honestly has anyone ever looked at the top 10 list thay all have rounds up it the 300+ range now tell how that f@%* do you get that many points without point farming. any have any ideas if not EA needs to buckel down on people that do that and shit i seen a 836 point round once (can't remember who tho) they need to start banning people who cheat and don't hold me wrong now maybe someone did have a 3oo round but 400 and up is hard to beleave.
speaking of buckling down, chuy has to start disallowing accounts to people who cant spell or formulate sentences correctly.
yeah, we know. whats the big deal? so theyre in the top 10. who cares?
yeah, we know. whats the big deal? so theyre in the top 10. who cares?
Last edited by slidero (2005-12-18 22:36:44)
Give them a break man. Just cuz they in the top 10, u assume they are cheaters? Thats wrong man...they just play a shit load, and they are good...they are in the top 10 for a reason, give credit where credit is due.
dont be sore there better then u lol. im jm and isnt there a rule about posting things about the top 10 players
NOi don't mean they are all cheaters if you play fair congrats i mean it to but how in the world do you get 300 + in one round than
uhhh being commander maybe
Right on, thats the only way i get above 100 points a game. I think im a way better commander than a player, i can get my team to do well and all of them in the 40-60 point range you can easily get 150-200 point game, but 400 may take just a huge 64 player 2 hour game!Maj.Do wrote:
uhhh being commander maybe
i get 100 points without being commander on sharqi
sharqi = love
If you get a 64 size server with 10 people and everyone is mostly doing flag work the commander can see over 300. Easily.
I've goten 170 or so, on sharqi, i was a medic reviving, got about 60 kills and 30 revives or so.... its not point farming but blazing, thats all he does from the way his score looks. I do it from now and again. what he does, I'd say is point farming, come on veriety. I'd be happy if he noob toobed and medic whored.
^ lol
I felt, bad after doing it. Its fun tog et that many points but ya just feel liek a whore after it.
Hasn't anyone realized that you could(pre 1.03) get a 700+ score on a small mashtuur city server that played 64 size maps?
in the good old days of blackhawk flag cappin, was a perfectly legit tactic...
wordMosh wrote:
sharqi = love
high best rounds does not indicate stat padding. the blackhawk capping tactic would yield ridiculous amount of points.
Actually thr way most peopel get 200+ points a round without being commander or cheating is by being in a blackhawk chopper. All of those kills and kill assists along with flag cap, nuetral, defs add up quick.