2 day (wednesday) i brought bf2 sf installed it went to go on to my fav server hostiler faction and bam this server does not alow players with modified versions of bf2 plz revert back to ur orignal bf2 so i put my bf2 orig disk in and it still didnt work just hopin u guys might be able to help and for ur info yes i have uninstalled the games and put hte patches back on
You need to repatch bf2 after installing SF.
thank 4 ur reply but i have repatched it.
The order of install should go: BF2 - BF2:SF - 1.12 Patch.
Make sure you have "Same Version Only" checked. All ranked servers should be running 1.12 as per EA Rules, but if you're playing on unranked they may still be at 1.03. What's the IP of the server you play on and maybe one of us with SF working right can try to log on it and see what we get.
Make sure you have "Same Version Only" checked. All ranked servers should be running 1.12 as per EA Rules, but if you're playing on unranked they may still be at 1.03. What's the IP of the server you play on and maybe one of us with SF working right can try to log on it and see what we get.
ok then the i.p. of the server is ty or ur help
I can connect to it with 1.12, its called Hostile Fraction wake.
Last edited by General-Echo (2005-12-22 07:19:19)
You know what guns your going to choose?lunyollie wrote:
2 day (wednesday) i brought bf2 sf installed it went to go on to my fav server hostiler faction and bam this server does not alow players with modified versions of bf2 plz revert back to ur orignal bf2 so i put my bf2 orig disk in and it still didnt work just hopin u guys might be able to help and for ur info yes i have uninstalled the games and put hte patches back on
the install order could also be: BF2 - patch 1.12 - BF2:SF - patch.
that was the only way i could get it to work. somehow the patch on the SF disc wasnt good but it worked with the dled patch.
that was the only way i could get it to work. somehow the patch on the SF disc wasnt good but it worked with the dled patch.