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My vote goes to the cheeseburger.
it has the be non other than AK47, favorite weapon of revolutionaries
I understand... but if that's your rifle, and your still in California that rifle is illegal in its current configuration... SB-23 (2000 AW ban in cali law) says no pistol grip with a detachable mag. Of course, your fine if you registered it back in 2000 when the law came into effect.ATG wrote:
I'm not that anal about accuracy. Your right, the Ar was a better rifle all around, and about M1A.ts-pulsar wrote:
He helped push the federal AW ban through. And I'm sorry, but your mini-14 will never shoot as good as a stock AR without almost $500 worth of work done to it. In the end, an AR winds up being cheaper, and can be made to shoot a hell of a lot better than a Mini-14.ATG wrote:
I'll give you a 100' head start and I get two bullets.
Me personally, I'm gratefull Sturm and Ruger did what they did, they sell the only legal box magazine rifle in California.
Inaccurate compared to a sniper rifle? Sure. It shoots just as good as my Colt Ar-15 did, before I had to get rid of it because of California gun laws.
The anti-gun lobby was not going to be stopped by Ruger. Can't you see they did something right as they alone sell these types of guns legally in California.
And I can name a couple of other detachable box magazines rifles legal in CA. M1A, M1 Carbine, SVT-40, Remington 740 series, FN-49. And that's for the relatively easy stuff to find, there's a lot more of the obscure stuff out there. Like the Johnson Rifle.
And don't forget, you can build up an AR in CA if you use an Off list lower and make sure it's in compliance with SB-23
Trust me, I deal with this crap every day, guns are my business.
While you can legally build an AR in California, who wants the hassle when they cops pull you over and you have to assplain the weapon?
I'm not trying to pick a fight. My 14 is eye candy mostly, not a working mans rifle. I defer to your expertise in weapons as I'm simply an owner, not a smith.
I know many true gun dudes hate ruger,a nd I understand why. I love mine, what can I say?
And really, the off list AR's aren't much to worry about anymore, a lot of memo's have been sent out to all the PD's in the state about it, so most police know about it.
And the reason gun nuts hates Ruger, is not because the guns are crap, they are actually fairly well built, better than most guns out there, but because in 1994 when the demoncrats got the fed AW ban through, Bill Ruger actually backed the AW ban because the way it was written none of his guns would have been made illegal. He threw gun owners under the bus to make a buck. Since Bill Ruger died and the company is now under new ownership, they aren't as bad, and I'd actually buy a new Ruger weapon now, but I and many others were boycotting Ruger when Bill Ruger was still owner.
Leaded petrol and CFCs in refrigerators.
The guy who came up with both ideas died before it was known how devastatingly damaging these substances are.
He invented a device to raise or turn him in bed after contracting polio, and became entangled in the cables and was strangled.
The guy who came up with both ideas died before it was known how devastatingly damaging these substances are.
He invented a device to raise or turn him in bed after contracting polio, and became entangled in the cables and was strangled.
in light of recent electoral results, i have to say tampax and depends
For my country, Germany the HK 21 & 22 is a honor
I say silicon. What would we do with out it.
3. the general unhealthiness of the drink, and its high energy content. Supposedly marketed for sports etc. but drunk by people who want to look hard, for whom it's probably not very good. I think that says the most about the western world: people drinking sports drinks not because they need their high energy/sugar content but because they like them. It's our throw-away, abundant and obese society that gets to me tbh.Spark wrote:
I vote for Powerade (Coca Cola's version of Gatorade).
For two reasons: 1. the Brand image of Coca cola (commercialism/capitalism)
2. The complex drink requiring complex chemistry (science)

Beer...Its for whats for breakfast.
man you guys are forgetting something arnt you

i hate wal-mart for the fact that it is ruining small buisness. yet i shop there? why becasue its cheap...cmon mom n pops get with it

i hate wal-mart for the fact that it is ruining small buisness. yet i shop there? why becasue its cheap...cmon mom n pops get with it

"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Coca Cola...
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