I was recently given a 3-day ban by a BF2S Mod named "Bernadictus"....
He said the reason for this ban was spamming.... Well i was not by any means spamming the forums i simply put an advertisment for my clan once or twice a month on the Seeking Members Portion of the clans area on the forums. I read all of the BF2S forums rules prior to creating an account and posting a message. NO WHERE in the rules does it say i cannot create another post(s) once mine has been posted and fallen to page 5 or 6 of the forums.
I seriously belive you should also make your moderators read and follow the rules just as everyone else does!
He said the reason for this ban was spamming.... Well i was not by any means spamming the forums i simply put an advertisment for my clan once or twice a month on the Seeking Members Portion of the clans area on the forums. I read all of the BF2S forums rules prior to creating an account and posting a message. NO WHERE in the rules does it say i cannot create another post(s) once mine has been posted and fallen to page 5 or 6 of the forums.
I seriously belive you should also make your moderators read and follow the rules just as everyone else does!