
[THE] comben wrote:

tbh im not sure what i would advise.

i got bullied in school ( i was quiet, small and introverted lol) and it was pretty damn awfull if the truth be known.

i guess it could have been a lot worse tho.  mind u i did bllx all work in school and i prolly learnt more after i left ( i read loads and loads :S )  i now dont really like taking any shit off peeps unless its warranted,  i guess i look at it this way:  if someone is giving me grief and i get pissed off and its blatantly obvious im getting wound up and they carry on and it kicks off as a result, i think in all honesty they have only themselfs to blame really ( i still think this is fair even if it was me being a knobber and getting a shoe in as a result tbh).

as an aside  im 30, 6'2 and look 20 odd ( i still get asked for ID lol ) all the goons from school are overweight bald and stupid...i win .  well most of em anyway.

hope ur kids cool anyways ...bit of a rant there, kinda like free therapy really lol.
You were probably bullied because of your atrocious spelling...
+2,382|6721|The North, beyond the wall.
This guy was bullying me so i stabbed him in the gut and ate his insides.

Anyway,past aside.Nobody ever got bullied at my school.No idea why...

Well done to your son.

d4rkst4r wrote:

Im right now in a similar situation, I dont get bullied but lots of people make fun of me and stuff and im about to crack but i dont know what to do, ive never hit or hurt someone whiel intentionally trying to hurt them, I want to but i jsut cant, and i dont want to be taking crap from people anymore, i dont know what to do..
Whatever you do, don't throw the first punch. If the abuse is verbal, ignore it and build your self-confidence. If someone bugs you, tell them casually to shut up, don't be aggressive, but don't be shy or weak about it. Confidence will win so long as it doesn't become physical. If it does, and if they throw the first punch, you have two choices, 1. If you're in a place where both of you are subject to a higher authority (a school or office for example), take the hits like a man, put up only enough resistence to protect yourself, and let the authority take care of it. 2. If the authority doesn't step in, or if there is no higher authority avaliable, win the fight, beat the shit out of them, and have enough discretion not to kill them.

Quite recently one of my friends of friends at school who is from Nepal, and moved here recently. I try to be nice around him, treat him with respect. But the smallest thing pissed him off. Anywho playing Tennis in PE we get into a fight over something stupid. He makes fun of my mom (Who at the moment has Bell's Palsy) I tell him this, and explain what it is. He responds with "Haha, stupid bitch" This. Pisses me off. I grab him by the collar, lift him OFF the ground (Lightweight fucker) punch him in the face, and throw him on the ground. He manages to get up, and kick me in the shin, I grab his leg and flip him onto the concrete. He rolls over, and I kicked him in the gut, he coughs, I hover my foot over his throat and tell him to "back the fuck off". He struggles to get up, sits down and coughs repeatedly. He hasn't fucked with me since.
We all know that situation and to be honest i was never bullied in school. I got in plenty of fights with bullys but, i was always the kid that stood up for the ones that got bullied. I guess you son did the right thing in this case but it is unfortunate that none of his "friends" helped him out or said anything. To be honest if i was you i would have talked to the bully myself... and then give his dad a little motivation. All in all you son should be proud to have you as a father because you obviously care.
+2,382|6721|The North, beyond the wall.

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Quite recently one of my friends of friends at school who is from Nepal, and moved here recently. I try to be nice around him, treat him with respect. But the smallest thing pissed him off. Anywho playing Tennis in PE we get into a fight over something stupid. He makes fun of my mom (Who at the moment has Bell's Palsy) I tell him this, and explain what it is. He responds with "Haha, stupid bitch" This. Pisses me off. I grab him by the collar, lift him OFF the ground (Lightweight fucker) punch him in the face, and throw him on the ground. He manages to get up, and kick me in the shin, I grab his leg and flip him onto the concrete. He rolls over, and I kicked him in the gut, he coughs, I hover my foot over his throat and tell him to "back the fuck off". He struggles to get up, sits down and coughs repeatedly. He hasn't fucked with me since.
What did your friend say?

jord wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Quite recently one of my friends of friends at school who is from Nepal, and moved here recently. I try to be nice around him, treat him with respect. But the smallest thing pissed him off. Anywho playing Tennis in PE we get into a fight over something stupid. He makes fun of my mom (Who at the moment has Bell's Palsy) I tell him this, and explain what it is. He responds with "Haha, stupid bitch" This. Pisses me off. I grab him by the collar, lift him OFF the ground (Lightweight fucker) punch him in the face, and throw him on the ground. He manages to get up, and kick me in the shin, I grab his leg and flip him onto the concrete. He rolls over, and I kicked him in the gut, he coughs, I hover my foot over his throat and tell him to "back the fuck off". He struggles to get up, sits down and coughs repeatedly. He hasn't fucked with me since.
What did your friend say?
He moved. Like, a while ago.
Do One Ya Mug !!!
James Nicholson bullied me, it was like his mission everyday for 5 years. i joined the army and when i saw him in town on the piss i bit his nose off . a few weeks later i was in court for assault where  received 80 hours of the wonderful community service. this is where i learned how to make bird tables and paint old ladies smelly flats.
Great success!
+216|6619|Chandler, AZ
Never let the school deal with it. At that age it's an important lesson to learn while the children are that young and impressionable. Something like that sticks with you, as your personality is being shaped massively during those years. If you let the bully push you around, and you never stick up for yourself, you're likely to continue that pattern of being walked all over. Not only that, but it teaches the bully that what he does works for him, and that he can continue to do it.

All in all, it's a much better lesson for EVERYONE involved when the bully gets his ass kicked. Schools are insanely liberal and would probably have your child sit down with the bully, smoke a spliff and sip a mocha latte, discuss their feelings, and meditate the problem away. And this would continue every single day that you child was bullied for the rest of his life.

+1 for both of you.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6764|Sydney, Australia
I don't know if has been said already, but here we go:

That ain't bullying, that shit is assault and theft. From what you have said it is likely it will happen again. If it does, go down to the local police station and press charges...* Press them for a few days, until the offenders have been interviewed and made to shit themselves with fear. Then drop the charges.

*Disclaimer - I can not be held responsible for any legal costs, publicity or beatings your son may receive as a result of this...

Same shit, Different Arsehole
when i was in school my group of freinds we're all skaters (mosh blah blah) an all of these chavs would give us nothing but abuse no one said anythin back because thats what they want right?

anyway one day my mate an his girlfreind we're just chillin on a bench when a bunch of little faggots just jump on them an start hittin them even the girl was hurt really bad, it was for no reason what so ever anyway a freind of mine smacked the leader in the face he ran off an that was that a few minutes later all the chavs from our year all these ghetto tossers come out an about 20 of em surround the guy an start kickin him in at this point we all just jumped on those bastards like (mike V) i got a damn few good hits in too an those fuckers never said shit again!

a great day i was excluded along with a few other mates an the guy who hit the girl in the face was expelled

good ridence
+102|6745|New York

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Its Bullies that cause school shootings(forcing kids to do drastic things because of years of abuse by bullies).

Couldnt believe i have actually seen a game By Rockstar Games that came out Called Bully or The Bully? Why in gods name would they release this type of crap when Kids already suffer at the hands of these types of individuals every day? Very poor taste. Nothing like Kicking a society of kids right in the Nutz with a game based on something that haunts kids every day, alot of times resulting in suicide. WTF.

Ok Rant over. Sorry.
Play the game before you comment about how it may get kids nuts. Kinda like saying GTA makes people want to shoplift and kill everyone. In fact teen crime has gone done drastically after the release of such a game.
HELLO, My kid has the game. WTF do you think posted about it. he rented it for the week. He wont be renting it again. Its harsh and Just out of line. Period.
+2,382|6721|The North, beyond the wall.

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Its Bullies that cause school shootings(forcing kids to do drastic things because of years of abuse by bullies).

Couldnt believe i have actually seen a game By Rockstar Games that came out Called Bully or The Bully? Why in gods name would they release this type of crap when Kids already suffer at the hands of these types of individuals every day? Very poor taste. Nothing like Kicking a society of kids right in the Nutz with a game based on something that haunts kids every day, alot of times resulting in suicide. WTF.

Ok Rant over. Sorry.
Play the game before you comment about how it may get kids nuts. Kinda like saying GTA makes people want to shoplift and kill everyone. In fact teen crime has gone done drastically after the release of such a game.
HELLO, My kid has the game. WTF do you think posted about it. he rented it for the week. He wont be renting it again. Its harsh and Just out of line. Period.
I'll have to get that game then.

Rockstar make the best games.
biggie smalls
+72|6496|Ontario, Canada
Im sorry to say this but while having bullying problems in high school, the police will do nothing. that would only cause more people to hate you.
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
+102|6745|New York
Its a fine line in school, I remember it being the same. You narc you got whooped. But also back then, you met the dude behind the school or down the street off the property, and comenced to whoop ass.
biggie smalls
+72|6496|Ontario, Canada
ok, another thing, I live in Canada just as a note so: I remember in grade 8 this kid was bothering me so i pushed him down a few times in like a bush then a teacher liek caught me and said i could be charged for assualt and im like WTF. At that age and time I thought it was completely true but it that possible for me to be charged with assault? what does  it take for someone to be be charged and convicted of assualt??
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
Say wat!?
Yeah, I did a similar thing in my last year. My mates used to joke and call me stupid names, I would do it back to them but I let it drop after a while which some of them couldn't do. This ended up with me beating the crap out of one of my mates in a lesson, no one could stop me and it took me to calm down before I stopped. They stopped taking the piss after that and me and my mate get on realy well, he just knows not to wind me up all the time.
Git 'Er Dun
self defense, self defense, self defense!

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Its Bullies that cause school shootings(forcing kids to do drastic things because of years of abuse by bullies).

Couldnt believe i have actually seen a game By Rockstar Games that came out Called Bully or The Bully? Why in gods name would they release this type of crap when Kids already suffer at the hands of these types of individuals every day? Very poor taste. Nothing like Kicking a society of kids right in the Nutz with a game based on something that haunts kids every day, alot of times resulting in suicide. WTF.

Ok Rant over. Sorry.
Play the game before you comment about how it may get kids nuts. Kinda like saying GTA makes people want to shoplift and kill everyone. In fact teen crime has gone done drastically after the release of such a game.
HELLO, My kid has the game. WTF do you think posted about it. he rented it for the week. He wont be renting it again. Its harsh and Just out of line. Period.
I got the impression is was more to do with kicking bullies asses than being one? Admittedly rather harshly, but still...
+25|6643|Sydney City, THE city.
When I was about that age, 9, or so. A kid tried to have a go at me. He was also after my money. I didn't let him get far. One to the chin did it. Bullies are cowards, they just try and look powerful.

I think, that fighting back shows that you respect yourself. Running back to a teacher and crying is pathetic. It only makes you ask for more. How would you survive in the real world? When there won't be teachers. Police aren't everywhere. They're out working on real crimes. Not instances of bullying which can and must be dealt with personally as a sign of self respect.

I even went on TV last year, the Australian breakfast show- "Today," just to prove my point.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
I personally think martial arts is good for young children. It teaches self control, self confidence and is a great way to keep young children active and excercising, instead of television. Of course, good parenting must go along with it. Punch happy parents who set poor examples for their children could get a little bully on their hands if not worse.
Malloy must go
The Lizzard

Dieselboy wrote:

My son..........wouldn't harm a fly
Apparently he would

Whilst I don't disagree with what your son did, I feel it's dissappointing that he had to.  Whilst I find it unsurprising in many ways that the father didn't care (he was probably a bully himself, children learn by example), he should have.  Further, the school ought have taken action.  I also feel that you should have taken it further: on the second instance, when it became clear that the school wasn't capable of dealing with it, you should have approached a higher authority: if it's a public school, whatever the next level up is.  If private, go to the police: schools have a duty of care, and you son had been assaulted.  The school, the child and his father could all have been held liable.  I don't criticise your dedication: you clearly went to great lengths to protect your son.  I merely feel your energies could have been spent more productively.  TBH, I don't think your son fighting back really solves anything.  The bully isn't apologising because he did the wrong thing, he's apologising because he's not top dog anymore.  Further, your son may now develop a might makes right view of the world, clearly at odds with both commonly accepted morality and the law.

In summary:  I don't criticise your son, I don't criticise your aims, energy or actions (rather, a lack of action which resulted not from laziness or similar, but perhaps from a lack of creativity), I do criticise the school and the boy's father, and the boy.
+617|6448|NSW, Australia

plus 1 for your action packed story
Jiggaboo Jones
+11|6425|FLOOR E DUH
i got kicked out of borat.
I do it for the lulz.

ToiletTrooper wrote:

Dammit! That post is just way too long, im not gonna read that!
Then don't post in the thread...

Back on topic:

I think that in the past, you did what was right to stand up to your own bully and beat him up. However, I disagree with you telling your son that you did this. As his father, he looks up to you and your example. Since you did it, and told him about it, he would try it too (as evidenced by the fact that he mimicked you the next day). But it's your choice, I guess. If it worked out to stop the bullying, then it's all good.

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