Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6714|Houston, Texas
Hey look someone registered a new account just to post that ^
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6792|Toronto, ON
No rules at all.
Alpha as fuck.

Nyte wrote:

No rules at all.
Cheeky Keen
+329|6597|Kent, UK

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

Nyte wrote:

No rules at all.
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6714|Houston, Texas
No rules at all has worked in about every other game ever made! But this does have rankings so its somewhat diffrent.
well for starters lets keep the good thing currently in the ROE... 1.1 through 2.3 seems pretty clear cut and agreeable. The only section that people seem to be complaining about is the private ranked servers.

Now that weve narrowed the problem section down a bit (hopefully), lets take a look at the specifics of what people hate here.

§ Artillery fire or bombing runs on main (uncapturable) bases may be prohibited.

-while i personally dont have a problem with this rule, the big problem is in maps where one side has a capturable main base and the other has an uncapturable one. Either arty is not allowed on either of these bases (unrealistic to expect of people) or arty and bombing is a go (sad to say). Often the clan members make sure that they are on the teams with the uncapturable base. This leads to exploitation of the rules and just general frustration at the limitations now imposed on one side and not the other.

§ Prolonged or sustained attacks on main (uncapturable) bases (i.e. spawncamping).

This is a real trouble maker. Lots of clan servers abuse this rule to death by kicking anyone that comes within line of sight of their main or just someone whos annoying them. Also admins tend to ignore this rule concerning their team, but if they see their assets blown up god help the person who is now caught 'baseraping'. Making this particular rule more clear cut or modifying it is a must.

§ Using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Blackhawk whoring or flag hopping).

.... im not sure how you can enforce that.... and again, if a blackhawk drops troops off next to an uncap flag and then orbits waiting for them to cap it... is that flag hopping?

§ Impersonating clan members.

pretty straight forward... you deserve to be kicked/banned if your stupid enough to do this.

§ Using C4 on jeeps, or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles.

While its certainly abused, on some maps its usually the only way to take out enemy armor. unless you make sitting next to a supply crate when in a tank illegal (please dont, again no way to enforce that) i find it unreasonable to restrict this.

§ Clans may change or customise rules, provided they don’t violate the above ROE rules.

Good rule except that they often do and get away with it scott free. When threatened to be reported for abuse of the ROE the admins and players KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that the report will go unchecked (or at least not acted upon). The main problem is there is now a lack of certainty that you guys even care about reports of abusive admins or people breaking even these ROE. It seems like the admin is always right because he pays money... but he also agreed to these rules when he payed that money so that argument should be out the window. But no matter how many screen shots of people being banned for bogus reasons coupled with the identity of the server, it seems like the admin always wins unless its a knife/pistol server.

Either enforce this particular rule strictly or dont bother putting it in the ROE so that we know you cant/wont support us in the all too familiar abusive admin scenario.

Now off topic... where did the ea official servers go? I liked not having to worry about knifing admins too many times.
Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6714|Houston, Texas
Good post Ghost.

Just a side note, it's pretty unrealistic to expect people who pay the hundred something a month for a large server to not do things the way they see fit. I sure know the minute I broke a set of rules for a server i paid for, that caused me to no longer be able to have a server, would be the minute I make sure I tell all my friends about it, and start to boycot all of EA/DICE products.

I like how very few people are taking this seriously. This is the chance for all the whining noobs to get their way, but all they can do is spend 3 seconds writing "No ROE. Ever." to only have their attempts fail.


Defiance wrote:

I like how very few people are taking this seriously. This is the chance for all the whining noobs to get their way, but all they can do is spend 3 seconds writing "No ROE. Ever." to only have their attempts fail.

I like how Indianscout whines about most of the people's suggestions here being inadequate or too similar to his own.  If he didn't want suggestions he should have started the thread.  If they're not going to enforce a ROE or if they're going to enforce it arbitrarily they shouldn't have one at all.  If having an ROE is so very important to the integrity of the game than they should have coded it so that violations (short of hacking) are impossible in game. 

I like how you think people should take this seriously.  I'd really like you to explain why you think what a few guys on this thread write will actually ever be incorporated into the ROE.  I'd love to hear Indianscout explain the arbitrary enforcing of the ROE.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6718|Middle of nowhere

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

Alright Mr. Indian Scout.


1) Players may not hack

2) Servers cannot allow glitching to happen and players may not glitch or exploit game flaws (eg Karkand Hotel exploit)

3) Players may not be racist (no need for children to say "FUCK U U FAGGOT SPIC CHINK")

The rest should be up to the admins of the server. If there was never an ROE like the current one in the first place, nobody would care about people on knife and pistol, people TKing for vehicles, people stat padding off in some corner of the map. Let the players govern themselves, there shouldn't be a need for a police force or a set of laws for a game. People should put fun before stats.

EDIT: 4) Servers must clearly show server rules

wow, i didn't have to look but 10 posts to find what i was thinking, +1 for you m8

that's my ROE too
+6|6690|Cincinnati, Oh
How bout this:

Take this ROE, roll it up nice and tight, and shove it up your ass!  I'll play how and where I want to play.  I don't need "officer battlefield" or anyone else to give me a set of rules that they say are "fair", and expect me to abide by them.

  It's pretty sad that a set of "Rules" had to be made to accomodate the players that just couldn't/can't stand the fact that others are better than they are

"Ooooo, I'm gonna report you to the ROE police............."

Blow me, shitstick...........


option one:  no ROE
option two:  two ROEs

add one value to the database for every player which is a number between 1 and 0, to represent the proportions between time played in each ROE:    0.5  would mean half your time is spent on roe one.
this can be added into HQ page for next patch

each server can choose what they want.

ROE 1 stands as the one previously written.
ROE 2 is for knife and pistol servers.
- flags will be taken so that both teams have a short walk to the fight. (in kark fight between square/hotel)
- vehicles can ONLY be used to capture a flag.  You may not kill in a vehicle.
- only pistols, knives, or shock paddles may be used to kill.
- smoke grenades are ok, flashbangs are not
- no car drops, no AT mines (no cartillery).
- no teamkilling, be merciful with the punish since it's a faster game
- do not abuse admin rights
- no artillery.
- no hacking or exploiting holes in walls
- no knife/reviving (padding) going to the edge of the map, or spawn killing.  Players stay away from the spawning spots or be kicked.  Cooperating with the other team to get points is not allowed you must kill the enemy
- combat proceeds using said weapons after the flags have been established.
- bunny hopping, macro ground humping and sitting alot are allowed.   If you choose to look funny, go ahead

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-08-11 18:45:58)

+101|6716|Southern California
We need a ROE because there is no "common" sense in the BF2 community. That's not an insult just a fact. We have what some 1.5 to 2 million BF2 people from age 9 to 72, from most religions - maybe all, races, nationalities, economic status, educational level, ethical paradigms and I could go on, you get the point, find much in common?

EA needs to Code the ROE but failing that as they have, a ROE to operate by is next on the list of mature and responsible things to do.

The first thing is EA/Dice or Senior game designer (whatever title)  MUST set forth a "Basic Game Design" in clear non-political language. EVERYTHING stems from this game design statement. People justify their game play by a tremendous number of assumptions. Some come from experience with previous Shooters or other game genres, from other life experiences, from opportunistic tendencies and some from some esoteric place nobody will ever find. The number of rules needed would be significantly reduced by this one "design" paragraph. Then everyone on both sides of the wire can work to align their efforts and assumptions to/from the game design. It would create the basis for "common sense".

Next is, do the ranked server setup rules really need to be in the ROE? Isn't that something that should be locked in? The ROE is a catch-all for EA to patch some gaps in the system based on some kind of feedback from the community. A Ranked server to have ranked status should have a locked/capped set of setup options on install.

ROE in two parts, Ranked Server Staff and Players. Each and every rule should have an explanation as to why it is there. Not in the main ROE but as an attachment. There are people enforcing the ROE who have an unequal opinion about things. Just spell it out please no secrets and no backroom politics to keep your customers paying for "their" game configuration preferences. If they want to pay let them pay for and setup a local server database and leave the EA container alone.

The ROE must be written in active 8th grade language and in complete sentences without any "insider" jargon or assumptions of 'everyone knows what I mean to say' perspective.

Punkbuster. Why can't punkbuster setup a data calculations based on expected game play and when, for example, 3 players get 40 revive-knife-pistol whatever points on each other in a couple minutes they get auto-kicked and auto-reported. Why is this simple task left up to people to detect and report? We can do it with negative team kill scores reaching a threshold why not the rest of the 'devious' behavior? Of course it can be done. Do it.

When you read a thousand threads on Admin, server, players abuses its clear that Admins have too much extra to do and still play so take the load off of us and let us play damnit. Does anyone know what a conflict of interest is? There are servers who give admin status to anyone who donates to pay for their server fees!!!! Come on that's crap. Yes we all have to pay for our servers but that is no excuse to give away the keys.

We need Rules of Engagement. The best solution is to code most of it and leave the optional stuff in the posted ROE.  For thos who disagree EA did one thing correctly. They gave us non-ranked options so if you all want to fly outside the design envelope go to it but don't contaminate the statistical database.

We should take the concept and purpose of the ROE seriously. The only thing about BF2 that's a game is when you click on the left mouse button to make a little camouflaged cluster of pixels go flying through the graphic air. Everything outside the game is real life! Sorry.

Code the ROE, please
a fly
+105|6684|The netherlands
cant stop by this topic without posting something.

ea can make this all fancy ect, or leave it plain and simple.

1. no knife and pistol servers. (if you suck so much you cant do it in infantry only, your newb, really)
2. admins are allowed to disallow the use of:
2.1. kits, a whole kit, not just 1 weapon from a kit.
2.2. cars, not 1 car, every car or none.
3. anyone saying cheater without proof (a damned screenshot is NEVER proof, nor is an battlerecorder, or fraps recording), will be reset.
4. statspadding is not allowed
4.1. Kidnapping is allowed, if someone is causing loses for the team, or is generaly anoying to a group of people, they have full rights to do to that person what they want.

try putting that in, why no infantry only servers? cause of limiting use??? wtf is up with that.

also, baseraping cant be banished. if an admin does that the server must be shutdown for "noob admin who does not understand how to cap and defend flags".

or, do what (problebly alot of people sayd): drop it. we dont need it, we need good admins. make a script that auto resets everyone with a victem (that was killed over 60 times). that will make statspadding harder.... then everyone is happy cause kidnapping can still be done.

ps: you cannot stop people by resetting, all GOOD unlocks are unlocked in 5 days playing. (g36c, l85, l96, dao, + random gun).
and with a reset, you still have uber 1337 choppers. GIVE UP THE ROE EVERYONE!!!!!!!! THEY CANT ENFORCE THEM IF NO-ONE FOLLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are some Roe of my own:

1.- Engineers repairing BH: yes, they should be able to do it IF they are under enemy fire, or damage
     is a definite and direct consequence of enemy fire.
2.- C4 chunking from BH with the aid of a Support man, definitely constitutes a form of Stats Padding.
     The mission of the Spec Ops personnel is certainly not to throw explosives from a Helicopter.
3.- An attack to an uncappable flag can be done by Spec Ops personnel along with one Support man, IF,
     and only IF the mission is to destroy Enemy Commander's assets, and they cannot open fire against
     enemy combatants unless they are fired upon first.
4.- Sustained direct fire upon enemy troops at an uncappable flag and Spotting from an uncappable flag
     indefinitely, can be done ONLY by Scout Snipers personnel.
5.- Transport vehicles must be used for Transport and Support only. Blackhawks are equipped with guns
     in order to provide fire support, and not for Spawn killing purposes. Personnel on board of a BH
     above a CP must deploy immediately in the pursuit of taking that flag. However, Helicopters may be used
     as mobile Spawn Points if a Squad Leader is inside.
6.- Commander flying or in a vehicle instead of commanding, depends and was written from the
     beginning in the BF2 Official Game Guide (the Field Manual, let's call it) under the "Commander
     Tactics/ Chain of Command" Chapter, (and I quote): "While the commander will have to do some fighting
     in the 16-player games, in the larger games, use the commander for orders and support". Meaning, that
     if the map's small (16-players) commander definitely will have to fight AND command.
     If the map's medium (32-player), it's his decision if fighting AND commanding, or only command.
     In the larger maps (64-players) he must  most definitely command only. Therefore, flying an airplane or
     driving a vehicle will depend on the size of the map, commander's criteria and field needs.
7.- Finally, any form of Stats Padding is definitely not acceptable

And the list can go on and on, but these are just a few, I hope they can help a bit.

Semper Fi!
Ak-101 Addict
1. No hacking, glitching or using exploits.

The end.

Battlefield2Player wrote:

1. No hacking, glitching or using exploits.

The end.
Read the past 9 pages kthnxbai.
Dun wori, it's K.
+76|6462|California, US
Only reviving aloud is with minor wounds
Critical Wounds with a like 7.62 or bigger should be incapable of reviving
+101|6716|Southern California

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Battlefield2Player wrote:

1. No hacking, glitching or using exploits.

The end.
Read the past 9 pages kthnxbai.
lol that's wayyyy too much like work for me, this is supposed to be fun! (Even though I did read it all)

How about this?

ROE = Do not release a game until all the rules have been discussed, coded, selectable in server settings and autmatically enforced by the game engine, automatically reviewed and validated by PB and the statistical database padding scanner. Ensure that new and unique game features require completion of tutorials before joining online multiplayer games (a multiplayer unlock if you will).

If the above was done then the only ROE would be:

1. Do not enforce any rule not included in the AutoAdmin-ROE selection list.
+46|6492|Bradford UK

ThomasMorgan wrote:

I really have to agree with what's been said.  If you're not meant to do it, then it should be coded out.  I.E. no reviving the same person more than three times in a row.

If you're not meant to baserape, then make the uncappable bases out-of-bounds areas for the enemy team.

Someone on these forums has a sig that says "Don't ROE it, Code it!" and I wholeheartedly agree.  I like to think I'm pretty familiar with most of the RoE, but not everyone is, nor should everyone have to be.
Good idead on the most. but i think that only spec ops should be allowed in. make it so no other kits allowed in enemy uncap, ie, coded so that if they use sniper kit in uncap they will die in a matter of seconds...if you understand that!! great idea tho to code it like that.
Well what I can say, admins can do whatever the fuck they want, they paid for the server, they should have full priorities. I don't care how fucking abusive they are, if they are abusive then don't play there. Admins will learn the lesson the hard way if they become too abusive and no one goes to their server anymore.

jord wrote:

Actually i just got an idea.

We don't need a ROE,we should play the game how we wan't and let the server admins kick us if we do something they don't like.

Anyone agree?
+101|6716|Southern California

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Well what I can say, admins can do whatever the fuck they want, they paid for the server, they should have full priorities. I don't care how fucking abusive they are, if they are abusive then don't play there. Admins will learn the lesson the hard way if they become too abusive and no one goes to their server anymore.
Cy, maybe so but an abusive admin environment can lead to a padding field.  Better to focus on game play than allow a conflict of interest to form. I think that my paying for a server is a priviledge in a way and we should be assisted in adminstration by game design.

Just make the server rules selectable in a drop-down or radio-button menu. Then have the software do the admin work automatically. This way all of the selected rules could be fed to the server-monitor websites and people could read all the selections before entering

Also if someone wanted a k/p or et al server and EA didn't really like the perceived stat inflation they could have the selection slightly nerf the k/p points when that button was selected. All of the preferences of play can be allowed by auto-admin selection. As far as I know the chief position for or against any of the rules is the way the statisitcal database is contaminated by specialty servers or shall we say "focussed behavior" (stat padding activities) on the battlefield.

The knife revive should be an easy auto-admin. If a couple names keep killing each other sequentially at a rate aboev game design they just hit a limit of points per minute, simple. They can k/r all day but only get maximum of x points for it.

Just code the ROE,

                                  computers are supposed to make our lives easier lol!!!!

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-11-23 10:46:49)

Well opschief, why do you care about padding so much? They may turn it into a pad-fest, but so what?
+101|6716|Southern California

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Well opschief, why do you care about padding so much? They may turn it into a pad-fest, but so what?
hmmm? I just explained that.

Are the rank and points more important to you than the skill to earn them in the game battlefield?

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-11-23 11:02:13)

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