Soccer/Futbol/Calcio....whatever language...its better
Which is better?
Football(American) | 53% | 53% - 85 | ||||
Soccer(un-American) | 46% | 46% - 73 | ||||
Total: 158 |
Ah. Can of worms has been opened there - will need to bring Union into the mix.
dude, how can you even say that american football is better than soccer, that's like saying pepsi is better than coke, or that journey is better than boston, it's an impossiblity.
i am american born, so don't give me any of that crap.
i am american born, so don't give me any of that crap.
I just can't understand the over-specialisation of the US football players. 'This guys job is to kick the ball 90m up and 30m forward, holding the ball in the air for 3.5 seconds'. Like picking a pitching wedge over a 9 iron. The guy doesn't even have to hold the ball on the ground - that's someone else's job. If you want distance - lose the 100kg of armour and watch 15min of an AFL match for reference; this is how you kick a ball.
Apart from that - you have an offensive AND defensive team ffs. Is the same person not capable of staying on the field for both? Will the defensive blocker not recognise and catch a ball when it is passed to him?
Apart from that - you have an offensive AND defensive team ffs. Is the same person not capable of staying on the field for both? Will the defensive blocker not recognise and catch a ball when it is passed to him?
I like that our great game has been untouched by the Worlds hands....They dont understand it, and never will.
So in answer to the OP's question. NONE.
I believe that in order to be called football the ball must at least contact the foot.
Last edited by BF2Craglyeye (2006-11-15 22:34:39)
You do realise that legs qualify as limbs?MURcarnage wrote:
i like the football where you use your limbs.
Most footballers (Union/League) I know have a vocabulary containing three words.BF2Craglyeye wrote:
I like that our great game has been untouched by the Worlds hands....They dont understand it, and never will.
So in answer to the OP's question. NONE.
I believe that in order to be called football the ball must at least contact the foot.
Yeah, Bro and Cunt
Footie > Large men in tight pants throwing around an oblong ball
football ftw, i watch the cfl all the time, GO BC LIONS! though when i do watch NFL GO SEATTLE!

(that means Soccer)
Football, the english kind.
We came up with it first... name your own sports.
PS Rugby > American Footbal
All those pads... what pussies
We came up with it first... name your own sports.
PS Rugby > American Footbal
All those pads... what pussies
Sports= wanker fest. PERIOD!
can't you say you believe in me!?!?!?
great band there.
great band there.
League maybe, but Union has always been a university-type sport. Granted, there are now one or two bogan imports, but put somelike like Andrew Johns next to John Eales and you get the picture.Sarrk wrote:
Most footballers (Union/League) I know have a vocabulary containing three words.BF2Craglyeye wrote:
I like that our great game has been untouched by the Worlds hands....They dont understand it, and never will.
So in answer to the OP's question. NONE.
I believe that in order to be called football the ball must at least contact the foot.
Yeah, Bro and Cunt
Uh-oh, looks like we got an anti-"Jock" emo-kid.Volatile_Squirrel wrote:
Sports= wanker fest. PERIOD!
I say football this means soccer to americans and aussie's.
I say american football for American football.
I say american football for American football.
I think they're equally decent in their own way.
Takes skill to put a ball in the next from 30 odd metres, with a 2 or 3 people in the way, and someone willing to put their body on the line to stop that ball.
Then you have NFL, where you have lots of guys putting their bodies on the line, to stop you putting a pigskin down within a rectangle.
Personally, I think shuffling is > all.
Takes skill to put a ball in the next from 30 odd metres, with a 2 or 3 people in the way, and someone willing to put their body on the line to stop that ball.
Then you have NFL, where you have lots of guys putting their bodies on the line, to stop you putting a pigskin down within a rectangle.
Personally, I think shuffling is > all.