For those who don't know what Xfire is, in brief it is a small program that can be used as a chat feature and also tells others when you are playing a game and what server you are on. It can be downloaded HERE and takes 5 minutes to install.
Okay, we now have a AU Guild set up for Xfire. This basically means that once you join, all fellow AU server players who have registered with the guild will be added to your Xfire account automatically in a special group. To join the Xfire guild go to and click the Apply button and when I/R3v4n next check back we will apporve your application. We have also sent out a few invitations to those we know, so please check the site and see if you have recieved an invite already. If not, just click apply.
Once again, only post if you will play on the AU server.
Xfire Nicknames:
We will roll with a forum name/xfire username format
-[Silver.Inc* (Admin) - mcasilver
<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven (Admin) - bf2genraven
BattlefieldMedic - markraikhman
Fenris_GreyClaw (Admin) - bigsorde
Ice Cold Killa - ops2554
Jestar12345 (Admin) - jesse12345
King_County_Downy - kingcountydowny
Lanceolot8 - lanceolot8
Lucractius - Lucractius
Maxxxie (Head Admin) - maxxxie
mikeshw - mikeshw
Mongoose - 699
NOGGIN - sgtson
R3v4n (Head Admin) - goodywicks
~Smokey (Admin) - summit2
TimmmmaaaaH - TimmmmaaaaH
some_random_panda - somereallyrandomguy
TerrorisT² - theterrorist1
Ty - tyferra
VspyVspy - VspyVspy
xtreme - death0m3n
xtreme_4c3 - colonelwalsh
Last edited by ~Smokey~ (2007-05-06 20:19:05)