Served and Out
+642|6819|Southampton, UK


     +1 : 1 Added Recommendation
     +2 : 2 Added Recommendations
     +3 : 3 Added Recommendations
     +4 : Just go out and buy this book/author's books.

4 star: Excellent
3 star: ok
2 star: not bad
1 star: shit

4 Star Books

Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea-  (****) - Short book but great prose. Excellent wording, imagery, Etc.

Wilbur Smith - (****) - River God

Peter Maass (****) - Love Thy Neighbour - A story of War

R.A. Salvatore (****) -   Salvatore's books are all fantasy, within the Forgotten Realms setting, almost all about the same group of characters, spinoff characters.  He did the book for Attack of the Clones and the script for Demon Stone, a game for the Xbox/PS2.

Christopher Paolini (****) - Eragon / Eldest

Bill Amend (****) - FoxTrot

Iain M. Banks (****) - any of his stuff but the Culture novels are particular good.

Frank Herbert (****) - The Dune books, fantastic reading.

J.R.R. Tolkien (****) - The definitive fantasy writer.

Douglas Adams (****) - The Hitchhiker's Guide is a must read.

Peter F Hamilton (****) - Nights Dawn Trilogy - The Reality Disfuction - The Neutronium Alchemist - The 
                                      Naked God

Robert A. Heinlein (****) - if you remember the movie "starship troopers" well he wrote the book, his books always deal with a sort of futuristic fascism, always a good read..

Robert Ludlum's books (****) - The Bourne series, The Paris Option, The Hades Factor

Richard Marcinko (ex-Navy SEAL) (****) - Rogue Warrior series and his non-fiction collection.

Harold Coyle (****) - Bright Star

William Gibson (****)  - Neuromancer

Jack Higgins (****)  - Cold Harbour

Charles Henderson (****) - Carlos Hathcock Books

Eric Haney (****) - Inside Delta Force

Charlie Beckwith (****)  - Delta Force

Stephen King (****) - Mysterious Fantasy/horror stuff +2

Andy McNab (****) -  Anti-Terrorism, SAS +3

Chris Ryan (****) -   Anti-Terrorism, SAS - Andy McNab and Chris ryan both         
                                          spent time in the SAS and                 
                                          served on a covert mission named "Bravo Two Zero" In which 4 guys KIA,
                                          1 captured, 1 survived.

John Grisham (****) - The Firm, The Partnet, and all his other books. - Towelly, Jenspm & Ty Recommend +4 - Get This Book!

Ken Follett (****) - Code to Zero

Dan Brown (****) - The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Deamons. +2

Raymond E Feist (****)

John Marsden  (****) - Tommorrow when the War began series

Tom Clancy (****) - Splinter cell - Rainbow Six +1

Maddox (****) - The Alphabet of Maniless

Isaac Asimov  (****) - Foundation series

3 Star Books

Michael Crichton  (***) - Rising Sun

William Gibson (***) - His stuff is very good but always seems to end too abruptly for me.

Margeret Weiss and Tracy Hickman (***) - Good, solid fantasy that seems to go on and on and on. The Dragonlance stuff is good, the Darksword Trilogy is very good.

Craig Thomas (***) - Somewhat dated now but his stories are very good in the Tom Clancy mode (he wrote Firefox and Firefox Down)

Robert Jordan (***) - The Wheel of Time books, enjoying them so far but can't give them as high as Feist.

Michael Herr   (***) - Dispatches

Sven Hassel   (***) - Monte Caisino

Philip K Dick (***) - Science Fiction Writer for all ages.

Eric S. Nylund (***) - Science Fiction Books Including "Halo"

2 Star Books

John Steinbeck (**) - Of Mice and Men

Jules Verne (**) - All books

Anything by the Bathroom Readers Institute

Dan Abbnet (**) For Warhammer liker's only! +1

Jeff Noon (**) - Science Fiction "Vurt" +2

Pure Shit Books

- Anything By Terry Pratchett.
- Pokemon adventures
- Dr.Seuss

WilhelmSissener's Foreign Recommendations:

Max Manus - Det Blir Alvor (****)
Max Manus - Det vil helst gå godt (****)
Gunnar Sønsteby - Raport fra <<Nr.24>> (****)
Dusko Popov - Spion/Kontraspion (***)
Dr. Paul Schmidt - Jeg ble Hitlers Tolk (***)
H.J. Giskes - London Kaller Nordpol (***)
Oluf Reed Olsen - Vi kommer igjen (****)
Oluf Reed Olsen - Contact (****)
Jan Christensen - Oslogjengen (***)
Matthew Halton - Veien til Alamein (***)
Ari Bhen - Trist som faen (**)

Daggoth's Advice on Books
Terry Brooks: Sword of Shannara Series:  Basically a cross country adventure into dungeons, wilderness and learning about ancient magic and meeting people like Garet Jax, a weapons master who can kill everything.  I like the lone ranger type personas in stories.  (***)

Tad Williams: Otherland  An awesome 4 book story about a online world similiar to the matrix, but only its more like Matrix meets Gulliver's Travels meets Wizard of Oz.   (***)

More info on Terry Brooks here.
More info on Tad Williams here.

As for non-fiction a much more rewarding, IMO, genre:

Jared Diamond's: Guns Germs and Steel  (Basically that all civilizations advance relative to geography, religion, and a billion other things he talks about.  His point is that Western Civilization is not unique or superior; it merely was the first to take advantage of its situation) (***)

Politics and War:

Many of these are short essays that I read in my political science classes; they are still worthy to be mentioned I think.

Francis Fukuyama: End of History (A great essay discussing debating on the Historical Dialectic of Marx)  (***)

Chasteen's:  Born in Blood and Fire (An awesome history of Latin America)  (****)

Machiavelli's:  The Prince (****)

Adam Smith:  The wealth of nations (****)

Hobbes:  Leviathan (***)

Samuel Huntington:  Clash of civilizations (***)


Fiction (translations):

100 years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez:  (two words to describe this:  Magical Realism) (****) +1


Books to avoid:

Anything by James Baldwin, Dan Rather, news anchors in general, and Steven King's only non-fiction book.

And i suggest reading Steven Hawking's book A Brief History of Time (****)[/b]


If people tell me some books and what they are about/like i will add them to list and expand this.

And Please, Please, PLEASE Delete your post after it has been added to save time


Last edited by Knightnifer (2006-11-16 07:32:59)

+557|6991|Oslo, Norway

Knightnifer wrote:

zeidmaan wrote:


I gave Isac Asimov 4 stars man
He is one of the best SF writers
You fix that, you fix that NOW
lol ok..
Need crappy ratings aswell guys, not all 4star ya know.
Ari Bhen - Trist som faen ( )
+21|6842|NC, USA, Earth, Milky Way
Wouldn't it be wise to break them into categories: non-fiction, fiction, polticial, social, literature, childrens...etc?

I find that most of that selection is science fiction/fantasy and doesn't do justice to the countless of other genres out there.

As for science fiction though: you can add Terry Brooks and/or Tad Williams maybe as 2 or 3.  Dune series definitely a 4.

My 2 cents.

Last edited by Daggoth-UR-XXX (2006-11-14 08:30:13)


Here is another one thats definitly a 4 star

Peter Maass - Love Thy Neighbour - A story of War **** (thats 4 (four) stars) … mp;s=books
Peter Maass from the center of the nightmare in Bosnia, a war correspondent's montage of images - eerie, grotesque, ironic, angry, absurd. A Serb and Muslim, friends before the war, exchanging gossip via shortwave radio hours before they will try to kill each other. The Serbian president coolly denying reports of atrocities that have been witnessed by hundreds. A battlefield doctor performing miracles of surgery without anesthetic. Drivers without headlights gambling their lives in the darkness of no-man's-land while schoolchildren scamper across Sniper Alley. The author takes us with him into the minefields of modern war with a fierce, vivid, and personal book.

Last edited by zeidmaan (2006-11-14 08:31:48)

Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6849|Scarborough Yorkshire England
IMO books you must read
Stephen King - The Stand ****
Wilbur Smith - River God ****
Margaret Weiss + Tracy Hickman - The Dragonlance Chronicles (It's a trilogy) ****

I think this thread should be post the name of specific books cos I disagree with ANY Terry Pratchet book yes some aren't that good but others are great.

Last edited by Jinto-sk (2006-11-14 09:28:02)

+21|6842|NC, USA, Earth, Milky Way
To follow my own advice:

Terry Brooks: Sword of Shannara Series:  Basically a cross country adventure into dungeons, wilderness and learning about ancient magic and meeting people like Garet Jax, a weapons master who can kill everything.  I like the lone ranger type personas in stories.  3***

Tad Williams: Otherland  An awesome 4 book story about a online world similiar to the matrix, but only its more like Matrix meets Gulliver's Travels meets Wizard of Oz.   3***

More info on Terry Brooks here.
More info on Tad Williams here.

As for non-fiction a much more rewarding, IMO, genre:

Jared Diamond's: Guns Germs and Steel  (Basically that all civilizations advance relative to geography, religion, and a billion other things he talks about.  His point is that Western Civilization is not unique or superior; it merely was the first to take advantage of its situation) 3***

Politics and War:

Many of these are short essays that I read in my political science classes; they are still worthy to be mentioned I think.

Francis Fukuyama: End of History (A great essay discussing debating on the Historical Dialectic of Marx)  3 ***

Chasteen's:  Born in Blood and Fire (An awesome history of Latin America)  4****

Machiavelli's The Prince 4****

Adam Smith The wealth of nations 4****

Hobbes Leviathan 3***

Samuel Huntington Clash of civilizations 3***


Fiction (translations):

100 years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez:  (two words to describe this:  Magical Realism) 4****


Books to avoid:

Anything by James Baldwin, Dan Rather, news anchors in general, and Steven King's only non-fiction book.

Basically I stick to social sciences for my reads: linguistics, economics, history, geography. 

I'm not knowledgeable on hard science except to suggest reading Steven Hawking's book A Brief History of Time (though I barely understood anything he wrote except that black holes are really red or the possibility one can time travel by passing near the event horizon or something.)

hi, if u want your eyes opened read Addict by Stephen Smith.
Served and Out
+642|6819|Southampton, UK

Daggoth-UR-XXX wrote:

To follow my own advice:

Terry Brooks: Sword of Shannara Series:  Basically a cross country adventure into dungeons, wilderness and learning about ancient magic and meeting people like Garet Jax, a weapons master who can kill everything.  I like the lone ranger type personas in stories.  3***

Tad Williams: Otherland  An awesome 4 book story about a online world similiar to the matrix, but only its more like Matrix meets Gulliver's Travels meets Wizard of Oz.   3***

More info on Terry Brooks here.
More info on Tad Williams here.

As for non-fiction a much more rewarding, IMO, genre:

Jared Diamond's: Guns Germs and Steel  (Basically that all civilizations advance relative to geography, religion, and a billion other things he talks about.  His point is that Western Civilization is not unique or superior; it merely was the first to take advantage of its situation) 3***

Politics and War:

Many of these are short essays that I read in my political science classes; they are still worthy to be mentioned I think.

Francis Fukuyama: End of History (A great essay discussing debating on the Historical Dialectic of Marx)  3 ***

Chasteen's:  Born in Blood and Fire (An awesome history of Latin America)  4****

Machiavelli's The Prince 4****

Adam Smith The wealth of nations 4****

Hobbes Leviathan 3***

Samuel Huntington Clash of civilizations 3***


Fiction (translations):

100 years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez:  (two words to describe this:  Magical Realism) 4****


Books to avoid:

Anything by James Baldwin, Dan Rather, news anchors in general, and Steven King's only non-fiction book.

Basically I stick to social sciences for my reads: linguistics, economics, history, geography. 

I'm not knowledgeable on hard science except to suggest reading Steven Hawking's book A Brief History of Time (though I barely understood anything he wrote except that black holes are really red or the possibility one can time travel by passing near the event horizon or something.)

Nice one Daggoth - Section at bottom especially for your post. Thanks for the contribution !

Last edited by Knightnifer (2006-11-14 09:22:55)

+557|6991|Oslo, Norway
Knight, the last one means absoulute shit! (no reason needed)
Served and Out
+642|6819|Southampton, UK

What do you mean?
+557|6991|Oslo, Norway
I mean remove all the stars behind it!
+2,187|6826|Mountains of NC

Daggoth-UR-XXX wrote:

100 years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez:  (two words to describe this:  Magical Realism) 4****
Holly crap man +1
Thats one of the best books Ive read In my life. Cant believe I didnt think of it.
Its also the first "real" book Ive read in english. So as you can imagine it took me a while, but it also probably made it better since I took my time reading it.
If you are currently looking for something to read than seriously consider reading 100 years of Solitude.

ps. Knightniffer man consider adding a +1, +2, +3, +4 etc when someone "confirms" the quality of a book. Since a "one mans" recomendation doest mean much, but if 5-6 people agree than It could be worth the money. Its going to be more work but we will make sure you can bath (grammar?) in karma
Served and Out
+642|6819|Southampton, UK

zeidmaan wrote:

ps. Knightniffer man consider adding a +1, +2, +3, +4 etc when someone "confirms" the quality of a book. Since a "one mans" recomendation doest mean much, but if 5-6 people agree than It could be worth the money. Its going to be more work but we will make sure you can bath (grammar?) in karma
Will do.
Phorum Phantom
Orson Scott Card? Enders Game is pretty much an awsome book.
Jules Verne should be on that list, with (****) all books.
+1,716|6990|St. Andrews / Oslo

John Grisham (****) - The Firm, The Partnet - Towelly Recommends

make it Towelly and Jenspm Recomend And make it: The Firm, The Partner and all of his other books

Last edited by Jenspm (2006-11-14 13:12:37)
Mass Media Casualty

I reccomend John Grisham too. I'm reading my way through all his books at the moment. I reccomend "The Rainmaker" and "The Last Juror" but so many of them are good.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Served and Out
+642|6819|Southampton, UK

Updated fully.
Next Update: Either tonight. Or tomorrow afternoon (GMT)

Last edited by Knightnifer (2006-11-14 13:25:53)

+1,153|6888|Washington, DC

Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea (****), short book but great prose. Excellent wording, imagery, etc. One of my favorites.

John Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men (***), also short but again a great story. Loved it.
Served and Out
+642|6819|Southampton, UK

Hurricane wrote:

Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea (****), short book but great prose. Excellent wording, imagery, etc. One of my favorites.

John Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men (***), also short but again a great story. Loved it.
I'll put up Ernest, but Of mice and Men, i will not sorry. I will put it in 2 Star section but as a +1.
I took it as a GCSE English book and absoulutely hated it.
less busy
+586|7093|Kubra, Damn it!

Read anything you can get your hands on by these authors:
Greg Iles, Michael Crichton, John Grisham, Neal Stephenson
All of their stuff is great, but I've listed some of the best below.

I'd give all of these five stars if I could
Michael Crichton - Airframe ****
Michael Crichton - The Lost World ****
Greg Iles - Black Cross ****
Greg Iles - Mortal Fear ****
Greg Iles - Spandau Phoenix ****
Greg Iles - The Footprints of God ****
Greg Iles - The Quiet Game ****
John Grisham - The Partner **** (The Street Lawyer was excellent too, but i think The Partner is his best)
Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash ****

Ken Follett - Eye of the Needle ***
Dean Koontz - Intensity ***

This is quite possibly the best book I've ever read. It was written for intelligent, educated people so not everyone will get it. Give it a try if you think you can keep up, you won't be sorry!
Neal Stephenson - Cryptonomicon ****

Just to even things out, here are a couple of not-so-greats:
Mo Hayder - Tokyo * (booooooooring)
Harry Turtledove - American Front **
less busy
+586|7093|Kubra, Damn it!

Hurricane wrote:

Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea (****), short book but great prose. Excellent wording, imagery, etc. One of my favorites.

John Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men (***), also short but again a great story. Loved it.
Hemingway is good. Don't forget For Whom the Bell Tolls (****). I read it cuz it was the name of a Metallica song, but it's a great story.
less busy
+586|7093|Kubra, Damn it!

Colin Mason - A Short History of Asia (****)
Bernard Mayo - Jefferson Himself (****)

Daggoth-UR-XXX wrote:

Francis Fukuyama: End of History (A great essay discussing debating on the Historical Dialectic of Marx)  3 ***
fukuyama... jesus. his "hegelianism" is a joke. if anyone takes the advice to read this seriously, please counterbalance its crap-ocity with some jameson or even žižek...

editd for spleling

Last edited by oberst_enzian (2006-11-14 22:02:40)

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