Svensk Tiger

kr@cker wrote:

i don't speak dutch either, seems we got rid of them too
Are you a racist? Cause you seems to be. You really think Clease wrote that? and if he did, he might have a point there. You know, some of my friends have houses older then the "American history", you know, the one that starts when Europe came to visit...

kr@cker wrote:

i don't speak dutch either, seems we got rid of them too
Suprise! Your ancestrial blood has a large chance of being dutch.
The Magic Mullet

dubbs wrote:

Dear Queen Elizabeth II,

You can try to take over the United States like your forefathers did, but we will once again not allow you to take our freedom.  You may won the war of 1812, but we got our way when we signed the treaty.

Thank You,
The American People

PS:  Mr. Webster was right when he corrected your lanuage.  Maybe we should call the better and improved verision of your English, Americanise.  The Queen's English is for wankers.

Nice post TuataraDude, hope this does not turn into a bash US thread.
I'm going to be the next President of the USA. I already have a list of countries I want to bomb for no specific reason. I think that's the only qualification you need.

I actually feel confident I could conquer the entire country with a wooden spoon and a Will & Grace DVD Boxset.
Evils Bammed Sex Machine
Dutchies rule FTW!

Will & Grace [Pwn] Everything else.
Evils Bammed Sex Machine

Bernadictus wrote:

Will & Grace [Pwn] Everything else.
+1 for that!

Back on topic. You can see what happened to Suriname when we let that country go off on it's own course.
Compare it to the Dutch Antilles (Aruba, Bonaire, CuraƧao) which have almost no problems at all.

I say we get those colonial days back!

That would mean, we get back New York Amsterdam, Indonesia and another bunch of countries, that seem not able to control themselves.
Evils Bammed Sex Machine
What about South Africa? Do we want that back?
+12|6623|Luton, England

Gillenator wrote:

What about South Africa? Do we want that back?
Why the hell would you want South africa back???  It`s full of south africans
A God Amongst Men
Nice post specially about language English is English damn it stop changing it! whats so hard about a U a come on if you get taught it at school it would be fine and America has no illegal aliens if everyone 200 years ago were fuckin european in origin so you think 200 years history means you own the joint not quite.
The Magic Mullet

SwampDog wrote:

Gillenator wrote:

What about South Africa? Do we want that back?
Why the hell would you want South africa back???  It`s full of south africans
And they all have bad AIDS.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA

Viller-Valle wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

i don't speak dutch either, seems we got rid of them too
Are you a racist? Cause you seems to be. You really think Clease wrote that? and if he did, he might have a point there. You know, some of my friends have houses older then the "American history", you know, the one that starts when Europe came to visit...
racism now is it?

try reading, i said cleese would have more class than that, i just love how we're criticized for being dumb by former "owners" that couldn't keep us subjugated, get over it

new york isn't a country

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-11-20 06:26:05)


kr@cker wrote:

racism now is it?

new york isn't a country
New York, is the pinnacle of American wrong doing! Infidels! Fear our tulips and cheese bombers!

We will absorb you into the new 4th Rijk!
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
actually i'm really interested in "cheese bombers", do explain

do you bomb pepper jack? it's my fave!
A God Amongst Men

kr@cker wrote:

Viller-Valle wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

i don't speak dutch either, seems we got rid of them too
Are you a racist? Cause you seems to be. You really think Clease wrote that? and if he did, he might have a point there. You know, some of my friends have houses older then the "American history", you know, the one that starts when Europe came to visit...
racism now is it?

try reading, i said cleese would have more class than that, i just love how we're criticized for being dumb by former "owners" that couldn't keep us subjugated, get over it

new york isn't a country
Racism is prejudice or discrimination based on the belief that race is the primary factor determining human traits and abilities. Racism includes the belief that genetic or inherited differences produce the inherent superiority or inferiority of one race over another. In the name of protecting their race from "contamination," some racists justify the domination and destruction of races they consider to be either superior or inferior. ...

lol I'm just taking piss i don't actually think that it was a racists Vil but flame away hmmm jack pepper

Last edited by Recoil555 (2006-11-20 06:32:11)

Evils Bammed Sex Machine

SwampDog wrote:

Gillenator wrote:

What about South Africa? Do we want that back?
Why the hell would you want South africa back???  It`s full of south africans
I don't want it back as well. But we'll have to see what all the other Dutch people think of it you know.
But perhaps we can deport all the aids vistims?

4th Rijk! Lol!

dubbs wrote:

Dear Queen Elizabeth II,

You can try to take over the United States like your forefathers did, but we will once again not allow you to take our freedom.  You may won the war of 1812, but we got our way when we signed the treaty.

Thank You,
The American People

PS:  Mr. Webster was right when he corrected your lanuage.  Maybe we should call the better and improved verision of your English, Americanise.  The Queen's English is for wankers.

Nice post TuataraDude, hope this does not turn into a bash US thread.
Are you one of those americans who believe that the united states captured the first engima and things like that?  You sound like it. No wonder most american war films are re-creating history, because they have none of their own.

Sorry. yes you do, something historic happened  a while back, that idiot bush has lost control, thank god for that, i thought he was going to start another war

Last edited by James-M-II (2006-11-20 06:34:23)

A God Amongst Men
major beef ...
+52|6644|Perth. Western Australia
Yeah maybe the US should go back to metric the rest of the world uses is but what isnt it good enough for you   takin a piss but if someone takes offence to this you will truly make me laugh. Lets see if people read the full post.
'CLICK JOIN NOW'... OK lets go... BOOM!!!! =FFS=
+120|6714|Cheshire, UK
Awesome +1
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
actually as i understand it, parliament sends us a bill for the rev war each year
Great success!
+216|6729|Chandler, AZ

Recoil555 wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

Viller-Valle wrote:

Are you a racist? Cause you seems to be. You really think Clease wrote that? and if he did, he might have a point there. You know, some of my friends have houses older then the "American history", you know, the one that starts when Europe came to visit...
racism now is it?

try reading, i said cleese would have more class than that, i just love how we're criticized for being dumb by former "owners" that couldn't keep us subjugated, get over it

new york isn't a country
Racism is prejudice or discrimination based on the belief that race is the primary factor determining human traits and abilities. Racism includes the belief that genetic or inherited differences produce the inherent superiority or inferiority of one race over another. In the name of protecting their race from "contamination," some racists justify the domination and destruction of races they consider to be either superior or inferior. ...
You mean like 99% of the Brits act toward Americans on the internet? Oh ok.
I hand out purple hearts like candy
+72|6556|Alberta, Canada

Tjasso wrote: … lfdefe.jpg

we allready did peaches Sgt.
That was awesome...

"Come at me with the banana!"
"Err.... Okay"
*totally unexpectedly shoots participant*

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