meh, the patch is going to be eliminating noob tubing, plain n simple, u guys who luv to run around with a GL can whinge n moan as much as u want, but the point is, its going, n thats that.
Frankly, I agree completely with YitEarp. Battlefield 2 is a game that was design as a tactical FPS that incorperated vehicles and large maps, continuing the theme of the previous Battlefield games.
As usualy, EA/Dice made a few mistakes on the first release, and, as in the past, it'll take them 5-6 patches before they get it how they wanted it to be.
Plain n simple, NoobChube boys(n girls), n ppl throwing c4 around like it's a remote grenade are just exploiting mistakes EA/Dice made in their coding, n those of you who don't know how else to play, will have to either learn to start playing it like it was meant to be played, or have a sook n go find something more to your liking. N frankly I don't care wot u choose.
lol, n for those of u going on about "everyone will just start playing as medic n snipers", ROFL. As if, I'm a Spec Ops specialist, and always will be, cos I luv the class. N no, I don't throw c4, I plant it, I run up to the vehicle n throw it on then run away, or if it turns and is about to kill me, I blow the c4 to be sure that a threat to my team is removed. And there will of cors be all those ppl who luv support, and AT, n woteva else takes their fancy.
I acctually have more of a problem with the DAO-12s. lol, those things r a mongrel to come up against in CC fighting, n taking 3 shotgun rounds to the face will take any player down. Only times guy noob chubing hav anoyed me, is the ones who wait right around a corner till the hear someone coming, then jump 4' up in the air from around the corner and fire at their feet, killing themselves and me, which is completely pointless as it looses a point to both teams, and gains them no points (2 for the kill -2 for the suicide). So lol @ all noob chube players .
my rant for the day.... now I'm heading back off to wrk for the next shift
Frankly, I agree completely with YitEarp. Battlefield 2 is a game that was design as a tactical FPS that incorperated vehicles and large maps, continuing the theme of the previous Battlefield games.
As usualy, EA/Dice made a few mistakes on the first release, and, as in the past, it'll take them 5-6 patches before they get it how they wanted it to be.
Plain n simple, NoobChube boys(n girls), n ppl throwing c4 around like it's a remote grenade are just exploiting mistakes EA/Dice made in their coding, n those of you who don't know how else to play, will have to either learn to start playing it like it was meant to be played, or have a sook n go find something more to your liking. N frankly I don't care wot u choose.
lol, n for those of u going on about "everyone will just start playing as medic n snipers", ROFL. As if, I'm a Spec Ops specialist, and always will be, cos I luv the class. N no, I don't throw c4, I plant it, I run up to the vehicle n throw it on then run away, or if it turns and is about to kill me, I blow the c4 to be sure that a threat to my team is removed. And there will of cors be all those ppl who luv support, and AT, n woteva else takes their fancy.
I acctually have more of a problem with the DAO-12s. lol, those things r a mongrel to come up against in CC fighting, n taking 3 shotgun rounds to the face will take any player down. Only times guy noob chubing hav anoyed me, is the ones who wait right around a corner till the hear someone coming, then jump 4' up in the air from around the corner and fire at their feet, killing themselves and me, which is completely pointless as it looses a point to both teams, and gains them no points (2 for the kill -2 for the suicide). So lol @ all noob chube players .
my rant for the day.... now I'm heading back off to wrk for the next shift