YitEarp wrote:
TehSeraphim wrote:
Kusunagi wrote:
Yes! I've prayed for a patch like this, and now it's finally coming. Now we can all fight like normal soldiers instead of a bunch of clowns who hop, dive and use the gl like their life's are depending on it.
Yes! I'm glad people can't adapt to other people's playing styles, learn to use different areas of the map (i.e. ones not involving close combat) and deal with a weapon. Personally, after the patch comes out I might just use regular grenades and toss them right next to me, suiciding and taking someone with me. I don't really care about the points, I just really want to piss everyone off.
If you can't learn to adapt to how people play you will never make it in this game. I guarantee you that once the patch comes out and the noobtube is nerfed and bunnyhopping/dolphin diving reduced, players will find a new style of how to play which will still annoy everyone, netting in another round of bitching for Dice/EA to get rid of something. As for anyone who complains about these weapons or styles of play belonging to people with no skill, if you can't shoot someone who is moving, or learn to shoot someone from a distance instead of being close enough for them to NOOB tube you (GL in close quarters) then it is indeed you who has no skill.
youre a fucking
moron. its not about failing to adapt, its not that hard to kill bunny hopping noob tubers usually, its that it completely ruins the immersion factor of the game. it sucks when you have a well thought out strategy, working as a squad giving covering fire etc, then all of a sudden some jerkoff comes around the corner bounding around like flipper. has not place in a present-day military themed game. if you cant stand not being able to bunny hop so much, go play Quake ya tool.
First and foremost - if you're in a squad working as a team and get noob tubed, there is no WAY that guy should survive, unless your squad sucks complete ass. IF you want to be tactical, you have the guy on point (out front) walkin around, gets toobed, your squad kills the tuber, and the medic in your squad revives you. Since people can pick up your kit if you're the only medic in your squad, you have nothing to worry about. If the tuber kills your whole squad, congrats to him - he killed 2-6 guys which is certainly worth having noob tubed cuz he owned all your asses.
Seriously - this game is LOOSELY based on reality. You can throw so many IRL situations into the game that you want, there are hundreds. M1A2 > T90 by far; in Desert storm we lost 2 Abrams to something like 900 or so russian made tanks. If you want a tactical based game YitEarp, try out Americas Army - its pretty realistic and people *tend* to work better, however there's no voip - hence TS or ventrilo.
My problem is this. The people who cry about being noob tubed are the people who run down the same alleys on Karkand and other city maps. They run in close quarters instead of coming in onthe periphery. Furthermore, these people do the SAME THING each time they spawn, and become overly predictable. If you EVER see USMC lose on Karkand, it's because of this and nothing else. The team is too predictable and always goes for hotel. gets slaughtered. I don't hear about people complaining about grenades - aren't M203's exactly like the hand grenades, except launched? Same kill radius, no? The thing is, you have time to run away from a grenade. This is why people get so pissed off - they can't run away.
So many people have complained about this that EA is nerfing the tube. There's GOING to be something new next patch people won't be able to stand. This game is going to continually get "more realistic" and more noob-friendly (I mean that in the sense to first time players) until we lose many of the aspects of what makes the game fun.
Yeah, I tube. I tube in CQC, but I'll finish people off with my rifle if need be. I tube because I was being tubed. I also realised that (on Karkand anyway), you stop getting tubed after USMC captures hotel. People have a harder time killing you from far off if they're bad with the tube and just use it for CQC.
Its always the same complaints with you people. X vehicle is too powerful. X weapon is too powerful. So and so killed me with x weapon. Just admit you got killed, brush it off, and move on. If someone kills me with a gl, yeah sometimes I get pretty pissed off but I deal with it because they killed me with a weapon. It's not like I couldn't have done ANYTHING, there's always something you can do. If you want to be immersed in the game, play single player or LAN, or fill an empty 16 slot server with your closest friends. Make happy with an admin of a server.
I don't mean to flame anyone with my post, it's certainly not my intention. Like I said in many posts I played Americas Army for 2 years and the game was great - very realistic, fun to play, infantry based, squad based, etc. You couldn't get insta healed and if you got 203ed guess what - you could wait up to 9 minutes for the round to restart for you to play again. Rounds were 10 minutes long and you could get hit with a 203 in the first 20 seconds on some maps because people figured out how to use the m203 like a mortar.
Point is - if anyone's ever played this game they know how it went downhill from patch to patch. Maps came out with nades, people were getting spammed by them in the beginning (which was completely avoidable if you held back for 5 seconds or chose a different route) but noobs complained so much because they didn't learn how to adapt and overcome. By the next patch grenades were taken out of that map, making it much more difficult in many situations seeing as it was a CQC map.
It's a game where you kill or be killed - if you get killed with a GL then call for a medic. I find it comical when a guy kills me and himself with a tube because I know he nets no points for it. If you keep getting tubed, don't play city maps - move to other maps where you can get planewhored instead, and then you can continue complaining about how jets are too powerful and AA doesn't work well enough. It WILL happen, I guarantee you.