 9/11 attacks have spawned a number of conspiracy theories challenging the mainstream account. One of the most well-known theories was put forward by Thierry Meyssan which contends that the Pentagon was not hit by a Boeing 757, but by a missile launched by the American military.[91] Proponents say that the 75-foot (23 m) hole is too small to account for an aircraft with a wingspan of 124 feet (38 m).[92] Mete Sozen, a member of the ASCE team onsite after the crash, explained that an airplane does not create a "cartoon-like outline of itself" when crashing into a reinforced concrete building.[93] Conspiracy advocates also point to other minutiae such as small amount of debris or condition grass on the lawn.[92] The documentary film Loose Change asserts that there were no discernible pieces of debris from Flight 77.[94] Blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer was the first structural engineer to arrive at the Pentagon after the crash and helped coordinate the emergency response. He states that Flight 77 "was absolutely a plane. I saw the marks of the plane wing on the face of the building. I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box." In addition, Kilsheimer's account is supported by the photos of plane wreckage inside and outside the building.[93]
Good thing we don't rely on you for forensic analysis.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

And another one...

Snake wrote:

Congratulations, you are talking about WTC#1 & 2.
Maybe he was, but this isn't.

In response to FEMA's concerns, the Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was authorized to lead an investigation into the structural failure and collapse of the World Trade Center twin towers and 7 World Trade Center.[35] The investigation, led by Dr S. Shyam Sunder, drew not only upon in-house technical expertise, but also upon the knowledge of several outside private institutions, including the Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (SEI/ASCE), the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), and the Structural Engineers Association of New York (SEAoNY).[36]

NIST has released a video and still-photo analysis of 7 World Trade Center before its collapse that appears to indicate a greater degree of structural damage from falling debris than originally assumed by FEMA. Specifically, NIST's interim report on 7 World Trade Center displays photographs of the southwest façade of the building that show it to have significant damage. The report also highlights a 10-story gash in the center of the south façade, toward the bottom, extending approximately a quarter of the way into the interior.[37][3] A unique aspect of the design of 7 World Trade Center was that each outer structural column was responsible for supporting 2,000 sq ft (186 m²) of floor space, suggesting that the simultaneous removal of a number of columns severely compromised the structure's integrity.[38] Consistent with this theory, news footage shows cracking and bowing of the building's east wall immediately before the collapse, which began at the penthouse floors.[3] In video of the collapse, taken from the north by CBS News and other news media, the first visible sign of collapse is movement in the east penthouse 8.2 seconds before the north wall began to collapse, which took at least another 7 seconds.[3][39]

A progress report was released in June 2004, outlining NIST's working hypothesis.[40][3] The hypothesis, which was reiterated in a June 2007 status update, is that an initial failure in a critical column occurred below the 13th floor, caused by damage from fire and/or debris from the collapse of the two main towers. The collapse progressed vertically up to the east mechanical penthouse. The interior structure was unable to handle the redistributed load, resulting in horizontal progression of the failure across lower floors, particularly the 5th to 7th floors. This resulted
in "a disproportionate collapse of the entire structure."
Seems fairly unambiguous to me
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
God Save the Queen
+628|6656|tropical regions of london

Kmarion wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Throw it in the JFK pile. Its already been marginalized.
My sister was talking to her mother in law last week and made one of those "we can put a man on the moon but we can't ..." remarks. Her mother in law replied in all seriousness "we never went to the moon". This lady used to be a teacher .
I never went to moon.
+51|6767|Peoples Republic of Portland
Did you guys just see that? The sky was falling..I swear.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

There is no proof. I'm not saying it's not impossible that this was an inside job. Even if it was it would be spun for the fair and balanced crowd to accept as right. Just know this administration has run this country into the ground unlike any other. And its going to get much worse before it gets better. Regardless of who/what/when the WTC attacks. That case is dead. Never to be revisited. There is to much other shit going on for anyone to go back 7 years and dig for evidence you'll never find. Ever.

Throw it in the JFK pile. Its already been marginalized.
While this administration hasn't been a shining example of good governance, you need to look at some other administrations in out history before you start throwing around terms like "run this country into the ground unlike any other". As bad as things are now, they still aren't as bad as they were under Carter...and he wasn't the worst, I don't think.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

Kmarion wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Throw it in the JFK pile. Its already been marginalized.
The pile of "Not a Conspiracy*" including such favorites as the moon landing and JFK's death, I hope.

* Implies that the theorists were blinded by science, and, for example,  although it's more difficult to prove who took the shot on Kennedy, you know it came from the book depository
I watched in the shadow of the moon the other night. One of the remaining Apollo astronauts was like.. "why would we fake it 9 times?"..lol
Did you guys go to the moon 9 times?

FEOS wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

There is no proof. I'm not saying it's not impossible that this was an inside job. Even if it was it would be spun for the fair and balanced crowd to accept as right. Just know this administration has run this country into the ground unlike any other. And its going to get much worse before it gets better. Regardless of who/what/when the WTC attacks. That case is dead. Never to be revisited. There is to much other shit going on for anyone to go back 7 years and dig for evidence you'll never find. Ever.

Throw it in the JFK pile. Its already been marginalized.
While this administration hasn't been a shining example of good governance, you need to look at some other administrations in out history before you start throwing around terms like "run this country into the ground unlike any other". As bad as things are now, they still aren't as bad as they were under Carter...and he wasn't the worst, I don't think.
Your in denial.

Your not the only one though.

But to even say the Bush admin is better than the Carter admin......Congratulations.
+233|6104|Dublin, Ohio

Braddock wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

The pile of "Not a Conspiracy*" including such favorites as the moon landing and JFK's death, I hope.

* Implies that the theorists were blinded by science, and, for example,  although it's more difficult to prove who took the shot on Kennedy, you know it came from the book depository
I watched in the shadow of the moon the other night. One of the remaining Apollo astronauts was like.. "why would we fake it 9 times?"..lol
Did you guys go to the moon 9 times?
6 manned, 3 unmanned me thinks.

usmarine2 wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I watched in the shadow of the moon the other night. One of the remaining Apollo astronauts was like.. "why would we fake it 9 times?"..lol
Did you guys go to the moon 9 times?
6 manned, 3 unmanned me thinks.
How did I miss all this? One of the main arguments of non-believers is "why haven't they done it again since then?". Did these other missions not warrant major TV coverage? Sky News would televise the opening of an envelope on the MIR station.
There's no point to going back.
Good video about false flag OP


Hey usmarine, you better start now to realize that the governement doesnt always tell the truth..

remember the gulf of Tonkin?
+3,611|6934|London, England

Braddock wrote:

usmarine2 wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Did you guys go to the moon 9 times?
6 manned, 3 unmanned me thinks.
How did I miss all this? One of the main arguments of non-believers is "why haven't they done it again since then?". Did these other missions not warrant major TV coverage? Sky News would televise the opening of an envelope on the MIR station.
Well. Were you alive in the late 60's/early 70's?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ap … d_missions

I'm sure they were covered extensively, of course to the world they're no way near as covered as the first moon landing was and will be.

I'm amazed they were able to do that with 60/70's technology. Must be real easy if they wanted to do it now. They're probably looking more towards Mars now even

Last edited by Mek-Stizzle (2008-07-17 06:05:49)

I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6953|Your moms bedroom
imagine how many MRE's you would have to eat on a trip that long.....I'd have to bring a shitload of slim jims and Monster

oh man, one way trip 4 fucking years to get there in a conventional spaceship. So 8 total, if you just went by to enjoy the scenery

a neucler powered ship would get their twice as fast

an anti-matter ship would get their a little over 10x faster

Last edited by Locoloki (2008-07-17 06:23:17)

Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Ultimate proof that it was an inside job.

The shorting of american airlines and Unites airlines stocks just before 911.

Millions of dollars of profits.

And the SEC and FBI are unable to retrace the people who shorted the stocks
That is an absurd and utterly ridiculous statement.
The terrorists used the plot from a novel to plan the attack. I forget which novel but I seem to remember it involving FEDEX or UPS main hub. They knew which planes they were going to use. Knew which companies' stock to short.
*shakes head 

Look at Osama's et al bank books.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'

Stubbee wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Ultimate proof that it was an inside job.

The shorting of american airlines and Unites airlines stocks just before 911.

Millions of dollars of profits.

And the SEC and FBI are unable to retrace the people who shorted the stocks
That is an absurd and utterly ridiculous statement.
The terrorists used the plot from a novel to plan the attack. I forget which novel but I seem to remember it involving FEDEX or UPS main hub. They knew which planes they were going to use. Knew which companies' stock to short.
*shakes head 

Look at Osama's et al bank books.
Read my other post where i provide the sources.. They didnt link any "terrorists" to those trades.. in fact they only found one guy and they said it was only a coincidence.  They didnt release any information about thoses trades..

*shakes head*

Braddock wrote:

Did you guys go to the moon 9 times?
That depends on what you mean by "go to the Moon."  We landed six times, with Apollo missions 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17.  If you count achieving lunar orbit as "going" there, then we can also count Apollo missions 8, 10, and 13.  Apollo 8 was simply to achieve lunar orbit; Apollo 10 was to test everything in lunar orbit (I've often heard they could have actually landed the mission on the Moon, having already gotten below an altitude of 10 miles with the lunar module, but I've never been able to substantiate that claim), a "dress rehearsal" for 11; and we should all know by now the story of Apollo 13.

Last edited by HollisHurlbut (2008-07-17 07:09:25)

Aspiring Objectivist
I don't buy it, the losses far outweighs the gains for our government or secret society. It just doesn't make as much sense as the whole osama thing. She had old footage that was more dramatic in back of her than the current most likely. Surely not enough to crack the government or someone else did it nut.

Last edited by TrollmeaT (2008-07-17 07:18:31)


Locoloki wrote:

an anti-matter ship would get their a little over 10x faster
Show me a design for an "antimatter" ship.  Seriously.  Because I've never heard of this idea being remotely feasible in the near future.  Sure, matter-antimatter reactions are energetic and 100% efficient in their mass-energy conversion, but tell me how to convert the resulting gamma rays into useful propulsion.

I think you're making shit up.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6953|Your moms bedroom

HollisHurlbut wrote:

Locoloki wrote:

an anti-matter ship would get their a little over 10x faster
Show me a design for an "antimatter" ship.  Seriously.  Because I've never heard of this idea being remotely feasible in the near future.  Sure, matter-antimatter reactions are energetic and 100% efficient in their mass-energy conversion, but tell me how to convert the resulting gamma rays into useful propulsion.

I think you're making shit up.
pretty reliable source i'd say

http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/explo … eship.html

"Advanced engines do this by running hot, which increases their efficiency or "specific impulse" (Isp). Isp is the "miles per gallon" of rocketry: the higher the Isp, the faster you can go before you use up your fuel supply. The best chemical rockets, like NASA's Space Shuttle main engine, max out at around 450 seconds, which means a pound of fuel will produce a pound of thrust for 450 seconds. A nuclear or positron reactor can make over 900 seconds. The ablative engine, which slowly vaporizes itself to produce thrust, could go as high as 5,000 seconds."

Besides this is a theoretical engine,(but its energy can be calculated) obviously we dont have the technology...... yet

Last edited by Locoloki (2008-07-17 07:21:59)

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