+0|6970|Sacramento, California

SiL3nC31133 wrote:

id have to agree with the marines... im 20 in the military, F.E. Warren AFB (Dont flame because im in the AF, I respect the other branches) work on munitions live a very fulfilling life and still have the time to squeeze bf in. dont plan on stopping anytime soon. i wonder how many military members actually play bf2. gene is a fool
It would be disrespectful to flame you for serving in the Air Force.  All three of my sons served proudly in the Air Force as Blue Berets.  Thank you lad for your service.
"It's Recharging!"

thraxinat0r wrote:

life doesn't begin until you're on your own, how the hell would you know what life is if you're under 19?
Couldn't have said it any better in one sentence.

Sgt. Gene, I wish I could be there to see your facial expression when the time comes for you to start caclulating how much it's going to cost you to afford your bills, rent, car payments and the like. Not to mention college and a full time job.

What's life without any fun? I guarentee you WILL learn respect one day or another. You keep your little "I'm better than you, I know everything" attitude going on and you'll get whats coming to you.

I don't see why everyones giving this little kid so much attention, when its quite obvious he doesn't know the first thing about life.

Seriously man, who do you think makes video games? For a living for that matter.. a group of 10 year olds? They don't have your mindset, and as stated, we ARE the majority of gamers.

But to me, its more to it than that. I personally don't give a shit what some child thinks of me because I play video games, its your blantant lack of respect around here.

I would bet my life you don't act this way in public or IRL, so you feel the need to express yourself here.

But I'm telling you, you are in the wrong place. If you want to vent on us, go talk it over in some teen chat with the rest of your compadres. We don't care for the likes of you by your attitude.
I am 25 and I love games. As someone already mentioned us older people are definately a large part of the target audience for games because we have lots of money unlike you kids. Ill pick up whatever title sparks my interest, and being an electrical engineer who makes lots of money, the price is nothing to me. BF2 was running slow so a few clicks and 1 day later I had an extra gig of Kingston HyperX ram at my door, no biggie. Ive been to college, I been to parties, Ive done all the stuff you kids only see in movies, but there is a point where that gets old and all you want to do is come home and have a quiet night blowing some heads off.

So this makes us loosers?!?! Dont make me laugh. Sure I've logged a few hundred hours playing this game but ive also logged many hours downtown at the bars chillin with my friends or spending time with my beautiful girlfriend. Ill log some hours this newyears at my buddies cabin with 20 people partying and snowboarding on my new Burton BaronES and other pricy accessories most of you kids will never afford. I just got back from a 3 week trip to southern France and Corsica and I hit Maui for a week before that. Last year it was Ireland and England. The year before that it was Spain (Ibiza, hell ya!) with 4 of my buddies that I graduated with. I met a sexy Aussie on this trip that I later toured Italy with and who also accompanied me on the trip to Ireland. Ive also been to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Amsterdam (wow... just wow), and I have studied french in Paris for 6 weeks. My current girlfirend is French from New Caledonia which is a small island of the coast of Australia.

My parents are happily married for longer than I have been on this planet and I cant wait to see them this thursday when I go home for Xmas as well as my little bro. I am currently at work and I am supposed to be trying to figure out how to get about 15000W of 28V power up a giant 100ft power cable to an enormous antenna for a demo for this customer funded research and development program. We are developing a large antenna to mount on the aging B52 Bomber fleet to turn them into stand off jammers (yea I know, you kiddies have know clue what that is, lets just say it keeps missiles away from our pilots). Task sounds easy right? Just run a wire to get the power up there? haha... become an electrical engineer and get back to me in 4 years... or probably more like 5 or 6 years for most of you.

So this is just a snap shot of the pathetic life of an avid adult BF2 Player, lol. Most of you kids talking shit will never get to live a life like mine, but this is just life to me, I should really stop to appreciate it more like I am now that you kids have made me think about it. Thank you guys!

Last edited by Adonlude (2005-12-20 15:14:27)

+-1|6959|Adelaide, Australia
Why is it this little tard keeps showing up in the same places. Any thread that  has anything to do about gamers age and being older than he is, he shows up and bags anyone he can. Im beginning to think that he has a complex about his age.
Older gamers rock, get over it. Without us you wouldnt have anything. Like i said in the other thread, if anything you should be thankful to the older generation of gamers.......
Horseman 77

Gotham wrote:

Horseman 77 do you ever start a thread that doesnt intentionally stir shit?
what would be the point,   some guy sgt, jeanie ragged me out. it was his qoute i posted.
Horseman 77

DRB_Black wrote:

I'm 52, a 22 year USMC Veteran,  I have survived actual no shit blood and guts combat, had three successful careers, and I'm still going.  I have two degrees, a good job in the medical field, a wife, and a family.  My sons are all grown, married and on their own.  All are in law enforcement. I need a life? 

I love to play this game, even though I suck at it.  It's cheaper than golf and avgas,  aircraft insurance, etc. I don't have the  room or the desire to build hotrods anymore.  Nothing on TV is worth watching.   

I will continue to play this game until I get bored with it or something better comes along. 

I'm sure that Gene does not realize he is the product of over indulgent parents, and at 15 believes he actually has some sort of rights and deserves respect.  Respect is something that must be earned, and the only rights he is entitled to are those set by his parents. 

May I suggest Gene, that when you graduate high school, you go visit a military recruiter and enlist.  There, you will learn some self discipline and really learn how to function as a team.

Good luck to you lad.
Actually i think Sgt Gene Does intend to serve when he is of age and when he does I will buy him drinks and pay for a night on the town, Till then lets make fun of him. PS he was just ragging me for some reason. He felt I insulted him
Negative Ping
Damn...this post just blowin up.  Anyways, I'm 25.  Been playin games since I got my first nintendo back in 87-88 (i think that's right).  To me, games are a part of life...it's a way to get away from the real world BS just for a little bit, and do things your way...and alternative world so to speak.  I ain't crazy, that is just how I look at it.  Games are for everyone...not a specific age grp.
Vacuum Sealed for Freshness
+26|7001|The Island of Carls Jr.
My Dad is 40 something years old, you saying hes got no life? I say you can go fuck yourself
+3|7036|Abilene, Texas
Where is old pimple face Gene this evening? School is out..... think he'd be done with those Penthouses in the basement by now and would be checking his love letters    tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

Last edited by KillerAFET (2005-12-20 20:27:25)

Member 5307
man has this thread grown into a monster (in size)...

tthf wrote:

man has this thread grown into a monster (in size)...
I'm surprised it was allowed to go on this long...not like it's got anything to do with BF2 anyway.

I guess not using the search is a much more serious transgression that intentionally inciting a flamewar.
38 here, father of 6, full time cop in RL.  I've been playing PC games for most of my life, going all the way back to Atari...And I have this to add to this very interesting subject.

Just because you enjoy playing PC games doesn't mean that you don't have a life.  I can only speak for myself in saying that after a full day of dealing with human stupidity, then spending quality time with the wife and kids, there is no better way to unwind than to jump on and get a couple of kills...As an adult and a family man, there is definitely alot of other things to do to occupy your time, but they generally take you out of the house to do them, plus they may not be the healthiest thing for a marriage.

PC gaming is definitely a good fit for the over 30 crowd...As long as you can keep everything in perspective.

tthf Have you tried loading a buggy with C4?  It will kill your team score for the round, but you'll get your explosives badge. 

Last edited by [1FR]Wrath-man (2005-12-20 21:05:38)


Sgt.Gene wrote:

seriously people who are over 19 and play excessivley are just losers who have no life. for real think about you are 20 years old and sitting in your parents basement playing bf2 with your favorite white dockers shirt and a pocket protector on and a dream of being #1 in bf2. i would like to make this statment VIDEO GAMES ARE FOR KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! and dont hand me that esrb rating bullshit companies make games violent to specifically target the youth. there could be better things u could be doing like going to parties maybe meeting girls if u losers arent to fucking too shy to even look. my opinion but i lugh at people over 19 playing video games because it is in fact true they have no lives if you are an adult u can basically do what ever u want but u choose to play video games and make fun of people that are younger than u and talk about how u have an uber l337 gaming machin and that u can pwn any little noob that comes around. for real get a life its time to pull your heads out of your asses take a nice breath of air and go kill your self.
I just turned 24 years old.  I have a wife and two children with another on the way.     I am in the United States Air Force.  My wife and I play RTS and MMORPG's together.  My daughter and I play games on her Gamecube.  I play Battlefield 2 a few hours a week as well.  I have a very demanding job, wife and children I support and have fun with it.  I still manage to play video games by myself and with family a few hours a week.  So how am I a loser that has no life?   I have been to Iraq with my life on the line, and I am still breathing.  I gues that means I have a life still.

I started with the Atari when I was around 4-5.  I have loved and been playing games ever since.  Right up until the Playstation, most video games where considered childish.  After the orginal playstation, video games became one of the mass media products to be recogned with, right up there with Tv, Music, and Movies.  Video games is the last frontier of media.  After the playstation, the majority of games were 18 and older.   Games started taking on more adult themes, graphics, settings, gore and nudity.  Games are not longer marketed mainly for the 17 and under crowd.  I hate to inform you but you are wasting your life.  You are young, and you can go do what you want withou thaving to worry about Adult problems.  You can practicaly get away with anything short of murder before your 18, and it all gets whipped off yuor record.

When your starting high school, you should be setting up the rest of your life.  Instead you are probably jerking off in a house owned by your parents.   You are setting yourself up to be the exact person your calling loser(idiot in his parents basement at 20, hell I give you till 30).

Do not generaly group every single person into the same category.  Try using more than 1% of your brain and actualy think about what your saying.

fljar wrote:


it is "loser" NOT "looser" - as in looser slots in vegas vs. the born loser.....
Leve this won four anohter topik. May be U shood Start another thred. :-)
When did living with your parents become bad?  Most cultures not only accept living with family, but embrace it!
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
I can't say I support living with your parents, but if you can't afford to move out, I guess I can almost understand, my old man's a 'nam vet, he's 65, his right arm is rooted(kinda  horrifically), when he's not doing engineering work, he's playing games.

Also, one of my 25ish YO friends with "no life", can't really do much with his fucked body, he plays WoW all day, and got a hot gf from doing so, maybe, since he has difficulty having a "life" in RL, that could justify him living as best he can through his PC?
Despite all of Sgt.Gene's incessant banter, you could pull one idea out from all of it. He feels as though he is consistently receiving condescent from those in the specified age group. Here is a prime example of a reason for his raging (one of which displays an equal amount of idiocy as Sgt.Gene).

[iLL]h8+ wrote:

This kid has ragin hormones.  He must get bullied at school.  Maybe you should take your own advice, the time you spend playing this game and go hit the gym.  I would probably pee on you if I knew you in real life.  The worse part is you would probably enjoy it you turd.

Go flush yourself in the gym toilet and save me the time and effort.  I am busy pwn'n biatches like yourself.
To those adults who have delusions of superiority merely because they feel they've accomplished so much, I can only say that the only true achievement is made when a sound, intelligent mental integrity has been obtained.

TehSeraphim wrote:

It's little punks like you who think that you're so much better than us that pisses me off.  I used to treat my elders with respect, what the fuck ever happened ot that in people?  I get SO pissed off when I go to a rated R movie and theres a bunch of pimple faced teenage fucks sitting in the back row of the theatre on their stupid little "dates" ruining the movie for the rest of us.
Let alone the fact that respect is based on principles of fair mutuality is the truth that, with these words of yours, you sound no better than Sgt.Gene.

3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
Go play a map other than karkand!

Seriously, someone who only plays the one map is as bad as sgt.genetically-inferior

Last edited by kR4MR (2005-12-20 23:29:56)

Member 5307

[1FR]Wrath-man wrote:

38 here, father of 6, full time cop in RL.  I've been playing PC games for most of my life, going all the way back to Atari...And I have this to add to this very interesting subject.

Just because you enjoy playing PC games doesn't mean that you don't have a life.  I can only speak for myself in saying that after a full day of dealing with human stupidity, then spending quality time with the wife and kids, there is no better way to unwind than to jump on and get a couple of kills...As an adult and a family man, there is definitely alot of other things to do to occupy your time, but they generally take you out of the house to do them, plus they may not be the healthiest thing for a marriage.

PC gaming is definitely a good fit for the over 30 crowd...As long as you can keep everything in perspective.

tthf Have you tried loading a buggy with C4?  It will kill your team score for the round, but you'll get your explosives badge. 
the jihad jeep thing?
yeah, i kinda try not to do that.
i'm kinda a tank whore and hate it when i get blown sky high by a ramming jihadding C4 laden jeep.
am still trying to do the sneaky but ethical (i guess) thing of going to enemy spawn points and C4 the vehicles there. hasn't worked so far.... lol

kR4MR wrote:

Go play a map other than karkand!

Seriously, someone who only plays the one map is as bad as sgt.genetically-inferior
Why?  A statement like the one above is pretty ignorant.  Are you the game nazi that tells people how they have to play?
just joking.......I understand what you meant
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
yeah, my stats suck and I'm damn proud of it!

kR4MR wrote:

yeah, my stats suck and I'm damn proud of it!
my stats suck to and im proud of it. We shall dominate with our shitty stats and this little bunny
(\  /)
(O o)
(> <)
This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination
Aussie Outlaw
Average gamer age in Aus is 18 - 35
The way some of you address sgt gene sounds a bit offensive to us younger ppl. im 14, and i think sgt gene is an idiot. hes making us "younger folk" sound stupid. We teens dont all think like sgt gene. So please, be nice.

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