Hmmm... Who's gonna be next to play "feed the 15 yr. old"?

TheDrNailsGuy wrote:

Sgt.Gene wrote:

TheDrNailsGuy wrote:

OH, and SRG, how much time on the internet do you spend? Watching tv?  How do you pick up chicks if your spending your time right now on the internet?................wait, I think I know the answer to this one!
lets see... its Sgt about 6 hours a week for the net about 3 hours for the tv and i dont know how i could be picking up chicks at like 1:30 am dont forget iam 15 i dont go bar hopping most of the girls my age are probably at their houses becuase it is like u know 1:30 am time for normal people to sleep.
lets see..........6 hours a week?  kind of hard to rack up 235 hours in 170 days if you only spend 6 hours a week.
6 hours out of the 5 day week not counting weekends and holiday breaks and dont foeget this game came out while us kiddies were on summer break
Donald O' Brien
I think it's about time we stop responding to Sgt.Gene's posts.  He is obviously trying to infuriate people on purpose; no one could possibly make such stupid comments if it weren't for the goal of aggrevation.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7065|The United Center

Sgt.Gene wrote:

hmmm... yes i agree this whole topic started though because of another topic about a certain person talking shit because he was older. iam merely standing up for my right of freedom of speech. im not going to let some fucking ass hole talk shit when i know he is wrong. does that make me a bad person. maybe everyone anymore should just keep their opinions to their selves. do u people see what it is making us in to i was just merely satting that most not all most of the people over 19 are little queers who just talk about their uber leet machine and pwning noobs. Not all people over 19 are faggots who constantly flame little kids and bitch but some are. i know most of you people cant see this from my perspective but take a look at your selves. u r making fun of like 14 and 15 year old kids. wtf is up with u are u such a pathetic little homo that u have to stoop to the level of makinf fun of 14 and 15 year olds.
well when you word your argument like that, can you really blame them?

the title of this thread says "if you are over 19 and play video games, then you need to get a life".  this applies to everyone over the age of 19 who plays video games.  i would bet that most of the people you play against are over 19.  most of the people in these forums are probably over 19 as well.  just because one person badmouthed you doesnt mean everyone of that age range will do the same.

seriously though, look at what you just said.  you just called people over 19 queers, faggots, pathetic, and homosexuals.  you can't honestly say things like that and then wonder why people flame you.

...and one more thing.  gene, you do realize the irony in posting this on a website created by someone who is over 19 and plays BF2, yes?  if it wasnt for over 19 gamers, this website wouldnt exist.  hell, games wouldnt exist.  who do you think programmers and designers are?  theyre gamers. 

so please, refrain.  your argument is flawed from the start.
+32|7031|Wherever the F**k i feel like

Broken7 wrote:

Hmmm... Who's gonna be next to play "feed the 15 yr. old"?
........ ducher

Donald O' Brien wrote:

I think it's about time we stop responding to Sgt.Gene's posts.  He is obviously trying to infuriate people on purpose; no one could possibly make such stupid comments if it weren't for the goal of aggrevation.
i agree. this arguement seems to be going on forever. everytime i hit refresh, a new post pops up. if sgt gene would just stfu, i could get a good night's sleep.
Beatdown Patrol

Sgt.Gene wrote:

hmm... lets see if u can fucking read... FORMER STAT PADDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and y the fuck do u care anyways???
y the fuck do u continue to post does it give u a hard on arguing with a 15 year old. pls pls just stfu and go kill your self
Oh.   ::laugh::  My bad.  FOOOORMER Stat padder.  Let's see here....

Dec. 15 to Dec. 16 (5 days ago), you performed 224 HEALS rifling your heal score from 772 to 1003.
Dec. 14 to Dec. 16 you had 538 Revives.  On Dec. 5 to Dec. 7 you had 501 Revives. (somebody please stop me...this is too easy)
Dec. 13 to Dec. 16 your Global Score went from 26,235 to 32,000   A nice net gain of 5765 points in 3 days.
You have a 426 best round for USMC...437 BR for MEC...and 396 for China.

Yeah.  FORMER...Stat padder.

- Beatdown
sgt gene is finally offline.
well... i can see this grew into a nice little discussion. hmm... I want to play a game the name of the game is who actually cares. now lets read through all of Sgt.Gene's topics and pick out every detail of his stupidity.
cause that is what it is like to me you people constantly flame or what ever the fuck it is called. as for making stupid comments to infuriate people. exactly my goal i like to study the way people react to comments made to infuriate them. u guys are not insulting me by calling me any names u r making me laugh because of how angry someone could get over some writing on a computer screen. if it infuriates u so much just hit that power button and it will all go away. yes iam 15. yes i do spend too much time on the computer. yes i do study the reactions of others through communication via: net, phone or whatever else. it really makes me think about how u people make it through the day. if you can get this pissed about a freakin forum topic how do u interact with people in your everday life? what iam mainly tring to say is that instead of calling me ignorant u need to look at what u r doing. let me see u r arguing with a 15 year old kid about his right of freedom of speech and the right to play a vid game. maybe u r the ignorant one?
something to think about...
Beatdown Patrol

Donald O' Brien wrote:

I think it's about time we stop responding to Sgt.Gene's posts.  He is obviously trying to infuriate people on purpose; no one could possibly make such stupid comments if it weren't for the goal of aggrevation. are right.  I won't respond anymore.

[Ret.] Statpadd Gene was entertaining me way too much!!!

- Beatdown

{DS}Serge wrote:

Donald O' Brien wrote:

I think it's about time we stop responding to Sgt.Gene's posts.  He is obviously trying to infuriate people on purpose; no one could possibly make such stupid comments if it weren't for the goal of aggrevation.
i agree. this arguement seems to be going on forever. everytime i hit refresh, a new post pops up. if sgt gene would just stfu, i could get a good night's sleep.
maybe if u just hit that off button u could get a good nights sleep.
+1|7055|bendigo, Aus

Sgt.Gene wrote:

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

Sgt.Gene wrote:

seriously people who are over 19 and play excessivley are just losers who have no life. for real think about you are 20 years old and sitting in your parents basement playing bf2 with your favorite white dockers shirt and a pocket protector on and a dream of being #1 in bf2. i would like to make this statment VIDEO GAMES ARE FOR KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! and dont hand me that esrb rating bullshit companies make games violent to specifically target the youth. there could be better things u could be doing like going to parties maybe meeting girls if u losers arent to fucking too shy to even look. my opinion but i lugh at people over 19 playing video games because it is in fact true they have no lives if you are an adult u can basically do what ever u want but u choose to play video games and make fun of people that are younger than u and talk about how u have an uber l337 gaming machin and that u can pwn any little noob that comes around. for real get a life its time to pull your heads out of your asses take a nice breath of air and go kill your self.
From your flaming tirade, either you are a very young person who's parents don't know that you are on their computer or you are a young person who is tired of getting pasted in games by an older person.

I suggest you take a look at these numbers and then change your perception, because your posting makes you sound astoundingly ignorant.

39%.....THIRTY-NINE PERCENT of frequent PC game players are OVER the age of 35.
25%.....a full quarter of the entire market for console game players are over the age of 35.

So please keep in mind, that statistically...when you get your ass straight punished in BF2, it is almost a 40% chance that the person who pulled the trigger was over 35.  The other 26% are still likely to be over your self proclaimed age of 18.  So in all, that totals out at around 66%.

Hmmm...looks more like you are the loser that is not "in the know."

- Beatdown
well u see i dont give a flying fuck about statistics. hmmm... calling me ignorant are you... thems sounds like fightin words.. seriously were u bullied and beat up in high school because u show signs of it
actually i think ur the 1 hu got beat up...u just enjoy insulting people over the internet so u dont have to show ur face
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7065|The United Center

Sgt.Gene wrote:

well... i can see this grew into a nice little discussion. hmm... I want to play a game the name of the game is who actually cares. now lets read through all of Sgt.Gene's topics and pick out every detail of his stupidity.
cause that is what it is like to me you people constantly flame or what ever the fuck it is called. as for making stupid comments to infuriate people. exactly my goal i like to study the way people react to comments made to infuriate them. u guys are not insulting me by calling me any names u r making me laugh because of how angry someone could get over some writing on a computer screen. if it infuriates u so much just hit that power button and it will all go away. yes iam 15. yes i do spend too much time on the computer. yes i do study the reactions of others through communication via: net, phone or whatever else. it really makes me think about how u people make it through the day. if you can get this pissed about a freakin forum topic how do u interact with people in your everday life? what iam mainly tring to say is that instead of calling me ignorant u need to look at what u r doing. let me see u r arguing with a 15 year old kid about his right of freedom of speech and the right to play a vid game. maybe u r the ignorant one?
something to think about...
so...since when do you have the right to play a video game and people over 19 don't?

since when do we not also have the freedom of speech to flame you if we so desire?

how do your accusations of making other people angry not apply to yourself?  this thread was started because you were upset that you were getting flamed and made fun of. 

no one here is arguing over your right to freedom of speech so don't even try that one.  we're just saying you're incorrect in your assumption that everyone over 19 who plays video games is homosexual in some way, shape, or form.

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

Sgt.Gene wrote:

hmm... lets see if u can fucking read... FORMER STAT PADDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and y the fuck do u care anyways???
y the fuck do u continue to post does it give u a hard on arguing with a 15 year old. pls pls just stfu and go kill your self
Oh.   ::laugh::  My bad.  FOOOORMER Stat padder.  Let's see here....

Dec. 15 to Dec. 16 (5 days ago), you performed 224 HEALS rifling your heal score from 772 to 1003.
Dec. 14 to Dec. 16 you had 538 Revives.  On Dec. 5 to Dec. 7 you had 501 Revives. (somebody please stop me...this is too easy)
Dec. 13 to Dec. 16 your Global Score went from 26,235 to 32,000   A nice net gain of 5765 points in 3 days.
You have a 426 best round for USMC...437 BR for MEC...and 396 for China.

Yeah.  FORMER...Stat padder.

- Beatdown
hmmm... lets see 224 heals in one day if u think that is statpadding u r an idiot dude i only started the healing to get my god damn medal De.14 to the 16 538 revives... what can i say iam a freakin medic iam not scared to run out in the batle to heal someone dude i get like on average like 300 revives a day if i play alot. 5765 in 3 days thats fucking nothing maybe u just suck at the game. and again those B.R. scores are from A LONG TIME AGO!!!!!!

( and by the way y do u fucking care anyways ??? )

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Sgt.Gene wrote:

well... i can see this grew into a nice little discussion. hmm... I want to play a game the name of the game is who actually cares. now lets read through all of Sgt.Gene's topics and pick out every detail of his stupidity.
cause that is what it is like to me you people constantly flame or what ever the fuck it is called. as for making stupid comments to infuriate people. exactly my goal i like to study the way people react to comments made to infuriate them. u guys are not insulting me by calling me any names u r making me laugh because of how angry someone could get over some writing on a computer screen. if it infuriates u so much just hit that power button and it will all go away. yes iam 15. yes i do spend too much time on the computer. yes i do study the reactions of others through communication via: net, phone or whatever else. it really makes me think about how u people make it through the day. if you can get this pissed about a freakin forum topic how do u interact with people in your everday life? what iam mainly tring to say is that instead of calling me ignorant u need to look at what u r doing. let me see u r arguing with a 15 year old kid about his right of freedom of speech and the right to play a vid game. maybe u r the ignorant one?
something to think about...
so...since when do you have the right to play a video game and people over 19 don't?

since when do we not also have the freedom of speech to flame you if we so desire?

how do your accusations of making other people angry not apply to yourself?  this thread was started because you were upset that you were getting flamed and made fun of. 

no one here is arguing over your right to freedom of speech so don't even try that one.  we're just saying you're incorrect in your assumption that everyone over 19 who plays video games is homosexual in some way, shape, or form.
i never said if u r over 19 u cant play video games.
i never said if u r over 19 u dont have freedom of speech
i never said that everyone over 19 and plays video games is a homo sexual i was simply stating that those over 19 who play videogames EXCESSIVLEY and constantly flame kids for playing are homosexuals
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7065|The United Center

Sgt.Gene wrote:

( and by the way y do u fucking care anyways ??? )
we care because youre throwing around accusations and derogatory slurs like theyre nothing.

you sit here accusing other people of only caring about stats and flaming people, yet youre doing the exact same thing.

Sgt.Gene wrote:

{DS}Serge wrote:

Donald O' Brien wrote:

I think it's about time we stop responding to Sgt.Gene's posts.  He is obviously trying to infuriate people on purpose; no one could possibly make such stupid comments if it weren't for the goal of aggrevation.
i agree. this arguement seems to be going on forever. everytime i hit refresh, a new post pops up. if sgt gene would just stfu, i could get a good night's sleep.
maybe if u just hit that off button u could get a good nights sleep.
u seem to really like bugging ppl sgt gene. this is the last response i will make to u. i am 14. i like games. i will
continue to play past the age of 19 and i dont give a FUCK about your opinions. once a gamer, always a gamer. u can go fuck yourself in the corner.

and everyone seems to be against u, i wonder y?

Last edited by {DS}Serge (2005-12-20 00:31:13)

+215|7082 wrote:

Sgt.Gene wrote:

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

From your flaming tirade, either you are a very young person who's parents don't know that you are on their computer or you are a young person who is tired of getting pasted in games by an older person.

I suggest you take a look at these numbers and then change your perception, because your posting makes you sound astoundingly ignorant.

39%.....THIRTY-NINE PERCENT of frequent PC game players are OVER the age of 35.
25%.....a full quarter of the entire market for console game players are over the age of 35.

So please keep in mind, that statistically...when you get your ass straight punished in BF2, it is almost a 40% chance that the person who pulled the trigger was over 35.  The other 26% are still likely to be over your self proclaimed age of 18.  So in all, that totals out at around 66%.

Hmmm...looks more like you are the loser that is not "in the know."

- Beatdown
well u see i dont give a flying fuck about statistics. hmmm... calling me ignorant are you... thems sounds like fightin words.. seriously were u bullied and beat up in high school because u show signs of it
actually i think ur the 1 hu got beat up...u just enjoy insulting people over the internet so u dont have to show ur face
what r u talking about i dont insult people
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7065|The United Center

Sgt.Gene wrote:

i never said if u r over 19 u cant play video games.
i never said if u r over 19 u dont have freedom of speech
i never said that everyone over 19 and plays video games is a homo sexual i was simply stating that those over 19 who play videogames EXCESSIVLEY and constantly flame kids for playing are homosexuals
youre right, you didnt.  but you did say those who are over 19 and play video games have no lives.  so where is this supposed 'right to play video games'?

in a manner of speaking you did say we dont have freedom of speech since youre criticizing us for flaming people and speaking our minds.  the beautiful thing about freedom of speech is i can say what i want, when i want, where i want...that includes flaming kids.

you never said excessively.  just look at the title to this thread.
so the "magic" age for growing up is 19?  BS.  im 36 and still love to game. i havnt lived at home since i was 18 and joined the army, i have a wife, a daughter and a child on the way (proof i dont game all the time...)  for those that think, hey! im grown up now! im not gonna waste anymore time playing computer games...  it never happens.  sure, real life is more of a pain now, but I still make time to game. i belong to a whole clan of people that are over 21. most in there 30's to 50's.  we like to have fun online just like people under the vaunted 19 grow up age.  we even belong to a league with 9 other clans like ours! wow! a whole league of "faggot loosers"!  were out there. we dont like smacktards and we own the servers we play on to keep it smacktard free. 
now, not every or even most players under 19 are smacktards, nor does being over 21 exempt you from being a smacktard.  however, there is probably atleast one that has posted on this thread.  i dont give a crap about stat padding as long as that person is helping my team win.  pad all the stats you want! 15 or 35, dosnt matter.  the fact is, the idea that mature gamers are loosers is idiotic.  so for those that have not walked in our shoe's keep your opinions to your self.  you need a grasp on reality, gaming isnt just for kids, not now or ever. our generation made gaming what it is today and i will be gaming till the day i die.  i dont play everyday, i spend time with my family, i make a great living. graduated collage, served in desert storm, i own my own home, 2 cars and a boat wich i fish from.  now tell me how my gaming makes me a looser?

{DS}Serge wrote:

Sgt.Gene wrote:

{DS}Serge wrote:

i agree. this arguement seems to be going on forever. everytime i hit refresh, a new post pops up. if sgt gene would just stfu, i could get a good night's sleep.
maybe if u just hit that off button u could get a good nights sleep.
u seem to really like bugging ppl sgt gene. this is the last response i will make to u. i am 14. i like games. i will
continue to play past the age of 19 and i dont give a FUCK about your opinions. once a gamer, always a gamer. u can go fuck yourself in the corner
ok... i really dont care
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7065|The United Center

Sgt.Gene wrote:

what r u talking about i dont insult people
so then what do you consider calling people fags, queers, and homos?

personally i dont think actually being gay is a bad thing.  its a way of life and if people are happier that way, sobeit.  but when you toss around words like that, they become insults.  dont try to act like youre the innocent one here.
+0|7111|Copenhagen, Denmark
Filtering out all the pointless comments made by Sgt.Gene I just wanted to address the original topic of this thread.

I would say that - no matter your age - it is a matter of how much you play. If you spend too much of your time playing, to the extent where it damages your everyday life. Then you have a problem. Games can be addictive and a lot of people get to caught up in them. That is a danger to watch out for.

That being said I think that computer games have a unique quality in them because they might be one of the only toys I know of that can be enjoyed by children of all ages. I think it is so cool that in BF2 you might have a really good squad going with people from 10 years of age to 60.

Last edited by madsmao (2005-12-20 00:34:45)

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