All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine2 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

usmarine2 wrote:

wow.  gj mods
There is nothing wrong in this thread.  Its all been civil debating a controversial topic.
not really.  just another thread where someone calls out someone else.  "respect other members and such blah blah blah"
Thorax was called out in a manner that was did not contravene forum rules.  I don't see a problem.

Just because you're exempt from the rules doesn't mean everyone is.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+233|6101|Dublin, Ohio

m3thod wrote:

usmarine2 wrote:

m3thod wrote:

There is nothing wrong in this thread.  Its all been civil debating a controversial topic.
not really.  just another thread where someone calls out someone else.  "respect other members and such blah blah blah"
Thorax was called out in a manner that was did not contravene forum rules.  I don't see a problem.

Just because you're exempt from the rules doesn't mean everyone is.

Kmarion wrote:

Roc18 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Ahh, you misunderstood me then. What you do with those feelings, examples: "lets go beat some black people up" or stating "I feel this way because" are two entirely different things. One is emotion driven hate and one is deductive reasoning based on personal experience (aka prejudice).
One is just more extreme than the other thats all, the latter may lead to the "lets go beat some black people up" thing or someone may just not like black people but arent violent towards them its all predjudice which can lead to racism if its based solely on race, they are both emotion driven based on experiences in ones life. Racism is a type of discrimination, If its not based on race then its just plain discrimination which is judgments and decisions we make every day.
Wait, so it's racist to say why you feel a certain way? There is a definitive line you are trying to blur. To logically conclude something with reasonable evidence/experience does not require any emotion at all. You don't have to hate what is different in order to determine that there is in fact something different.

Again, I am not agreeing with this but rather I am explaining the rationality.
You are right about that, but the problem comes in when you start treating everyone that looks a certain way the same exact way because of a chain of experiences regarding race, its better to just look at people as individuals instead of using predjudice to dictate how a person should act or whether you should be around them or not based on their race.
O Canada
+1,596|6715|North Carolina

God Save the Queen wrote:

ATG wrote:

God Save the Queen wrote:

I would argue that that is much more effective way at curbing terrorism.
It's certainly more effective than invasions....
O Canada
+1,596|6715|North Carolina

m3thod wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

m3thod wrote:

0.7% of your GNP.

Thats like throwing a pea at Jupiter.
Not when you consider how large our GDP is.
Exactly my point

0.7% = pea

Jupiter = US GDP
Oh...  I thought you meant it in the respect of world poverty being Jupiter.
+233|6101|Dublin, Ohio

Turquoise wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Not when you consider how large our GDP is.
Exactly my point

0.7% = pea

Jupiter = US GDP
Oh...  I thought you meant it in the respect of world poverty being Jupiter.
does that include all the private donations?
God Save the Queen
+628|6653|tropical regions of london
you know whats funny?  Armenians are some of the most affluent people in southern california, but Armenia is one of the least developed countries in the world.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6910|132 and Bush

Roc18 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Roc18 wrote:

One is just more extreme than the other thats all, the latter may lead to the "lets go beat some black people up" thing or someone may just not like black people but arent violent towards them its all predjudice which can lead to racism if its based solely on race, they are both emotion driven based on experiences in ones life. Racism is a type of discrimination, If its not based on race then its just plain discrimination which is judgments and decisions we make every day.
Wait, so it's racist to say why you feel a certain way? There is a definitive line you are trying to blur. To logically conclude something with reasonable evidence/experience does not require any emotion at all. You don't have to hate what is different in order to determine that there is in fact something different.

Again, I am not agreeing with this but rather I am explaining the rationality.
You are right about that, but the problem comes in when you start treating everyone that looks a certain way the same exact way because of a chain of experiences regarding race, its better to just look at people as individuals instead of using predjudice to dictate how a person should act or whether you should be around them or not based on their race.
I agree. And in fact I would guess that it happens most of the time. However, to assume people are filled with hate because their life experiences have led them to think a certain way is also wrong. It's the very same type of short sighted rhetoric that a racist person would spread. Nothing is easy when it comes to the topic of racism.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
O Canada
+1,596|6715|North Carolina

usmarine2 wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Exactly my point

0.7% = pea

Jupiter = US GDP
Oh...  I thought you meant it in the respect of world poverty being Jupiter.
does that include all the private donations?
Uh...  I would assume not.  If we include private donations, then the percentile of our GDP would be much higher.
+233|6101|Dublin, Ohio
Ya I know it doesnt.  So saying that is ALL the US gives is inaccurate.
O Canada
+1,596|6715|North Carolina

God Save the Queen wrote:

you know whats funny?  Armenians are some of the most affluent people in southern california, but Armenia is one of the least developed countries in the world.
That's probably largely the fault of both immigration and the nasty things Turkey did to Armenia about a century ago.

Kmarion wrote:

Roc18 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Wait, so it's racist to say why you feel a certain way? There is a definitive line you are trying to blur. To logically conclude something with reasonable evidence/experience does not require any emotion at all. You don't have to hate what is different in order to determine that there is in fact something different.

Again, I am not agreeing with this but rather I am explaining the rationality.
You are right about that, but the problem comes in when you start treating everyone that looks a certain way the same exact way because of a chain of experiences regarding race, its better to just look at people as individuals instead of using predjudice to dictate how a person should act or whether you should be around them or not based on their race.
I agree. And in fact I would guess that it happens most of the time. However, to assume people are filled with hate because their life experiences have led them to think a certain way is also wrong. It's the very same type of short sighted rhetoric that a racist person would spread. Nothing is easy when it comes to the topic of racism.
Good Point, I think the real problem comes when people start using those ways of thinking to infringe on peoples lives and rights. (i.e Slavery, Segregation). But I do not like it when people separate themselves based on those dispositions and dont look at each other as individuals instead as races like I was stating in my point. I see it all the time in society.

Last edited by Roc18 (2008-07-07 17:29:45)

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

deeznutz1245 wrote:

@ Thorax- I am half Native American and I am doing quite well for myself. Maybe cuz my other half is Italian though............
You descended from chief Cooks with Garlic?
+233|6101|Dublin, Ohio
O Canada
+1,596|6715|North Carolina

Thorax wrote:

Just a few things I have pondered:

1.  Why do black people consistantly complain about the fact that they are not given a fair lot in life, that they are unusually suseptable to crime and violence but then turn around and embrace a pop-culture that glorifies crime and being, for lack of a better word, stupid (i.e bad grammar, idiotic choices, degradation of women)?
The disintegration of the traditional black family is a large part of it.  Without a stable 2-parent household to grow up in combined with being raised in poverty leads many blacks astray into glorifying the most profitable lifestyle in the ghetto (selling drugs).

Thorax wrote:

2. Why is it, that Africa can't seem to get it's shit together?  Anytime any natural resource of any importance is discoved it leads to genocide or famine?  Why are warlords allowed to rule by the people who by far out number them.  (I.E. Zimbabwe, when ruled by the British one of the most prosperous and peaceful countries in Africa, when they leave it turns violent and the economy falls into shambles)?
Europe thoroughly fucked Africa by drawing up borders that split up tribes.  Most wars in Africa are both focused on resources and ethnic conflict.  Add to this situation the natural harshness of most of sub-Saharan Africa's environment (droughts and nasty diseases), and it doesn't allow for much progression civilization-wise.  The Europeans managed it mostly through using outside resources in combination with Africa's and through strict military force.

It's very difficult to maintain a democracy in an environment plagued by cultural conflict, droughts and disease.  The harsh desert environment of the Middle East in combination with cultural conflict is why many Islamic countries suffer similar (albeit much better) fates to Africa when it comes to instability and oppression.

Thorax wrote:

3. Why is it that Native Americans receive more goverment aid and assistance than any other group of people in the U.S. yet prominent NA communities are in shambles, crime is high and unemployment is sky high?
Ineffective self-rule in combination with a genetic vulnerability to alcoholism is most of the problem.  Native Americans would likely be better off as being part of outside society, since cultural isolationism in combination with government dependence on funds is usually a recipe for depression and corruption.

Thorax wrote:

4. Why is it that Asian and Indian immigrants are able to do so well for themselves after coming to the U.S. but other races tend to fail or simply not flourish?
Don't forget Hispanics...  All 3 groups are remarkably successful because of synergy and familial ties.  Hispanics are especially resourceful when it comes to working together and saving up funds while living frugally.  Asians and Indians both depend on strong focuses on family life.  Working hard is part of their cultures, and they rarely hesitate in helping each other out when they are in need.  Extended families living together are the norm rather than the exception.

Thorax wrote:

5. Why is it that predominately white cultures have seemingly been the ones that have dominated, flourished longer and more lavishly thoughout history, even today becoming the majority of peaceful and civilized countries on earth, but have not existed as long as some other cultures.  (I.E. comparing the English, German, U.S. Australian,, etc etc countries against African Nations and South American nations.)?
This is only partially true.  There are many Asian cultures that have dominated for far longer than any European country, but in only more recent centuries, the Europeans have dominated.  For example, China was a world class power for millennia until the Opium Wars, but in recent decades, they've begun a new economic rise that will likely restore them as a superpower.

What generally leads to ultimate success is technological superiority.  Different areas have had this at different times.  The Chinese, Romans, and Egyptians had it in ancient times, the Islamic World had it during Europe's Dark Ages,  Europe didn't really restore its dominance until the Renaissance and, more conclusively, the Industrial Revolution.

Thorax wrote:

6. Why is it that the people who demand the most from their governments and societies are usually the ones who contribute the least to their governments and societies?
That depends on how you measure that.  Both freeloaders and lobbyists fit this description, but corporations also demand a lot in the form of corporate welfare (although they admittedly contribute more to the system).

Thorax wrote:

7.  Why is it that the people who tend to "defend" minorities are normally the ones who gives minorities the worst names and why are these people allowed to keep their positions?.
PC sells...  plus, people like to compensate for their personal problems through actions in public life.

Last edited by Turquoise (2008-07-07 18:10:04)

Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

@ Thorax- I am half Native American and I am doing quite well for myself. Maybe cuz my other half is Italian though............
You descended from chief Cooks with Garlic?
Malloy must go
For the coward who was too chickenshit to sign their karma: the only chance of me dying of anal rape is if I fuck you in the ass too hard while I'm anally raping you!

Sign your karma coward.
Make Love and War
+303|6788|Communist Republic of CA, USA
As has been stated before, I believe Racism is a blind hatred based entirely on outside information, whereas prejudice is based more on your actual experiences.  My family rents out property in a low income, high crime area with a concentration of Blacks and Mexicans.  Have I seen poor representations of these races? Absolutely.  But I've also seen white people who were just as bad, if not worse.  I admit that sometimes I keep my suspicions about races.  I see a group of blacks dressed as thugs walking towards me, I try to veer out of the way. 

A couple years ago, people would come up to me and say "Hey, have you seen American History X?  It really reminds me of you."  I was an ignorant racist.  Yet one day, I finally watched that movie, and became disgusted with who I was.  While not as bad as the protaganist, I had begun to folow that path.  I quickly tried to change myself as I matured through High school.  I feel I've made good progress in overcoming my prejudices.  My neighbors from Afghanistan fled from Kabul when shit hit the fan back in '01.  They have a son who's my age, and he's become a really good friend of mine.  He and this other Iranian girl have really opened my eyes to the religion of Islam, and I believe that thanks to them I no longer live in ignorance and fear of an entire group.  Yes, they have their bad apples, but everyone does. 

While it is not uncommon to harbor an initial judgement against someone due to their race, you must still make an attempt at getting to know that person before you damn them to a stereotype.  First time I met my black friend Jon, he was dressed out like a thug and trying to act "ghetto".  But we found common ground and have formed a very solid friendship.  Now he's a Cav Scout with 2ID, but he comes back and still dresses like his thugged out retarded self, even though that isn't his lifestyle. 

You can't judge a book by it's cover.

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

As has been stated before, I believe Racism is a blind hatred based entirely on outside information, whereas prejudice is based more on your actual experiences.  My family rents out property in a low income, high crime area with a concentration of Blacks and Mexicans.  Have I seen poor representations of these races? Absolutely.  But I've also seen white people who were just as bad, if not worse.  I admit that sometimes I keep my suspicions about races.  I see a group of blacks dressed as thugs walking towards me, I try to veer out of the way. 

A couple years ago, people would come up to me and say "Hey, have you seen American History X?  It really reminds me of you."  I was an ignorant racist.  Yet one day, I finally watched that movie, and became disgusted with who I was.  While not as bad as the protaganist, I had begun to folow that path.  I quickly tried to change myself as I matured through High school.  I feel I've made good progress in overcoming my prejudices.  My neighbors from Afghanistan fled from Kabul when shit hit the fan back in '01.  They have a son who's my age, and he's become a really good friend of mine.  He and this other Iranian girl have really opened my eyes to the religion of Islam, and I believe that thanks to them I no longer live in ignorance and fear of an entire group.  Yes, they have their bad apples, but everyone does. 

While it is not uncommon to harbor an initial judgement against someone due to their race, you must still make an attempt at getting to know that person before you damn them to a stereotype.  First time I met my black friend Jon, he was dressed out like a thug and trying to act "ghetto".  But we found common ground and have formed a very solid friendship.  Now he's a Cav Scout with 2ID, but he comes back and still dresses like his thugged out retarded self, even though that isn't his lifestyle. 

You can't judge a book by it's cover.
Great post. You point out the realities of human nature and how prejudices are built and yet exemplify how the power of rational thought, which all humans are supposedly capable of, has allowed you not to colour your opinion of entire races. One can't write off an entire race of people just because you have met bad representatives of that race, to do that is plain ignorance. Take each person as they come. Stereotypes are absolutely worthless on a one to one basis.

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

You can't judge a book by it's cover.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that this book is pretty shit.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Thorax wrote:

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

You can't judge a book by it's cover.
http://www.errornix.com/images/articles … _cover.png
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that this book is pretty shit.

Last edited by DoctaStrangelove (2008-07-10 20:52:29)

If I hate the Irish but like lucky charms, am I still racist?

Marshmellows in cereal, who would have thought the Irish had it in them to come up with such a cool idea.  Just goes to show that even a blind squirrel finds a nut from time to time.

Braddock wrote:

Major.League.Infidel wrote:

As has been stated before, I believe Racism is a blind hatred based entirely on outside information, whereas prejudice is based more on your actual experiences.  My family rents out property in a low income, high crime area with a concentration of Blacks and Mexicans.  Have I seen poor representations of these races? Absolutely.  But I've also seen white people who were just as bad, if not worse.  I admit that sometimes I keep my suspicions about races.  I see a group of blacks dressed as thugs walking towards me, I try to veer out of the way. 

A couple years ago, people would come up to me and say "Hey, have you seen American History X?  It really reminds me of you."  I was an ignorant racist.  Yet one day, I finally watched that movie, and became disgusted with who I was.  While not as bad as the protaganist, I had begun to folow that path.  I quickly tried to change myself as I matured through High school.  I feel I've made good progress in overcoming my prejudices.  My neighbors from Afghanistan fled from Kabul when shit hit the fan back in '01.  They have a son who's my age, and he's become a really good friend of mine.  He and this other Iranian girl have really opened my eyes to the religion of Islam, and I believe that thanks to them I no longer live in ignorance and fear of an entire group.  Yes, they have their bad apples, but everyone does. 

While it is not uncommon to harbor an initial judgement against someone due to their race, you must still make an attempt at getting to know that person before you damn them to a stereotype.  First time I met my black friend Jon, he was dressed out like a thug and trying to act "ghetto".  But we found common ground and have formed a very solid friendship.  Now he's a Cav Scout with 2ID, but he comes back and still dresses like his thugged out retarded self, even though that isn't his lifestyle. 

You can't judge a book by it's cover.
Take each person as they come. Stereotypes are absolutely worthless on a one to one basis.
Except of course, those people that play into the stereotypes.
+233|6101|Dublin, Ohio

.Sup wrote:

Black men are usually stronger than white men thats why they get to use heavier kits.
God Save the Queen
+628|6653|tropical regions of london
Ive known a lot of scrawny black dudes.

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