Raiders of the Lost Bear

Right. I was in the middle of polishing up the next entry to my Guide and was just trolling the forums for fun. And I saw this reply:

RogerThast wrote:

cry all you want polarbearz but my points per min kills yours an you have an extra 200 hours on me
Fine. I'll take the first blow first 'Let the man with no sin cast the first stone'. I was being sarcastic in my reply to his post. Yes, but these posts have been popping up faster than smurfs. And yes, I believe my reply made TOTAL sense to the topic at hand. All the bitching about spawn camping, heli base raping etc etc. Read the thread in question: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=10103

But to my Main point, this is something that has pissed me off very often and very badly whenever I get in these forums. No, I'm not greatly affected by it, neither will I cut myself or commit suicide over it, I'm just really really irritated and this is one of the things that really puts me off about these forums and the fuckers that hang around inside. Thank goodness that for every 10 or so fuckers there will always be one shining light of salvation that actually keeps me hanging around.

Yes. Judging someone by his/her stats is just plain fucking ridiculous. What fucking right to you have to say 'STFU n00b who are you to comment on so-and-so topic when my SPM/KDR/Ratios are better than yours' Just what the fuck. Sure I call people in these forums karkand whores, plane whores, tank whores, but its all in the name of fun. You have fun playing in karkand, BY ALL MEANS! I won't judge you for that, I won't start a personal attack on you for that, if you had fun, you DID fufil the main point of getting this game! Who am I to say that you're a fucking idiot for that?

But its saddening that more than half the fucking community can't see that. They're so anal, so uptight about their oh-so-precious stats. Those are the people that check their account non-stop to see if their SPM went up by ONE. Those are the very same people that go in these forums that go 'Oh polarbearz I just checked you suck at every weapon on the ground, your accuracy sucks, you ratios as infantry sucks, you spent XXX hours in a vehicle you fucking wh0re.

Oh Wow.

I really give a fuck hey? I do whatever the fuck I want in the game. I run around slashing at empty air. I jump and defib the air/teammate around me if I'm bored. I shoot the Dao at the air/ground just to hear the 'CHOOM CHOOM CHOOM' sound that turns me on (). I don't throw one grenade around a corner, I throw my entire load. I pick any kit that I feel like/situation calls for. I change kits for fun on the ground to see if I can get an SF weapon and I can't be bothered to change back.

I play every single map, use every single vehicle I can get my hands on. Sure, i'm partial to planes/helis, because I loved flight sims ever since I played the very very old Microsoft Plane Stimulator. But I don't camp for them. I take whatever vehicle I can get my hands on. If not I walk. Or swim. Sure sometimes I do get stupid, my old death streak of 14 was when I boarded the same plane on the MEC airfield in Oman again and again just to be killed again and again. But I don't care! It thrills me to see how far off the field I can actually get the plane off, if I manage to get it off, kudos to me, and sucks to be in the F-35B because I'm going to blow them out of the sky.

polarbearz wrote:

I mess around all the time because its a fucking game ffs. I have fun pissing my entire team off by hogging the plane and doing tricks. Giving the entire blackhawk crew a heart attack/stroke by barrel rolling dangerously close to the ground. Spend time in game just talking. Trying for stupid badges I know i'll never get (read: knife and explosives)..
I regularly piss players off in EASG/EA TH because I hog the plane flying under bridges and scream like a little kid over VOIP when I manage to go upside down / corkscrew through the tunnel in kubra, under the bridge in cleansweep, under both bridges in wake upside down etc. etc. But I'm having fun! A little selfish but I DO kill after that *mumbles* and I provide air support too.

I let my darling little sister mess around with my account racking up a 19 death streak and pounding all my ratios down. But do I care? Cuz I love her more than I love this game. It tickles me to see her start swearing at my LCD screen because someone killed her while she was looking for the key to change weapon, move forward etc. I love the way she complains about how she gets killed so fast in armor while other people rack up insane scores. I love the way she jumped for joy the first time she got her first gold star (by herself). I get fucking mad when people in game go 'Fucking Sergeant n00b etc'. I secretly played her account to get her decent stats in everything just so she would take less flak from some of these fuckers online. I love the way she gets all excited about running into a firefight.

Why? Because I love her more than I love this game.

Why the fuck should you care about your ratios, what's more, other peoples' ratios and their scores etc etc. I don't. I don't even bother scrolling down to see how much time you have in what map. If I see it on your pic, you're an auto karkand whore in my books, but I don't mean anything malicious by it at all. Today was the FIRST time I actually checked someone else's stats and scrolled down to see how much time he had in the map. I can't believe it.

Put it this way, just look at your own stats. Fuck off the comparisons. Just because you got more SPM, KDR etc doesn't make you a better player, and more importantly, a better person. Some people in this community people are decent people.. Not only decent people, fucking good people at that. They don't have fantastic stats, they aren't uber1337 players, but playing with them is hilarious and so much more fun than playing with that player with some I've-Got-My-Fingers-Up-My-Ass-Stat-Whore. I love playing with friends, regrettably I'm stuck in asia, so the circle is small, but I so much prefer them to some high-ranking, stat-obsessed jackass.

Print out your stats, bend over, and shove it up your own fucking ass. You'll enjoy it more this way.

Last edited by polarbearz (2006-01-13 02:16:34)

Aussie Outlaw
Guilty as charged, I'm always dick-wagging and judging people on their stats.
+17|7051|South Africa
lol that'll learn them!

nice post.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Guilty as charged, I'm always dick-wagging and judging people on their stats.
Nahh... You're ok Greenie you only do that when you're pissed off and under personal attack.
+42|7157|Waikato, Aotearoa
Touche Polarbearz..........

Thats kind of like me a bit....
Go hard dude

Last edited by -101-InvaderZim (2006-01-13 02:23:01)

Member 5307
had a nice little rant now eh?
now stfu and go bomb some unsuspecting victim.
i 'll even help you steal the jet.
Mod Incarnate
Im not sure i would enjoy having my stats up my own ass...

But i agree with you on the rest.
BF2s EU Server Admin
+67|7101|Hanging onto the UAV
lol - genius post. You've summed up so much feeling in....so many words.  I concur.
+1|7076|The Netherlands
The main point of a game is to have fun.

And if you have fun flying all day or blow everyone up in a tank you should do that.
People have AT and C4 so they can blow that tank up if they want.

I also have fun with massmurder with a plane.
And when I am on the ground I get bombed too,, but I am not going to bitch about it.

With the stats you can see if someone is good with a vehicle or with some kit.
It makes it easier when you are setting up tactics for a clanwar, you know what people like and where you can use them for.
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

that's why i haven't linked my game account to my forum account.

That and also i'm just pure lazy.
Really like your post!
I kind of feel the same like you.
I said it once if not a thousand times.....ur stats are a personel thing for you and you only..they mean jack sh*t in real life...i check my stats regularly cos its part of the game and getting awards, medals etc is fun and part of why i play this game so much...but thats all...id rather someone said im a decent player, always polite and never causes any crap than get a gold medal everytime. I posted this quote from a daily paper the other day..."The only people who worry about winning are losers! Real winners know that there is no shame in incurring a loss. They aim for satisfaction not status. They are interested in meaningful experiences, not hollow victories!".........im a tank whore if u go by my hours spent in armoured vehicles, so what id rather live longer with some steel around me lol. I have played nearly 380 hours and my K is still below 1, ive more deaths than kills but as you said who the f*ck cares! i dont cos its just a game...good onya mate and well said!.....i tell you what makes me laugh..peeps who say they owned you, or i totally own (i know its not misspelled the way it should be) i mean wtf is it with stupid sh*t sayings like that?....i own 2 computers, a car and a thousand other things, when i play online i dont put up a sign saying for sale its BF2 not f*cking EBAY! lol
It's not about the stats... it's about the lenght... Totally agree with Polarbearz
In reply to the topicstarter. You seem to be a person that play Battlefield for the right reason. You say that people who mind their stats, are not. I would adjust this post. People who find their stats the most important of all, those are the ones who fuck up the game. They need a tube to kill people, to have  a decent spm. They will never expierence the fun in shooting another gun. The tank whores exactly the same.

As I said in another thread, Karkand whores is a bad word. It offends people who play Karkand. I play Karkand too. Look at my stats to see the difference. BUT I tried the other maps, and I came to a conclusion. When you don't want to be raped by planes and armor, Karkand is the best map. And I don't think it's fun to be killed by armor or jets all the time. Neither do I think it's fun to be in a jet or armored vehicle. I love the plane infantry battles. Firing my gun, laying on the ground, behind a corner, running away towards a wall to reloading my clip, and go back and kill the guy who was shooting at me. I love that. And then there's always a guy in here, yes, like you, who call those people Karkand whores.
Do you even know what a whore is? A hooker. A prostitute. A women who has sex for money. A crack whore. Someone's who addicted to drugs and has sex for the money so she can buy drugs. You call people who play a map for fun a whore. Yes , I know it's just an expression, but did it occur to you that it could be a bad expression.

Also you love to bring your teammates in jeopardy. I love to keep my teammates safe, take care of them, create a squad called "teamplay" and work our way trough enemy territory. I don't like to teamkill, because the ones who I tk'ed won't like it either. When I play this game, I have this in mind: "I'm not the only one here that is playing this game. People who run around here are not bots but real persons.". In real life you don't bug people for some things. And your're absolutly right about that. You don't judge a person from his stats. Its just like bullying a heavy person in real life. How childish is that? We're not 8 year old's like in Junior High. The lot of us are adults. Adults that want to have a fun game. Do it to relax. Looking at your stats is not a crime. It gives you an indication how you played. Nothing wrong with it.

Play your way, but don't annoy other people by it.
If you want to play in a jet, play 'Operation Clean Sweep'.
If you want to play in a tank, play 'Fusche Pass'.
If you want to teamkill, play GTA .
If you want to do tricks in the game, be my guest, but don't try to teamkill.

Ergo: Do the things wich the game is intended for. Don't be a twat.
nice rant polerbearz, and i hate how ppl scream on VOIP
A stranger in the dark

You love your little sister eh?

Nah, nice rap up. Although... This site started as (and basically still is) a stats page. If it's not about the stats... Then there are a whole lot of people just burning their time away here

PS.: if the winky didn't made it clear: don't take me serious, never ever
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

I'm with polarbearz on this one.

Raiders of the Lost Bear

To answer a few questions:

#1 You are not judging how good a person is IN GAME by his stats. Sure, its perfectly fine to judge  a person in game by his stats. It may not be the most accurate benchmark, but its the only benchmark you have. Yes, I admit that at times, I still go WTF when I see that my co is a private, but I still give him a chance. But my point in this post is, it is TOTALLY OUT OF POINT to quote someone's stats in a forum post. Does a 2nd Lt. have more say than a private HERE? I don't think so.

Using the post where my stats were quoted as an example, he had a higher SPM than me. Well, fine. But we were talking about getting spawn raped, and I LUCIDLY put it to him that you had SO MANY OTHER POINTS TO SPAWN FROM, why spawn there again and again and whine because of that? Where do stats come in on this? Does his higher SPM give him a greater say in it than I do? I fucking think not.

#2 I do NOT put my teammates in jeopardy. Whatever gave you that idea?! Just because I'm gone for 0.002 seconds flying under a bridge does NOT mean that I would definitely be halfway across the map taking out a tank that would have otherwise killed you. Yes I MAY have, but its indefinite at BEST. I do tactical airstrikes for my squadmates - Ask mike, I'll take out a tank @ a flag you're capping for ya if you just spotted him or asked. But some people get pissed off at the slightest things, so fuck them I say.

#3 <{SoE}>Agamemnar: Hmm you seem to agree and disagree with me @ the same time. Yes, the real world is all about stats, but its also about REAL things you spend REAL time and REAL money on, something that you truly achieve instead of a couple of stupid electronic medals. Back to my #1 on this. Yes, stats do apply when talking about an area of expertise. Take myself for example, I can fly but I can't hit shit with a sniper rifle. I wouldn't even go out of my way to comment on something I know that I suck at and make a fool of myself would I?

#4: Doing which a game is intented for: The last time I checked a GAME was loosely defined as: activity providing entertainment or amusement. What so fucking amusing with a smacktard breathing down your neck about how lousy you are in it?

#5 Aye I love my little sister to bits
Member 5307
gah, just bomb some fools for me later when i play commander later tonight.
+17|7051|South Africa
i like my stats

12" and single!

Now thats a stat!
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Will do tthf or i'll give my little sis a turn @ the comp. And the plane'll be the most dangerous place in the game. haha
Member 5307
enough of this forum nonsense and to the real stuff.
time to leave the office
=KHA= Verbal
=L&L=The Old Firm
+3|7075|The Netherlands The Hague
Amen Polarbearz fuck those wankers who are all about stats just have fun playing the game and have a laugh at it on VOIP with your mates just like i like to do. Bullocks to the stats its a GAME not real life and people who take this game so seriously need to go to a psy to let them be checked out for a reality check.

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