FederalRepublic wrote:
B.Schuss wrote:
Telling someone who has just been tazered to "get up, or you'll be tazered more" is just ridiculous. How is he supposed to even get up in that situation ? 50,000 volts will hurt like shit and I personally know nobody who'd be able to even crawl on the floor in any direction after getting one tazer shot, let alone 4 or more...
This is simply not true. You recover instantly after being tazed.
Here is an example:
I am sorry, but all I see in that clip that from the time the guy gets tazered until the two officers
help him up, around 51 seconds pass. I wouldn't say that's instant recovery. Now, imagine you have never been tazered before and you weigh half of what the guy in the video weighs. Your hands are handcuffed behind your back and two police officers yell at you to get up while administering even more tazer shots.
Are you sure you'd be getting up easily ?
the fact of the matter is, everybody reacts differently under such circumstances. We can sit here easily and discuss who was right and who was wrong and speculate how brave or responsibly we'd have reacted in that situation. But that is just that, speculation.
Even if the student is a pussy and over-reacted, tazering a handcuffed student in a university library is not the best way to handle the situation, wouldn't you agree ?
EDIT: Eye-witness quote from an NBC article:
"When asked whether the student resisted when officer attempted to escort him from the building, the witness said, "In the beginning, no. But when they were holding onto him and they were on the ground, he was trying to just break free. He was saying, 'I'm leaving, I'm leaving.' It was so disturbing to watch that I cannot be concise on that. I can just say that he was willing to leave. He had his backpack on his shoulder and he was walking out when the cops approached him. It was unnecessary.""
http://www.nbc4.tv/news/10325914/detail.htmlMy feelings exactly. Why apply additional, unnecessary pressure and cause that much stress by trying to grab him when he is already walking out ? It's a student in a university library, for god's sake. Talk to him like a grown man would, let him pick up his bag and leave quietly.