+20|6846|Chch, New Zealand
I’ve been playing commander for 90% of my 2142 time, so I thought I’d share the information that I have worked out thus far.

Sat Scan every 30sec
Uav is up for 30secs, and then it takes 35secs to reload.
Orbital Strike 90secs
EMP 90secs
Supplies 60secs

Orbital Strike (‘arty’)
2142's 'arty’ isn’t anything like BF2 arty, to pretty much through everything you know about BF2 arty out the window. As the Orbital Strike Is and instant hit, well pretty much, about a 2 sec delay, and it’s concentrated, so if you don’t get a direct hit on INF you won’t get a kill.

You can take out tanks and apcs etc with it. A neat trick for taking them out, (you can take out a group, a group of 3 is my record) Fist you EMP the group, and the second you drop EMP on them, drop the arty on them, as they can’t move from it.

If you are trying to ‘arty’ moving INF, you still have to lead, but I haven’t figured out by how much, but I will share once I figure it out.

Also, the kills you get with the strike shows in your score board, i'm not 100% sure if you get a kill point added to your score in game.
But you can also lose points for team damage and team kills, and yes you can get punished for them.

I have been punished for one Tk and have done 5 team damages. But as the strike is fast, and you aim for a group, or even one person a bit away from friendly’s you should be fine.

Its pretty much like 2142, works the same, just looks different. As it takes a long to reload, (35secs)
At the start of round, only place it when your team meets the enemy. So hold off from using it at the start of round. Unless you know where the enemy is attacking your team

It doesn’t last very long, but it worked well with the orbital strike, if your team is taking on a walker, help them out by EMP-ing the walker. At this stage Im not 100% if your team can get stopped by friendly EMP. But im pretty sure it can, so if you are in battle and you see EMP near you (on mini map) back up a sec, as it has about 5 sec delay till it hits.

These are very important if you want to get an awesome score, you have to be on the ball the whole round. As you can get (+commander bonus) which is a point added to your global score at the end. I have got 49 in a round.

How I think this works is. If you give an order to a SL to defend a flag, and he is within a predetermined raids of flag and his squad members are within it, and the squad members get a kill, the SL get a point for squad following an order, then commander gets one for it too.

So even if a squad is doing what you want give them an order, so maybe you get a commander bonus.

I could be wrong on this, but it’s all that I can figure out to how I get the bonus.
(I have got a total end of round score of 139 for getting the bonus all round.

Issuing an order
When you issue an order, its not like BF2 where you right click it has, attack defend, move etc. It does have all the arty and scan options, but it only has one at the bottom. If you select directly on the flag, you can issue attack or defend, if its not coming up with defend, Make sure you are on the flag (the coloured rectangle things)

The move here order is for everywhere outside the flag.

Once you have done a SAT Scan spot people. But its not like BF2, you don’t have as much time to spot people, and it seams to be a tad delayed when you right click to spot. So take mental notes where they are, so you can keep spotting them while you have no UAV

Kit as commander, my prefence is engineer, so you can repair your assets, and quite often people can’t help to go and rape the uncap, so if you have the antitank weapon out, you can take them out quite nicely. And if you have the mines unlocked, mine your area for stray jeeps.

Hope this helps you all.

lGuNl NZDeathBoy
Δ > x > ¥

NZDeathBoy wrote:

...As the Orbital Strike Is and instant hit, well pretty much, about a 2 sec delay, and it’s concentrated, so if you don’t get a direct hit on INF you won’t get a kill.
On orbital strikes, you don't need a direct hit on infantry to get the kill as there is some splash damage.  It's not great and if they are a medic and deploy a med hub, they can survive a couple of near misses, but as a rule, if someone stays in the zone for the duration of the attack, they may still die.

Edit: added the section I was responding to for the benefit of the half-wit StormEye, who obviously didn't read what I wrote.

Last edited by aardfrith (2006-11-06 08:14:43)


aardfrith wrote:

On orbital strikes, you don't need a direct hit on infantry to get the kill as there is some splash damage.  It's not great and if they are a medic and deploy a med hub, they can survive a couple of near misses, but as a rule, if someone stays in the zone for the duration of the attack, they may still die.
One DIRECT hit WILL kill an infantry. However, unlike the BF2 Artillery Strike, it is possible to find some cracks in the ground and easily survive the Orbital-Strike.
+30|6702|Holland Hardcore
If u want u can walk right through the arty and do't loose any health... bettter
I have had a direct hit from a shot from the Orbital Strike, I just flew up and then down again and during this time I was a medic and had full health.

It's pretty weak but it comes pretty fast and lots of rounds to. Grenade have a higher splash damage and is far deadlier than this arty.
+581|6534|New York
not bad. a good guide for people that have never commanded before.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
+45|6889|Toronto, Canada

Zefar wrote:

I have had a direct hit from a shot from the Orbital Strike, I just flew up and then down again and during this time I was a medic and had full health.

It's pretty weak but it comes pretty fast and lots of rounds to. Grenade have a higher splash damage and is far deadlier than this arty.
The first time I ever shot a Walker's ballz from directly underneath it with an engineer's AT missile and killed it instantly.  I went flying up in the air and deployed my parachute.  It was really funny, and some of my teammates was questioning if I was hacking.
2142th Whore

CackNBallz wrote:

Zefar wrote:

I have had a direct hit from a shot from the Orbital Strike, I just flew up and then down again and during this time I was a medic and had full health.

It's pretty weak but it comes pretty fast and lots of rounds to. Grenade have a higher splash damage and is far deadlier than this arty.
The first time I ever shot a Walker's ballz from directly underneath it with an engineer's AT missile and killed it instantly.  I went flying up in the air and deployed my parachute.  It was really funny, and some of my teammates was questioning if I was hacking.
you got the skywalker vents yes?
+45|6889|Toronto, Canada
Yes I got the Skywalker vents, but I like to think of the Riesig having a pair of "inny/innie" ballz and the Bogatyr having a horizontal cunt. Makes it sound more painful when I shoot 'em and funnier over Teamspeak or Ventrilo!.

Last edited by CackNBallz (2006-11-06 12:51:17)

+20|6846|Chch, New Zealand
Yeah As I play mostly comander, This guide is from what I see when looking down. As I have never been hit with a strick I don't know what its like.

Thanks for the info. Too

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