Every Male member of my family has served in the military, be it a short 4 years stint, or 30 like my grandpa.
The Hoisington side fought in the war for independance on up...and there was a Hoisington in merrils marauders (AKA Rogers Rangers. The first Ranger band that has ties to todays Ranger Regiment in the US Army)
Recently though my Grandpa fought in korea,(left the army with 3 bronze stars 1 silver star and 5 purple hearts...crazy mother fucker who still to this day cannot stand korea) as a Infantryman, 3 tours in Vietnam as a combat engineer (Sapper = Explosives expert) His third tour he became a dog handler due to his hearing loss, and cleared out tunnels with a .45 and german shepard. He was a POW for 9 monthes before the war ended and he was finally handed over to the US luckily. (He still misses his dog, which ironically was named Dee-oh-Gee)
My Dad served 1 tour in vietnam as a combat photographer for 3 monthes and a Tanker for the remainder of the tour. He Later became a Drill Sergeant at Fort Knox KY where he trained new recruits on tanks where he had both legs crushed under the treads of a tank as he was teaching how to break track and replace it. (the brakes weren't the best on the m60's) finished his service with a letter from Regan allowing him to finish his 30 years and giving him a job that didn't require any walking, and put him on a team creating the TM for the Abrams Main Battle Tank.
My Uncle and mother both served army...my uncle as an infantryman, and later as a CID agent. (Sorta like the FBI of the army supposedly he is out but he carries and badge and gun and gets phones calls in the middle of the night and disapeers for weeks)
My Brother served in the Marine Corps (first member to break the army tradition) and served in desert storm and somalia before he left.
Me 9 years active army, 2 tours in Iraq. Awarded 1 Bronze star with Valor device, and 1 purple heart, and the Combat Infantry Badge. But im not sure i wills tay....its time to pop smoke and call it a day once I return from Iraq.
(one thing that still strikes me as the best moment of my life was when I came home for mid tour my first tour in iraq, and my grandpa shook my hand, told me i was a Man, and gave me his CIB, which in the korean war combat infantry badges were solid silver, and took me to the Vetrans of Foriegn War and bought me a lifetime mebership)
Last edited by CannonFodder11b (2006-11-11 23:51:16)