i just had a fe vic original ales, but not enough.

we arent crazy, we just love beer and hate lebos
+0|7021|taree aus
i'm into that new 'pure blond' stuff.  But since its christmas it wouldn't be complete without crownies.
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
on lebs: some are a problem, others make kebabs!
on whites: fuck we've got some wu-tangers, they're worse than lebs
on abos: The ones that have integrated themselves into our society are often really good people

Summary - next sunday, national aussie pride, wu-tanger bashing day!

Last edited by kR4MR (2005-12-21 00:49:12)

+0|7021|taree aus

kR4MR wrote:

on lebs: some are a problem, others make kebabs!
on whites: fuck we've got some wu-tangers, they're worse than lebs
on abos: The ones that have integrated themselves into our society are often really good people

Summary - next sunday, national aussie pride, wu-tanger bashing day!
whats a wu-tanger?
not a fan of pure blonde.
why dont we all just bash each other and get it over with
Member 5307

kR4MR wrote:

on abos: The ones that have integrated themselves into our society are often really good people
what about the ones who have not integrated themselves into your society? are they bad people?
isn't australia their place to begin with?
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia

tthf wrote:

kR4MR wrote:

on abos: The ones that have integrated themselves into our society are often really good people
what about the ones who have not integrated themselves into your society? are they bad people?
Not inherantly, but because of how our society treats the Aboriginies, they can become "bad people". For example, look at the Redfern Riots that occured a few years ago ofter the death of T.J. Hicky (spelling?). The empoverished Aboriginies of Redfern, forgotten by "white society", turned into a group of "bad" people.
Im a Viking from the north GOING BERSERK !!
empoverished? they have alot more chance than any whitey in aus, they get homes, for free, and not to mention the excessive dole checks just for being an abo. its there choice what the do with whats given to them, out of everyone elses pocket
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia

FourStars wrote:

empoverished? they have alot more chance than any whitey in aus, they get homes, for free, and not to mention the excessive dole checks just for being an abo. its there choice what the do with whats given to them, out of everyone elses pocket
They reason they get all that is because they, in the first place, were impoverished. But they way you talk about the benefiets they get makes it seem like Redfern is as a wealthy place as Putney.
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
hey, the abo benefits are good, however they are not equivalent to a real job, ever been to Darwin? That's what I mean by not integrated into society. On the matter of it being their place, I wrote a rather impressive speech on that for year 10 history, which should have been called Aboriginal studies, not history, the gist of it was: we came into this country, we kicked their arses, we let them survive even though clearly we could easily have ended it there, and what do we get, a whole heap of guilt over something that we didn't even do, I have German heritage, kinda says innocent right(shut up jew) and I'm how many generations too late?
If I had the opportunity to ruin their reconcilliation day crap, I would!
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
really makes you feel like doing the killing that you've already got the guilt for, eh?
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra
you havnt experienced abo's at their worst untill you go to townsville,
they sit around the city drink metho and sniffing chrome paint, the metho up there is dyed purple so the police can see what they are drinking, but the smart buggers worked out the you can filter it out by pouring it through a loaf of bread before drinking.
in south townsville park they live there with clothes hung up all over the fences and shit like that. a bus company that has a depot across the road from there has permision to not stop if they get infront of the busses as they have had drivers dragged out and beaten up, and they throw sticks and fence pailings at all the busses that go past.
we were having dinner one night at a resturaunt on the water and there was a group of about 20 on the bridge that goes over it drinking metho and swearing and throwing shit at us......i have never met an abo that wasnt a trouble maker. there are heaps near my mates house in queanbeyan and they are all doll bludging losers.

one day we were driving past their government house and saw some heads inside the loungeroom at floor level, we though what the fuck so we stopped and drove into the driveway to see that they had ripped up the floorbaords and were sitting on deck chairs on the ground under the house and had a fucking sprinkler going inside!!!!!!!

also down in wreck bay in the abo community on the south coast, they steal peoples pets and bbq them to eat....iv whitnessed this when i was survaying the roads down there....and why was i survaying them???
because the abo's had claimed all the land and we had to map out things they couldnt have such as roads and buildings.....
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra

hardchubbs wrote:

i'm into that new 'pure blond' stuff.
that is so gay...its a chicks beer with low carbs....fuck that shit!
Kill em All!!!!!!!!!!!
+-1|7016|Adelaide, Australia

the_heart_attack wrote:

you havnt experienced abo's at their worst untill you go to townsville,
they sit around the city drink metho and sniffing chrome paint, the metho up there is dyed purple so the police can see what they are drinking, but the smart buggers worked out the you can filter it out by pouring it through a loaf of bread before drinking.
dude, i couldnt have put it any better. I deal with the mongrels at work and i cant stand them. Im not racist i just dont like abos. They are the most despised race in the world and the most stupid. The government hands them so many oppertunities and what do they do with them...fuck all!

I see them being in 2 different groups.... Abos= the scummy bastards that sit around bludging, bashing people, stealing and what ever else.....i have no time or patience for them, i hope they all die.

Aboriginals=the ones that have accepted the modern world, embraced it and made something of them selves. They have respectable jobs, money, familys that live in proper houses and their kids even go to school.

Ive got a mate that is aboriginal and he is one of the most awsome blokes ive ever met. Even he gets upset when we see the abos wasting away. He says its an embarassment to his race and that it will never change because to many people in government assist their self destruction.Good! let them die, get rid of them and stop wasting money on them.....

But thats not what this topic is about anyways....rofl
those bloody lebos, fucking idiots.
those bloody rednecks bashing the bloody lebos, fucking idiots.
those cops bashing those bloody rednecks bashing the bloody lebos, fucking legends.

thats my thoughts for today....cya
Member 5307

kR4MR wrote:

hey, the abo benefits are good, however they are not equivalent to a real job, ever been to Darwin? That's what I mean by not integrated into society. On the matter of it being their place, I wrote a rather impressive speech on that for year 10 history, which should have been called Aboriginal studies, not history, the gist of it was: we came into this country, we kicked their arses, we let them survive even though clearly we could easily have ended it there, and what do we get, a whole heap of guilt over something that we didn't even do, I have German heritage, kinda says innocent right(shut up jew) and I'm how many generations too late?
If I had the opportunity to ruin their reconcilliation day crap, I would!
so what you are saying is, its ok for a foreign people to come to a new land, impose their rules and way of life on the people already staying there? i wonder how you feel about it if you were on the receiving end of this kind of treatment?

i believe that earlier australian govts had oppressive policies towards the aboriginals and the current govts are trying to make up for past errors.

Maybe the dole method is wrong as there is no incentive to improve.
just my observations. not to stir shit.

Last edited by tthf (2005-12-22 00:57:21)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia

kR4MR wrote:

hey, the abo benefits are good, however they are not equivalent to a real job, ever been to Darwin? That's what I mean by not integrated into society. On the matter of it being their place, I wrote a rather impressive speech on that for year 10 history, which should have been called Aboriginal studies, not history, the gist of it was: we came into this country, we kicked their arses, we let them survive even though clearly we could easily have ended it there, and what do we get, a whole heap of guilt over something that we didn't even do, I have German heritage, kinda says innocent right(shut up jew) and I'm how many generations too late?
If I had the opportunity to ruin their reconcilliation day crap, I would!
lol, that is so true. I have just finished Year 10, and in EVERY subject there was crap about Aboriginies. When Bob Carr was premier they changed the curicculum to include aboriginal stuff because of all that talk about Reconciliation.

For example, we had to do a "film study" on Rabbit Proof Fence in year 8. That movie has got to be the most friggin boring on the planet.

And then last year we had to do a(nother) unit on Aboriginies in English. It was about their disposition and the stolen generation. Stolen generation you say... out comes rabbit proof fence again.
want to go heads up?
+11|7047|cairns australia
cant believe aussies are being flamed by most our citizens are of anglo saxon origin i guess the apple doesnt fall far from the tree.i also seem to remember was it bristol where you had your own race is tragic that the rednecks amongst us have been given a free publicity pass by our even more rednecked media especially the daily telegraph.sensational headlines (read beatup) caused a small issue between lifesavers and some lebanese fellas to become what it did.98% of aussies are tolerant and non racist,it is a shame we are being portrayed as ignorant racists because of a vocal minority fuelled by media that creates its own perception of what the general public think.i am not ashamed to be an aussie just ashamed (like every nation on earth)that the minorities seem to drive peoples perceptions of a country.i believe there are racists everywhere and they should not get publicity onlypunishment.rant,rant,etc.
want to go heads up?
+11|7047|cairns australia
porndogg your redneck is classify allof arace based on your own perceptions is naive at best and it seems you are only 2300 klms from being involved at cronulla.sure there are bad aborigines but all of call them the most despised race on earth is offensive to me and all aussies as the are the real aussies not us.i live in cairns so i get your point about bad seeds but to paint everyone with the same brush is ignorant.try to put yourself in their place,you cant.this whole topic makes aussies out as stupid rednecks,i hope i have done something to make people think otherwise.(at least about me)aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi.p.s we will pwn you poms at the commonwealth games lol.
+2|7055|United Kingdom

xanthpi wrote:

-In Islam, it is legal to rape a non-Muslim woman unless her non-Muslim society pays protection money to the Muslims (it's called the Jizzya Tax).
-In Islamic societies, if a woman is dressed "immodestly" the men think that she wants to be raped.
-In Islam, all other religions and cultures are sub-human, and the Muslims can loot and kill at will to eradicate those cultures.
-Since Islam is the superior way of life for mankind, a Muslim MUST NOT change his culture to suit the non-Muslims.
-Muslims call non-Muslims "Kafirs", which is a derogatory term. "Kafirs" is to non-Muslims as "N*ggers" is to black people.
If that is true, that is sick. They have one fucked up culture, that in my opinion, needs a damn good make-over. But I'd not go on the word of one individual.

Another thing, completely off-topic, but I wanna ask it:

The term 'Niger'. Why is that offensive to some? I know a few black people who quite often refer to themselves as nigas. And after all, it is the Latin word meaning 'black'.

I don't care if your black, white, asian, green, alien or even french. But if you don't like the country you're in, why the hell are you there? Fuck off somewhere else. Problems solved. Don't sit there getting stale and pushing your problems into the faces of others. Don't force your way of thinking onto others (especially religious views). If you're in another country, have the decency to follow their laws and respect their way of thinking. Again, if you can't deal with those, don't go there. If you're already there: leave. Personally I've had enough of certain foriegners treating the country they are in like shit, and the people too.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra
how to stop the riots...
+0|7021|taree aus

the_heart_attack wrote:

hardchubbs wrote:

i'm into that new 'pure blond' stuff.
that is so gay...its a chicks beer with low carbs....fuck that shit!
Best tasting low-carb beer ive had.  Beer by its nature cannot be gay.  Even four x tastes like shit but isn't gay.  And this coming from a bloke who lives in the chardonnay drinking capital of Australia.  Thats gay.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra

hardchubbs wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

hardchubbs wrote:

i'm into that new 'pure blond' stuff.
that is so gay...its a chicks beer with low carbs....fuck that shit!
Best tasting low-carb beer ive had.  Beer by its nature cannot be gay.  Even four x tastes like shit but isn't gay.  And this coming from a bloke who lives in the chardonnay drinking capital of Australia.  Thats gay.
i dont live in adelaide

pure blonde is marketed for chicks

Last edited by the_heart_attack (2005-12-22 15:18:45)

+0|7021|taree aus

-=Meshekal=- wrote:

Another thing, completely off-topic, but I wanna ask it:

The term 'Niger'. Why is that offensive to some? I know a few black people who quite often refer to themselves as nigas. And after all, it is the Latin word meaning 'black'.
From what I understand negro was used by american slave owners to describe black slaves.  Niger was a slang form of this.  So it therefore became offensive as not only did it mean black but also a slave.  Forgive me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure thats the go.

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