By saying in your original post that you had tried to download it lots of times you obviously thought it was the software at fault otherwise you would have looked elsewhere first.CrazeD wrote:
First off, when the f*** did I blame the software? Learn to frigin read. I said Fraps doesn't does that imply that there is a problem with the software? It's likely a problem with my system, which is why I want help.
If the free version didn't work what makes you think that "acquiring" a copy of the full version would make it work?CrazeD wrote:
Second, even the free version doesn't work - so there is no way I'm paying for it if it's not going to work for me.
Even if your friend has bought it, he is not licensed to further distribute the software. It's still a pirate copy of the software as you do not hold the license, he does.CrazeD wrote:
Third, who said I pirated it? I said I acquired it. Maybe my friend bought it, and gave me his name? Ever think of that? Hmm...
You didn't ask a simple question, you asked for help in getting a piece of illegal software to work and I'm pretty sure that would be frowned upon in the forums. The forums are here to provide a community for BF2S and related matters, not to endorse the distribution of illegal software.CrazeD wrote:
Geez, ask a simple question and get flamed by a bunch of illiterate douchebags.
You can't even take advice that people give you. Headstone has clearly told you about software which has a recorder built in.
But thanks for playing.