+5,233|6842|Global Command … htm?csp=34

I like him better than most Republicans, as he speaks witha unforked tongue.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
the dirty jew!!! i laughed my ass off when i saw him accept the win, he's (was) one of the few policy strong dems that didn't change his mind every third day, if anyone deserved a win he did.
Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles
Win one for the Dino!
+605|6862|San Diego, CA, USA
He'll still be a democrat, for seniority purposes.  So nothing has changed other than Talent, a very liberal democrat, didn't get voted in.  To be honest, I would have probabaly voted for Liberman...eventhough I voted straight Republican in my district.
I am all that is MOD!

didn't vote for any office except local and governor.  Voted on the props though.
Cowboy from Hell
If Dems get Virginia and Montana they'll have 49 members + Lieberman, 50/100 (the guy is Democrat even if he got elected representing an Independent Party.
+605|6862|San Diego, CA, USA
Liberman will go Democrat and not stay independent.  Alot of people are courting him, including the Republicians and independents.  Some independent want him to start his own party to give a third choice.

However, I'm nearly certain that after being a democrat for 30 years he'll continue to be a democrat to give them the majority in the Senate if either Montana or Virginia stay Republician.
americans never learn

His loyalty goes to ISRAEL first

he will do anything to send americans fight IRAN for ISRAEL

just look
+917|6931|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
ATG was wife owned in his sig. If that was rly her.

Yeah, Lieberman is the best democrat I can think of off the top of my head. One with the most sense.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
He is my Senator here in CT. For a democrat I like him. I voted for him because the republican running had no shot in hell and I didnt want Lamont. Lamont had no platform other than anti Iraq. At least Leiberman sticks to his guns, even if he is wrong.
Malloy must go
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

Harmor wrote:

Liberman will go Democrat and not stay independent.  Alot of people are courting him, including the Republicians and independents.  Some independent want him to start his own party to give a third choice.

However, I'm nearly certain that after being a democrat for 30 years he'll continue to be a democrat to give them the majority in the Senate if either Montana or Virginia stay Republician.
Perhaps, he is the most conservative Democrat out there in my opinion though. Plus Connecticuts Democrat's shit all over him when Ned Lamont won the primary a few months ago. He is pretty pissed about that still.
Malloy must go
+385|6804|Northern California
Lieberman wants power...  He betrayed all, sucked republican dick, disregarded his constituents that clearly voted for lamont...and won.  Sticks to his guns?  That guy is the biggest turn coat ever!  Did any of you actually listen to him in the 2000 debates?  Did anyone actually look at his voting records?  His comments about Bush before he needed Republican help to win?  Seriously, talk about dillusional. 

That dude is a piece of shit.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
why cuz he's not a party hack? i think it's funny that the ones joking about "republicans OBEY!!" throw one of their own under the bus as soon as he has an original thought, you know, that one where he thinks being not dead or ruled by islamo-fascism is a good thing, in spite of the fact that he voted with his party over 90% of the time. Republicans are supposed to be the narrow minded lock-step party, yet we have members all over the board on every issue from abortion to legalizing marijuana, but as soon as one of the dems fail to vote as reid or pelosi tell them to, they are reported to der kommisar and thrown in the stockade.
+385|6804|Northern California
No, he was acceptable to the Dem party even though he was very, very conservative.  it's when he abandoned the party after HIS own party listened to the people of connecticut and voted for Lamont..that's when he showed what a whiney bitch he is and showed that his interest is not in what he's traditionally stuck to..but showed he ONLY wants to hang on to power.

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