Some friends of mine and me, of course, we use to play together every night with teamspeak which is awesome. But yesterday when we played SF I had lost my unlocks and became a private again. I asked my friends what might happend. They all had their unlocks and rank. I tried to log out and join again and then I got my unlocks back. But my rank was still private...
But when I checked my stats at bf2s.com my rank was Staff Sergeant, so I wonder if anyone has experienced something simular?
I'd be thankful for any answers.
Some friends of mine and me, of course, we use to play together every night with teamspeak which is awesome. But yesterday when we played SF I had lost my unlocks and became a private again. I asked my friends what might happend. They all had their unlocks and rank. I tried to log out and join again and then I got my unlocks back. But my rank was still private...
But when I checked my stats at bf2s.com my rank was Staff Sergeant, so I wonder if anyone has experienced something simular?
I'd be thankful for any answers.