+1,452|6548|The Gem Saloon

Mutantsteak wrote:

Miggle wrote:

Mutantsteak wrote:

You dont want one that plays video games, they are all freaks, you want one that ACCEPTS that YOU play video games, trust me.
The one you get to play video games.

That's what you want.
Exactly except i don't think im going to want my GF playing, a bit weird.
i had some really fun times with my ex playing games.
she NEVER played before we were together, so i kind of got to "shape" her gaming habits.
ie; she always wanted to play halo coop, and she absolutely loved watching fable.

man, in laws kick ass!

NeXuS4909 wrote:

1927 wrote:

2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes anything else is a bonus really.
A penis is a bonus? What?
BWHAHAHAAA!  That made my day.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+1,106|6443|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Tripulaci0n wrote:

A12345 wrote:

english accent

just sounds fun
Srsly? The blonde Asian thing is kinda creepy IMO.

I'm gonna make a blanket statement and say that every girl I met in Hong Kong with blonde hair was a dirty slut.

But the English accent thing is pretty hot, I'll give you that.

However, I prefer Chinese girls speaking mandarin, even if they know English.

why? in America, they sound like bitchy white women, and in China (even Hong Kong) they may think they know English really well but it's still annoying to try and understand them. Cantonese doesn't sound very good IMO.
shaddap ya berk

~signed dirty canto person
+1,452|6548|The Gem Saloon

cowami wrote:

Tripulaci0n wrote:

A12345 wrote:

english accent

just sounds fun
Srsly? The blonde Asian thing is kinda creepy IMO.

I'm gonna make a blanket statement and say that every girl I met in Hong Kong with blonde hair was a dirty slut.

But the English accent thing is pretty hot, I'll give you that.

However, I prefer Chinese girls speaking mandarin, even if they know English.

why? in America, they sound like bitchy white women, and in China (even Hong Kong) they may think they know English really well but it's still annoying to try and understand them. Cantonese doesn't sound very good IMO.
shaddap ya berk

~signed dirty celestial
no you want the ones that play games(even xbox games) because it means she understands the fun of it, i don't know about the blond Asian ones specifically...., but the ones that play games are fun.
as for the first impressions it was my girls blue eyes that got me first.
+721|6734|the dank(super) side of Oregon
I'll take one of these:
+447|7001|Seattle, Washington, USA

Lots of girls play games nowadays, its just usually Wii games and Guitar Hero/Rock Band.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6827|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

Home wrote:

Lots of girls play games nowadays
They all do - Their Snakes with tits.
Parcel of ol' Crams
I go for personality, it's usually the thing that attracts me to women, then it's looks

but for men, it's looks lol, men have to look good in order for me to be attracted
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6310|Vancouver | Canada

blademaster wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

5 things.

- Her face. If I'm going to look at a girl I'm dating, I don't want to cringe...
- Her personality. She doesn't have to be a genius, but atleast not oblivious to everything.
- Eyes. That's a BIG, BIG part.
- Body. I don't want a girl who's skinny as a stick, but I don't want a girl who's a fatass (lel, bbw). I mean, look at Lindsay Lohan. When she was a little bit heavier, she was HOT. Now she's close to anorexic and she's disgusting.
- A sense of humor. That's probably the most important. One girl who I felt I was going to go out with in November of '06 couldn't take a fucking joke and was some wannabe evangelical. It sucked. Now she's going out with some kid who looks like a pig. No joke.
why is everyone so obsessed with the eyes your not going to fu*k her in the eyes or thats none of my business but yeah
You'll understand once you mature a little.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6827|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

blademaster wrote:

why is everyone so obsessed with the eyes your not going to fu*k her in the eyes
You speak for yaself there mate, thats an extra two holes to add to the list

The three obvious ones, two nostrils, two ears, two eye ball sockets.  Sexy!

Snow White could of accomodated two extra dwarfs afterall. 

The only problem is with that is 7-up would of lost their sponsorship deal.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee

Tits, face and general build but as the initial conversation progresses intelligence and personality start to play a role too.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6827|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

Flecco wrote:

Tits, face and general build but as the initial conversation progresses intelligence and personality start to play a role too.
Fkn hell Flecco your not asking for too much are you?

This reminds me of when I asked for the Millenium Falcon and ALL the Star Wars figures for Christmas last year. 

Santa wrote:

Ya having a laff aint cha 27?
General Build (not her profession, just her 'bits')

Intelligence - Out of stock I'm afraid
Personality -  Sorry, our records have no trace of this

Last edited by 1927 (2008-07-09 02:46:35)

+303|6147|The pool
Tits/ass (depending on whether theyre coming or going )
Intelligence/personality. Please no dumbasses/save the whale twats
I can haz titanium paancakez?
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee

1927 wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Tits, face and general build but as the initial conversation progresses intelligence and personality start to play a role too.
Fkn hell Flecco your not asking for too much are you?

This reminds me of when I asked for the Millenium Falcon and ALL the Star Wars figures for Christmas last year. 

Santa wrote:

Ya having a laff aint cha 27?
General Build (not her profession, just her 'bits')

Intelligence - Out of stock I'm afraid
Personality -  Sorry, our records have no trace of this
Depends on what I'm after tbh. One night stands I tend to just go for tits/looks.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
I'm moving to Brazil
keep on posting in case you change your mind on what u like about the girl

I prefer
a blonde then brunette
someone who is smart but also kind of funny
I can sacrifice the tits if she has a nice ars or abs

Last edited by blademaster (2008-07-09 20:10:04)


   But seriously,   Fun to be with NOT to Preppy(like all she wants to talk about is Shoes ect.) decent looking at least a 6.5 out of Ten, She has to be smart for example I met a girl once who dident know who Hitler was or what WWII was basically she cant be like brains girlfriend on family guy And I really loves the ones who play video games thows are the best

Last edited by GR34 (2008-07-09 20:31:50)


GR34 wrote:

And I really loves the ones who play video games thows are the best
Wiki Contributor

She has to be smart:

Lil' Wayne wrote:

"She give good brain, like she graduated at a good school."
Smart = GoodBJ
Dumb = BadBJ

Lykes The Mudkipz
I'm moving to Brazil

firebolt5 wrote:

GR34 wrote:

And I really loves the ones who play video games thows are the best
damn she fine I do her
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

Tehremos wrote:

I go for personality, it's usually the thing that attracts me to women, then it's looks

but for men, it's looks lol, men have to look good in order for me to be attracted
Are you joking? Or..? I don't want to make a joke in bad taste...

Anyway, personality is a must, but a noice backside and body are important too..

firebolt5 wrote:

GR34 wrote:

And I really loves the ones who play video games thows are the best
I will take 3 please......I mean 3 xbox controllers and 3 of her so we can have so "Playtime"

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