Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
I will tell you what. Were gonna play a little D&ST scavenger hunt. I am not going to provide a link. I know it happened and I found it, but not by putting 7 yr old + cop +killed on Google. Two years ago when me and my wife bought our house she let me have my own office. I put up all of my old  college books and said "when the fuck am I going to read these, eh they look cool though". I just whipped it out and proved myself wrong. The first person to find thhe name of the 7 year old (not giving away gender) and provide a link for all of these internet junkies so they will actually believe it, gets one karma a day from me for 20 days.
Malloy must go
GunSlinger OIF II

deeznutz1245 wrote:

I will tell you what. Were gonna play a little D&ST scavenger hunt. I am not going to provide a link. I know it happened and I found it, but not by putting 7 yr old + cop +killed on Google. Two years ago when me and my wife bought our house she let me have my own office. I put up all of my old  college books and said "when the fuck am I going to read these, eh they look cool though". I just whipped it out and proved myself wrong. The first person to find thhe name of the 7 year old (not giving away gender) and provide a link for all of these internet junkies so they will actually believe it, gets one karma a day from me for 20 days.
dude, i honestly dont fucking care enough to look it up.  I was just pointing out your failed argument when you cant even elaborate on your points.  it is on you, the person making the claim to do that kinda shit.  Im not calling you a liar, i just find it very hard to picture a 7 year old child in hand cuffs taking the life of an adult with training on that kind of thing.  but since you dont wanna even give me a hint as to how the fuck sometyhing like that could happen and instead talk about your college days and your wife and house and your office...LOL.  i guess im gonna have to call bullshit until you could prove other wise.  are you sure you went to college?
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

I will tell you what. Were gonna play a little D&ST scavenger hunt. I am not going to provide a link. I know it happened and I found it, but not by putting 7 yr old + cop +killed on Google. Two years ago when me and my wife bought our house she let me have my own office. I put up all of my old  college books and said "when the fuck am I going to read these, eh they look cool though". I just whipped it out and proved myself wrong. The first person to find thhe name of the 7 year old (not giving away gender) and provide a link for all of these internet junkies so they will actually believe it, gets one karma a day from me for 20 days.
dude, i honestly dont fucking care enough to look it up.  I was just pointing out your failed argument when you cant even elaborate on your points.  it is on you, the person making the claim to do that kinda shit.  Im not calling you a liar, i just find it very hard to picture a 7 year old child in hand cuffs taking the life of an adult with training on that kind of thing.  but since you dont wanna even give me a hint as to how the fuck sometyhing like that could happen and instead talk about your college days and your wife and house and your office...LOL.  i guess im gonna have to call bullshit until you could prove other wise.  are you sure you went to college?
The kid was freaking out and the cop was trying to calm the kid down, cuz he was 7 ya know, anyways the boy was flailing and kicked the cop just perfect in the face and his nose cavity broke somehow and lodged into his brain. Killed him. Kid was found not guilty obviously. Cop wasnt a moron though, thats my point. He was just trying to calm the bugger down. Point is they cant let their guard down, and I dont blame them.
Malloy must go
GunSlinger OIF II
ok, now I could see how something like that could happen
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

ok, now I could see how something like that could happen
Freaky shit, ya know. I used to do Bail Enforcement years ago and I was always nervous. I was just really really careful and trusted nobody, even in bracelets so Im just saying I can understand the cops extra measures.Thats all.
Malloy must go
GunSlinger OIF II
90% of my experiences with law enforcement officers has been negative, although much recently Ive actually had a couple of good one on ones with some cops and I found myself not hating the bastards.

EDIT: negative on their side that is.

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-11-20 22:17:38)

First man on Mars
+9|6963|England, GBR
That's great for Iran-American relations ain't it just?
GunSlinger OIF II

Moonraker_x29 wrote:

That's great for Iran-American relations ain't it just?
First man on Mars
+9|6963|England, GBR

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Moonraker_x29 wrote:

That's great for Iran-American relations ain't it just?
ok what?

an excerpt from wrote:

an incident in which Iranian-American student Mostafa Tabatabainejad was tasered up to five times by UCLA police on Friday

His name is Mostafa for crying out loud. SOME people kinda don't like that, I'm guessing the cop was one.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

Moonraker_x29 wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Moonraker_x29 wrote:

That's great for Iran-American relations ain't it just?
ok what?

an excerpt from wrote:

an incident in which Iranian-American student Mostafa Tabatabainejad was tasered up to five times by UCLA police on Friday

His name is Mostafa for crying out loud. SOME people kinda don't like that, I'm guessing the cop was one.
I seriously doubt that race had anything to do with it. Just think though, Iranians had better quit the shit because look what we do to them just for not having a library card. Imagine what the Marines would do.
Malloy must go
+48|6688|new york
As a former Jacksonville FL Sheriffs Deputy, I can say that it is NOT in any circumstance to use proper use of force. Once the suspect is handcuffed, the officers should have carried him out. There was never any threatening behavior from the suspect, so even to tazer him the first time is questionable. No, the video does not show the entire incident, but the statements from the witnesses do. He was leaving, when approached by the officers. They should have let him leave.
As an officer of the law you are given training to subdue in many forms. You are tazered, sprayed with mace, and even have tear gas training. Of the 112 officers that received this training, only 13 were incapacitated, after being tazed, for more then 30 seconds(mind you these were all grown men, physically conditioned, and expecting to be tazed). This being said,he was not in this condition, and it is feasible that he was not able to get up on his own after just his first jolt. Another thing you a trained for is to respect medical conditions. this may sound like a load of crap, but read on.
Now as a practicing civil lawyer, he has a very strong case for not only excessive use of force (police brutality), but also false arrest. He is not the only one who is in for a chance to sue the dept., because the kid that was threatened also has a good case if he chooses to pursue. I've seen big awards for less cause.
  The last case my firm brought up against a police dept. was in Albany NY (I'm licensed by NYS Bar Assoc.). The case involved an epileptic man that was pulled over for a broken taillight. when the officer approached the car the man informed him that he had epilepsy, and asked him to turn off his lights. The officer refused, and under stress, along with the strobe effect of squad cars lights, the man went into epileptic seizures. That case was settled out of court for over $300,000. The officer never touched him, never used force of any form, but failed to respond to a reasonable request.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
Is that why some time ago all of the squad cars have the lights that you can only see from the rear of the car and not the front?
Malloy must go

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Dec45 wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

The youngest person ever to kill a police officer while restrained in handcuffs is 7 years old. The oldest is 93. Lets see you go and put your life on the line every fuckin day and see how you react. The dumb little brat was in the wrong the second he defied the rules. Case closed.
'In the wrong', does not justify shocking him that many times. You can argue all day long that because he was wrong, anything he got he deserved. But that's a pretty barbaric mindset, that doesn't translate well with many other cases of disobedience. You can pick someone up with your buddy cop, and carry him... Anything. Are you trying to degrade the capability of the human physiology to carry or move another human in a multitude of ways, to the point you suggest that shocking him with 50,000 volts is the only method, and the best? Think a little.

I'm sorry to inform you, but any cop killed by a handcuffed 7 or 93 year old, is probably even more stupid then the ones who thought tasering a kid is going to make him stand up, or the student who didn't comply.
Um, wrong. You need to think a little. A restrained subject is required by law to move under his own free will. Police cannot drag or buddy up to carry. They followed procedure. You assume that a fallen officer of the peace is stupid because of the age of a subject? Do you know the circumstances? You must because you "informed" me. Freak things happen to normal people every day. Putting your ass on the line every day only increases your chances of something strange and uncontrollabe ending your life. Thats why militaru and police train, train and train again. They follow procedure and they do the best they can to keep us safe when they arent throwing fucky little trust fund liberals out of university libraries. And Im sorry if I sympathize for them and the adversity they face every day.
Maybe in comparison to your world, the cops are risking their lives valiantly. In mine, I acknowledge that the people whose asses are truly on the line, are the ones living in the neighborhoods cops often get called to. Cops willingly choose to go to these areas and police them, and they have NO obligation to help anyone in the first place. I'm not sure if you knew that, but a cop doesn't have to help a soul. He doesn't have to rush to a call. Cops are emotional wrecks, who build up serious resent for the people living in the areas they often have to make arrests in. They are judgmental by nature, lack compassion and extremely biased towards people who don't enjoy the fassad of a public angelic image, where they always have excuses for everything out of some false sense of valor. The military and the police are on two totally different levels. I don't know what world you live in, but in mine, the police do NOT do their best to keep 'us' safe. And I'm not even basing this on race.

deeznutz1245 wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

I will tell you what. Were gonna play a little D&ST scavenger hunt. I am not going to provide a link. I know it happened and I found it, but not by putting 7 yr old + cop +killed on Google. Two years ago when me and my wife bought our house she let me have my own office. I put up all of my old  college books and said "when the fuck am I going to read these, eh they look cool though". I just whipped it out and proved myself wrong. The first person to find thhe name of the 7 year old (not giving away gender) and provide a link for all of these internet junkies so they will actually believe it, gets one karma a day from me for 20 days.
dude, i honestly dont fucking care enough to look it up.  I was just pointing out your failed argument when you cant even elaborate on your points.  it is on you, the person making the claim to do that kinda shit.  Im not calling you a liar, i just find it very hard to picture a 7 year old child in hand cuffs taking the life of an adult with training on that kind of thing.  but since you dont wanna even give me a hint as to how the fuck sometyhing like that could happen and instead talk about your college days and your wife and house and your office...LOL.  i guess im gonna have to call bullshit until you could prove other wise.  are you sure you went to college?
The kid was freaking out and the cop was trying to calm the kid down, cuz he was 7 ya know, anyways the boy was flailing and kicked the cop just perfect in the face and his nose cavity broke somehow and lodged into his brain. Killed him. Kid was found not guilty obviously. Cop wasnt a moron though, thats my point. He was just trying to calm the bugger down. Point is they cant let their guard down, and I dont blame them.
That's the extreme exception to the rule. Are you suggesting cops should all be vigilant and aggressive in handcuffing 7 year olds now? There's no lesson to be learned from this, other then, shit happens.

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Is that why some time ago all of the squad cars have the lights that you can only see from the rear of the car and not the front?
So why did that cop just say you can carry people?

nlsme wrote:

As a former Jacksonville FL Sheriffs Deputy, I can say that it is NOT in any circumstance to use proper use of force. Once the suspect is handcuffed, the officers should have carried him out. There was never any threatening behavior from the suspect, so even to tazer him the first time is questionable. No, the video does not show the entire incident, but the statements from the witnesses do. He was leaving, when approached by the officers. They should have let him leave.
As an officer of the law you are given training to subdue in many forms. You are tazered, sprayed with mace, and even have tear gas training. Of the 112 officers that received this training, only 13 were incapacitated, after being tazed, for more then 30 seconds(mind you these were all grown men, physically conditioned, and expecting to be tazed). This being said,he was not in this condition, and it is feasible that he was not able to get up on his own after just his first jolt. Another thing you a trained for is to respect medical conditions. this may sound like a load of crap, but read on.
Now as a practicing civil lawyer, he has a very strong case for not only excessive use of force (police brutality), but also false arrest. He is not the only one who is in for a chance to sue the dept., because the kid that was threatened also has a good case if he chooses to pursue. I've seen big awards for less cause.
  The last case my firm brought up against a police dept. was in Albany NY (I'm licensed by NYS Bar Assoc.). The case involved an epileptic man that was pulled over for a broken taillight. when the officer approached the car the man informed him that he had epilepsy, and asked him to turn off his lights. The officer refused, and under stress, along with the strobe effect of squad cars lights, the man went into epileptic seizures. That case was settled out of court for over $300,000. The officer never touched him, never used force of any form, but failed to respond to a reasonable request.
Wow, an ambulance chaser saying the kid has a lawsuit, how odd.....
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

Erkut.hv wrote:

nlsme wrote:

As a former Jacksonville FL Sheriffs Deputy, I can say that it is NOT in any circumstance to use proper use of force. Once the suspect is handcuffed, the officers should have carried him out. There was never any threatening behavior from the suspect, so even to tazer him the first time is questionable. No, the video does not show the entire incident, but the statements from the witnesses do. He was leaving, when approached by the officers. They should have let him leave.
As an officer of the law you are given training to subdue in many forms. You are tazered, sprayed with mace, and even have tear gas training. Of the 112 officers that received this training, only 13 were incapacitated, after being tazed, for more then 30 seconds(mind you these were all grown men, physically conditioned, and expecting to be tazed). This being said,he was not in this condition, and it is feasible that he was not able to get up on his own after just his first jolt. Another thing you a trained for is to respect medical conditions. this may sound like a load of crap, but read on.
Now as a practicing civil lawyer, he has a very strong case for not only excessive use of force (police brutality), but also false arrest. He is not the only one who is in for a chance to sue the dept., because the kid that was threatened also has a good case if he chooses to pursue. I've seen big awards for less cause.
  The last case my firm brought up against a police dept. was in Albany NY (I'm licensed by NYS Bar Assoc.). The case involved an epileptic man that was pulled over for a broken taillight. when the officer approached the car the man informed him that he had epilepsy, and asked him to turn off his lights. The officer refused, and under stress, along with the strobe effect of squad cars lights, the man went into epileptic seizures. That case was settled out of court for over $300,000. The officer never touched him, never used force of any form, but failed to respond to a reasonable request.
Wow, an ambulance chaser saying the kid has a lawsuit, how odd.....
Wow a guy on the internet thinking he knows more about the law then an ex-police officer and lawyer.. How odd....

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

nlsme wrote:

As a former Jacksonville FL Sheriffs Deputy, I can say that it is NOT in any circumstance to use proper use of force. Once the suspect is handcuffed, the officers should have carried him out. There was never any threatening behavior from the suspect, so even to tazer him the first time is questionable. No, the video does not show the entire incident, but the statements from the witnesses do. He was leaving, when approached by the officers. They should have let him leave.
As an officer of the law you are given training to subdue in many forms. You are tazered, sprayed with mace, and even have tear gas training. Of the 112 officers that received this training, only 13 were incapacitated, after being tazed, for more then 30 seconds(mind you these were all grown men, physically conditioned, and expecting to be tazed). This being said,he was not in this condition, and it is feasible that he was not able to get up on his own after just his first jolt. Another thing you a trained for is to respect medical conditions. this may sound like a load of crap, but read on.
Now as a practicing civil lawyer, he has a very strong case for not only excessive use of force (police brutality), but also false arrest. He is not the only one who is in for a chance to sue the dept., because the kid that was threatened also has a good case if he chooses to pursue. I've seen big awards for less cause.
  The last case my firm brought up against a police dept. was in Albany NY (I'm licensed by NYS Bar Assoc.). The case involved an epileptic man that was pulled over for a broken taillight. when the officer approached the car the man informed him that he had epilepsy, and asked him to turn off his lights. The officer refused, and under stress, along with the strobe effect of squad cars lights, the man went into epileptic seizures. That case was settled out of court for over $300,000. The officer never touched him, never used force of any form, but failed to respond to a reasonable request.
Wow, an ambulance chaser saying the kid has a lawsuit, how odd.....
Wow a guy on the internet thinking he knows more about the law then an ex-police officer and lawyer.. How odd....
Oh, well since my credentials are as proveable as his, I was supreme lawyer officer policeman in bumfugged county.

Fass you're witty, care for a cookie?
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

Erkut.hv wrote:

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

Wow, an ambulance chaser saying the kid has a lawsuit, how odd.....
Wow a guy on the internet thinking he knows more about the law then an ex-police officer and lawyer.. How odd....
Oh, well since my credentials are as proveable as his, I was supreme lawyer officer policeman in bumfugged county.

Fass you're witty, care for a cookie?
Yeah I understand that it's not very crediable but I wouldn't take that much time to type up a lie(that's how I decide, yours was short)... By the way it's President Bush ass.... hahahaha

Edit, and in the From section it says New York so his story checks out...

Last edited by cpt.fass1 (2006-11-21 10:49:07)


cpt.fass1 wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Wow a guy on the internet thinking he knows more about the law then an ex-police officer and lawyer.. How odd....
Oh, well since my credentials are as proveable as his, I was supreme lawyer officer policeman in bumfugged county.

Fass you're witty, care for a cookie?
Yeah I understand that it's not very crediable but I wouldn't take that much time to type up a lie(that's how I decide, yours was short)... By the way it's President Bush ass.... hahahaha
Damn W, didn't mean to yell. It's Cheney. Thought I told you not to use teh internets without my permission.

Go back to your room.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

Erkut.hv wrote:

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

Oh, well since my credentials are as proveable as his, I was supreme lawyer officer policeman in bumfugged county.

Fass you're witty, care for a cookie?
Yeah I understand that it's not very crediable but I wouldn't take that much time to type up a lie(that's how I decide, yours was short)... By the way it's President Bush ass.... hahahaha
Damn W, didn't mean to yell. It's Cheney. Thought I told you not to use teh internets without my permission.

Go back to your room.
But I wantted to look at Google what's that called again? The satalit thingy while waiting for my warm milk....
+48|6688|new york
To add to this story, LAPD has identified the officer that was responsible. It is no surprise that he was involved in a similar incident three years ago. He shot a homeless man, IA investigations said that he should have been fired, and charged with assault. That kid definitely has a civil case. Both against the LAPD and the officer personally.

nlsme wrote:

To add to this story, LAPD has identified the officer that was responsible. It is no surprise that he was involved in a similar incident three years ago. He shot a homeless man, IA investigations said that he should have been fired, and charged with assault. That kid definitely has a civil case. Both against the LAPD and the officer personally.
Wow... Who's going to back this man now? All this crying about liberal kids.

Dec45 wrote:

nlsme wrote:

To add to this story, LAPD has identified the officer that was responsible. It is no surprise that he was involved in a similar incident three years ago. He shot a homeless man, IA investigations said that he should have been fired, and charged with assault. That kid definitely has a civil case. Both against the LAPD and the officer personally.
Wow... Who's going to back this man now? All this crying about liberal kids.
Can we have some links please? Or can we all post some stuff?

"the officer also liked punching retarded kids and beating up old women"
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

Erkut.hv wrote:

Dec45 wrote:

nlsme wrote:

To add to this story, LAPD has identified the officer that was responsible. It is no surprise that he was involved in a similar incident three years ago. He shot a homeless man, IA investigations said that he should have been fired, and charged with assault. That kid definitely has a civil case. Both against the LAPD and the officer personally.
Wow... Who's going to back this man now? All this crying about liberal kids.
Can we have some links please? Or can we all post some stuff?

"the officer also liked punching retarded kids and beating up old women"
Erkut.hv I don't think I ever agree with you on anything, but today you're cracking me up man...

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