I recall this was website posted months ago a hate speech by a prominent Cleric in Iran. a thread called "If America said something like this" or something or other. Anyhow it mostly went unnoticed but I think the website offers some pretty fascinating stuff. Some of the things said makes Bush saying "Axis of Evil" look like a Hallmark greeting card.

So anyhow the name of the site is MEMRI.org

There are many standouts but the one that grabbed my attention my last visit was #1311 - "Guantanamo" - It really reminded me of the North Korean video where they depicted Americans with horns eating babies etc.. its pretty hilarious..

I'm sure there are some aware but for those that are not there is all but complete certainty that Israel and/or the United States will be striking Iranian nuclear reactors in the near future. While my personal opinion is this will have little consequences ,as Israel attacking Iraq's did, the potential for conflict is there giving the content of these videos some relevance.

The intent of this isn't to incite some conservative Mideastern vilifying or some liberal justifications for Iran's actions. My point is simply to inform and show people something that is never broadcasted on western media. If you find something interesting or educational all the better but I'd prefer if the Iran defending/bashing was kept to a minimum ..assuming anyone gives a shit in the first place ^^

P.S. Don't bother questioning authenticity their accuracy in translation is 100% and confirmed by many sources. But what is indisputable is they don't spend alot of time translating positive things. Just be a rational person and understand this is only one facet of their media.

Last edited by wreck® (2006-11-15 13:47:07)

Mr. Boombastic
+178|6756|Stealth City, UK
If the translation is true, and it does seem to follow whats going on in the programmes, then thats nothing I didn't expect from these Arab states. Im so glad that I live in the UK when I see stuff like this.

I could go on and on about this, but Im glad I don't live in Israel because in the coming years these kids who watch this are going to get in powerful positions and there'll be plenty of people to follow them (even more than today). This brainwashing (although some of it was pretty funny and rediculous) is the worst form of control and state or government can employ. This kind of stuff makes me glad we invaded Iraq.......roll on Iran.
+252|7018|Sextupling in Empire

Those crazy muslims, they're so zany!
I'll add a little something here instead of makin a new thread.. For people who have interest in understanding and learning about Islam and the middle east heres a few facts. Not intending to give an overall depiction of it but some important standout facts that many people are not aware.

The biggest difference between Shia and Sunni. The Shia believe in a 'hidden imam' that is that after Mohammed ascended there was 11 Imams considered holy and the 12th was hidden from Humanity to keep him alive. All Shia followers believe the period after his disappearance to be a form of perdition. When Allah reveals the hidden Imam this will be Allah's final judgment and the end of the world. This perdition and strict extremist nature of Shia Islam is a prime factor in "jihadists" motivations and fuels a hatred for ones own existence and an ambivalence and disregard for others existence as well.

Iran had a Shia Empire that lasted for 235 years called the Safavid dynasty. They were practitioners of Sufism a militant sect of Shia that is growing in popularity in Europe. It gained particular notoriety because of its connections to the Madrid bombings and terrorist cells in Germany and their ability to not have strict adherance to Islamic trends like the clothes they wear they can shave their beards and eat pork.

Its written in the Qu'Ran that when Mohammed fled to Medina from the paganists that he had am agreement with the Jews to defend Medina. When the Jews fled during battle Mohammed executed Jews and directed others to do the same. It says several times that Jews cannot be trusted and along with Christians and any other "kafir" or non-believer should be slain.

In the 50's to 70's the United states supported the dictator Shah Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi over a western-style democratic movement in Iran. The CIA from the direction of the US govt sought to solidify the Shahs rule in order to secure a steady flow of oil. The Shah instituted a strict police force called the SAVAK who used torture and executions to keep dissidents in line. In essence what could have been a pro-western democracy was pushed with the help of America to become the Islamic republic it is today and along with US support of Israel fuels anti-West sentiment.
Oh I forgot one..

Mohammed's last wife was Maria al-Qibtiyya or Maria the Copt. She was a Coptic Christian slave who was given to him as a gift. She was the only other wife to bear a child other than Khadija. His 3rd wife Aisha was married to Mohammed at the age of 6 and consummated at the age of 9. He had 17 wives and rumored to have many more concubines.

Heres an uplifting movie about the dangers of female masturbation. Something is just mind blowing to me about a)fervent protection of a hymen and b) the potential killing of someone for the lack of a hymen.
this is the best we can do?

wreck® wrote:

Oh I forgot one..

Mohammed's last wife was Maria al-Qibtiyya or Maria the Copt. She was a Coptic Christian slave who was given to him as a gift. She was the only other wife to bear a child other than Khadija. His 3rd wife Aisha was married to Mohammed at the age of 6 and consummated at the age of 9. He had 17 wives and rumored to have many more concubines.

Heres an uplifting movie about the dangers of female masturbation. Something is just mind blowing to me about a)fervent protection of a hymen and b) the potential killing of someone for the lack of a hymen.
nice post wreck... im really surprised there are absolutely no rebuttals from anyone on this topic?
+51|6841|Land of the free
The truth hurts
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
Dear Lord.....
It doesn't surprise me that very few reply and condemn this form of Islam. Many would rather pretend it doesn't exist.
© 2009 Jeff Minard
LOLOL, ALL THE LITTLE cockroaches came out of the woodwork on this post. LOLOL

EDIT: EVERYONE JUMP ON, yes the muslims suk. LOL.

Last edited by mafia996630 (2006-11-15 15:45:44)

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
it seems like they fear us (jews). i guess that is a good thing.
Say wat!?

wreck® wrote:

Oh I forgot one..

Mohammed's last wife was Maria al-Qibtiyya or Maria the Copt. She was a Coptic Christian slave who was given to him as a gift. She was the only other wife to bear a child other than Khadija. His 3rd wife Aisha was married to Mohammed at the age of 6 and consummated at the age of 9. He had 17 wives and rumored to have many more concubines.

Heres an uplifting movie about the dangers of female masturbation. Something is just mind blowing to me about a)fervent protection of a hymen and b) the potential killing of someone for the lack of a hymen.
To be fair that clip is saying that the killing of a girl who is no longer a virgin should NOT be allowed and goes Islamic Law, he is infact being not very extreme in terms of Islam.
Well... interesting to say the least.  And I thought Lifetime Movie Channel was bad.
© 2009 Jeff Minard

Superior Mind wrote:

it seems like they fear us (jews). i guess that is a good thing.
All the killing finally paid off ?

(no offence intended)<------------------------(feeling kind of scared)

: ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Last edited by mafia996630 (2006-11-15 16:03:48)

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York
Lmao, I love revisionists. Seriously. Because the US Army, British Army and Canadian army that came upon those graves just totally faked images of about 300 dead bodies in a hole. Yep. Totally. Oh yeah, those gas chambers were built as part of the propoganda! And why are the people "supposedly" killed just suddenly missing? It's propoganda! All revisionists need to be SHOT.

Oh, and mafia996630, you've further proved your ignorance yet again.

To you I say:

And people talk about American propaganda...
+51|6841|Land of the free
Link please
So how does one explain the Prophet marrying a Jew? If the Quran states that they are enemies i guess uhh the prophet messed up big time with that regard.
+5,233|6842|Global Command

mafia996630 wrote:

LOLOL, ALL THE LITTLE cockroaches came out of the woodwork on this post. LOLOL

EDIT: EVERYONE JUMP ON, yes the muslims suk. LOL.
nut alert nutalert nut alert nutalert nut alert nutalert nut alert nutalert nut alert nutalert nut alert nutalert nut alert nutalert
Err Maria was a Coptic Christian.. not a Jew.

Heres an interesting speech  that contain talk about the midterm elections and about casualty levels in Iraq. 2 things stood out to me ..one that his speaking about the downfall of Republicans would likely reaffirm some people's ignorant beliefs that when Dem's took power the "terrorists won"  Two that these people automatically completely accept the disgusting lie of the number of 600,000 dead Iraqi's. Wishing and portraying things 10 times as bad as they are is revolting to me.

I also question Americas culpability in the sectarian violence. Of course I instantly reject and claims that we condone these actions but I think the question of indirect responsibility is not completely unreasonable. Its easily argued that had we not went to Iraq that the sectarian violence would have never occurred so we must have some indirect responsibility. Cunnilingus's "birth pang" reference is a little too callus for my taste but I agree to a certain extent that this is Iraq's brand of democracy in formation. Without a ruthless dictator to worry about murdering your family and friends people feel free to act on their believed religious and ethnic conflicts and impulses. My long question is just how much responsibility does America deserve?
Also good to know that Moses bring jews to Land of Israel almost 2000 years before Islam was born.
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

Lisik wrote:

Also good to know that Moses bring jews to Land of Israel almost 2000 years before Islam was born.
Yeah, he also used the "power of god" to part the Red Sea so the Jews could cross it.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

It is well known that Ajhamjedajsjdhad denies the holocaust ever happened.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
© 2009 Jeff Minard

ATG wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

LOLOL, ALL THE LITTLE cockroaches came out of the woodwork on this post. LOLOL

EDIT: EVERYONE JUMP ON, yes the muslims suk. LOL.
nut alert nutalert nut alert nutalert nut alert nutalert nut alert nutalert nut alert nutalert nut alert nutalert nut alert nutalert

Try being a little more creative next time.
© 2009 Jeff Minard

Poseidon wrote:

Lmao, I love revisionists. Seriously. Because the US Army, British Army and Canadian army that came upon those graves just totally faked images of about 300 dead bodies in a hole. Yep. Totally. Oh yeah, those gas chambers were built as part of the propoganda! And why are the people "supposedly" killed just suddenly missing? It's propoganda! All revisionists need to be SHOT.

Oh, and mafia996630, you've further proved your ignorance yet again.

To you I say:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v702/ … i/gtfo.gif
go on then, explain how i did that ?

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