It is a waste of time complaining. Why do you do it? Why? Nothing gonna get changed. You don't make a difference about it.
+0|6797|Ventura, CA
The USA is in every map because the game was made by a US company for US gamers. As a 31 yr. old US male, I could have very easily enlisted and entered any of the recent police actions from Mogadishu to the conquest and occupation of the formerly-sovereign state of Iraq. Therefore, I can play US and pretend it's really me. Though I would never enlist in the Marines. They're too cliche.

SilentAssassin03 wrote:

It is a waste of time complaining. Why do you do it? Why? Nothing gonna get changed. You don't make a difference about it.
reading your posts is like watching someone try to walk through a door by bashing their face against it over and over again. changes are not the point. the point of a complaints forum is to vent, and share some gripes. it's not about hating the game (because we all obviously love it), it's not about demanding changes, but simply stating what annoys you about it - talking about how a game you love could be made better.

I can't believe I just had to explain this. Putting these words down makes me realise what I've done wrong: I'm obviously agruing with a child. So, no matter how it's explained to you, that you are doing exactly what you are arguing against (great example of form undermining content, or vice versa), you won't get it.
Beatdown Patrol

freebirdpat wrote:

I don't think I would agree with MEC fighting China. If anything China and MEC have similar goals, and that is destroying the US, so they would be more aligned in the fact that the US technically is more advanced technologically then either grouping. The EU is probably the only threat with their combined militaries to the US. China may have more people and more men of soldier age, but if the US has a higher kill ratio it will be like Russia fighting the Germans in WWII.
Hmmm....not so sure about that.  To be frank, I don't think there is a single 1st world nation that wants to see us destroyed, just our influence to be lessened.  While the MEC is a fictional group, even the Arab nations don't want to see us go anywhere because we spend too much money on oil.  They just wish that the US would stop putting their nose into everything and weilding their superpower badge like everyone else on the planet is irrelevant.

As much as both China and the US hate to admit it, we are tied at the hip.  China produces HUGE amounts of products for the US for cheap labor while US companies base their manufactoring operations there.  I have a hard time believing that either would want that to change.  When money is involved, nations, companies, and industries are more than willing to put their differences aside to keep the cash flowing.

- Beatdown
Beatdown Patrol

Lib-Sl@yer wrote:

havent you heard of all the terorist bombings in china? a little while ago  a terrorist suicide bombed a bus in souther tibet
er.... some Islamic terrorists bombing something in China and an military action by a group of sovereign Muslim nations like the MEC are two entirely different things.

Before 9-11, Oklahoma Bombing was the largest act of terror on American soil and it was done by white guy who was raise as a Catholic.  I don't think that would justify the US rolling up to the Vatican with M1A1 tanks and assaulting the place.  Nor does it mean that the US can flat-blast all the nations that subscribe to that religious doctrine.   ...although...given the current circumstances in Iraq, nothing would surprise me anymore.

- Beatdown
Base Rapist

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

freebirdpat wrote:

I don't think I would agree with MEC fighting China. If anything China and MEC have similar goals, and that is destroying the US, so they would be more aligned in the fact that the US technically is more advanced technologically then either grouping. The EU is probably the only threat with their combined militaries to the US. China may have more people and more men of soldier age, but if the US has a higher kill ratio it will be like Russia fighting the Germans in WWII.
Hmmm....not so sure about that.  To be frank, I don't think there is a single 1st world nation that wants to see us destroyed, just our influence to be lessened.  While the MEC is a fictional group, even the Arab nations don't want to see us go anywhere because we spend too much money on oil.  They just wish that the US would stop putting their nose into everything and weilding their superpower badge like everyone else on the planet is irrelevant.

As much as both China and the US hate to admit it, we are tied at the hip.  China produces HUGE amounts of products for the US for cheap labor while US companies base their manufactoring operations there.  I have a hard time believing that either would want that to change.  When money is involved, nations, companies, and industries are more than willing to put their differences aside to keep the cash flowing.

- Beatdown
Yeah I know thats the real world version, but the fictional universe here in BF2. It wouldn't make any sense for MEC and China to be fighting. MEC wants to supply oil to someone, china and the US are probably the biggest guzzlers of oil. You have to pick someone to ally with. Which is why I mentioned the EU would be a more interesting power in this game. US vs EU, or EU and US vs MEC and China.(Its far fetched but with the right finesseing it might happen). The game is supposed to be believeable fiction.

I agree with you, everyone wants the US influence and powers to be lessened. There are plenty of ways to do that, affecting the US's economy is 10x easier to do with import and export, and with politics, then it would be to fight the US directly with military. It would be goddamn suicide tbh.

SilentAssassin03 wrote:

It is a waste of time complaining. Why do you do it? Why? Nothing gonna get changed. You don't make a difference about it.
This is a forum, you twit.


What, you think everyone posts here because they think they can change the game? Nobody is so stupid.

'Cept you, it would seem.

freebirdpat wrote:

I don't think I would agree with MEC fighting China. If anything China and MEC have similar goals, and that is destroying the US, so they would be more aligned in the fact that the US technically is more advanced technologically then either grouping. The EU is probably the only threat with their combined militaries to the US. China may have more people and more men of soldier age, but if the US has a higher kill ratio it will be like Russia fighting the Germans in WWII.
Right, well, with respect, let's do some edjumakating:

1. The world's three largest economies, in no particular order are the United States, Japan and CHINA. That means it's in a position of elevated power and leverage, and is thus more likely to pursue an aggressive foreign policy strategy. Like the US.

2. China has a long history of poor relations with its neighbours: Japan, Russia, Vietnam, Korea, Pakistan, India, Tibet. Poor relations in the sense of people on the border firing large calibre weapons at each other.

3. China is RAPIDLY closing the technological gap between it and first world economies.

4. China may have similar goals to other nations/coalitions, but not parallel goals - China, like other superpowers, has its own hegemony as its modus operandi. That means, like America, it wants to rule the world. It's not called the Middle Kingdom for nothing.

5. So, if you think about it, China is almost as likely as the USA to pursue a war over resources. Sure, China doesn't have remotely the same forward offensive capacity as the USA, but border conflicts over petrochemical control, I think, are increasingly likely. And isn't BF2 set in the near future.
Aussie Outlaw
City maps in the U.S. would kick ass. An Alaskan tundra map, or a N.W. woodland would be nice too.
The US is on the every map because... U.S. has been the greatest military aggressors of the last century

An African or European swallow?

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Okay, I've wondered about this  ever since I got bf2.

Why the HELL does EVERY map have the USMC?
Why is there not ONE map that has China vs MEC?

Is it that the American players can't stand to play anything else than themselves or something? That's the only reason I can think of, but doesn't seem very likely.
This post sort of only addresses the "No US Theatre" problem. As for why there are no MEC v PLA maps I have no clue.

If you were to have a map in New York, anti-violent-videogame advocates in America would go CRAZY.

"EA Games develops game where America is invaded and everyone is killed" -XX
"Popular videogame portrays the killing of Americans in New York City" -XX
etc etc etc

This is the country that labeled bullets DEVELOPED BY POLICE as 'cop-killing'.

Last edited by Rapturesan (2005-12-21 03:22:15)

+31|6799|Vienna, Austria
I think it's just because of what has been said: "Reality"
The US are already fighting the "MEC" or actually their respective Nations
USA and China could probably get into fights in the more or less near future although this is not 100% likely

Also... the second thing which could probably be quite important is that many guys don't like either MEC or China... like... me... and I'm not even US citizen... I'm from Europe

That's also my problem with some SF maps... I mean I know it's a game, but I neither want to play Russia nor the Insurgents actually
Base Rapist

Vintageologist wrote:

I think it's just because of what has been said: "Reality"
The US are already fighting the "MEC" or actually their respective Nations
USA and China could probably get into fights in the more or less near future although this is not 100% likely

Also... the second thing which could probably be quite important is that many guys don't like either MEC or China... like... me... and I'm not even US citizen... I'm from Europe

That's also my problem with some SF maps... I mean I know it's a game, but I neither want to play Russia nor the Insurgents actually
Even if China and the US would get in fights they would be like they did with Russia. Both sides supporting a different side. Probably never will erupt into anything though, because we are both dependent on each others economies. You don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Cowboy from Hell

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

freebirdpat wrote:

I don't think I would agree with MEC fighting China. If anything China and MEC have similar goals, and that is destroying the US, so they would be more aligned in the fact that the US technically is more advanced technologically then either grouping. The EU is probably the only threat with their combined militaries to the US. China may have more people and more men of soldier age, but if the US has a higher kill ratio it will be like Russia fighting the Germans in WWII.
Hmmm....not so sure about that.  To be frank, I don't think there is a single 1st world nation that wants to see us destroyed, just our influence to be lessened.  While the MEC is a fictional group, even the Arab nations don't want to see us go anywhere because we spend too much money on oil.  They just wish that the US would stop putting their nose into everything and weilding their superpower badge like everyone else on the planet is irrelevant.

As much as both China and the US hate to admit it, we are tied at the hip.  China produces HUGE amounts of products for the US for cheap labor while US companies base their manufactoring operations there.  I have a hard time believing that either would want that to change.  When money is involved, nations, companies, and industries are more than willing to put their differences aside to keep the cash flowing.

- Beatdown
Agree in almost all you say.  Perhaps, US should consider having an external policy more diplomatic, and avoid engaging in war for every dollar is flying over the oil lands in middle east.
Cowboy from Hell

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

Lib-Sl@yer wrote:

havent you heard of all the terorist bombings in china? a little while ago  a terrorist suicide bombed a bus in souther tibet
er.... some Islamic terrorists bombing something in China and an military action by a group of sovereign Muslim nations like the MEC are two entirely different things.

Before 9-11, Oklahoma Bombing was the largest act of terror on American soil and it was done by white guy who was raise as a Catholic.  I don't think that would justify the US rolling up to the Vatican with M1A1 tanks and assaulting the place.  Nor does it mean that the US can flat-blast all the nations that subscribe to that religious doctrine.   ...although...given the current circumstances in Iraq, nothing would surprise me anymore.

- Beatdown
In the further updates - if the USMC still going to be on every map - I'd like to see some of the following scenarios:

1. Forest maps in a mountain area...somewhere in Latin-America. USMC is fighting against a drug-baron's army or local dictator.

2. Tibet wants to get rid from the Chineese occupation. China still wants to keep Tibet on short leash....US paratroopers invades. Rocky mountain map with a huge buddhist monastery.

3. Rebellion in an African country. To bring peace and prevent further genocide the USMC launch an attack from the neighbouring country....Dense jungle map.

4. A mad US general occupies a secret nucreal rocket launch site with his renegade (US) troops somewhere in Alaska. USMC is deployed to recapture the object and eliminate the resistance.

5. The Siege of Jerusalem. Combined MEC forces overrun Israel's defence and they about to take Jerusalem. USMC paratroopers deployed to defend/recapture the city. Every freaking house should be fully open to enter and finally we would have a REAL urban map, with real house-to-house fight at point-blank range. Without choppers, vehicles, jets...and to prevent further civilian losses there would be no ARTY available to the Commander on this map. I think this would be awesome.

That's all for today:)
Cowboy from Hell
I think EA misssed the EU in BF2, as it was said.  Four bands would be more likely.  Anyway, I dont think in next future China will engage in war with US or any other country at all, cos they are in war and they re winning, filling all the world with their production at lower costs that your own country, whatever it may be, can handle.  And in that case wtf would China start a war for?
Cowboy from Hell

IC_Draconis wrote:

In the further updates - if the USMC still going to be on every map - I'd like to see some of the following scenarios:

1. Forest maps in a mountain area...somewhere in Latin-America. USMC is fighting against a drug-baron's army or local dictator.

2. Tibet wants to get rid from the Chineese occupation. China still wants to keep Tibet on short leash....US paratroopers invades. Rocky mountain map with a huge buddhist monastery.

3. Rebellion in an African country. To bring peace and prevent further genocide the USMC launch an attack from the neighbouring country....Dense jungle map.

4. A mad US general occupies a secret nucreal rocket launch site with his renegade (US) troops somewhere in Alaska. USMC is deployed to recapture the object and eliminate the resistance.

5. The Siege of Jerusalem. Combined MEC forces overrun Israel's defence and they about to take Jerusalem. USMC paratroopers deployed to defend/recapture the city. Every freaking house should be fully open to enter and finally we would have a REAL urban map, with real house-to-house fight at point-blank range. Without choppers, vehicles, jets...and to prevent further civilian losses there would be no ARTY available to the Commander on this map. I think this would be awesome.

That's all for today:)
1-Latin America, here Us could invade Venezuela (forget the drug issue), cos they re invading US with their oil, in fact Citgo now is owned by the Venezuela national oil company, so there u go.

2-Tibet: the only persons who care about Tibet are Richard Gere and the Beastie Boys.  Besides, US 'd never engage in war with China, forget it dude.

3-Africa, this one is real good, something like Somalia, a Black Hawk Down style think.  Although, as a muslin country perhaps it would be included in Mec.

4-Alaska great scenario, but it would be US vs US?

5-Jerusalem perhaps would be too real to include.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6751|Charlie One Alpha
The more I think about it the more I think that an EU side would be freakin awesome. Or WEC, Western Europe Coalition. Also, I started this thread not to complain about the US, I don't hate the US army in the game, I would just like to see some MEC vs China action.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
Zee Ruskie
+295|6817|Moscow, Russia
aside from all the politics and stuff i think there is very simple reason for ONE team to be on every map in BF2 - uniform: USMC outfits are somewhat brighter than MEC and PLA. with current models and skins it's easier to tell friend or foe when fighting USMC vs MEC or USMC vc PLA. actually i think making it that simple was a good idea as it somewhat eliminates the need to adjust every time armies change - you either fight "bright guys" or "dark guys".

i know that there are different uniforms for different regions in most armies - that makes perfect sence, doesn't it? now we don't know if USMC soldiers where made the only "bright guys" of the game (and thus present on every map) intentionaly, but i think it is a logical assumtion considering the game was made for american players mostly.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Beatdown Patrol

sergeriver wrote:

Besides, US 'd never engage in war with China, forget it dude.
Yeah.  We only beat up on nations that have absolutely NO chance of fighting back.  That way our military can look that much more invincible to the American public.  Hell...the US has had 55 years to finish off what was started during the Korean War.  You think we are going to attack them?  HELL no.  Not ever.  Why would we?  Besides the fact that there isn't a damn thing in that country that we want (which is really what it boils down to), unlike the desert...there are plenty of places for DPRK forces to hide and fight back.  Trying to clear that place of the enemy would be like trying to tweezer a tick off the back of a tiger's balls.

- Beatdown
Beatdown Patrol

LaidBackNinja wrote:

The more I think about it the more I think that an EU side would be freakin awesome. Or WEC, Western Europe Coalition. Also, I started this thread not to complain about the US, I don't hate the US army in the game, I would just like to see some MEC vs China action.
To be honest, I don't see enough of a difference between the Chinese and the MEC to warrant the two fighting each other.  Nothing is really to be gained because both the MEC and China "feel" the same when playing them.  I am sure this has to do with the Soviet bloc weapons/technology that are being used by both sides.  I am sure that it would feel similar to if the US fought the Brits or some other NATO member.

- Beatdown

Last edited by Beatdown Patrol (2005-12-21 11:45:00)

n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|6786|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol
I'd LOVE to fight in new york or pittsburgh or something. It'd be like the american uberkarkand. And the jungle maps could be the paranoid rednecks fighting back. Double barrel shottys and molotov cocktails from moonshine. ITD BE SWEET.
+54|6794|Upper Franconia
I think they wanted to do some balance things there.

The China and MEC objects are often similar, but the USMC ones are different. So the player can choose what weapons he likes more.

Example: The sniper rifles: USMC has an M24, China and MEC have Type 88 and SVD, which are generally the same.
Why is the USA in EVERY map?
Because each map needs a villain
Base Rapist

sergeriver wrote:

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

freebirdpat wrote:

I don't think I would agree with MEC fighting China. If anything China and MEC have similar goals, and that is destroying the US, so they would be more aligned in the fact that the US technically is more advanced technologically then either grouping. The EU is probably the only threat with their combined militaries to the US. China may have more people and more men of soldier age, but if the US has a higher kill ratio it will be like Russia fighting the Germans in WWII.
Hmmm....not so sure about that.  To be frank, I don't think there is a single 1st world nation that wants to see us destroyed, just our influence to be lessened.  While the MEC is a fictional group, even the Arab nations don't want to see us go anywhere because we spend too much money on oil.  They just wish that the US would stop putting their nose into everything and weilding their superpower badge like everyone else on the planet is irrelevant.

As much as both China and the US hate to admit it, we are tied at the hip.  China produces HUGE amounts of products for the US for cheap labor while US companies base their manufactoring operations there.  I have a hard time believing that either would want that to change.  When money is involved, nations, companies, and industries are more than willing to put their differences aside to keep the cash flowing.

- Beatdown
Agree in almost all you say.  Perhaps, US should consider having an external policy more diplomatic, and avoid engaging in war for every dollar is flying over the oil lands in middle east.
You do know France and Russia caused more problems with Iraq in the past 15 years then the US did in the past 30?

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