
DoctaStrangelove wrote:

Well video games are allot better than drinking, smoking weed, breaking stuff, lighting things on fire, robbing, and many, many, many other things that people who don't play video games all day do.
You'd think so, but getting all that out of the way at a young is imo a good thing. Staying inside, only socialising across the internet will you leave completely unable to make new freinds outside and will leave you under confident and less charismatic irl.

But tbh, I can play from around 12am to about 4am straight, only leaving my pc for food/drink/toilet or the odd phone call.. which i've sometimes left because i was halfway through a scrim or whatever, but i wouldnt call myself addicted. I know whart your expecting, me denying it, but imo i have a thriving (sp?) social life, great best mates i see regularly and lots of freinds. 3 A's 4 B's in my GCES's this year and laid a shit loads of times too..

Whilst i agree that being addicted to video games is easy to get sucked into, because i was when i was younger than now, its not always as bad as it seems, and can be totally manageable.

Last edited by Phaytal (2008-07-15 15:01:18)

+447|7096|Seattle, Washington, USA

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

Well video games are allot better than drinking, smoking weed, breaking stuff, lighting things on fire, robbing, and many, many, many other things that people who don't play video games all day do.
They're all bad at a certain degree. If you don't drink to the point of getting drunk, if you only smoke weed every once in a while, if you light things on fire every once in a while (not like houses or anything), it's not as bad as the degree of patton's addiction. Anything is bad at a certain amount.

I'm especially confused about lighting things on fire. Have you never done that? Fun as hell. One of my friends and I go to the high school at night every once in a while and burn/blow up a garbage can.

Last edited by Home (2008-07-15 15:06:28)

+429|6695|Chicago, IL
it's all about moderation, I can play games a few hours a week, and not fall into the 7 hours a day "imaleetcyberathlete" routine.

one can be a gamer and still have time for friends and family
Meow :3 :3
I had one REALLY bad summer, i think it was 2 summers ago, where i woke up at 2 or 3 pm and gamed till dinner, then went back to gaming till around 4 am every night.  didn't get dressed a lot of the days.  i have friends, only a few really good friends.  I can talk to girls, idk tho, some people just annoy me and i like to keep to myself. 
I like being by myself a lot actually, I spend a lot of time on my computer, too.  I have a job, i workout 1-3 times a week.  I have fun going to parties, when i do go to parties, which i haven't been to at all this summer.   I've had girlfriends, all 3 didn't last longer than 2 months cause i broke up with them just because i got bored of them and found myself wanting to be by myself rather with them.  I like thinking, idk i think its normal, i love thinking about the universe and religion and stuff.  Its fuckin crazy when you get to the point where you just think "WHY THE FUCK ARE WE HERE??!" and nothing makes sense, and you realize none of this matters, we are just creatures, a product of the universe, so small compared to the universe.  Where the fuck did it all come from?! what was before the big bang? is there a God? What the fuck?! ahh lol its so frustrating, but it makes life a little more fun, searching for answers.  I just want to be alone for now and do what i need to, then go on in life and see where i end up.  I'm not sure i want a wife or kids either because that sounds seriously time consuming, and i want to find answers, not clean poop from a diaper.  I don't know...seriously crazy thinking.  And when i try to comprehend how i'm typing this, and how i see what i see when i play games like BF2, its nuts. how does it make such a picture with a few wires.  Everything is wild, I just want to know the damn answer!

that felt good.  thanks Patton for this thread, i needed something like that.
+877|6209|Washington DC
well it's midnight and I've got nothin' better to do

I've always really liked to game a lot since like 5th grade when I got a GameCube. I'd spend a lot of time on the GCN or the computer, but it was usually with friends.

I think it was the summer between 8th and 9th grade where it changed. I played a lot of CS:S (and some BF2) that summer with a friend, I mean a lot. It was basically wake up, maybe do some shit, play CS:S a lot, eat, play, sleep. But I enjoyed it and so did my friend. But when 9th grade started I played BF2 again after a month hiatus and I started getting hooked.

BF2 became my life I guess. I joined a clan, and it was just so great. I had just entered high school, and looking back it's true that people tend to change (a little or a lot) in high school. My friend I used to play CS with all the time suddenly was in the 'cool crowd' and we never really spoke much again... which lent itself a bit to my distrust of people. Cause we used to be REALLY good friends, like we split the costs for a CS server and shit and all of a sudden he just ignores me. Made me wonder why bother with getting to know people if they just leave you for dead...

So anyway, this clan sort of filled this gap I had in the way of a close group of friends. I didn't know these people in real life, I didn't even know what half of them looked like but that didn't matter. We all shared the same interest in BF2 and we all had a good time. Eventually I got kicked out of that clan so me and some clanmates formed our own clan. That clan once again filled another gap - that feeling of superiority or authority. It felt good to feel like you were a leader of something, even if it was just a loose group of gamers. But we got more people in, and we all grew to be a really tight-knit group of gamers. When most of the people you thought were friends in real-life aren't acting like they're great friends, this clan stuff begins to replace them.

I kept on playing more and more BF2. My parents didn't allow me to play games on the weekdays which I think might have actually fueled my addiction or whatever more; I wanted my 'fix' as it were, I wanted to play with my e-friends. Come Friday I'd rush up to my room, turn on the PC and start playing. I'd lie to my parents that I did my homework at school (I usually did it late Sunday night, or I just left it for Monday during free periods). I'd play till late at night, then I'd wake up, shower and eat then play some more.

Once again the clan I was in broke up, but within a month I had formed yet ANOTHER clan. This one was, once again, great. We had a server, site, everything. This was in early 2006 btw. Meanwhile, back in offline-world, my relationships were still deteriorating. Back then I put the blame on other people for not trying to ever call me or shit (and frankly I still do that today; why do I always have to be the one initiating something?), and I kept on gaming. Come summer 2006 I was stoked. "Finally, 3 months to play play and play!" And play I did. I don't think I got any exercise that summer, except for moving a mouse around. I got it in my head that those silly ranks and awards in BF2 actually meant something. I went from being just a lulzy gamer to the guy who would type in all-caps whenever he got killed claiming lag or unbalanced guns or some shit. By the end of the summer, I think I had gotten together with friends maybe 3 times. The clan broke up, and I was a loner.

I fucking hated my sophomore year because by then my friends seemed REALLY distanced, and I had some fucking resentment for that. No "heys" in the hallways no "sups" on AIM no "wanna see a movie?" on the phone... why the fuck not?! I kept playing BF2, determined to make it to Sergeant Major. I spent one weekend playing a total of about 25 hours of BF2 to get that stupid European Service Medal. I mean that's god damn pathetic looking back on it, but I felt so fucking proud when I got it. It gave me some sense of achievement, to brag to my e-buddies about it. But no matter how I tried, this wouldn't make the friend void in my life go away.

Come early 2007, my parents separate. Now this usually hurts for most people that's not surprising. But when you have NOBODY to talk to, when the people you thought were friends just say "oh, i'm sorry" when you tell them you feel like fucking shit, when you're obviously not feeling right, that fucks with you. I once again turned to gaming as my outlet, but I simply couldn't find a good solid group of gamers to play with. So I started posting a lot more on BF2s. It may not have been as good as playing games with people, but it gave (And still does give) a sense of community. Over the summer I did pretty much the same, because no good games had come out.

Start junior year. Same shit different day, sort of. I do admit I made some advances in social life junior year, I made some more friends. I started going to the gym a few months ago, after I don't even want to know how long of not working out. But I still feel that lack of cohesiveness. I still haven't gotten together with any friends this summer... as you saw in another thread of mine, I sent something to this friend of mine on Facebook and she still hasn't responded even though she's been on Facebook plenty. I mean what the fuck, how can you just flat out fucking ignore someone like that? I always try to at least be courteous enough to give a response, however short and uninterested it may be.

So yeah, there's the story of my addiction or what you will in a slight nutshell. I can sort of see where people like Docta are coming from... "the gamer's life" isn't bad in my eyes or anything. But when I hear about the great parties people had over the weekend and shit, it makes me wish I was in "the social life." I mean just look at my 'high school scorecard' as I call it

Parties invited to: 1
Get-togethers invited to: Not many
Times kissed: 0
Times laid: 0

I see that and I think 'god what the fuck is wrong with me.' What the fuck kind of fucking high school experience is that? I mean fuck I spent a ton of hours on the PC today. I can't simply "unplug" myself from the computer, I honestly think it'd be like taking crack away from an addict and I don't wanna see a counselor either. Cause if I unplug myself, it's not like I have much else to turn to. I have no convenient way of getting myself around because I live so far out from the damn city, and a lot of my friends are out of town anyway or they seem to be ignoring me. Some folks here tell me to just go to the mall and chat it up with chicks but the thing is i don't fucking know how. Frankly the idea of going up to a girl and saying "hey" "hey" "sup" "not much" evades me, because I don't know what the fuck to do after that. Do I talk about the weather? Some joke I heard? Fuck.

Hopefully college will be different. Hopefully the people I meet there won't be the kind of friends who just sorta see you as someone to shoot the shit with at school to kill time. Hopefully they'll be the kind who call you and such. I hope the rest of my life is exciting cause if I ever have kids I'll need some really fucking interesting stuff to make up for this boring uneventful high school life I've had.

Dammit, now I'm mad after typing that. And I'm hungry, and there's no shit to eat besides frosted flakes which makes me more mad =/
Too legit to quit
+48|6363|Tampa, Florida
I feel that games lead me to being socially inept. I just don't relate to people well because I don't really know how to, nor do I feel the want to. I used most of my free time to game. I didn't excatly bury myself in it, I had some friends over but I tended to avoid large social events if I could play battlefield instead. It lead me to a very hard year. I dont really play games anymore, very rarely but I am on the computer most of the hours during the night. I talk to a friend on my paintball team over teamspeak for a few hours a nite. I go out almost everyday on my lake and go jet skiing. My parents make good money and we are comfortable. I don't really enjoy what I do though, seems like same stuff different day. I hang out with my friend like every other day and talk to a select few with about the same frequency. /intro

This year going into 9th grade I figured I would make tons of new friends, get into a great relationship, start to become intersted in the challenges high school offered. I was wrong, I have pretty much the same friends from paintballing but most of them don't play anymore so we aren't as tight as we used to be. But, that did bug me, I still had friends.

I really wanted a girlfriend towards the middle of last year, so I figured I'd get with this girl who had really liked me last year. We talked for a few days then I met her at her friend's house and I had 2 of the best days of my life there. Having a relationship was the one thing I had wanted beyond all else. I had some goodfriends, great grades, money, good parents, but no one had expressed interest in me. Until her, she was smart, funny, an awesome person to talk to. We hung out for 2 days, inseperable and I thought this was the best thing ever. Monday rolls around and I talk to her the whole night but she doesn't seem herself. we talk for a while and I ask her if she wants to be with me, but I knew the answer, it's always the same, no. She just used me for 2 days because the boy she "loves" doesn't go out with her and she was feeling lonely. After than night I never spoke to her again, nor will I ever see her again most likely. For about 3 weeks I was very depressed, I analyzed everything, I mean everything of our time together. I thought of the things I did that could have made her stop so abruptly from liking me. I never had the courage to talk to her again and ask her why, it didn't matter , I assume she hates me and it will never happen again. I still feel that way, I liked her so much and I though this was the best thing ever, only to have it all ripped away from me.

After that event I stopped ever thinking about a relationship with anyone, it seemed black and white to me that I just was not someone you could love. I gave up with speaking to any girls, I continued to think about those 2 days though and still do. The 2 days I was truly happy, but they were fake and they would never happen again, I still mourn it, but I have somewhat moved on accepting reality. I feel that I caused her to leave, and that I hate myself to much for anyone to love me. So I put it out of my mind.

School was terrible, it was easy for me, just to the point were it was listening to the stuff I had learned years ago. I always did my work even though I loathed it, doing the same things over and over because someone didn't get it. I hated it all, so i started teaching myself some calculus, but when I went fr help the Calc teacher told me I was a stupid freshmen who could not possibly understand the concepts he was teaching. He gave me no chance to prove myself and just threw me out of his class. So I made straight A's all year and am doing 2 AP's next year. I want the challenge but I really don't want to get into another activity that will deprive me socially. I have no choice to change them so I will roll witht he punches.

Finally, I just think gaming took me away from social things, but I don't enjoy them for the most part. Parties don't appeal to me, I don't need to see 30 kids grinding on each other and drinking themselves shitless. Our parties here are drug and alchohol based, and I am not going to touch any of it. My current group of friends are just people who somewhat relate to me, I don't feel extremely connected with any of them. I feel like the kid that no one would really notice if I weren't around, and I don't know how or want to change it. I don't feel like I relate to any of the people at my school. I just always remind myself that if I keep making A's and then go through law school and devote my life to working, hopefully I'll be rich and though I won't have many friends but I'll have whatever I want. I think gaming had a part in it, but I don't regret it, I just felt this was the way I am.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6572|New Haven, CT
Wow...I play alot of games, but all my friends do, too. I'm not really into the "regular" social scene, and I don't really care.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6923|Canberra, AUS
Well, the former leader in my clan had several nervous breakdowns because of gaming...
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
pub hero!
+603|6629|the land of bourbon
i don't think there is anything wrong with a video game addiction... especially when you're in grade school or high school.  i wish i had the video games we do now back when i was in school, because it would have kept me out of trouble
Flamesuit essential

I get bored with all games these days.  BF2?  Nah.  COD 4?  Good for 2 rounds, then nah.  RTS?  Can't stand the building.
stryyker goes to my school.
dono what he looks like though.

ive always gamed since i can remember and spend equel time with my friends, or i game with them. whatever.
i dont even really play games anymore because GTA, the rest all get boring after a few hours. Sometimes i play crackhouse cs for lkike 25 minutes max.

im a bit addicted to texting and myspace though, and im going on vacation where i cannot do either for two weeks. Fuck myspace withdrawls!

Last edited by SealXo (2008-07-16 10:13:26)

Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6572|New Haven, CT
Myspace is a cesspool.
bad touch

Hey, I remembered my password!

Good times.

Anyways, yes. Not having a computer, like, at all, does wonders for you. Now that I'm done with high school, life starts. I have my xbox 360 which i play occasionally, but thats it. I still remember the day I told Patton to turn his computer off and live a little. I made a difference, no denying it. I win.. mostly at life.

And for those of you who are denying 'addiction', turn your computer off for a week and see how much better your life becomes. You will say to yourself... "Hey, those two or three hours a day i spend on this bastard can be used to plant trees, or fuck chicks, etc."

Do work.
+5|6017|Massachusetts, USA
I mean just look at my 'high school scorecard' as I call it

Parties invited to: 1
Get-togethers invited to: Not many
Times kissed: 0
Times laid: 0
I'm sorry, but even as a current high school student, I've got to say that this is the most pathetic way to judge your high school years I've ever seen.  I'm probably about to go WAAAAAAAY off topic, but I spent a good chunk of time writing this, so I'm going to post it anyway!

I'm not quite so sure what you mean by parties, but around here, a party is typically a large get-together that involves at least one of the following: drugs, alcohol, sex in abundance.  There's good reasons for me to never want to go to a party: doing drugs is asking for trouble, legal-wise and health-wise; drinking to get drunk, especially with lots of other people around, is stupid; and I've got enough moral fiber in me to make me think that it is wrong to have sex with a girl that I never even had the inclination to date for a period of time.  Not all parties that high schoolers host are like this (at least I hope not), but around here they are.  And that is why I avoid them.

Further; getting kissed or getting laid--at least in my opinion--doesn't mean much of anything unless there's an actual feeling of affection or love between the people involved.  And what is more is that the majority of girls that I have talked to concerning this idea actually agree.  I cannot find any one girl who is not a whore or otherwise "easy" that does not think that the concept of "easy love" or "free love," however you want to put it, is gross.  You'll say to me now: "George, I thought you said all the parties around your town were all about drugs, drinks, and sex!"  Well, you're right.  And that's why the only people who go to those parties are druggies, drunkards, and sex addicts.  We aren't talking about them, now, we're talking about girls who are above them.  The girls who are clean and who don't go through as many as four guys in one month.

I would say probably the number one thing you can do for yourself in high school is get good grades so that you can get into a good college so that you can get a good JOB when you're done with school, a JOB with which you will be able to support a FAMILY, including THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.  Maybe I'm looking at it like an idealist, but hey, that's just my viewpoint.  I'd much rather eventually settle down with a girl who I know I'll love, my entire life--someone who doesn't live by counting down the days between parties--than have sex with girls I barely know, in high school, just because THAT'S THE COOL THING TO DO, GEORGE!!!

As for a video game addiction, well... that sucks.  I'm sorry, to whoever has such a problem.  Yes, being addicted to video games can/will limit your social development.  But it COULD be worse... drugs, drinking, free-for-all sex.  Those are things that I see as worse.  There are people out there who need a lot more help than somebody addicted to video games.  A video game addict, at worst, is just an unsociable lazy lardass.

I am anticipating all kinds of mockery and maybe even flaming to come to me as a result of this post
+1,230|7091|Alberta, Canada

I've been on the computer too long today. I'll read this tomorrow.
Right on bud, right on. I took a break from video games for 3 months, loved every day of it. Then I got mononucleosis that same year, and started playing games again. I've been starting to loath video games for a few years now now, and I'm slowly starting to play less and less.

*Another thing, most of you don't care, but life doesn't consist around girlfriends, sex, and video games. I am 17- turning 18 soon. Never had a girlfriend. Never had Sex. Never got in trouble with the law. I am not a goody goody, I just know that there is more to life that any of the above mentioned.

I'm joining the Marine Corps, not because of BF2 or other games, but because I want a break to reality and life away from home. When younger, I went through the same life as Ronin. If I was still stuck in the rut, I probably never would have considered joining the Corps. Because video games would be my life.

I hope that people who read this and Ronin's post would realize reality.

It seems computer addicts tend to become liberal. And we have enough in the US, don't be one of them.

Last edited by lopermento (2008-07-16 16:18:39)

Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6923|Florida, United States

I don't know if I speak for anybody else, but this thread is really making me reflect on my life.  I'm currently 16 years old and going into my senior year of high school.  I'm a straight A student with a small group of friends but a large pool of acquaintances.  I have a loving girlfriend who is definitely one of the better things that have ever happened to me.  Oddly enough, I used to be a lot like many of you posters who have social issues (sorry, it's true) and I'm now rattling my brain to find out what happened to me to change me from a gaming addict to the normal teenager.

The first time I was ever introduced to a FPS game was in 7th grade (2003-2004).  The man who introduced it to me was Will (yes I know him irl) and the game was Battlefield 1942.  I didn't exactly fall in love with the game because technical issues with my computer kept me from playing the game until almost half a year after I bought it.  I joined a clan and became good friends with a bunch of people who I now regard as assholes because I found out most of them were liars and jerks.

During Christmas of my 8th grade year (2004-2005) I received Battlefield Vietnam, but I never liked this game.  What this game did lead me to discover was the production of BF2.  With the same group of friends I shared a clan with back during the BF1942 era, we started a clan for BF2 called =KSB= (my BF2 username still holds a shard of memory of this clan).  Unfortunately, the demo of BF2 necessitated me to purchase a new graphics card (a Radeon 9600XT), the first computer upgrade I ever installed.  Like BF1942, technical issues with my computer kept me from enjoying BF2, and it wasn't until I purchased a second gig of RAM and a better graphics card (6800GT) that I became semi-addicted to BF2.  Midway into my freshman year of high school (2005-2006), Will, who had introduced me to BF1942, had upgraded his computer enough to play BF2, and we both played frequently.  However, I often became sidetracked with other games, while he played constantly.  My clan quickly disintegrated and with it my will to play solely BF2.  Perhaps this is how I never became fully addicted to the game.  While Will played BF2 (he surpassed me in points as well), I played many other games such as RuneScape, EverQuest II, Planetside, Gunz the Duel, Knight Online ,and many other games.

Around March of my freshman year of high school (2006), I developed a huge crush on this friend of mine, Melissa.  She knew it too, but we always found it too awkward to actually discuss it directly, so we both avoided the topic.  She constantly chatted away on AIM, and in my desire to have everything to do with her life, I ceased my gaming sessions to chat with her.  My crush on her lasted until the beginning of my sophomore year (2006-2007).  If I had to pick a place where video gaming stopped being my life, this was it. 

To make a long story short, I never actually dated this girl, but she is one of my best friends to this day.  I think the point I'm trying to make is that you need to set goals for yourself if you ever want to break your habits.  This is where the part of my story with a moral ends, but if you want to see how this decision helped my life, read on.

I think my efforts to date this girl truly changed my life.  During my 8th and most of my 9th grade school years, I was socially backwards.  I can say with a straight face that I managed to get 90% of my 8th grade classmates to hate me by the end of that year, only because I didn't know how to interact with them.  I knew that my problem was that I said inappropriate things (because that's all I knew how to do), so I decided during that summer that I would become the quiet kid during the next school year.  I am truly shocked in reflection when I say that I made more friends being the quiet kid than I did as the attention-seeking kid.  But this is just background info, let's continue my story.

Around the start of my sophomore year (2006-2007), the girl I had been trying to date since March decided it would be fun if she, her two friends Amy and Erika, and I all started hanging out.  At this time, I didn't know either of these two new people.  I had never really had hangouts with groups of friends before, but the idea of hanging out with 3 girls, 3 girls who actually wanted me to be there, was thrilling.  As a seal of our friendship, I devised a quirky mnemonic to label our friendship.


As childish as it may sound, we still use this nickname today.  These three girls, and one more girl who I'll mention soon, changed my life.  Perhaps the most life changing of these girls was named Devin.  I won't regurgitate something I've already written, so if you're interested in seeing how Devin changed my life, read this post.

Here's how the other two girls changed my life.  Erika is a bit strange.  She's an anime fan with a ridiculously selfish and closed-minded personality.  Oddly enough though, she can be cool to hang out with.  Around November of my sophomore year, I started dating Erika.  This relationship was a total flop, and I think I only dated her in the first place to say that I dated somebody in high school.  We 'dated' (If you can call it that.  It was more like talking to each other on the phone once a week) until February 2007.  If you haven't read the post I linked above, this is where it becomes significant.  I started trying to date Devin once I found out she was crushing on me too.  Even though Devin had a boyfriend, she still continually flirted with me.

My junior year (2007-2008) started, and damn was it stressful.  I had no classes with Melissa, Amy and Erika went to a different school, and I had only 1 class with Devin (which later turned into a blessing).  I had tons of work to do (3 AP and 3 Honors classes), and I was still trying to get Devin to date me.  My hopes of dating her came crashing down in a catastrophic cataclysm around the beginning of October (read the post I linked above if you want to know how).  It was then when I realized how much having a friend like Devin meant to me.  It's true that you only realize how important something is when you lose it.  I used to stay up for hours on AIM talking to Devin about anything, and it was comforting to have somebody to talk to, or at least somebody to listen to you.  Once I lost her, I turned to Melissa to help ease my loneliness, but she no longer came on AIM to talk, and as I previously said, I had no classes with her.  I became semi-depressed due to loneliness and extensive homework.  I turned back to video gaming at this point (as I always do when upset).  Everything sucked for me back then.  I had only one friend to talk to (Will, the same guy I met back in 7th grade who introduced me to online gaming), I had homework every day including weekends, and I had nothing to look forward to except AP exams, because that would mean the end of work in 3 of my classes.  I became apathetic to almost everything around me, which brought me peace, if only due to ignorance.

This is where Amy comes in.  I found out she had a crush on me around mid-March of 2008.  We started dating in April and are still together right now.  She's one of the best thing's that ever happened to me.  She's the kind of girl that most guys in the world dream about; the kind who enjoys cleaning, cooking, and taking care of people.  I only laugh when I look back on my semi-relationship with Erika.

So now, to tie this all together, because you're bored of reading and I'm bored of typing.  If I had never made it my goal to date Melissa, I never would have stopped playing video games.  If I hadn't attempted to merge my life's path with Melissa's, I never would have met Amy or Erika.  If I hadn't stopped playing video games, I would never have gotten to know Devin (even though she would eventually cause me pain, I do cherish the memories we had).  All these good people (mostly *stares at Devin*) would never have entered my life if I hadn't set a simple goal.  I can't even imagine how different my life would be if not for setting that small goal.

Now, that isn't to say I've completely given up on gaming.  In May 2007, I purchased a $2500 computer to play Crysis (I was obsessed with Crysis).  I do still enjoy gaming in my spare time but it is no longer more appealing to me than hanging out with friends.
Go Canucks Go!
+13|6563|Canada BC

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

The high school popularity contest is seriously over-rated.  Most of the people I knew in high school weren't worth spending time with and their parties were lame.  As long as your grades are decent and you have some good friends, do what you want with your free time.
I very strongly agree. Most people who try to go for the popularity contest in HS end up doing something really stupid, such as the things I stated in my previous post.

Not only that but gaming itself has become increasingly social, with the rise of fast internets you can pleh games with friends or just random people and talk to them over the game's VOiP. Also some video games, such as RTS games and team based FPSes (like Battlefield and TeamFortress) require much communication, strategy, quick thinking and teamwork to play effectively, the previous are all useful skills that  Now compare that to another favorite time waster: watching television. TV is considered more acceptable than games simply because it's been around longer, even though TV is completely passive and doesn't develop any skills at all. Video games are in all ways preferable than television.

The other main time waster is sports. Now sports do develop strategy, communication, quick thinking and teamwork like video games do, very often more effectively than games do, not to mention the obvious advantage of developing physically from sports. However not everyone is strong, fast or balanced enough to play sports, so people are to small, to clumsy or to slow to play sports and video games are a good alternative. Also games can be played socially with your friends even if you aren't in the same location as them. MI haven't seen any of my friends since school ended over a month ago but we still play CnC3 or CS together.

I don't see any problem with playing allot of video games. So long as you still do your work for school they aren't going to negatively affect you. They also keep you from doing stupid shit and getting into trouble. For example, I haven't been able to get a job this summer because no one who would hire an unskilled 16 year-old has any positions available, so since I have nothing at all to do this summer I spend most time playing video games.
Mcdonalds hires people at all times, and No voip is not a social life in anyway at all.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
I preferred it when you were an e-badass.

I was pretty much the opposite, from 14 - 19 I was out drinking, partying and taking drugs in abundance, had many many friends and got off with many many girls, I left school with no qualifications and no job prospect.

I started PC gaming one day and never stopped, a few years later I'm about to do my highers in college, I only have a few friends and no girlfriend but I'm healthier, happier and more stable now than ever. It's just about finding a healthy balance, too much of either will ruin your teenage years.
+3,936|6748|so randum
Find your balance.

I drink, i go out, i meet girls, have a massive social life, but i still play pc games.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6938|Tampa Bay Florida
I dont care if this is a revive, this thread still needs a fuckin sticky
When in doubt what to do with your free time...

don't play video games

 with your balls

some_random_panda wrote:

RTS?  Can't stand the building.
Ecilop Murof
+167|6027|loves Stimey <3 |
After reading this all, I have to say I'm feeling weird. I know that the most of wont read it anyways, but yes. Here we go.

All started exactly 3 years ago. Me and my mate, both in the same class, went out daily. We met girls. We did lots of stuff, always laughed ect. but one day around 1 year after we met us the first time he showed me a game called Tibia. It was a massive online multiplayer with sorcerers and knights and so on. I wasn't too impressed after seeing it the first time but after some introductions and some stories I signed up and joined the game. First I was playing half an hour a day, I had a shitty internet connection and my parents weren't too happy about it, every minute costs like 60 cent or something so yeah. It went like that for like 3 months. Going out. Coming Home. Playing 30 minutes. But the game got harder, more exciting. I had to play more. So I played more. I started playing like 1 hour a day, 2 hours but I couldn't continue because of the internet bills. I was still going out at that time, but I played my hour. If my mate was calling me, I said I was playing. My. Fucking. Hour. All changed when I got 11 and got my first computer. Hell yeah, I had 2 years to get the money for it, it was so awesome. Still, I could only play 1 hour but it got more attractive on a new and shiny computer than on my parents shitty Windows 98.

Today, I kinda hate myself for asking my parents for a monthly fee internet. Yes, I kinda do. When I got it, I kinda went over the limits. From one hour to two, from two to three and so on. I got home, played, got a bit out, played- I still went out that time. But yeah, I played. As much as possible. So yeah, I could have kinda balanced it. But it went how I shouldn't have.

There was a part of my life where I got massive leg problems due to growing up. I couldn't play soccer anymore which I did twice a week for over 3 years. I couldn't run anymore. You know, I couldn't do fun stuff anymore. At this time I also lost my best mate due to an arguement, I don't even remember why but it ended all quite bad. I lost my girl connections, I lost mates. I went home, played. But the worst part was. I didn't go out anymore. I played. Fuck me.

I played that fucking game called Tibia untill I couldn't play it anymore. It was so weird, still, it was great fun to hunt dragons with mates I never met IRL. But after they updated the game and basicially changed everything I started to hate it, deleted it and I was looking for another game.

Guess what. BF2. The time continued, I was playing alot. Still getting bullied for my weight which I gained due to leg, specified knee problems. I couldn't hear the insults anymore, yes, I was about to kill this faggot who bullied me. The thoughts were there. Get a weapon. Aim. Blow this faggot's head away. I didn't do it though. I didn't want everyone to think, yes, this guy plays BF2, that's why he murdered him. I didn't want to. I continued playing BF2, day in day out. I joined the WOoKie clan to show everyone how cool I am. I made videos to get comments. Ect. Ect.

Untill I got to the new school. Everything was different. Only 4 other guys but 20 other girls in my class. First of all, I was just hanging around with that girl while the other guys were already having fun. But after some time I joined in. Now, after 1 year in that school I feel different. It's just somuch better. The insults have stopped, I still was playing games but I didn't want to anymore. I was just doing it because I had nothing else to do.

My life pretty changed. I still played games but found it mostly boring or annoying. BF2 nadespam? No thanks. CoD4 boredom? GTFO

Last vacation, around 3 weeks ago I met a girl. She was 20, I was 14. I don't want to tell you more about it but yes, this thing kinda changed my mind. I dunno why, I dunno how. It just changed my mind. These vacations I still played lots but I also started skateboarding, got out with my cousin and just yesterday I met my classmate and he tried to help me learn some new tricks. I don't have the feeling to get home and get a new rank anymore. I still wanna be a webdesigner later, when I'm older, but the feeling that I want to play is gone. I want to go out now. I want to skate. I want to have more and more mates.

I have no idea why I wrote this, I have no idea if I can stop playing games after tomorrow (tomorrow starts my second year at this school) but I can say I will try to and do so. While I was writing this, I uninstalled 2 of my games. Due to the day I will uninstall all. Delete my CoD4 rank, my BF2 account ect. I'll play my last round soon to kinda say goodbye to that part of my life.

The only good thing I got by playing games is learning english. Kinda from 0 knownledge to an amateur English I'm using right now.

I'm feeling good right now. I feel an unbelievable strength behind me, telling me I could do everything I'd want to. Good bye games, good bye sitting at home. Hello school and skateboarding.

PS: I have big respect of you mr. Patton, good luck in your future life.

I am 14 years old, soon to be 15. I lost 12 kg's. I feel different and better.

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