+16|6799|Alberta, Canada
At age 66 you will start sleeping more and more. After six months of this you will be sleeping 19 hours a day. By month seven, you do not wake up anymore. You cease breathing during month nine.   

SWEET thats easy
couldny take my first one so i gave it another shot wachtler82: At age 77 the artificial intelligence software you programmed becomes self aware and devours you. You will be saved to disk though, so no worries.
beats being anally probed to death lol
+540|6655|Shanghai, ethnicity=German wrote:

Marc: At age 42 you will die in a fiery golf-cart crash, alcohol will be involved.
I do play Golf

And one with my BF2s Forum Name wrote:

_-_911_-_180891: At age 114 you will fall into a tank at a large aquarium and be eaten by suckerfish.
LMFAO, A Suckerfish. LOL.. And my Forum Account is gonnaa live longer than me

omni: At age 22 you will start playing an online game and become so addicted that you starve to death.

well.......hope i make supreme commander first.
Tim Edstein: At age 58 you will be attacked by a pack of escaped lap dogs in your neighborhood and never be seen again.

Sounds fun.
Trunk Monkey
At age 55,I will have a massive coronary from over exertion while getting it on with a ho!!!
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6933|Great Brown North
At age 53 the artificial intelligence software you programmed becomes self aware and devours you. You will be saved to disk though, so no worries.
woot! I demand to be uploaded onto the internet... ill be immortal!
It is I
+146|6537|San Jose CA.
At age 53 you will die lonely and alone.
Yes what I always wanted.
Real Хорошо
+826|6672|Adelaide, South Australia

krazed wrote:

At age 53 the artificial intelligence software you programmed becomes self aware and devours you. You will be saved to disk though, so no worries.
woot! I demand to be uploaded onto the internet... ill be immortal!
why do you get the coolest one?
+35|6833|let op drempels
At age 38 you will be blown up by the pyrotechnics rigged at one of your "Still Not Dead" concerts.
this sounds so emo
Evils Bammed Sex Machine
Gillian : At age 39 you will be hunted by a strange apparition resembling Andy Griffith, and subsequently commit suicide after the stress proves to be too much.

Gillian van der Kwaak: At age 51 you will become involved in revolutionary activities in Ecuador, and be killed.

Gillenator: At age 59 you will go down in a small raft, in your friend's pool, and subsequently drown.

Daisy: At age 77 you will die fighting the Global War on Terrorism in Mexico.

I'm English, not British!
+113|6924|Rotherham, England
At age 30 you will be hit by a train while napping on the railroad tracks.

Only 3 years to go
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6744|Scarborough Yorkshire England
I don't
I'm currently on a search for the Holly Grail
To drink from the cup of christ giving everlasting imortallity
Then I can pwn all your asses
Oh wait I don't believe in all that
Oh well on to plan B
Do One Ya Mug !!!
shotgun to the face, in marks and spencers
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6744|Scarborough Yorkshire England

hurricane2oo5 wrote:

shotgun to the face, in marks and spencers
That'll teach you for trying to rob the place
Remember point the barrel away from your face
If it miss fires don't look down the barrel

Last edited by Jinto-sk (2006-11-13 04:01:16)


heart attack ... when i least suspect
Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6798|Cardiff - Wales - UK
Stomper_40k: At age 57 aliens will abduct you and use your body for sick and often anally-oriented experiments before dropping you off outside of a local homeless shelter smelling of beer.

What again ffs.
+224|6837|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
Eric: At age 23 you will go down in a small raft, in your friend's pool, and subsequently drown.

i hate this, i live on a lake all my life and i drown what a fucking retard
Say wat!?
At age 49 you will die from wounds delivered by a blender after trying to make your sixteenth magarita of the day. (And it's on 3:00pm, shame on you!)

The Medic Whore
At age 42 you will spontaneously combust while dining out with your family.

Who are we to argue with Taller Ghost Walt?
At age 37 you will be struck by lightning while trying to move the antenna beside your mobile home in order to pick up late night adult movies.

sad but true
Say wat!?

DeadFin wrote:

At age 37 you will be struck by lightning while trying to move the antenna beside your mobile home in order to pick up late night adult movies.

sad but true

Your gunna live in a mobile home! Unlucky
i also got gunned down by hippies!

and i always thought the hippies were on my side...
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6744|Scarborough Yorkshire England

jsnipy wrote:

heart attack ... when i least suspect
BOO !!
You still with us ??
+3|6807|The Netherlands
Kriz: At age 62 you will be shanked in prison, becoming fatally wounded.

I knew it ROFL

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