
which country do you think is the greatest threat to global stability

U.s.a41%41% - 53
Iran21%21% - 28
China4%4% - 6
Isreal10%10% - 13
Iraq0%0% - 0
North Korea17%17% - 22
Russia0%0% - 1
Other3%3% - 5
Total: 128
+25|6965|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)

INFERNO552 wrote:

HURLEY wrote:

INFERNO552 wrote:

example of being too patriotic
Canada's full of douche bags.

(lets see how he resonds.)
lmao im not sayin i hate america or anything im just saying, u cant possibly think US is the provider of global stability when so many countries are at war with them (which in turn makes people dislike america more)
what exactly do you mean by so many countries are at war with the us.

the only wars the us has been active in in the 20th century is ww1, ww2, korea, vietnam, "the place reagan invaded, afghanistan and iraq plus funding certain countries. and as far as i know  the us has had less wars than contries like france and russia. and by the way the russians didn't use precise bombs they used sledgehammers i (unguided bombs) when they attacked checnyas capital and it wasn't deserted first, at least the us tries to protect the citizens of iraq and afghanistan when they invade.
+51|6841|Land of the free
Collateral damage is not a word in the Russian vocabulary

CameronPoe wrote:

Have we ever had 'global stability'?? REMINDER to people who will automatically vote USA: the Democrat Party are in control now - the reign of tyranny is over, please factor this into your selection.
Lord help us all, We(meaning Americans) are in trouble, with the wicked witch of the west in charge in the house and reid in control of the senate.
+140|6800|Armidale, NSW, Australia
I voted N.Korea because Kim Jung Il is a lunatic and no one knows what he'll do. So in terms of potential to cause instability: N.Korea .

But I think for most people, stability in their country is reliant on instability in other countries. If your enemy's nation is in chaos then they can't cause instability in your country and vice versa.


Phantom2828 wrote:

LOL US wow people amaze me. Talk about country jealousy. Kinda how if you are American and go to another country, once people find out your American they kinda sneer at you like a dumb redneck.
If anything US is provider of global stability.
Quite right. The US et al. provide a percived general stability across the globe by causing complete chaos in far off places that no one cares about...

vpyroman wrote:

Globally USA because we have global capabilities, an idiot in office, and the ability to enforce our will upon every developing country. Locally, its Israel because the Jews are the root of every war located in Europe and western Asia. Romans in the early AD centuries, Crusades, WW2, all the fighting currently in that area.
even if President Bush is an idiot (which i dont want to get into), you show your obvious lack of any realistic knowledge of the US govt -- bush has very little power in the way of actually doing something; being President means he can only attempt to persuade Congress into declaring war. You want someone to blame for this War on Terror? I'll give you 535, in America, we call it Congress. THEY declared war, and just because the Republicans have (er, had) control of Congress doesn't mean they are mere pawns in "Dubya's" hand. A unified government does not mean the President gets his way, so to speak. (Need i remind any one of Clinton's "Hillary (health) Care" reform that was shot down in flames in a Democrat-controlled Congress?)

I will concede, however, that George Bush is not the most charismatic speaker we've had, but that does not make him an bad politician, nor does it give you a reason for you to say our governemt is headed by an idiot.

Back on topic-- if pressed to choose between the listed countries, I would have to say Iran. China is subtlely changing into a more pro-Western nation, this will give our global economy a boost, though i think at the cost of a bit of the United States' prominence on the world market. Israel does have religious issues, but it is in more of a defensive state, as it should recognize the fact that, while the United States is embroiled in a conflict in Iraq/Afghanistan, it has little force left to defend Israel. I also believe the leaders of that 'area', so to speak, are smart enough to realize the ramifications of a nuclear war. Russia is everybodys favorite 'down with the Commie's, etc' country. In fact, it poses the least of a threat to global stability, as it has taken a 3rd party stance to most world events, though that could change with the suprise announce of their President, Putin, of his early retirement. His new favorite isnt much different that Putin; i expect little change in Russias stance on world policy/events. Lastly, north korea...ahhh....lets just say that they are like the 5th grade bully everyone remembers -- all brawn, until someone stands yp and follows through, like the US/UN economic sanctions, after which NK decides "on their own" to resume nuclear disarmament talks. IRAN, though, is a dynamic nation that changes its 'face' depending on who its currently 'dealing' with. Personally, i think more than a few Iraq WMD are in there somewhere (the UN bureauctratic mess gave Hussein ample time for relocation of wpns), and, unlike Israel, i dont believe the leadership is stable (or smart) enough to hold off on drastic, nuclear, measures. Iran just doesnt have a lucid identity, and that makes them one tough cookie to make realistic conjectures on

+51|6841|Land of the free
U.s.a 38% 38% - 33


I would like to see how much "peace" you would have if we were gone.
O yeah not to mention how germany would control most of the world

JoeMama wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Have we ever had 'global stability'?? REMINDER to people who will automatically vote USA: the Democrat Party are in control now - the reign of tyranny is over, please factor this into your selection.
Lord help us all, We(meaning Americans) are in trouble, with the wicked witch of the west in charge in the house and reid in control of the senate.
CP, maybe my memory fails me, but were terrorists rejoicing when Bush took the helm in 2000 and 2004? I think not. Realm of tyranny? Please. If anything, the Democrats retaking majority (which, i will admit, suprised me to the extent of seat recapture) will ruin the Iraq war, and turn into a pseduo-Vietnam. The liberal media (it is a fact that most journalists are in fact liberals) will undoubtedly blame this, somehow, on Bush and 'his' Congress. The last thing America and Iraq needs is a withdrawal (even in the Democtrat-proposed year or so withdrawal); complete removal of US presence will destroy Iraq's integrity as a government, and invalidate 2,851 (http://www.icasualties.org/oif/) reasons for continued presence.
+51|6841|Land of the free
I would be so pissed if we pulled out of Iraq.
Why don't you go up to each and every soldier that served and died and spit in their fucking faces along with there family. The liberals did it in Vietnam! They can sure do it again.
Why don't you start throwing rocks at them and calling them baby killers again, o wait that is happening right now also.

People sicken me.
don't tell me this thread as already fizzled out?? Pretty polarizing topic, if you ask me. Hmmm...
Definately China. With all the people there it weighs down that half of the world too much and could drag us out of out current solar orbit and we'd go wobbling out into deep space.

R0lyP0ly wrote:

CP, maybe my memory fails me, but were terrorists rejoicing when Bush took the helm in 2000 and 2004? I think not. Realm of tyranny? Please. If anything, the Democrats retaking majority (which, i will admit, suprised me to the extent of seat recapture) will ruin the Iraq war, and turn into a pseduo-Vietnam. The liberal media (it is a fact that most journalists are in fact liberals) will undoubtedly blame this, somehow, on Bush and 'his' Congress. The last thing America and Iraq needs is a withdrawal (even in the Democtrat-proposed year or so withdrawal); complete removal of US presence will destroy Iraq's integrity as a government, and invalidate 2,851 (http://www.icasualties.org/oif/) reasons for continued presence.
Whether Bush was elected made not a single iota of difference to the terrorists. It just meant they could rely on the fact that a fresh source of Americans would be hanging around the middle east for the forseeable future at which they could take potshots and ensnare with IEDs.

Iraq is already very much like a Vietnam and the Democrats have only been in power less than a month. Are you telling me they've managed to turn Iraq into a Vietnam in just a few short weeks!?! LOL

'Iraq's integrity as a government' - hilarious. "Wake up Roly!! It's time for school!!", "Damn I must have been dreaming....". Seriously, that 'government' is a joke.

Leaving Iraq will be just like leaving Vietnam. The sacrifice of your fellow countrymen was in essence for little or nothing but their sacrifice is to be immensely respected. The fact that they laid down their lives for this farce is a tragedy. I don't think that many Americans really realise that most of the rest of the world doesn't actually want any country running around acting as if they were the global police force. And then you snipe back 'That's all the thanks we get for doing yada, yada, yada...'. Thanks but no thanks. If you're gonna commit yourself militarily to acting on the international stage then do it where the cause is just and your presence is wanted.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-11-16 04:36:59)

+51|6841|Land of the free

R0lyP0ly wrote:

vpyroman wrote:

Globally USA because we have global capabilities, an idiot in office, and the ability to enforce our will upon every developing country. Locally, its Israel because the Jews are the root of every war located in Europe and western Asia. Romans in the early AD centuries, Crusades, WW2, all the fighting currently in that area.
even if President Bush is an idiot (which i dont want to get into), you show your obvious lack of any realistic knowledge of the US govt -- bush has very little power in the way of actually doing something; being President means he can only attempt to persuade Congress into declaring war. You want someone to blame for this War on Terror? I'll give you 535, in America, we call it Congress. THEY declared war, and just because the Republicans have (er, had) control of Congress doesn't mean they are mere pawns in "Dubya's" hand. A unified government does not mean the President gets his way, so to speak. (Need i remind any one of Clinton's "Hillary (health) Care" reform that was shot down in flames in a Democrat-controlled Congress?)

I will concede, however, that George Bush is not the most charismatic speaker we've had, but that does not make him an bad politician, nor does it give you a reason for you to say our governemt is headed by an idiot.

Back on topic-- if pressed to choose between the listed countries, I would have to say Iran. China is subtlely changing into a more pro-Western nation, this will give our global economy a boost, though i think at the cost of a bit of the United States' prominence on the world market. Israel does have religious issues, but it is in more of a defensive state, as it should recognize the fact that, while the United States is embroiled in a conflict in Iraq/Afghanistan, it has little force left to defend Israel. I also believe the leaders of that 'area', so to speak, are smart enough to realize the ramifications of a nuclear war. Russia is everybodys favorite 'down with the Commie's, etc' country. In fact, it poses the least of a threat to global stability, as it has taken a 3rd party stance to most world events, though that could change with the suprise announce of their President, Putin, of his early retirement. His new favorite isnt much different that Putin; i expect little change in Russias stance on world policy/events. Lastly, north korea...ahhh....lets just say that they are like the 5th grade bully everyone remembers -- all brawn, until someone stands yp and follows through, like the US/UN economic sanctions, after which NK decides "on their own" to resume nuclear disarmament talks. IRAN, though, is a dynamic nation that changes its 'face' depending on who its currently 'dealing' with. Personally, i think more than a few Iraq WMD are in there somewhere (the UN bureauctratic mess gave Hussein ample time for relocation of wpns), and, unlike Israel, i dont believe the leadership is stable (or smart) enough to hold off on drastic, nuclear, measures. Iran just doesnt have a lucid identity, and that makes them one tough cookie to make realistic conjectures on

Finally someone with some fucking basic knowledge on democratic governments.
The first part that is.
Bush is not a king nor does he have nearly that much power. All he can really do is veto stuff.
I have said this before and you have just said it, If people want to bitch about how we went to war with Iraq bitch at congress not at Bush.
+1 for you
ok people, what country is most likely to start a war right now? Yes, it's the US of A. You cant deny that.
+51|6841|Land of the free
How about no.
Iran or NK.
Even if we do go to war its over something worth fighting for. NOT total world conversion to Islam or the destruction and mass genocide of an entire ethnic group.

Phantom2828 wrote:

How about no.
Iran or NK.
Even if we do go to war its over something worth fighting for. NOT total world conversion to Islam or the destruction and mass genocide of an entire ethnic group.
We went to war and started coups how many times just to force countries to side with us in the cold war?
Divine Ruler

Stingray24 wrote:

Not any one nation.  Radical islamic terrorists are the greatest threat to global security.  If I have to pick a nation: Iran - terrorist funding and recruitment central.
I agree with the first sentence, although the rest is what the US government would like you to think.

Propaganda is the driving force behind why people think the way they do, but not too many people even remotely know the truth. I'm surprised that someone hasn't mentioned Pakistan ... Very few people realize the magnitude of the looming disaster waiting to happen. The Taliban are ripe with opportunity for the right moment to run the show over there, and it's nice to know they have plenty of nuclear weapons just waiting to be let loose. Pakistan has a very shady past, present and future in my opinion.

Where did Iran, North Korea, and every other radical country obtain the knowledge to possess nuclear weapons you might ask? Well, the man responsible is none other than Pakistan's Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan who stole classified information and sold it to every extremist he possibly could. There's no telling how many nuclear bombs are being devised as you read this, but they surely are intended for westerners. It sucks knowing that millions of people are going to die for wanting to live the way they do, but it is a reality. Extremists would rather blow up the table than sit down and talk at it.

~ W

CameronPoe wrote:

. If you're gonna commit yourself militarily to acting on the international stage then do it where the cause is just and your presence is wanted.
Presence is wanted? So we should ask a country before invading/taking military action against it? I tihnk it is you that needs the schooling!

Another thing -- the strength/capabilities of the Iraqi government are immaterial -- you cannot deny that a removal of US forces will shatter the already fragile system of governance. btw, i didn't say that the Dems have turned it into Vietnam, i said that if they remove our forces in the near future it will be looked upon as Vietnam 2.

CameronPoe wrote:

The sacrifice of your fellow countrymen was in essence for little or nothing but their sacrifice is to be immensely respected.
How dare you be so arrogant as to say that their sacrifice was for little or nothing. Take a moment a think about what you just said. I hope you never have to go through what they've been through, then be told by some stranger that, "Oh yeah, I know you saw your best friend get shot to death and saw a little girl be hanged just because she was seen taking candy from an American soldier, but i think your sacrifice of time, family life, possibly a limb/mental soundness,should be respected, but it was for nothing..." wtf?!?!?!
I voted Israel.  I like Israel, and I am happy my country supports them, but their existence (which they are entitled to) creates a lot of problems.

weamo8 wrote:

I voted Israel.  I like Israel, and I am happy my country supports them, but their existence (which they are entitled to) creates a lot of problems.
+1 for being remarkably sensible.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

Stingray24 wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

Hmmm.  Seven under Clinton, one under GWB.  Huh, I thought being in Iraq was creating more terrorists.
It is...  and it's creating more dead soldiers.  So yes, if you say we're safer because our soldiers are feeling the brunt of their hate, then yes...  we're safer.  Personally, I'd rather our soldiers not be dying and instead protecting our borders.
We are safer because our men and women in the military are taking the hurt to the terrorists in their backyard, not ours.  And I, too, would rather our soldiers protect our borders.  That does not alter the fact of seven plus under Clinton, one under GWB. 

On the border:
Build a wall along the whole southern border.
Place armed troops where needed. 
More effectively arm the border patrol so they have some teeth. 

The reality is that a terrorist group only has to get it right once for a tragedy to occur.  Our national security has to be right every time to prevent it, which is impossible.  Realistically, I think we have to hit the terrorists where they're at, so they have less chance of coming here.
I'm probably going to surprise you with this post....

In a way, I agree with you.  The one part of this that I will concede on is that Bush's actions have forced Bin Laden into hiding.  The problem, however, is that we took the actions of Bin Laden's network (Al Quida) and used them to justify a war on a much greater problem (terrorism).  There seems to be some misunderstanding on the part of the American public that all these terrorist groups are focused on attacking America.  Hezbollah has been a problem in the Middle East for years, but they are only interested in attacking Israel, not America (unless we get more involved).  There are various other terrorist organizations fighting with our soldiers in Iraq, but it is questionable whether they would actually take the fight to our home turf.

Many of the insurgents and terrorists we face will only fight us while we are in Iraq.  Once we leave, they'll likely just attack their fellow Muslims.  So, we have to seriously evaluate what our goal in this War on Terror is.  Is it about protecting America, or is it about eradicating terror from the world as a whole?  I think you'll find the first goal a lot more realistic than the second one.

If we go with the simple goal of protecting America, then we have already accomplished part of this by forcing Bin Laden into hiding.  We can basically continue fighting Al Quida wherever it rears its ugly head, but this doesn't mean we have to stay in Iraq.

As for the U.S. borders....  Building a wall is prohibitively expensive.  Besides, immigrants (and terrorists) would just dig under it.  Beefing up border forces with national guardsmen and other soldiers would be a good idea, but we can't spare the manpower until we leave Iraq.

I do completely agree with arming the border patrol though.  I think we should give them more legal leeway as well.  Basically, they need the license to shoot.  We just need to put up some warning signs in Spanish.
I hunt criminals down for a living

Phantom2828 wrote:

R0lyP0ly wrote:

vpyroman wrote:

Globally USA because we have global capabilities, an idiot in office, and the ability to enforce our will upon every developing country. Locally, its Israel because the Jews are the root of every war located in Europe and western Asia. Romans in the early AD centuries, Crusades, WW2, all the fighting currently in that area.
even if President Bush is an idiot (which i dont want to get into), you show your obvious lack of any realistic knowledge of the US govt -- bush has very little power in the way of actually doing something; being President means he can only attempt to persuade Congress into declaring war. You want someone to blame for this War on Terror? I'll give you 535, in America, we call it Congress. THEY declared war, and just because the Republicans have (er, had) control of Congress doesn't mean they are mere pawns in "Dubya's" hand. A unified government does not mean the President gets his way, so to speak. (Need i remind any one of Clinton's "Hillary (health) Care" reform that was shot down in flames in a Democrat-controlled Congress?)

I will concede, however, that George Bush is not the most charismatic speaker we've had, but that does not make him an bad politician, nor does it give you a reason for you to say our governemt is headed by an idiot.

Back on topic-- if pressed to choose between the listed countries, I would have to say Iran. China is subtlely changing into a more pro-Western nation, this will give our global economy a boost, though i think at the cost of a bit of the United States' prominence on the world market. Israel does have religious issues, but it is in more of a defensive state, as it should recognize the fact that, while the United States is embroiled in a conflict in Iraq/Afghanistan, it has little force left to defend Israel. I also believe the leaders of that 'area', so to speak, are smart enough to realize the ramifications of a nuclear war. Russia is everybodys favorite 'down with the Commie's, etc' country. In fact, it poses the least of a threat to global stability, as it has taken a 3rd party stance to most world events, though that could change with the suprise announce of their President, Putin, of his early retirement. His new favorite isnt much different that Putin; i expect little change in Russias stance on world policy/events. Lastly, north korea...ahhh....lets just say that they are like the 5th grade bully everyone remembers -- all brawn, until someone stands yp and follows through, like the US/UN economic sanctions, after which NK decides "on their own" to resume nuclear disarmament talks. IRAN, though, is a dynamic nation that changes its 'face' depending on who its currently 'dealing' with. Personally, i think more than a few Iraq WMD are in there somewhere (the UN bureauctratic mess gave Hussein ample time for relocation of wpns), and, unlike Israel, i dont believe the leadership is stable (or smart) enough to hold off on drastic, nuclear, measures. Iran just doesnt have a lucid identity, and that makes them one tough cookie to make realistic conjectures on

Finally someone with some fucking basic knowledge on democratic governments.
The first part that is.
Bush is not a king nor does he have nearly that much power. All he can really do is veto stuff.
I have said this before and you have just said it, If people want to bitch about how we went to war with Iraq bitch at congress not at Bush.
+1 for you
In another thread (http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=52884&p=2) I wrote:

Interesting question, but IMO it gives to much credit to GWB. 

Let's not forget he's just a puppet on a string, an idiot who thanks everything he has ever accomplished in his life to his father and the friends of his father, and who is only in office because he lacks a vision of his own and therefor is easy to manipulate.  Sure, he has some charisma with some people who will accept everything with the fitting label attached to it ("religious", "conservative", etc), but after all he is just a dumb cowboy who should have remained on his ranch (no offence to the original cowboys).

Far more dangerous I feel, is the fact that the strings are being pulled by a lot more people we can imagine, most of them being part of the military industrial complex.  People like Cheney, Rove and others who are really in charge and who have their own agenda.  Most of them are never elected by the people, but they have a large influence on the whole process while they steer the elected officials, who are happy they get elected in the first place.

The whole election process in the US in 2000 and 2004 has scared me to see how mighty lies can become when they are brought by media who belong to one of the parties, how shameful it is that it's possible that a person like John Kerry, a veteran of the Vietnam War who has received many honors, and a politician with a message and a view, was spit upon by a lot of mindless people, even in recent posts on this forum.

Those people pulling the strings decide the policy of a country, and when it's a big country like the US, their decisions even have consequences for the whole world.

And that scares me more than the problems with Iran of some lame terrorist in a cave.
Even the 'f***ing' US Congress will listen to the 'big boys' and follow the agenda given to them.
^^ not necessarily
I kill you in future, too
You forgot Germany the real Rulers of the world!!!!11

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