On my clan server we allow Spec-Ops into uncappables to destroy commander assets only, you can only attack an uncappable if all other flags on the map are posessed by your side. I think this rule makes the game fair & more enjoyably for even the worst of teams & players.
I am the pwnage! Bitches!

freebirdpat wrote:

imdead wrote:

freebirdpat wrote:

What if you have taken all the flags, its the last 50 tickets and you have pushed the enemy back to their uncap?
Then you disable them from the 'chokepoint', not meaning knowing where thier spawnpoint is and sit and wait for them to spawn. You simply wait for them to converge towards the first flag. Base Raping is taking out one's commander toys or taking out one's airforce. Now SpawnRaping is a different story where you know the spawnpoint and just sit and wait, when you have 20 guys doing this then where is the fun involved. To me, it's just padding the kills. I've seen people that have 1 or more flags and they are losing AND go towards the uncappable bases, what's the point?
See thats the problem, the choke point is the spawn point. The spawning system is the problem at hand. And the fact that you can block them with vehicles.
In fact you don't need even vehicles
Death StatPadder
+228|6816|Human Meat Shield
ah... I always have been told by SL to wait and take out enemies from afar while two go in and take flag. I just don't understand why the Spawn rapers don't just take the flag? Maybe I am missing something. Me...Mongo... not smart.

-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:

On my clan server we allow Spec-Ops into uncappables to destroy commander assets only, you can only attack an uncappable if all other flags on the map are posessed by your side. I think this rule makes the game fair & more enjoyably for even the worst of teams & players.
Seriously whats the point of this?   Take a map like Karkand.  USMC is allowed to attack, rape and pillage all of the MEC assets anywhere at any time.  You're allowed to attack the MEC main base, take\destroy its armor and generally camp the hell out of it.  Why should the MEC players NOT be allowed to beat down your main base like you can when playing for USMC?  Because the flag isn't cappable doesn't mean that it isn't a valid target.   Hey great, you allow them to attack the commander assets but not the armor or the players spawning there?  Its a retarded double standard that has zero place in BF2.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6888|Cologne, Germany

Altus wrote:

-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:

On my clan server we allow Spec-Ops into uncappables to destroy commander assets only, you can only attack an uncappable if all other flags on the map are posessed by your side. I think this rule makes the game fair & more enjoyably for even the worst of teams & players.
Seriously whats the point of this?   Take a map like Karkand.  USMC is allowed to attack, rape and pillage all of the MEC assets anywhere at any time.  You're allowed to attack the MEC main base, take\destroy its armor and generally camp the hell out of it.  Why should the MEC players NOT be allowed to beat down your main base like you can when playing for USMC?  Because the flag isn't cappable doesn't mean that it isn't a valid target.   Hey great, you allow them to attack the commander assets but not the armor or the players spawning there?  Its a retarded double standard that has zero place in BF2.
well, karkand is supposed to be an attack/defense map, with the USMC attacking and the MEC defending. that concept is most likely the reason why the USMC has an uncap base while the MEC doesn't.

It's not EA's fault that people don't stick to the tactical concept of a map.
Thread Ender
+58|6771|New Hampshire
I love hearing people on MEC whine on Karkand when the USMC has their armor sitting right outside the Hotel spawn.  MEC could have every flag, but it's always "baseraping".  My solution is to spawn somewhere else and be squad leader (a spawn point for everyone) so you can take out enemy armor, etc.  When MEC gets down to it's last flag (usually Gatehouse, but sometimes suburbs) and USMC attacks that too, than somehow THAT is always baseraping too.  Look, you have one flag left, you want us to back off so you can go take another won and make us possibly lose?  I don't think so.  Finally is an uncappable.  If you have an uncappable AND another flag, see my first solution.  If you're down to your uncappable and being base raped, tough shit for you.  You're down to your last flag because your team sucks, and now because of this you're going to be pounded into the dirt.  It sucks, I know, but what would you expect someone to do?  Honestly, I play this game for the points and for the wins, and I'm not really into backing off so you might be able to beat me.  A wins a win, a loss is a loss, if you're gonna whine about being base raped, leave, because there is NO such thing as base raping.
Alert Medic


If I am not mistaken this is also called stat padding......not fair play.......racking up points by sitting in someones spawn base doesn't make it fair play!!!!!
Well said.
Base Rapist

Alert Medic wrote:


If I am not mistaken this is also called stat padding......not fair play.......racking up points by sitting in someones spawn base doesn't make it fair play!!!!!
Well said.
Neither of you have any idea what stat padding really is. Its not your spawn base, its a point on the map that is just uncapturable. And if your team has backed it self into a corner, then take the hits. If you keep spawning people will keep camping there, spawn elsewhere!
Spawns in front of rockets and bullets
this is what i love.  you throw out terms like "base raping" and "spawn camping", and everyone and their mother comes up with a NEW definition.

as far as i'm concerned, if the team getting "raped" has more then one spawn, anything is fair game.

if the team getting "raped" only has 1 CAPPABLE spawn left, then the other team should kill them, and CAP IT.  not sitting just outside the cap zone, mowing you down as you pop into exsistance.

spec ops blowin' up commander assets?  no problem, THAT'S WHY THEY'RE THERE

planes bombing the hell out of everything?  annoying yes, but i don't have a big problem with that.  they gotta reload their bombs, right?  i usually wait to spawn until right after they bomb.  then, spawn and get the hell out of the way.

but here's the one that really, REALLY pisses me off.  SPAWN CAMPING an UNcappable base.  and, to avoid confusion, here is a prime example:

Gulf of Oman, the MEC have been pushed back to the airfield.  we now have only one spawn: a tiny little piece of the arfield.  i spawn, and there are 16 USMC guys with their guns, grenade launchers, tanks, helicopters, APCs, and knives already pointed at me.

now, i really wouldn't mind all those guys surrounding the airfield fenceline.  kill us as we try to leave.  or if there was more than a 15 foot spawn radius.  but there ain't...

Last edited by ChiefCrash (2005-12-21 08:50:27)

Alert Medic
I understand what you're saying and I feel that if your only flag left is uncapturable, then do what you have to do to keep the other team from getting more of your flags. My issue is with people who camp outside a flag that is clearly capturable and pick people off, never trying to get the flag. So to respond to your comment that I don't know what I'm talking about, you need to grow up. Yes I do know what I'm talking about and I also know what is fair and not fair. When you sit outside a flag that you can easily capture but choose not to just to get the points for the kills, that's messed up. That, my friend, is spawn raping, point stacking, or what ever else you want to call it. We can all dance around this issue for eternity and it won't change anyone's opinions on the subject. Why aren't we using these forums to discuss strategy with each other instead of bashing one another?
Base Rapist

Alert Medic wrote:

I understand what you're saying and I feel that if your only flag left is uncapturable, then do what you have to do to keep the other team from getting more of your flags. My issue is with people who camp outside a flag that is clearly capturable and pick people off, never trying to get the flag. So to respond to your comment that I don't know what I'm talking about, you need to grow up. Yes I do know what I'm talking about and I also know what is fair and not fair. When you sit outside a flag that you can easily capture but choose not to just to get the points for the kills, that's messed up. That, my friend, is spawn raping, point stacking, or what ever else you want to call it. We can all dance around this issue for eternity and it won't change anyone's opinions on the subject. Why aren't we using these forums to discuss strategy with each other instead of bashing one another?
So you say sitting outside a flag in a tank or apc or helo is spawn raping?  I say its suppressing the enemy. 70% of the time I try and capture a flag without spawn camping even a little bit to deter people from spawning there, I end up getting blow up somehow some way. Its also supporting my teammates by providing covering fire to take the flag. And if I am a sniper and taking people out, well thats just what I am supposed to do, kill from long distance. Using armor to capture a flag nearly always is the best way to die. With armor(apcs/tanks/helos), the best thing to do is to keep moving, You can't keep moving around most flags. I always sit outside flags and "spawn camp", why? because 99% of the time you can spawn elsewhere, and it might be making me get more points, but its also helping my team by keeping some of you guys in the spawn queue. 15s here and there adds up and give my team that edge to take that flag. I will try and take the flag if it is feasible but the first flag on karkand is just suicide to take in armor most of the time without spawn camping a bit. Karkand is the most popular map which is why I use it as an example. I typically also move around that first flag and don't sit out on that road. I try to support my team completely by keeping enemies off the roads. Also by sitting far from the flag, it gives my teammates time to take the flag because I am the current target for most of the enemy, they don't like me killing them, so they are going to try and take me out, which might buy enough time for my teammates to take a flag. This means the farther I am from a flag, the better off my teammates are.

I agree with you there, I ain't going to blame the enemy USMC for that problem on Oman though, I am going to blame the spawn system which I have been saying. The problem resides in there are typically 2-3 spawn points where you can spawn when you pick a flag to spawn at. Although on the 64 player version of oman there is two white dots to pick from with the uncap, and 4 spots to spawn at the point with the planes and sat uplink spawn. The spawn points also don't have any randomness in them, when you spawn the spot you stand on is where everyone spawns at. Makes it easy to camp, making a circle around each where you can spawn at would make  things better, or adding more spawn points or adding some randomness to where you spawn.

The other thing people need to do is get decent squad leaders, a decent squad leader will be your spawn point and keeping moving, stay alive, and is usually a better spawn point. I love seeing locked 1 person squads, its like the stupidest thing ever.

Last edited by freebirdpat (2005-12-21 14:25:01)

Alert Medic

You're a freaking idiot. You need to read the complete reply I posted. I said that the issue is with people who continuously sit outside of a flag and pick off people spawning and NEVER TRY TO CAPTURE THE FLAG! Pay attention and quit attacking me for my own opinion on this matter. You really need to get a life. If you read my reply completely, you too would see that I agree with what chiefcrash is saying.
Base Rapist

Alert Medic wrote:


You're a freaking idiot. You need to read the complete reply I posted. I said that the issue is with people who continuously sit outside of a flag and pick off people spawning and NEVER TRY TO CAPTURE THE FLAG! Pay attention and quit attacking me for my own opinion on this matter. You really need to get a life. If you read my reply completely, you too would see that I agree with what chiefcrash is saying.
Well heres my note to you then, spawn at a different flag, come up on the blind side of the guy spawn camping. Get teammates to help if need be. 3 teammates firing ATs at the same time seriously hurts and typically kills armor.

What I am saying is, I will typically spawn camp as long as necessary in armor because it is ridiciously stupid to try and cap a flag in armor. What needs to happen is you and your idiot teammates should spawn elsewhere. Denying the campers points, and a reason to even be there. If a spawn camper isn't killing anyone, they won't stay there long. They will go elsewhere, try and ambush them. Coordinate a plan to take them out. There are plenty of options available.
Horseman 77
I think its called Oman gulf where you can base rape the MEC team but how do yo base rape a carrier, You cant get get a tank on its deck. if one little punk as bitch starts to base rape the foward flags fall.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6888|Cologne, Germany

with a decent jet pilot / heli pilot, you can just as well spawn-rape the carrier. If the USMC can't get troops off the carrier, they are screwed.
Alert Medic

freebirdpat wrote:

Alert Medic wrote:


You're a freaking idiot. You need to read the complete reply I posted. I said that the issue is with people who continuously sit outside of a flag and pick off people spawning and NEVER TRY TO CAPTURE THE FLAG! Pay attention and quit attacking me for my own opinion on this matter. You really need to get a life. If you read my reply completely, you too would see that I agree with what chiefcrash is saying.
Well heres my note to you then, spawn at a different flag, come up on the blind side of the guy spawn camping. Get teammates to help if need be. 3 teammates firing ATs at the same time seriously hurts and typically kills armor.

What I am saying is, I will typically spawn camp as long as necessary in armor because it is ridiciously stupid to try and cap a flag in armor. What needs to happen is you and your idiot teammates should spawn elsewhere. Denying the campers points, and a reason to even be there. If a spawn camper isn't killing anyone, they won't stay there long. They will go elsewhere, try and ambush them. Coordinate a plan to take them out. There are plenty of options available.
Ok, this is the last time I'm going to reply to you. Once again you didn't read what I wrote. I'm not talking about armor, I'm talking about anyone, in any vehicle or not in a vehicle, who intentionally sits outside the flag radius and gets kills then never tries to capture the flag...wheather or not they're in a vehicle. And as far as having idiot teammates, you're right. Most of the people who play this God forsaken game don't understand the comcept of teamwork; they're too concerned on getting points and promotions. So I guess we do agree on something after all.
Tactical Specialist
No rules to war.....and that is what we are all doing in this game WAR!!!!

JeeSqwat wrote:

No rules to war.....and that is what we are all doing in this game WAR!!!!
dude... there are rules of war, but base raping/spawn killing isnt one of them :p, ive seen many bf2 players become war criminals in the game (killing guy in parachute). but it is just a game after all
Realism dictates that base raping is indeed a ridiculous thing to get angry about. In a real battle, if you can target an enemy insertion point, you would do it with no hesitation. You'd probably get a medal for it. That goes for permanent bases as well as capturable flags. Let 'em have it.
+0|6785|New Brunswick Canada

TehSeraphim wrote:

I love hearing people on MEC whine on Karkand when the USMC has their armor sitting right outside the Hotel spawn.  MEC could have every flag, but it's always "baseraping".  My solution is to spawn somewhere else and be squad leader (a spawn point for everyone) so you can take out enemy armor, etc.  When MEC gets down to it's last flag (usually Gatehouse, but sometimes suburbs) and USMC attacks that too, than somehow THAT is always baseraping too.  Look, you have one flag left, you want us to back off so you can go take another won and make us possibly lose?  I don't think so.  Finally is an uncappable.  If you have an uncappable AND another flag, see my first solution.  If you're down to your uncappable and being base raped, tough shit for you.  You're down to your last flag because your team sucks, and now because of this you're going to be pounded into the dirt.  It sucks, I know, but what would you expect someone to do?  Honestly, I play this game for the points and for the wins, and I'm not really into backing off so you might be able to beat me.  A wins a win, a loss is a loss, if you're gonna whine about being base raped, leave, because there is NO such thing as base raping.
Hell Yeah
I spawn at the Suburb and wait for the armor to come there, then I kill it with the HJ-8.

phoenix12 wrote:

Good post, superfly... I totally agree. 

It's not raping, it's not "stat padding" (wtf?)... it's containment. Strategy. Keep the enemy locked up in their base and they can't take yours. 

Besides, it's really not that tough to sneak out of your base if you spawn in a good spot, just think outside the box a little. Stay off the roads, swim away, go the opposite direction of what would seem logical, etc...

Whiners can go play Duck Hunt for all I care.
couldnt have said it better myself!

if the other team is stuck at their base thats their problem

Life isn't fair, DEAL WITH IT
Hiding in the pools works until the enemy commander uses Scan .
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|6785|Great Wall
Nubs will always cry.. That what nubs are for.
BF2 is a war game.. in wars any tactics is good. Baseraping and i.e. keeping enemy jets on the ground is a nice tactics used in many real wars. That's how it is no matter if we like it or not. If someone doesn't like it in BF2 then I suggest he better plays something else.

Last edited by Drunk_Musketeer (2006-01-01 00:43:35)

Base Rapist

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

Nubs will always cry.. That what nubs are for.
BF2 is a war game.. in wars any tactics is good. Baseraping and i.e. keeping enemy jets on the ground is a nice tactics used in many real wars. That's how it is no matter if we like it or not. If someone doesn't like it in BF2 then I suggest he better plays something else.
Like checkers?


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