What do you think should be done about the problems of malnutrition, disease, poverty and starvation in Africa?

How important an issue is it to you? I mean genuinely now. I don't want people feigning concern or lack of concern here - I want honest opinions.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-11-21 09:16:08)

Clark W Griswald
Ireland should give them some potatoes.

Well obviously we need to use some of our nukes.

Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-11-21 09:17:04)

Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6936|Camp XRay

cameron from my brief experience there last month it is a brutal place. the problem you listed above are just a few that continent faces. i don't know what can be done to try to fix all these situation, but the they are piling up.

Last edited by Marlboroman82 (2006-11-21 09:19:00)
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7058|Houston, TX
TheOneAndOnlyX - Your post is considered inappropriate, please refrain from posting this sort of material. {quote}
I won't tolerate that and neither will this website.  Take a break.

The English

CameronPoe wrote:

What do you think should be done about the problems of malnutrition, disease, poverty and starvation in Africa?

How important an issue is it to you? I mean genuinely now. I don't want people feigning concern or lack of concern here - I want honest opinions.
We, the Europeans, need to take over the continent again. Most Africans would be happy for us to do so.

I lived there for over a year, in Botswana, and if anyone here thinks the African people can run a country by themselves you're totally deluded. Problem is, we judge a country's standards by our own and if you expect them to start living by our standards, i.e low corruption/crime/rape/violence, think again. Rural Africa, about 99% of the continent, is how Europe would have been 500-1000 years ago. Primitive is an understatement.

They do not share our concepts of what we consider fundamental to a civilised society and therefore will never fulfill our expectations of them. The less we expect from Africa the less dissapointed we'll be.

For those who will no doubt call me a racist, racism is based on prejudice. I've lived there and have made an informed judgement based on what I saw and heard.
Develop the perfect crop that can be grown in all conditions through gene manipulation.
Clark W Griswald

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Develop the perfect crop that can be grown in all conditions through gene manipulation.
.......or stop having five kids whne you can barely feed one.
Cowboy from Hell

CameronPoe wrote:

What do you think should be done about the problems of malnutrition, disease, poverty and starvation in Africa?

How important an issue is it to you? I mean genuinely now. I don't want people feigning concern or lack of concern here - I want honest opinions.
I posted several threads about the fuck ups in Africa but nobody cares.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

With regards to Darfur. It is my understanding that the government of Sudan will not allow UN peace keepers into the region. Most of the aide that is sent is hijacked by militants. What kind of help can the world possibly give when there is no security?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Clark W Griswald

sergeriver wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

What do you think should be done about the problems of malnutrition, disease, poverty and starvation in Africa?

How important an issue is it to you? I mean genuinely now. I don't want people feigning concern or lack of concern here - I want honest opinions.
I posted several threads about the fuck ups in Africa but nobody cares.
That is because it is not the "cool" thing to talk about, Iraq and Israel are cool thing to talk about.  People are media sheep, and talk about whatever is fed to them.

Clark W Griswald wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Develop the perfect crop that can be grown in all conditions through gene manipulation.
.......or stop having five kids whne you can barely feed one.
They have kids for practical reasons. To help on the farm, etc

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Clark W Griswald wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Develop the perfect crop that can be grown in all conditions through gene manipulation.
.......or stop having five kids whne you can barely feed one.
They have kids for practical reasons. To help on the farm, etc
To help on the farm that doesn't grow anything because it's in a desert.

Nothing can be done without overthrowing I'd guess 2/3 of the governments there and starting with new ones that will et relief come in, and actually use it to BUILD, not just feed.

Give a man a fish.... you know the rest.

Oh, and quit having secks and spreading the HIV
Clark W Griswald

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Clark W Griswald wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Develop the perfect crop that can be grown in all conditions through gene manipulation.
.......or stop having five kids whne you can barely feed one.
They have kids for practical reasons. To help on the farm, etc
If that were the case then they would not be hungry would they?
Cowboy from Hell

Clark W Griswald wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

What do you think should be done about the problems of malnutrition, disease, poverty and starvation in Africa?

How important an issue is it to you? I mean genuinely now. I don't want people feigning concern or lack of concern here - I want honest opinions.
I posted several threads about the fuck ups in Africa but nobody cares.
That is because it is not the "cool" thing to talk about, Iraq and Israel are cool thing to talk about.  People are media sheep, and talk about whatever is fed to them.
It's the first post we agree today.
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.
I'll be really honest here,which will make me look like a but of a dick.

Alls these adverts and campaigns that are on the TV,i'm sure they affect most and I bet some people watch the shock adverts of a child that weighs 4 stone and start to cry.Well for me I just wait for my programme to come back on,not even giving a second thought to give money.

That guy on Hotel Rwanda summed me up,I'll try and find the quote.

Jack-Hotel Rwanda wrote:

I think if people see this footage, they'll say Oh, my God, that's horrible. And then they'll go on eating their dinners.

Last edited by jord (2006-11-21 09:49:56)

The Farewell Tour
+79|6735|San Antonio, TX
LOL... most Americans won't help the family down the street, but they are more than happy to send money/food/aid accross the world. 

I say start in your own neighborhood.  Look in your community and help those really in need.  That way you can make sure what you donate/give goes to someone worthy, and doesn't end up in someone else's hands for "administrative needs".

Of course it's coming upon Christmas time here, and I want to feel good about myself, so I'm going to give some money to that guy in the santa suit ringing the bell outside the store, or maybe I'll send the old kids clothes to a shelter.  Got to stay on santa's "nice" list.

I'm from South africa and having lived my whole life there  can tell you thats its not a simple question. "western" people will always struggle to understand the place unless you've spent a significant time there and been to more than just one country. Sorry Ricardo but a year in Botswana doesnt qualify you to know the continent.

Tribalism, poverty, corruption and lack of education are the major stumbling blocks for Africa's growth. The best idea i've ever heard to help africa is from a man called Mo Ibrahim, a billionaire from Africa who's offering prize money to the best performing Head of state in Africa. you can read about it here:

The money is awarded to the Head of state thats done the most to fight corruption and basically do the job they're supposed to be doing anyway. If this is audited properly it could just work to get governments in line.

A major help for Africa would of course be if foreign countries stopped taking all the wealth away from the people. Africa is one of the richest continents in the world in terms natural resources but most of it is owned by foreign companies. The World Bank and IMF ensures that they keep the 3rd world down by providing conditional aid which ensure the country in question gets deeper and deeper into debt. (corruption in the country adds to this problem but isnt the worst of it) They will make loans to countrues and then specify how that money should be used. Most of it ending up back in America and Britain through fees, contracts and mineral rights anyway. You just need to look at how the entire dairy industry in Jamaica was destroyed by them to see how bad it is. Other issues include Aids, its ESTIMATED that 2.8 million people died of Aids in Africa last year alone. The continent's people are being wiped out yet international drug companies refuse to allow Africa to produce its own generic drugs because they might lose money in the long run.

Bottom line is that there is no simple answer to the problems of africa, it needs to be addressed from various angles but the best thing the world can do to help is to write off Africa's debt and let the continent sort itself out. "Aid" in its various forms often makes the problems worse.

RicardoBlanco wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

What do you think should be done about the problems of malnutrition, disease, poverty and starvation in Africa?

How important an issue is it to you? I mean genuinely now. I don't want people feigning concern or lack of concern here - I want honest opinions.
We, the Europeans, need to take over the continent again. Most Africans would be happy for us to do so.

I lived there for over a year, in Botswana, and if anyone here thinks the African people can run a country by themselves you're totally deluded. Problem is, we judge a country's standards by our own and if you expect them to start living by our standards, i.e low corruption/crime/rape/violence, think again. Rural Africa, about 99% of the continent, is how Europe would have been 500-1000 years ago. Primitive is an understatement.

They do not share our concepts of what we consider fundamental to a civilised society and therefore will never fulfill our expectations of them. The less we expect from Africa the less dissapointed we'll be.

For those who will no doubt call me a racist, racism is based on prejudice. I've lived there and have made an informed judgement based on what I saw and heard.
If Europe would have never went there in the first place, it wouldn't be anything like it is.

RoccoDW wrote:

Other issues include Aids, its ESTIMATED that 2.8 million people died of Aids in Africa last year alone. The continent's people are being wiped out yet international drug companies refuse to allow Africa to produce its own generic drugs because they might lose money in the long run.
I call Shenanigans.

If people would take personal responsibilty and wear a friggin condom, or not have secks with 11 diferent people a week, AIDS might stop in it's tracks.

Guess what happens when you get drugs? Nobody has to take responsibility, yet again.

Erkut.hv wrote:

RoccoDW wrote:

Other issues include Aids, its ESTIMATED that 2.8 million people died of Aids in Africa last year alone. The continent's people are being wiped out yet international drug companies refuse to allow Africa to produce its own generic drugs because they might lose money in the long run.
I call Shenanigans.

If people would take personal responsibilty and wear a friggin condom, or not have secks with 11 diferent people a week, AIDS might stop in it's tracks.

Guess what happens when you get drugs? Nobody has to take responsibility, yet again.
You're right, no one has to take responsibility. Including the companies who profit by monopolizing the production of AIDS medicine, and selling it for a price Africans can't dream of sustaining. What a responsible idea. Yeah...

Dec45 wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

RoccoDW wrote:

Other issues include Aids, its ESTIMATED that 2.8 million people died of Aids in Africa last year alone. The continent's people are being wiped out yet international drug companies refuse to allow Africa to produce its own generic drugs because they might lose money in the long run.
I call Shenanigans.

If people would take personal responsibilty and wear a friggin condom, or not have secks with 11 diferent people a week, AIDS might stop in it's tracks.

Guess what happens when you get drugs? Nobody has to take responsibility, yet again.
You're right, no one has to take responsibility. Including the companies who profit by monopolizing the production of AIDS medicine, and selling it for a price Africans can't dream of sustaining. What a responsible idea. Yeah...
Don't get AIDS you won't need drugs. personal responsibility will negate the need for overpriced medications. You're right, why should Mbutu keep it in his pants when he can get free pills and spread it to someone else?

Erkut.hv wrote:

RoccoDW wrote:

Other issues include Aids, its ESTIMATED that 2.8 million people died of Aids in Africa last year alone. The continent's people are being wiped out yet international drug companies refuse to allow Africa to produce its own generic drugs because they might lose money in the long run.
I call Shenanigans.

If people would take personal responsibilty and wear a friggin condom, or not have secks with 11 diferent people a week, AIDS might stop in it's tracks.

Guess what happens when you get drugs? Nobody has to take responsibility, yet again.
Again its not as simple as that. (Sex isnt the only way to transmit HIV by the way) a change of culture is needed and the current crisis is speeding that process along but it will take time. Aids is a relatively new problem and change takes many years. In the mean time the world should let 7000 plus people die per day?  The drugs aren't a cure for Aids, just a way to allow sufferers to live a productive life. You will still die from Aids, just not as quickly.

RoccoDW wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

RoccoDW wrote:

Other issues include Aids, its ESTIMATED that 2.8 million people died of Aids in Africa last year alone. The continent's people are being wiped out yet international drug companies refuse to allow Africa to produce its own generic drugs because they might lose money in the long run.
I call Shenanigans.

If people would take personal responsibilty and wear a friggin condom, or not have secks with 11 diferent people a week, AIDS might stop in it's tracks.

Guess what happens when you get drugs? Nobody has to take responsibility, yet again.
Again its not as simple as that. (Sex isnt the only way to transmit HIV by the way) a change of culture is needed and the current crisis is speeding that process along but it will take time. Aids is a relatively new problem and change takes many years. In the mean time the world should let 7000 plus people die per day?  The drugs aren't a cure for Aids, just a way to allow sufferers to live a productive life. You will still die from Aids, just not as quickly.
I'm not disagreeing that people shouldn't be allowed access to medicing. I am tired of all these fundraiser, concerts, etc... to combat a virus that can be stopped if people acted responsibly.

AIDS is 100% stoppable. The same can't be said of cancer and diseases of that nature.

People should be allowed access to the drugs, but at some point people have to get tired of treating diseases for free when people refuse to act with some degree of responsiblity. (not just sexually either)
+51|6841|Land of the free
use condoms?
Stop killing each other?

I think we should give zero aid to them.
Its not my problem that they want to kill each other and are to stupid to do anything about it.
I don't want my tax dollars going up just so we can send food which the militias will probably take anyway and use to feed their armies (battle of Mogadishu)

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